PJ Masks Full Episodes ⭐ All New 2019 PJ Masks Episodes Part 1 ⭐ PJ Masks Season 3

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my nose powers the rarest splat of them all daddy's foot is immense I have big plans for you splatty I'm not telling you what it is because that's for me to know and you to find out now ninja fingers [Music] I can't see what they're doing what big plans I think we just crashed their party no clues that weird glow was seriously creepy let's get PJ robots researching it's almost dawn hey buddy had a nice snooze we had a strange night [Music] [Music] [Music] Rhyno what's all this my books game console my bedtime snack hey buddy help me put this stuff away [Music] amazing [Music] admit it this is the coolest how did he give this power it's kinda freaky Greg maybe you should take him to the bed he's fine I'm going to Train he can come with us into the night into the night what if he gets into trouble he can't even yell for help he make a really good mascot no way he's a hero you'll see well we do have to go back to check out night ninjas big plans PJ knows don't forget Lionel we're on our way [Music] night in the city and a brave band of Heroes is ready to face fiendish villains to stop them messing with your day Amaya becomes [Music] Greg becomes [Music] Connor becomes [Music] night ninja is up to no good what kind of no good come on guys I set up an obstacle course in the park to Train Lionel let's go [Music] [Applause] [Music] it that's time yet but this isn't helping us find night ninja this isn't really about the mission how did that pajama lizard get telekinetic powers we must have eaten splat eise participants genocide work I'm cranking one plan Dada it's official finals in shape hero shape huh but oh come on Oh got this power the very day after our night on mystery Mountain strange timing yeah but you got it me this new powers great PJ Lionel has a nice ring to it we can't take him on a real mission he like it stepped on and he can't talk well neither of you can leave requests by looking at it right Lionel he can't be far cat ears can't hear him can't see him either you artists feelings saying he can't be a PJ masks he's run away to the gekko-mobile tiny lizard raid his spot washed now for my spectacular play ninjalinos have you gathered up all the bits of rare splatty split usamos from last night's explosion time for the perfect PJ surprise maybe you guys were right he is just a little lizard and he's all alone with nighttime villains around PJ robot I know [Music] Here I am little buddy you know what to do scaly friend ninja lizard no way [Music] that clue it's from this flat we gotta get out of here that's what the ninjas were up to good words but a day late that's black heed Lionel his power and it's brainwashed him yeah he'd never answer to ninja lizard true but he is a ninja lizard now the incredibly rares buddies but just I'm just calling it super spot catchy it's up to the power of my ninja Lino's ninja fingers and doubled it now all that lifting power is [Music] I need an angel' lizard to trick you and trap you now I'm gonna put you in a forever prison Oh what prison doesn't matter we'll bust out of it ha I can move boulders a hundred times that size maybe but you can't move boulders held together by super speed power [Music] every time I come to mystery Mountain I'll wave at you trapped in there forever is it my imagination or has that splat made him weirder you're right look at his eyes look at my nose eyes too buddy I'm sorry I got you into this I wanted you to be an awesome PJ lizard but now you're a ninja lizard don't listen you're mine now lyonell heard you call him again if why don't lets us go we might break out of this Lionel remember the day I taught you to fetch hey remember when I read you that book about your dinosaur ancestors silence you can chat when you're in the ninja big house huh [Music] that wasn't quite my plan but when it's I'll see you in Wow [Music] [Music] thanks buddy now what does this stuff do bingo I almost paid you PJ Guilford's best lizard buddy ever let's look flatty up in HQ I was wrong why no I love you just the way you are I'm sorry buddy you weren't totally wrong why did help save the day which means that for one night he was a PJ masks afterall t.j.maxx this way kids remember write down what you find yay I love nature trails I've spotted seven kinds of trees so far and there's a butterfly a luna moth hiding in the daytime missing runaway moths he'll be tough for Luna she hangs out with the moths all the time fights with them all the time - we better check it out though PJ masks were on our way [Music] night in the city and a brave band of Heroes is ready to face fiendish villains to stop them messing with your [Music] Amaya becomes [Music] Greg becomes [Music] Connor becomes [Music] there's Luna and she's crying Luna are you all right my mom they said they were bored of me and that I was too bad even for them well you can be kind of glad I know don't cry you can make up with them they said it was too late for that well maybe make new friends Wow nobody likes me it's the bad things you do we don't like not you I don't want to be bad anymore she's okay she's even helped us sometimes we'll be your friends seriously can I come and hang