Bedtime Baddies 🌙 World Sleep Day Special | PJ Masks Official

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[Music] our powers they're gone that's right my new vacuum of doom sucked up your powers which i'm gonna use all for myself to become a stick figure what no the ultimate villain look your powers get sucked in here then go through here then here and into my special lab coat get comfy in your jammies and enjoy the show pj powers here we go [Music] [Applause] the wolfies have my powers you mean our powers wait did someone say powers wow i'm super fast [Music] yes i'm super strong i guess that means i can fly [Music] okay yeah hey give our powers back wait for me guys [Music] oh someone's wrecked the best thing about the park see you tonight huh [Music] that sound again where is it coming from i feel like i've seen you before but where so we go to hq check out the damage and find pj robot this feels so wrong without owlette we have to try maybe if we get the pj crystal back a maya will get our pj memories back let's do it pj masks we're on our way into the night [Music] poor hq pj robot where are you are you okay little guy i know i know romeo's out there let's check the picture player [Music] [Applause] romeo's working away in his totally enormous flying factory [Music] and up against him is me and you and yeah a boat owlette you are not gonna like this what would i do with all my fun pj pals oh so much magic at my fingertips let's see what's inside this drawer but didn't you tell us not to open drawers no matter what i certainly did what two and use by my cat's whiskers if she's the real and you then who's that don't look at me i'm just following the rules of monkey [Music] that statue is far too tricky for you night ninja oh you're no fun monkey monkey play a trick on you follow me [Applause] [Music] i got you i warn you night ninja rules are here to protect mystery mountain well it's my mountain now my mountain my rules monkey view monkey cube let's do a sticky trick on you yeah one movement licked you won't get away with this night ninja but i already have [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hq okay yay we fly to moon [Music] hq [Music] you won't get away with this catboy and owlette will be back soon [Music] no they're not the cat car it's book two catboy owlette can you hear me [Music] taking a reach queue it's my fault i let her in i should have just told you the truth [Music] wow why rocket not working because you're mods to this system [Music] phew oh where's hq [Music] where have you been my fortress threw me out and i can't find matsuki she's been crystallized or fortress-eyes or something never fear commander meow is here let's see how it deals with lunar super cat speed catboy oh yeah it looks really mad and the question is why [Music] must be some kind of bad space energy i need to get in there and discover where it's coming from shouldn't we stick together in that uh good old pj way maybe we stay back think of a plan and you'll be safe with me [Music] wow so much for a plan commander meow fearlessly speeds to the fortress a whisker closer to unlocking the universe's secrets [Music] don't worry i'll save you super gekko muscles whoa fortress gecko catboy [Music] hmm [Music] not a good swimmer you say no you can't you've got the pawn weeds power it's gone i'm back wait you don't have the power tool how will we get out with my new pond weed nice work gecko i've still got just enough power pond weed to trap you the hero with scales who always fails super gekko sales pond weed power versus pondweed power i will let alone feathers go you bet master of the team [Applause] cowboy cat stripes the power tool on it [Music] it's empty you cowardly custard anyway reptile boy took the pond weeds power it'll take years for another batch to grow i'll get you next time needs pond water gecko you're on fire thanks i'm sorry i got you trapped no my evil besties once we're in your test is to steal the world famous delta diamond but i'll warn you it's impossible it won't be a problem catboy owlette what are you doing you're supposed to be heroes i knew you take the bait not what are you doing quit bickering and just get him must i do everything myself huh i've never seen cowboy and owlette work against each other must have something to do with being villains hey that's it let's see who's the fastest [Music] i'm unbeatable uh i don't think so stray [Music] cat [Music] now i've got you where i want you wait what are you doing come on guys it's me we're friends remember friends ha more like super enemies uh-uh just the opposite we're super friends well well well it seems my opposite ray is beginning to wear off maybe you all need a little refresher hooray for master no [Music] master come on opposite ray uh never a fear captain smoothie pants is here tis done wow could we give it a try and you you are ready all you need to do is focus imagine the gong slowing in your mind [Music] whoa it's even stronger when we focus together let's try again something bigger ready guys [Music] deep breath quiet the mind and concentrate slow awesome too bad gekko's not here to learn this power with us aha only one hero is strong enough to stop your tornado thunder roll and that's me nobody stops armadillon cause i'm the strongest and i'm gonna prove it by lifting up a giganosaurus as soon as i can find one um they don't exist anymore fine then i'm gonna lift the whole planet but you'd have to go into space and uh what would you stand on there's gotta be something that we can live for the final test hey hq let's see who can hold that up the longest armadillo's got the night to be gekko in the night [Music] wait no fair me first no me first i don't know who you are or how you did that what thanks no need for thanks i was merely repaying the favor repaying the favor wait who