Pizza napoletana in padella di Davide Civitiello

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Hi, friends of ItaliaSquisita! I'm Davide Civitiello and today we're kneading from Milan. This time, we'll make a nice homemade pizza, but we're cooking it in the pan. Let's start from the dough: water, salt, yeast, flour and two secret ingredients: sugar and oil. Let's get our hands dirty straight away: a liter of water 50 grams of fine salt, 15 grams of granulated sugar. Let's start melting. A liter of water will absorb around 1 kg and 5/600 grams of flour. Let's start adding the first kg in the water and two grams of fresh yeast. The yeast always goes together with flour, never with salt or cold water. Let's start mixing it all. Let's add 50 gr of oil. We're adding the remaining part of the flour, around 600 gr. A classic flour of medium power, great for pizza, meaning a raising time at home from 6 to 8 hours for leavening at a temperature of 18-22°C. As soon as we have a part of dough that is solid, we can move on the work counter. Let's start working with two hands our dough on the counter. As I always say, grandma style, until we get a dough that is smooth and uniform and elastic, so we're working it and always lightly adding a part of flour on the bottom. We can gradually notice that our dough is ready when the surface of the counter is practically clean. Normally all baking doughs, pizza or any other type of dough should be worked from 15 to 20 minutes by hand, to make the gluten net, that is a net we find inside our dough, be nicely rigid and allow us to make our pat grow, always in height. Why are we using sugar inside our dough? First of all, the sugar we're using doesn't affect the leavening as yeasts feed on glucose and maltose, simply because, while cooking, it helps in the browning of our pizza. Our dough is almost ready. As you can see, how do you notice when the dough is almost ready? When it's smooth, uniform, well-hydrated, elastic as you can see, it has a nice consistency and most of all, we can also cut it on top, and we notice that inside are lots of air bubbles. Once our dough is smooth, silky, soft and well-hydrated, it's ready to stand. So, what are we doing? Let's take our dough pat and cover it with a wet cloth. After about 40 minutes, we're practically ready to cut our dough. What is "stagliatura"? Don't be afraid of the name, it's simply the way to cut a pizza dough. We're removing our wet cloth and cutting, creating a loaf of dough. We're dirtying our hands lightly with flour. What are the methods to obtain an excellent cut, round and completely uniform? There are three techniques: the first is just like the mozzarella one, so just like "mozzatura". In this case, we're lightly dirtying our hands with flour and we're going to work it with two hands, creating a pat and cutting it. Second technique: we're using two hands, creating the usual loaf of dough and cutting it with two hands. For you, at home, who are not pizza chefs: how do you do it? Here's the method for all of you: we're making the usual loaf of dough, cutting doughs of the same weight. Initially, my suggestion is to always use a scale to make pats of the same weight. We're rounding it. The important thing is the final result: pats of the same weight to obtain equal pizzas. Using a liter of water, we'll obtain from 8 to 11 pizzas of about 150 grams. We're covering them with a wet cloth or placing them in a covered plastic container for a leavening of 8 to 12 hours. Before spreading our pizza out, we need to make two important things: first, turning on our home oven in a grill mode at the highest temperature, second, turn on the flame under our pan. A very important step for Neapolitan pizza baked in the pan: the spreading. Just as the Neapolitan pizza, we're spreading it from the center to the border. We're lightly dirtying the pat with flour. We're crossing our fingers and then our hands and proceeding from the center to the borders, making 1, 2, 3. We're lightly pressing the air in our pat towards the border, to make our famous "cornicione", as they say in Naples, raise more and more. We're then turning the pat the other way round and making the same movement: 1, 2, 3. As you can notice, we already have our border built. We're spreading it out lightly, making the same movement, and we're ready to move it to the pan and season it in a very quick way. For the topping, we'll use peeled tomato, fiordilatte, parmesan, basil, extra virgin olive oil. We're ready to cook our pizza. After two minutes in a pan, on a medium flame, and 1 minute and a half in the oven in grill mode, our pizza is ready to be eaten. Here it is, ready and fragrant, just as Neapolitan pizza, homemade. Have a nice Neapolitan style pizza in a pan, you all friends of ItaliaSquisita! Ciao, everyone!
Channel: Italia Squisita
Views: 2,462,800
Rating: 4.9007692 out of 5
Keywords: pizza fatta in casa, pizza in padella, pizza napoletana, pizza, davide civitiello, ricetta pizza in padella, ricetta pizza a casa, impasto pizza napoletana, itlaiasquisita, italiasquisita, mulino caputo, ricetta pizza, come fare la pizza a casa, margherita in padella, ricetta margherita a casa
Id: SN2HkepzPhU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 26sec (446 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 08 2019
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