out at a ski with you Wow I never thought I'd actually be invited here I don't think this is a good idea I'll keep an eye on her promise Lucas not all that cowboy not all bad she tried to make us statues in your Moon Palace but she's told me plans working Matsu key to the moon isn't my acting amazing real tears I should be on the stage hello Keith ace were you laughing only because I'm so happy give the girl a break wanna see my room Luna oh that would be awesome [Music] but I used my feathers to trap him into a barrier you can do that yeah I just do my special move and bam you're caught so cool check this out a reverse switch so were you and you're like this hey I've never played with a real friend before maybe one day we could be best friends who knows Luna girl and elect best friends forever I told you it's acting I'll show you love my magnets picking up on something is it that rotten Romeo up to no good what I heard him bragging about a new invention when that burrows underground he's tunneling into HQ maybe I can get a better signal outside I'll get the others there you go the signals getting stronger I'll take a look on the [Music] magnets sure doing it stuff today worked out how to take off Wyatt eg no BOTS what even happened there it's Luna she tricked me away from those controls I trusted you believed you yeah well I got a luna fortress to get to let go [Music] my god I shouldn't have let her trick me I'm sorry loon is the one who should be sorry [Music] what you're here now yes thanks to our friend but you don't know very much about friendship do you [Music] we're about to go into orbit guys left seatbelts okay okay don't get your feathers enough [Music] I'll go and get her no she's been mean but time to be a hero what's that light asteroid storm [Music] it's okay you're safe you came to rescue me and then leave you out here ha boy gecko we can't get those I'm going out there I'm coming too [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] it's BJ robot he's coming back for us wait he's managed to turn HQ around but the engines are damaged he can't get close enough sheera comes now can you fly us there Evelyn many of us we're gonna miss it hi you're magnet again Luna it's still empowered it might not get all of us there go we're heroes we'll think of something we always do time to be hero I guess [Music] good job everyone now let's get the engine running again and get home you did good out there Luna yeah you actually acted like a friend maybe you can be nice after all nice it's for goody-goodies using my magnet with owlets wings gave me a better chance of getting back to HQ that's all whatever you say Luna thank you ah you PJ pests are so mushy I could never have you as best friends who does it in fact I know the museum so well I bet I can point out every exhibit with my eyes closed okay hotshot go for it and no peeking it's on okay over here we have the rocking sit not bad oh and this is the Egyptian display and this is one of my all-time favorites the dragon Gong yeah I know pretty impressive right Oh what what what is it hey where's the dragon Gong nobody knows you're banished into thin air oh come on nothing that big can just vanish oh I hope night ninja didn't take it there's only one way to know for sure we better investigate I knew you were gonna say that [Music] night in the city and a brave band of Heroes is ready to face fiendish villains to stop them messing with your day Amaya becomes [Music] [Applause] Greg becomes [Music] any clues from the museum [Music] [Music] uh-oh what's he doing looks like he's taking the dragon gong to mystery mountain but why because he knows something we don't [Music] [Music] [Music] let's get that going back before night ninja does something horrible I don't know something's different yeah I knew it - and where's night ninja he didn't have that much of a head start oh boy like this yeah we can't let him summon the dragon from that gong again come on we've got to get to the summit and fast [Music] what is going on you don't think night ninjas doing that do you I don't know but we can't wait around to see what happens next come on over here did you hear something we've gotta get out of here [Music] that was close night ninja almost had us I don't think night ninja did that yeah they just sort of sprung up something strange is happening here it's like the mountains in a bad mood or something nah it's gotta be night ninja what are you bringing the dragon Gong here is causing all this weird stuff to happen either way we've got to stop it before it stops us look this guy's clearing maybe we should skip the path and go straight to the summit yeah we'll never get there with all those booby traps I've got your back okay guys I can't hold this forever watching in three [Music] prepare for landing no sweat cats always land on their feet wait cats don't fly so how'd you like flying I think I'll stick to running if you say so now let's see what night ninjas up to [Music] that must be the spot with the dragon gone once out set it down right there ninjalinos back to the right perfect now to unloosen from the god no sign of the dragon yeah and the mallet looks like it's clenched in the dragon's claws I don't think the dragon is unleashed then what made the boulders move and the