are you no time to waste there's trouble on the summit and its name is night ninja we can help no this is my battle go back to your world don't belong here [Music] well that was rude yeah hershey saves us then she tells us to go home hey did you notice anything unusual about her besides flying in flute playing the dragon on her head's the same as the one on the gong maybe they know each other guys my ninja's still up there come on that girl might need our help [Music] man the invisibility stone hand it over not a chance these little trinkets are going to make me the most powerful ninja ever besides who are you to tell me what to do i am the protector of this mountain and those don't belong to you well i would run along before my pet dragon comes back i'm not going anywhere fine have it your way dragon we have an intruder hand over the stones i do what she says night ninja what what are you doing here i told you to go back to your world it's nice to see you too we're just here to help i don't need your help this is my home ninjalinos get the rest of those stones i couldn't hear pj robot but i'm sure i heard howling oh those wolfies they sure were pulling your legs with their good guys talk legs i can use them to get us out super [Music] gekko [Music] [Music] yeah at last we need to get back to hq before flowering feathers it's taking off [Music] [Music] hey what are you silly wolfies doing with my car wriggling reptiles i'll fly up and get my glider about that it kind of took off on its own i knew this wolfy dylan idea was a recipe for disaster i thought we could do this i was wrong oh you found that you do have good in you there's still time to fix this all right a wolfy never backs down from a challenge [Music] [Music] it's too much i know it's tough for you your ears are sensitive but what about your other senses huh you don't just hear things you smell things and see things like we all do okay i'm a hero i can deal i smell what dog i see flybots coming up ahead stop kitty and birdie from reaching the control room you keep going i'll stall them with my owl great how did the pj paint snap out of it in the first place master incoming lizard huh if this is about you wanting a pet romeo this ends now say what sorry could you repeat that can you hear this will be mine again i can do it they don't call me well i don't call myself the amazing catboy for nothing super cats [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] wow what kind of fur fail landed us in this place i'll get you next time pj masks nice work team good job dealing with the itchy cat ears you were right thinking of other stuff did help me forget about them [Music] don't want to leave him behind i guess cat ears are pretty useful after all [Music] piggy chews and made him enormous wait i don't remember that happening that's because it's happening right now it's live i mean one educational museum experience no one can stop me now not so fast romeo your lizard ceiling days are over right [Music] boys [Music] was only my first flesh look out master i missed the fun i had with old linosaurus so i sent my robot to grab your scaly pet but he goofed up i am sorry the little lizard was so fiddly at least you managed to throw these pesky pjs off the scent with your wolfie howl simulator when you went bumbling after those furry fools i listened in and heard all about this magnificent feast we've stopped wolfosaurus before well stop it again really i've made a few ingenious improvements with this new lizard friend i really will take over the world we have to stop it it could destroy the whole city i knew it wasn't the wolfies behind all this and we should have given you time instead of just leaping in huh what is it lionel of course what's the best way to stop a big lizard with a bigger lizard [Music] by my cats whiskers [Music] whoa we've used our powers on the moon but never in outer space it's even floatier i'm swimming let's do this [Music] this is hard we need help [Music] pj robot [Music] what's the plan now [Music] romeo's trick box all i did was make hq glow and it must be connected to the force field somehow a pg power box what's that he wants us to use our powers together on the box and the box is connected to hq you're the boss pj robot all together now super pj paper [Music] nice work pg robot [Music] out of my way [Music] [Music] doing great catboy [Music] [Music] wow [Music] whiskers sorry i can't stick around roadside assistance those cheaters there's only one solution catch up and overtake them give them a taste of their own medicine sheet you can't do that heroes play fair your skills are all you need it'll hardly be cheating i promise so this is basically just giving you a helpful push yeah kind of ready with the ramp gekko why do you want it here the other racers are that way i have a wing wind owlette stop [Music] are you okay i was trying to save the playground from ninjas but they splatted me and i got angry see maybe i can't bring villains to justice because of my temper hey this is like in my book it's got loads of stuff about how to stay calm so you can be where did i leave it [Music] in the library way to go calm catboy i just ran up to this part legend says to find peace climb to the top of the mountain of strength that must be mystery mountain if we get armadillon to the top the mount will make him calm karma dylan style i don't know he's pretty angry hey who you call an angry [Music] pesky ninja splat [Music] maybe i'm a tiny bit angry that's why you need a wise master to guide you like me this way for a mystery mountain chill out let's do it [Music] magic portal relax people it's just the first step on your journey to boom you sure nailed that secret move master catboy thanks wow this place is big oh sure is and when you get to this one more bite you promised us what oh no guys i'm so sorry