Catboy the Cat | PJ Masks Official

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hey it's a dog collar but where's the dog I think this belongs to a cat but why is a cat wearing a dog collar the cat collar okay so where's the cat let's see if there's any information on the tank something's fishy here yeah you better check it out PJ masks [Music] night in the city and a brave band of Heroes is ready to face fiendish villains to stop them messing with you [Music] [Applause] [Music] great becomes [Music] PJ robot skin is for please is it the cat towel little kitties lost out there we've gotta see [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] don't worry kitty I'll get you down [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] what is it don't be [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] [Music] but you have to take very good care of him you know feed him clean up after him I promise [Music] [Music] I'm gonna get cat-boy back are you doing do you want to be a lizard and Romeo zoo for the rest of your life [Music] [Music] Oh robot is please ah who doesn't like a cuddle you see the cat tree huh cat-boy are you okay don't worry guys I've got a plan here that he's got a man first you were saying you don't understand don't worry cat boy we'll find a way to change you back I don't like the sound of that master you said I could keep the kitty cat boy robot then I'll crush the animal Metamorpho raid so nobody can take him that's a terrible idea why would you destroy the animal Metamorpho raehwan i need it strands warn everyone it's a pest because master the PJ masks always defeat you I wouldn't say that is why I must crush it to keep my precious kitty back did you hear that robots gonna write the animal right we've gotta save cat before it's too late [Applause] [Music] we should go or not no I've got to make sure Romeo doesn't turn my friends or anyone else in a pets what did you get how boys becoming more cat by the minute so we have to lure him back any way we can where's cowboy back with robot probably making matching outfits [Music] [Applause] [Music] bust cross the animal Metamorpho ray [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] where's the reverse switch on this thing okay then what kind of animal would sound like to be you wouldn't [Music] [Music] I have you now sorry robot hey robot thanks for taking such good care of me you've been great with the real pet of your own nice try Romeo sorry master master and I get a real cat [Music] how do you feel fine I guess hey do we have any tax rates at age two cat-boy does it again how cool with the new Space Shuttle exhibit yeah imagine flying at SuperSpeed whoosh I don't have to imagine I do it all the time Wow everyone's going backwards it's like they're on rewind oh whoa now they're paused careful Carter uh [Music] what just happened it's like everything just unpause and went back to normal we better check it out PJ masks we're on our way night in the city and a brave band of Heroes is ready to face fiendish villains to stop them messing with your day [Music] [Applause] break becomes [Music] [Applause] [Music] Connor becomes [Music] ok let's check out those rewind scenes from earlier at the Museum guys look Romeo's lab it's not the museum right now aha he's returned to the scene of the crime to the cat-car whoa what are you waiting for slow down let's find out what he's up to before we leap into action okay so can we go now [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] silly machine is still causing things I need to fix this glitch [Music] wriggling reptiles did you see that Romeo sapping things into rewind but why let's find out there that should do it stop Romeo no J pressed away while I work out the glitches on my remote yes master [Music] [Music] did he just rewind us oh I most certainly did for faster with this remote I can rewind anything I like then why are we paused oh yes I was hoping you wouldn't notice it's just a tiny glitch and I've almost got it fixed uh-huh once it's done everyone you so far back you'll be babies then you won't have an ax to become PJ master what you know never to interrupt my evil laugh oh yes thank you I have anything to do about it and how exactly will you do that if I rewind you [Music] oh no good Romeo come on let's go back and take him down uh-uh that's what got us into trouble in the first place why'd you jump in so fast yeah there was no plan you just charged in and now we're back where we started we've got to stick together Romeo was going to zap that cat I had to do something now let's go right there Romeo back for more robot time to take out the trash nobody trashes my friends no way cowboy happily stop so that's me oh come on you silly remote what are you doing this is not what we meant by sticking together time to rewind you back to where you came from PJ pests we will be finished just like a PJ [Applause] [Music] just one more try guys I promise I'll get it right this time no rushing in hasn't helped we need to think of another way to tackle Romeo lol that's right we never had to deal with a rewind Oh thingy before no time if he fixes his machine we're really in trouble let's go [Music] [Applause] [Music] Oh through the cat-car [Music] [Music] [Music] I don't know if I'm coming or going I almost had him that time not even close you keep making the same mistake over and over you need to slow down and think clearly I can't I'm a speedster I think with my legs that's the problem every time you leap into action romeo rewinds us if he rewinds us - before we became the PJ masks we're doomed you're right it's time for a new plan uh we do have a new plan right well we were thinking just a few more adjustments in my rewind Oh ray will be perfect robot make sure those PJ pests don't bother me yes master master master the PJ masks it's only cat-boy get him you'll have to catch me first superset sir that boy spin out of control [Music] [Applause] [Music] silly kitty how many times do you have to make the same mistake before you realize my rewind Oh raisins stoppable once you fix the glitch that is don't even think I know that there that ought to do it [Music] what's the use Fletcher no glitch I'm no match for that remote huh you're just too smart for me really I mean yes I am it's hard being an evil genius you know super Gekko camouflage of all the villains we faced I always thought you were the best do you hear that robot yes master but shouldn't we you finish fixing the remote stop interrupting no then cat boy you were saying uh just how clever you are I mean this rewind array is amazing wait a minute you're awfully chatty where'd your PJ pals super our wings [Music] I've got your master we better ain't funnier than just rushing in finally I'll take that jekko heads up [Music] [Applause] Oh what just happened we used her rewind array against you and beat you at your own game ooh you win this time PJ masks wait I want to hear that again PJ masks hey