sticky spots shoot out of the ground I don't want to know let's just get the Gong back and get out of here of course you have to read the secret inscription on the mallet I knew that tell you what teeny-weenie do the honors finally now we can make the dragon open the pagoda and steal the secrets of mystery Melton [Music] yes Feeny and become the most powerful ninja that ever lived what time is it ninjalinos dragon PJ slowpokes we can't let him strike that gone I got this [Music] sorry teeny the PJs made me do it I got you little guy now then I believe you remember my friend the dragon what is I wish master music to my ears I don't think she remembers us dragon is the PJ masks we helped you before silly PJ's the dragon obeys whoever holds the mallet which is me now prepare to be blown away okay dragon a little dragon breath I'm sorry I must obey once more bye-bye silly PJs that was fun dragon [Music] dragon dragon where are you would you look at that my dragon already opened the pagoda yes what a day the PJs are gone I have my own dragon and soon the secrets of the pagoda will be my [Music] [Music] I believe that belongs to me [Applause] [Music] me and you part 2 who was that and where'd she come from Oh doesn't matter the pagoda so then what do you say we go on a little treasure hunt teeny-weeny after you just in case it's booby-trapped [Music] I need your help old friend [Music] I need your help [Music] pretty cool safe hey [Music] give me your hand [Music] gotcha now hold on oh I am super lizard grip tight [Music] I don't know who you are or how you did that but thanks no need for thanks I was merely repaying the favor repaying the favor wait who are you no time to waste there's trouble on the summit and its name is night ninja we can help no this is my battle go back to your world [Music] well that was rude yeah her she saves us then she tells us to go home hey did you notice anything unusual about her besides flying in flu playing the dragon on her heads the same as the one on the gong maybe they know each other [Music] nice magnin just still up there [Music] the invisibility stone hand it over not a chance these little trinkets are going to make me the most powerful ninja ever besides who are you to tell me what to do I am the protector of this mountain and those don't belong to you well I wouldn't run along before my pet dragon comes back I'm not going anywhere fine have it your way yoo-hoo dragon we have an intruder hand over the stones I do what she says night ninja what what are you doing here I told you to go back to your world it's nice to see you too we're just here to help I don't need your help this is my home Angele knows how they Picard get the rest of those stones Hey where'd she go obviously she chickened out huh some protector of the mountain no leash buy new flowers it's not too late to run away PJ pests we're not going anywhere okay don't say I didn't warn you let's see what this one does [Music] whoa looks like this one allows me to turn anything to stone including you [Music] [Music] [Music] silly PJs you're no match for that ultimate ninja turning to stone silly and now they're all going to become statues as a reminder of the day I defeated the PJ masks now where are those ninjalinos with my new mystical stone they're right where they belong huh oh not you again I think it's time you met my dragon oh great dragon show yourself this instant there's someone I want you to take care of the dragons gone well that's a relief I think I know why me too whoa I don't tell me tell me now give me those stones and leave this place at once all of you no I like it here and I hope you will too as a statue whoa she's good guys we've guys with that stone back before it's too late I don't know who you are but you don't frighten me not when I can do this how do we get this story back we can't see him and we can't move we gotta think of something fast well well looks like they're not so hot without your stick wait you should be the source of your power I have failed again nothing can stop me from conquering the secrets of mystery Mountain I wouldn't be so sure about that Supercat strikes [Music] now hand over those stones guys we're cutting it a little close here if you won't hand them over I'll just have to take them [Music] now let's get you out of here [Music] that's better thanks we didn't get your name yeah I demand you tell me who you are at once you no longer command me wait you're the dragon wait what I mean took you long enough yes I am a dragon protector of mystery Mountain you freed me when you returned the gods my home now it's time for you to go and it may be a little bumpy [Music] well dragon person girl I just want to say thank you yeah you saved us and we owe you big time no or even thank you for everything PJ masks now you must return to your world what just like that we don't even know your name I am an you they call me the dragon girl protector of the mountain well I'm Gekko this is our life and he's cowboys bowing that's cool but we like to high five [Laughter] high five I hope our paths will cross again PJ masks see you around your dragonis you know I'm a reptile too we're practically related I like her me too me three but she's a little formal don't worry I'll get her to loosen up hey we almost