i don't know what came over me [Music] chocolate jackpot time for an all-night chocolate feast don't you know that too much chocolate is bad for you [Music] not by the hair on our uh heavy head heads and prepare for wolf pack attack [Music] [Music] oh [Music] okay [Music] it can't be done yeah we'll huff and we'll puff we'll blow the school down i saw it in a book i ate let's huff and [Music] puff i can't believe it didn't work of course it didn't work you ninka pooch you thought of it yep [Music] [Applause] [Music] very good but you don't have to say the woosh part but it's funny okay now show me your hero stance yeah uh we'll work on that now remember romeo is the bad guy and we have to stop him okay well look who's here one last pj pass to add to my army of babies then nothing will get in my way not just one uh wait they're your backup come on guys wake up it's hero time remember get go tell us a betty bye story another chance grab him robot no [Music] [Music] and [Music] [Applause] buddy look what you made me do my poor little robots let's play romeo not now robot i'm being evil put me down this instant wow you remembered all the superhero moves i taught you my heroes superheroes i wanna play with damashi remember when you guys thought i didn't need you anymore i do now when i held on to gekko on mystery mountain the teleporting slowed down so maybe if we hold them together we can stop this i'm sorry i went off without you i just wanted to see how it felt to be as fast as your cat speed in your owl wings so close we need more weight hey we helped armor dylan earlier let's get him to help us now it's time to be a hero okay everyone let's spread out the more grounds we cover the better shot we have of catching gecko [Music] hang in there little buddy armadillos got you [Applause] [Music] thanks for saving me guess i got carried away with my new power but teamwork beats any crystal it sure does armadillo style see you next time little buddy that crystals deep deep down where it came from you okay gekko yeah who needs to teleport when you've got awesome friends even friends who maybe got a little mad cause you were faster than them sorry about that my fault for making you feel left out all that matters is that we beat that crystal together pj masks [Music] [Music] that was close [Music] catboy look out [Music] the pj pests turned into dog toys that's actually quite funny i want to oh play just tend their words lazies i'm pack leader help me where do you must think you're going i'm pack leader having fun with your wolfy masters what a mess they've got you into oops no me first we're told they're ninjalinos maybe they don't like being wolfies that's what i keep telling them be ninjas again now yelling at them isn't gonna work try being nice to them like us okay we want them to go back to being regular ninjas right then remind them what's good in them and what's great about being ninjas time to be a hero remember your inner ninja doing a move like um hummingbird wings spinning tiger claw um [Music] sorry for treating you like naughty doggies that's not who you are [Music] too late you should knock before you enter a dragon masters pagoda can you focus my friend control the splat energy [Music] you brought teeny weeny ninjalino to the mountain this ninja helped me before when his night ninja master attacked i wish to repay his kindness but why are you turning teeny weeny into that uh monster i have been teaching him to control when he is the flat monster now he is ready for what to become my mountain follower the ancient scroll says one day the mountain will be saved by a loyal follower a mighty one you heard him let's go poor pj pass do they think i'm going to let that mystical missy steal my splat monster i know she has but now i'm going to steal him back if you please set the monster inside you free now i will teach you some mountain protector moves oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] what [Music] hi pj pests and welcome to the angry armadillon show so tough guy didn't we do this last night at the playground pupil stay calm [Applause] remember [Music] oh yes big guy you're really controlling the fury [Music] [Applause] [Music] listen to the words of this ancient book you must be in the now now i'm angry stop that super cat strike [Music] oh you ninjas nothing can stop wise master catboy as he takes on all the ninjas protects his pupil and gets into the top of the mountain you think the mountain's gonna work and better i'm stressed [Music] huh where are those ninjas we're here but i feel calm [Music] [Music] down [Music] perfect then i want top bunk i mean top rock we'll base ourselves here stop anyone coming up the path put paw prints everywhere scare them with our territorial working ugh just howl a big bad one guys it's just an echo that's a funny name for a big bad wolfy no an echoes when you make a noise and it bounces back i read it in a uh what's it called oh yeah a book well terrific talking cave howling cage [Applause] that's it get off my mountain now you'll have to throw us off well who'd have guessed a good [Applause] okay you guys break it up didn't you hear us the mountains for sharing instead of fighting you should be enjoying the mountain together the ninjas know all about it they could show you around enough of you do-gooders ninja [Music] [Music] ninjas i thought you were gonna show us how you roll i'll show you i wouldn't be so sure big guy [Music] i'll take it from here him nice going guys [Music] whoa he's super strong has protective armor and he can tunnel still don't think i'm good enough soon i'll be the city's only hero what was that that's my signature thunder throw i'm a dylan style wow he's strong had enough pj masks uh-uh now it's our turn good luck stopping me okay you asked for it let's show our friend what it's like to be in