stop that robot [Music] maybe not but we'll be ready PJ masks all shout hooray hi guys what you up to cat boys cousin you're late sorry guys be down in a second over [Music] oops sorry mr. meow looks like the other class is having to bring your cuddly to school day hey maybe if you ask nicely they'll let you bring yours in - really that would be great ha ha Connors got a cuddly no I don't and what I meant was great for them cuz we're way too old for coddle ease yeah what's up with Cameron's sister this is my cuddly huh huh whoa what is this it almost looks like oh hey me friend a talking Romeo doll creepy hmm what's Romeo up to I don't know but we better check it out PJ masks we're on our way [Music] night in the city and a brave band of Heroes is ready to face fiendish villains to stop them messing with your day Amaya becomes [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Greg becomes [Music] Connor becomes [Music] [Applause] [Music] I will lie there up ahead it's robots you know mr. meow ski the new teacher at schools there he is huh hey just lost the fearless leader I just want to move up to pull up my biggest and most adorable scheme ever Oh mister me how you're safe don't worry I won't let anyone take you oh no you don't not on my watch hey guys what's up uh you ran off that's what's up look uh uh not this time yeah [Music] [Music] ah welcome my furry friends and allow me to introduce you to my incredible [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] faster okay no where was I oh yes hahaha I'm so clever so that's why he's stealing everyone's cuddle ease to turn them all into Romeo dolls no what was that cat boy I said let's hide behind them all by a lab and take him by surprise great idea we've got to stop him let's go that's what I probably call him if he was mine which of course he isn't oh so you won't mind if I give him a little makeover then [Music] stop never every child will have their very own Romeo to cuddle which means you'll all grow up loving me and then no-good cuddly Nappers quick he's getting away it's time to be a hero cat boy forget it it's too late what kind of hero has a cuddly anyway actually I do he's called Lionel jr. me too mine's called Lady Wigglesworth or she was until Romeo got hold of her he got your cuddlies too I didn't want to say anything in case I looked like a baby me too oh man look at us if we hadn't been so worried about looking silly our cuddlies would still be here what do we do now we get them back you're right it's time to be a hero [Music] it's over Romeo oh go home cat boy or I'll tell everyone about you and your precious mr. meow go ahead but if you mess with him you mess with me in me [Music] [Music] [Music] meet it now all we have to do is put it in reverse [Music] Oh Lionel junior lady wiglesworth but where's mr. meow [Music] [Applause] [Music] fear fear their master huggsy bear ah you win this time PJ pests so we all got our cuddle ease back yay oh man what about you baby I brought you Marie Mouse I am have no idea where this adorable creature is welcome to the cuddly crowd cat-boy no more [Music] ah what is this controls controls oh are you alright what was robot doing out in the daytime and what did he want with Connor I don't know but whatever Romeo said to be here to do we better find out what it is PJ masks night in the city and a brave band of Heroes is ready to face fiendish villains to stop them messing with your day [Music] Greg becomes [Music] Connor becomes boy [Music] uh-oh looks like Romeo's got a new gizmo and it looks like trouble [Music] [Applause] [Music] another ray really your lizards got nothing on my laser [Music] [Music] my new vacuum of doom is off to a great start let's see who has the last laugh super cats come on how are you okay I'm hot you went out let go after him I'll be right along [Music] let's try this again super cats [Music] whoa thanks cat boy right on time yeah good thing you're fast cuz that was a close one guys I don't know what's wrong with me hey I think Romeo stole my superpowers what do you mean everything's gone my SuperSpeed my jumps my stripes everything I'm just a regular kid in the costume now wriggling reptiles that's what Romeo's new pulse rate was for don't worry I'm sure there's a way to get your powers back I hope so I feel so helpless it's like everything that was cat boy just vanished just like Romeo not for long [Music] first Romeo has robot take your measurements and now that he stole your powers he's got him sewing something [Music] team has done a great job training that pesky pussycat of power I can take fur brain and lizard legs powers next here you go faster your very own super suit to go along with your super brain what how do you expect me to take over the world wearing that someone please tell me our suits look better than his way better if Romeo thinks he can take the PJs down by weakening one of us he's got another thing coming yeah we've gotta stop him before he absorbs cowboy's powers super Gekko camouflage what do you mean you tailored to suit two CAD boys measurements it says powers I care about not his bad size [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] are you okay cowboy I'm fine but I'm no good to you anymore I'm no longer a PJ masks what are you talking about you saved me and I will let earlier even without your powers no matter what there's still the incredible cowboy and we need you to stay strong for the team for us you're right just because I don't have powers doesn't mean I should let Romeo get away with this follow me [Music] hang on guys catapult super cat jump man Thank You forgeting I can't do that anymore have a nice trip cat-boy good one master or what it's not like you can chase after me with your super snail crow super snail crawl another good one master well you're not a super anything romeo and not failing costume looks ridiculous Oh you're right I want it to look good taking over the world and style but your powers would look even better on me [Music] the powerless paid off after all yeah Romeo's ray came up empty I guess there's nothing left to steal huh even better you saved me without any super powers pretty heroic if you ask me you're right it's time to powers [Music] [Music] super [Music] powers [Applause] [Applause] I feel like myself again hmm Cowboys back maybe I should check that my powers are back just to make sure how'd you go in there let's play red light green light again I'll be at this time [Music] [Music]
Channel: PJ Masks Official
Views: 23,096,078
Rating: 3.7275169 out of 5
Keywords: PJ Masks, PJ Masks Full Episodes, PJ Mask, Cartoons for kids, Pj masks toys, catboy, Kids videos for kids, Cartoons, PJ Masks Live, Tj maxx, Pj max, Rescue, Heroes, Patrol, Pj masks song, Kids cartoons, superheroes, Disney Jr
Id: 8QV82auhePw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 6sec (2706 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 04 2019
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