forgot oh yeah PJ masks [Music] [Music] yes yes still not fast enough to win the go-kart race maybe I could go faster if I took this teeny tiny little shortcut Connor that was fee she you're right that wouldn't be fair I can't do that exactly use your great driving skills to win the race instead what's this for bad guys eyes only the moon Prix it's some kind of night race might be great practice for the go-kart race tomorrow hmm looks like Romeo's involved which means danger and destruction PJ masks I mean night in the city and a brave band of Heroes is ready to face fiendish villains to stop them messing with your day Amaya becomes [Music] Greg becomes [Music] [Music] they're in the woods we'll take the fastest vehicle I knew you'd try to crash my race but I can't have the city's fastest car stealing the thunder huh one step closer in your cat car is a flat car Oh it'll make a great bonus prize in a race to prove who's the fastest and fiercest I'll take my place in my speedy shrink your car that is not fair poor kitty cat if you'd like to give it back all you need to do is win the race I'd be happy to but thanks to you I don't have a vehicle to race in unless be right back don't go too fast the snails will get jealous are you sure about this cat boy there could be danger and destruction I could always go get the gekko-mobile what if he shrinks that - then we'll be with you all the way as your roadside crew thanks guys I can win this at least you won't come last really are you late just in time for the rules the first rule is there are no rules wait there have to be rules otherwise it will be fair you cheap no we wouldn't definitely a coffee yes we would right no sneaky cheating no trash-talking no mean tricks on each other and no eye roll fine except for the eye roll that's what I do best good luck everyone some of you will need are you sure we can win like this where where whoops it's a full moon tonight we can't lose get ready [Music] [Music] oh wait [Music] [Music] boy [Music] [Music] [Music] you're not distracting me but my cat's whisker roadside assistance those cheaters there's only one solution catch up and overtake them give them a taste of their own medicine sheet you can't do that heroes play fair your skills are all you need it'll hardly be cheating I promise so this is basic thing just giving you a helpful push yeah kind of ready with the ramp gecko why do you want it here the other racers are that way I will win window [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] are you okay they'll stop at nothing we're gonna have to mess with their vehicles please for my cat car [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] probably shouldn't have done that [Music] Oh [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] I love it we'll call it the Fang waking the Moo motor Wolf's wheels I've got it woof wheel perfect let's go I deserve it I cheated and I can kiss my cat car goodbye wait this could work for you time to go from zero to hero [Music] watch out [Music] [Applause] [Music] we we won we're the fastest and fiercest it was all me no blaze it was totally me no it was me no me me congratulations you won fair and square without cheating where's the fun in that if you have to take my cat car can you at least look after it what this teeny thing we'd never fit inside our new cars much cooler [Laughter] [Music] [Music] thanks for the help guys sorry lost hey there's another remember and without [Music] [Applause] [Music] Cheetos [Music] Geko change the wheel I'll lasso them with my cat strike hoist the sail and into the canals Macy [Music] [Music] not like water oh those not even just shame we can't follow them the cat-car doesn't work so well if it gets wet it's okay cowboy will touch those pesky ninjas next time yeah next time can't wait a pirate adventure [Music] just a little water you can do it ready for tonight's mission I've read everything about the city's canals and about pirates no way that ninjas can beat me captain Towelie core the sea creature all pirates fear me the master of the teeth great you've got it in the bag yeah last time night ninja tried to be a pirate things didn't go so well for him that was without even meeting captain alley in the master PJ masks we're on our way night in the city and a brave band of Heroes is ready to face fiendish villains to stop them messing with your day [Music] [Applause] Greg becomes [Music] oh it up nice one BJ robot what are they up to it's that sailing scallywag the ninja pirates so it aims are I'm working on it let's go get him wait looks like they're building a dam maybe they think they're beavers only one way to find out pj robot you've converted the rovers for our aquatic adventure oh you want to chase them in the water but we don't know what night ninjas plan is and and don't worry cowboy leave it to us yeah you can be the ship's cat make sure no ninja tries to escape when Captain Ali and master of the deep attack to the roamers shipmates I've asked me hearties nothing fast these canals belong to the pirate hey Johnny yo oh how I love stepping on these wooden boards the sea breeze on my masked ninja face I know this is a stinky canal and not a pirate island will have huh not entirety nice city canals [Music] [Music] you okay yeah