control of your powers owlette [Music] [Music] [Applause] gekko [Music] [Applause] [Music] hey where'd he go i'm right here how did you guys learn to do all that invisible i can't be invisible i've got school tomorrow and it's photo day we need to get that ray back and make owlette visible again i'll distract robot and i'll grab the ray maybe we can take it back to hq and charge it and what about me uh hello guys stop master says i must keep you busy oh in that case can you do this of course [Music] hey not bad what else can you do super cat speed what i can do this what can i do for you guys uh guys robot what are you doing let's play more capture yes master sorry master that's oh time for super gekko muscle [Music] wait for me faster this is fun this is tougher than i thought ouch oops sorry didn't see you there i know you left me out of the plane again look just cause you can't see me doesn't mean i'm not part of the team sorry we didn't mean it yeah it wasn't on purpose or anything it's just uh i'm over here see we're just not used to this i'm usually the one you can't see true i don't think so feathers he's mine now he can do all the hard work in my factory leaving me free to be a genius bye for now pj passed things to do worlds to rule oh i knew he was worried about going in there but i wanted to beat those flybots it's not your fault owlette we all agreed he could go but what did romeo mean by factory only one way to find out it's time to be a hero come and get us can't catch me [Music] what is that [Music] fluttering feathers it flies [Music] leaping lizards it's a flying factory and it's getting away owlette and pj robot we've got to save them pj robots come on we're out of here nah i don't think so i'm keeping you both prisoner in my flying factory forever hey let us out of here teenie is that you no you're the splat monster [Music] uh are you sure there's still no monster whatever it is it's trouble [Applause] [Music] that's really teeny weeny he must have discovered the transforming splat oh this is too good hey you there monster i command you to attack the pj [Music] masks [Music] i can't believe it my very own splat monster this is my greatest triumph ever these aren't like any splats you've seen before it's like that thing's controlling them finally i have defeated the pj masks now the city will be mine with a little help from my big friend here come ninjalinos the city is finally ours that's it follow me closer go closer this stuff's super strong there's gotta be a way out yeah we can't let night ninja take that thing into the [Music] city catboy boy am i glad to see you guys a little help [Music] so there was an easier way to get in huh why didn't you tell me pj helped you what [Music] ah next let's get time of here go go [Music] [Music] no you don't you're coming with us cat stripes [Music] you may have denied me the ring of ultimate ninjability this time but this isn't over pj pests come on ninjalinos how cool was that oh they said it was just a legend who knows what else might be up there secret powers powerful secrets well i'm sure we'll be back soon if nightman just got anything to do with it pj masks i'll shout her out think there's dragon stuff here not a real dragon i hope there's all kinds of things tucked away in about something an egg a fossilized egg legend says it might be a dragon's egg my cat whiskers are getting a bad feeling about this what's night ninja want with these treasures it's just a game and he's losing watch out they're scrambling for the [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] eggs we win we should quit doing that says the lizard boy with camouflage power drop the egg birdie game over night ninja no more destruction it's time to call off your ninjalinos or call them in [Music] thank you for finding the treasures they're not yours you never would have figured out those clues you don't even know what origami is yes i do it has something to do with um napkins anyway you all seem so eager to do the work especially wonder wings here now for my prize a trick no fear we had a deal my game my rules what are you planning to do with all that stuff anyway my stuff you mean this rare lotus this antique monkey statue and the dragon egg they're actually ingredients for an ancient ninja recipe what to improve my sticky splat no [Music] my cat's whiskers [Music] she was just warming up from now on she's gonna be safe and awesome round one who's the strongest robot lift all those cars [Music] stop i am ticklish hey there easy does it whoa super gekko muscle [Music] one zero for us way to go robot buddy [Music] ready for the next round if you say so armadillon buddy a buddy isn't just someone who does what you say well it sure is fun when they do i'm at dylan he's the boss you betcha what would you pjs know you tell me what to do at the time only when you do stuff that doesn't make sense like this round two robot wrestle how about practicing saving the day together could be fun and not so dangerous yeah we could swap tips show each other moves nah robot wrestling for me me too let's do it come on robot show her who's best but that is you master just one already robot is happy [Music] no way is that zappy thing as good as a pj buddy i know gekko let's just make sure nothing gets right
Channel: PJ Masks Official
Views: 5,737,144
Rating: 3.8914082 out of 5
Keywords: PJ Masks, PJ Masks Full Episodes, PJ Mask, Cartoons for kids, Pj masks toys, catboy, Kids videos for kids, Cartoons, PJ Masks Live, Tj maxx, Pj max, Rescue, Heroes, Patrol, Pj masks song, Kids cartoons, superheroes, disney jr, pj masks sleep day, pj masks bedtime, pj masks in real life
Id: 9S4DfY81e2E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 57sec (3597 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 12 2021
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