Pizza Piena - Italian Easter Pie | The Cooking Show

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-It's like a big charcuterie board in a pie. [ Laughs ] We're making Pizza Piena. Or also known as pizza rustica. Or also known as ham pie. Or pizza gain. Pizza rustica is really like flaky kind of fat filled dough that you're baking into a springform pan or into a sheet tray or whatever and filling it with eggs and mozzarella and sausage and pepperoni and salami and ham and ricotta cheese and mozzarella. And you're going to bake it. And this is the most delicious thing. Italians usually eat it during Easter. I think it's mainly like a Neapolitan dish, like from Naples, so like predominant in the south of Italy. The reason why it was made and eaten during Easter is that a lot of people gave up these ingredients for Lent, right? Like, you're not eating meats or dairy during Lent. And so eating this is going to help you break your Lent. It's going to break your fast or whatever. There's three kinds of cheeses in it, four kinds of meat, seven, eight, nine, 10 eggs. This is insane. Into the dough, we're doing a little bit of flour. When I say a little bit, I mean, like 3 cups. We're gonna do some salt. We're gonna do some pepper. And I'm also going to do, you guessed it, lard. Why? Because this is called pizza gain. Mainly it means pizza gain, you gain weight, okay? So we're going to use all of the fattest and most delicious things that you can find in the Italian deli. So I'm using actually, like, bacon fat, bacon grease. You can use lard, whatever you want. I mean, bacon is going to be good. We're adding basically another flavor of meat to this. So anyways, that's what's happening there. My grandmother actually, Antoinette, God rest her soul, that Aunt Anutty, that's what we called her. She is an insane woman. I love her. I miss her. She would make this for Easter for us. It was very different from this. And I think that a lot of Italians have a different variation. Like, every household has their own kind of way of making this. My grandfather would take the ham hocks, and he would just sit there and just, you know, shred the ham as finely as possible, like, into like all these little shreds. Now, you notice there are no ingredients here that look like that. I'm not giving you my family recipe. All right? This is a variation of my family recipe. It is not my grandmother's recipe whatsoever. This dough is going to be really flaky. It's going to be full. I mean, there's a lot of olive oil in here. It's very rich. Three eggs. The lard. I just add a little bit of water into this, as well. We're just going to mix this all up with our hands. Look at this. This is the sloppiest dough. This is your daily intake of calories in one slice of this probably. This is basically done. It's like a very soft dough, as you can see. This is for the crust. I'm not trying to, like, overwork it and, like, really push it together too much. Look at this. Like, it's pretty. It's like dry, also. But like really it is oily. It's like oily and fatty. I'm going to wrap it up in some plastic wrap. I'll divide it. Oh, mamma mia. I love this recipe. It wasn't Easter without grandma's ham pie. Our dough is chilling in the fridge. We are going to make the filling now. So sausage. Delish. Snacking ham and ham. Pepperoni and salami. And then our cheeses. Three kinds of cheeses. We have mozzarella. We have parmesan. And the ricotta. Once again, snacking ham. Oh, man, I missed. Ew. I think it's in my hair. Anyways... [ Laughter ] We're gonna heat up a little bit of olive oil, and we're going to cook our sausage, okay? Gonna cook up the sausage back here until it's cooked all through. If you're like, "I don't want to use sausage," you could add more ham or more pepperoni. You could switch this up, and like I said, I feel like every Italian family has their own version of this. Go with what's in your heart, go with what your family does. Here's Ernie and Nance, my grandparents. Aren't they the cutest? All right. Oh, yeah. Look at that. All right, the sausage is nice and frisky and cooked, looking beautiful. We're going to put it in a bowl here and just let it cool down because we're adding so many eggs and cheeses and stuff into this filling. We don't want to add our sausage in while it's hot because it's going to just like cook the egg, it's going to melt the cheese. Anyways, there might be a little bit extra here for snacking sausage, too. While this cools, we're gonna get the rest of the stuff for our filling ready. Okay, so some people, they actually use hard boiled eggs in the mixture, which is great. I've done that, as well. Highly recommend it. But for this one, we're not going to do that. We're going to save one of these eggs because we're going to brush the top of our pastry with the egg for a little egg wash action. Give these a little nice beat. We can season them with some salt and pepper. And we're going to add in our ham, our mozzarella. Snacking cheese. Parmesan. And our ricotta. This is like a pound of ricotta. I'm literally using the smallest bowl, so that's great. We got salami and pepperoni. Dice up the old pepperoni. Get that in. Oh, my God. I might have to change bowls. We're going to go big boy here. I tried. It was never going to work. Next up is the salami. So much easier. Look, I don't have to worry about it spilling or anything. Look at this. So much room to play with. All right. Just dicing this up into little cubes. All about the same size, but quarter inch dices. Bite size little pieces. Whew. I'm working up a sweat in my sweatshirt. Mix her on up. What a beautiful thing. Okay, ooh, that salami is spicy. Whew! You know what helps with the spice. Snacking cheese. We're going to let the sausage cool a little bit. We're going to add it into the filling. The dough is in the fridge. We're going to roll that out shortly, and then we're going to assemble everything, okay? So we're going to make this in a springform pan. It's really great. We made the spaghetti pie in it, if you remember that. And the we're going to start rolling out our dough. Okay, so yesterday I was like, spoiler alert. I decided that I was going to make a swap of this recipe because it takes a while to cook, and it's, you know, whatever. I just wanted to -- I like to eat this cold. You can eat this hot or cold, but I want to have it cold for the video, for you guys. So I was making it yesterday, and, guys, I was like rolling it out and stuff. The lights were flashing, and all I could think was, is that Antoinette, my grandmother, was cursing me because she's done it before. She's like that. She's crazy. As I'm saying this, I realize that I'm the one who sounds crazy since she's dead. But bear in mind that when we were children, my cousins Anthony, Stephanie, my sister Amanda and I, we decided to put on like a play about Easter that was based on nothing and completely ridiculous. We were like doing this thing, and we were all laughing and having a little bit too much fun about the resurrection of Christ. There was a thunderstorm while this was happening, and we lost power. And my grandmother, who is quite religious, was just like, "See? God is punishing you!" Like, she was so angry at us for doing this little play, and she thought that God was smiting us. Anyways, as I was making this yesterday, and I realized, I was like, "I'm not doing Antoinette's recipe, and my lights are flashing, the dough wasn't working." I was like, "This is Antoinette's work. This is Antoinette's work, 100%" So anyways, I just have to say that, "Antoinette, I'm doing you a favor by not giving the world your recipe. You shouldn't be mean to me about this. Don't be angry, Grammy. Just be happy that I'm not giving away your secrets." There's no need to oil your pan for this because there is so much oil and fat in your dough. Now, this is falling apart. Don't you forget it. This is 100% falling apart. It's fine because what I'm going going to do is patch it up. Right on that. Whoops, I lost some dough. Now we're just going to work on patching it because it is a mess right now. It's in the filling. Oh, my God, listen to that. Put the filling in now, and then I'm gonna roll the top, put it in there, crust it up. Here we are. Spread it in a nice little even layer. I'm gonna put this aside. And now we're going to roll out the bit that's going to go on the top, too. So also, I will just say this. I hate, hate, hate rolling out pie dough. I'm not good at it, as you can see. I dislike it. I think it's annoying. How many different ways can I say I don't like it and how annoying it is? I don't know, but that's how I feel about it. There we go. Just patch up that little hole there. This looks great. And by great, I mean fine. ♪♪ All right, so now she's in there. Then we're just going to form it in here. I'm just gonna, like, crimped the sides, the edges all together. Okay, now we're just going to crimp -- so we're going to do, like, the classic like this. We're gonna pinch it and push it, okay? Just like that. Store bought pie crusts are disgusting. If you're going to make pie, like, make your own pie crust for sure. I mean, there is something like very beautiful. I just don't have patience for pie crusts. I'm like, "Okay, we're done here." Look at it. We got a little hole, but it's all good. Nice and crimped. That doesn't look too bad. So I'm going to get a tray. We set our event to 350. We're going to bake this bad boy. The egg wash is just egg and some milk or cream or whatever whisked together. You could also just use cream, you could also just use an egg on top. Doesn't matter. And we're going to brush the whole top of this bad boy with this. Now, I've set my oven temperature to 350. So this is going to bake for about a half an hour or so at 350. And then I'm going to lower the temperature to 300 and let it keep cooking until it's done for like another hour or so. It's going to get nice and golden on top and cook through and just be generally delicious. And then I'm going to season it with salt and pepper. Into the oven it goes. 350, half an hour, lower the temp down to 300. Keep on going. It's going to be good. Look at it. Like, this looks beautiful, actually. You're welcome. I did a good job. Even though I hate making pies, I think I did a very nice job. All right. There we go, and now we wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait for that shit to cook. Well, guess what, guys? I wasn't lying when I said that I made this yesterday already. So don't worry. I'll get some pictures of it, some videos of it going in and out of the oven. But meanwhile, it's pepperoni time. [ Laughs ] Stupid. All right, let's see where my knife is. Let's cut this bad boy, huh? Hey, hey, hey. You guys ready? Oh, man, you're in for a treat because this is quite a thing of beauty. Oh, yeah. Oh, my God. It's so cute. Mm. Oh, man. This is so good. It's so rich and cheesy and eggy. And like all of the meat's inside of it. Oh, man, I love it. Now, if you were going to do like hard boiled eggs in there, you see the hard boiled egg in there, as well. You got the spicy pepperoni. I can taste salami in the ham. The crust is delicious. It's like still really flaky and stuff. Mm. My grandmother would always fly down and bring this. Grammy Antoinette, you live on in ham pie. That is for sure. And now forever in this video, so that's awesome. For the recipe, click the link below for not my grandmother's recipe and hashtag #cookmunchies. Enjoy. Thank you. ♪♪ ♪ Snackin' cheese, snackin' cheese ♪ Oh, dang it. Snackin' cheese! ♪ Snackin' cheese, snackin' cheese ♪ Oh, dang it. Snackin' cheese!
Channel: Munchies
Views: 142,111
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: MUNCHIES, food, Recipe, cooking, munchies test kitchen, farideh, pies near me, savory pies, Lent, easter recipes, pizza piena, pizza gain, ham pie, pizza rustica, pizza pies, pizza recipes, make pizza at home, best pizza recipe, Pizza Piena, Pizza Chiena, easy recipes, recipes for dinner, best pizza, best piena, piena recipe, pizza pie, piena pie, easter pie, how to make easter pie, how to make pizza, Torta di Pasqua
Id: VfOef98nVuQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 54sec (774 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 28 2021
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