right behind your outlet I mean captain alley don't worry ships cat stay back and pick up any pirate ninjas who fall behind [Music] [Music] Kelly wags we sail all night and sail all day with a jolly III in - hey hey hey we beat those ninjas on the sea the bestest pirates that ever did be I thought of a rise Hey [Music] one of those ninjas up to [Music] they're giving up too easily you're leading us away will they do something else oh no it's a trap yeah boy get over this fear of water your friends need you [Music] [Music] no one pirate splats my mateys it was pesky ninjas tricked us they lured us all the way out here while they got up to something else [Music] [Music] Oh ninja pirates strikes again is the blockade complete ninja swatters no stop right there night ninja nothing you can do from there you think a makeshift dam can stop me and my Abilene no pirate spots will what a cunning tired caper to lure you away so that I could trigger the final act to my plan to capture your HQ y star colors [Music] now your HQ treasures are mine not well PJ robots still in there Oh buddy he's not totally underestimated night ninja and his crew yeah and me worrying about getting wet messed things up - we should have worked together and helped you with your fear of water yeah we were too busy playing at being brave pirates you're not just a ship's cat you're part of our crew you think then let's show those ninjas who rules the waves it's time to be a hero in 80s hey bet you're less the blue and you can't catch me [Music] [Music] okay PJ robot [Music] beam's now we're going into both these ESPO cat-boy it's your turn now there's gonna be water but you can do it [Music] go get them your own swashbuckler [Music] let's do it [Music] oh you saved me head got soaked I'd walk the plank ten thousand times to save you guys let's show this pretend pirate who the real swashbucklers are one super cats two super Gekko muscles [Music] Geko let's strike that pirate play yeah without you we would have lost HQ for good we did it together we iced the sails and sand away with a jolly hiya hey hey hey the PJ masks [Music] check it out it's the drawing Kevin did for me won't be Kevin oh that's so sweet you framed it it was pretty sweet of him thought I'd hang it at HQ hey speaking of wolfies won't be paw prints hmm they're in line those guys are usually all over the place and they're usually up to something - PJ masks were on our way night in the city and a brave band of Heroes is ready to face fiendish villains to stop them messing with your day Amaya becomes [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Greg becomes [Music] Connor becomes [Music] [Applause] [Music] they're marching guess that explains the line of paw prints what are they doing does it look like anyone's doing anything bad not yet we'd better check it out you're under arrest when a girl [Music] Oh gasping geckos what's going on just a little drill I've set up monkey bars now [Music] isn't it fantastic karma doing straining us to be heroes like you and bear my wolf Oh Dillon's since when do fleas follow anyone Gripen howler didn't want to do it at first but I talked them into it they're gonna be the best move ever since your experts why don't you pretend to be villains in my save of a simulation exercise what that sounds like a cat-tastrophe waiting to happen come on our module is a good guy and Kevin's all right - I don't trust them but I do trust you so okay I guess you get to keep an eye on him you be Luna girl at night ninja I'll be Romeo I'm going to take over the world that playground is mine [Music] puny wolfies are nomads my awesome ninja Ness [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] mystery Mountain let's get more beds speeds up some wolfy justice what about the PJ masks maybe we should check to see if they're okay maybe we've been looking everywhere for a bad guy trouble where's the action you said being a hero was fun I did mine I told you being a hero meant saving the day come with me or we quit fine I'll play the villain you're gonna need more splat okay roll and eater boy [Music] [Applause] are we set up camp at HQ all heroes need a headquarters don't they swat rope sure is strong I knew we couldn't trust them they got rid of us bad guys right so they actually did a good job here the amazing cat blaze he knocks on the HQ door with his paddy-paw guys I don't know about this it doesn't seem exactly it's great here old target practice [Music] [Music] I remember this [Music] [Music] that was quick even for us [Music] [Applause] I couldn't hear PJ robot but I'm sure I heard howling oh those wolfies they sure were pulling their legs with their good guys talk legs I can use them to get us out super free at last we need to get back to HQ before [Music] [Music] wrapped I'll pour our module in' I'll fly up and get my glider about that it kind of took off on its own I knew this Wolfie Dylan idea was a recipe for disaster I thought we could do this I was wrong oh you found that you do have good in you there's still time to fix this all right a Wolfie never backs down from a challenge [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] gotcha Thanks that was a major armor predicament it's not over yet we're gonna need everyone [Applause] [Music] [Music] Oh PJ robot did you get stuck in there sorry about that PJ robot sorry to all of you PJ's we need to say sorry to we shouldn't have been so quick to judge you guys so does that mean we get to be wolfy Dillon's again I don't think so be internal eaters too much work I'll save the day on my own you're a lone wolf we get it hey PJ's here's our drawing back all of us signed it [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] now let's lift up the brand-new flossy flash mystery puzzle buck so hard so good hmmm I can't solve any of those puzzles it's easy it's paint you get some mysterious clues you have to figure out the answer but how the wait Flossie does look carefully think carefully another one done uh uh Oh Maya I'm almost as quick as Flossie hi Maya watch out huh are you okay didn't you hear us only one way you got ice on a day like this Romeo with his ice maker yeesh that's one of his worst and we're putting a stop to it PJ masks we're on our way night in the city and a brave band of Heroes is ready to face fiendish villains to stop them messing with your day [Music] Amaya becomes [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Greg becomes [Music] [Applause] [Music] Romeo I knew it nice work outlet just getting started cowboy the last time Romeo use the ice makers ice the city to the owl-glider you'll keep looking for clues okay but I think I've got this figured out anyway just watch how dare you interrupt my investigating your inventing you mean bad villain inventing - ah Gekko how you been fool me with your nimble lizard wit roba explain I was spring cleaning masters inventions I went to fetch the ice maker a squeegee when I got back the ice maker had been stolen it's Romeo's machine how come he's not telling us about this my master is busy preparing to investigate the crime carry out a crime or like with his ice maker which I bet is inside that lab right now [Music] [Music] we're gonna get that icemaker and stick it in HQ with all your other inventions they didn't see us dog Kevin what's fun is that we got that ice machine not Romeo ha icicle tasty ready to save me an even funnier idea Master is it Oh scent what if robots right maybe someone did steal the ice maker when he got her squeegee yeah maybe he's telling the truth trust me he's probably planning a giant ice attack worse than last time [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] who would have thought the wolf meals could be so roomy yeah I've got a better idea and [Music] how do we stop them now I'll work out which one's real [Music] or no thanks howling slow down I'm dizzy there's gonna be another way you're flying too fast whoa fluttering feathers my hallo glider we were trying to tell you yeah we can figure stuff out too like how not to crash don't worry PJ robot can fix it PJ robot PJ robot where are you he usually picks up right away that's not good and that's happening on the same night and icemakers gone missing mm-hmm it didn't only a slap I know it is you go check on PJ robot back soon [Music] [Music] better than mine [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] faster drive with care [Music] [Music] hand over that icemaker Romeo no master is innocent you think you are a good investigator but you do not know everything just open the lab I'm taking the ice maker Oh what is it PJ robot got iced and we found paw prints paw prints I don't think it is Romeo who's pointing a nice attack it's Sophie's [Music] those are my inventions do you furry fools I should be the one that's patch of ice time to save master [Music] it's not working I should have listened take a boy and get going I should have listened to you - robot you were right robot was telling the truth I know I'm sorry if our girl is sorry maybe robot will help help super cool robot is building a new invention no more in Benji you already have enough of those what Oh what kind of invention is it a remote maybe it will stop wolf car and the other machines what can I do robot needs more bits and pieces [Music] Oh [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] whoo thanks robot you wouldn't meet together you really did work it out thank you and Romeo I can't believe I'm saying this but I guess you weren't actually so bad tonight don't get used to it and guys it's all right well apart from PJ robot he's not a Jace you quick actually we've got a DI s-- the whole town square the ice makers reverse button got broken somebody get a shovel for the wolfy's not with the help of my master's invention it gets my hair [Music]
Channel: PJ Masks Season 3
Views: 1,582,838
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pj masks, pj masks full episodes, pj mask, pj, pj masks season 2, tj maxx, pj max, pj masks english episodes, pjmask, catboy, pj masks toys, cartoons for kids, cartoons for children, pj masks full episodes Disney junior, pj masks full episodes in English, pj masks full episodes 2018, pj masks new episodes 2018, pj masks wolfy kids, pj masks vs bad guys united, bad guys united, gekko and the opposite ray, pj masks evil, pj masks gekko and the opposite ray, wolfy powers
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 92min 0sec (5520 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 27 2019
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