Pizza Deliverer Inherits $40 BILLION Media Empire, Buying All The People He Knows Their Dream Car

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welcome back to motion pick recap today we're going to recap the comedy and romance movie titled Mr Deeds spoilers ahead watch out and take care an old man called Preston Blake says he's always dreamed of reaching the top people tell him however that the storm is getting worse and they have to get down now he says never in a thousand years and continues without them the next day national news remark they've lost a Visionary and now the whole country wonders who's going to inherit Blake's 49 voting shares in his company worth 40 billion dollars somewhere a man called Chuck asks people if they've found an heir yet another man called Cecil says his men are searching and they should get a fax suddenly a fax comes saying the air is Long Fellow Deeds next Chuck remarks it all looks so green they land and walk up to a man asking if he knows Longfellow Deeds he says he'll take him straight to him they get to a store and a woman tells them Deets will be back from his pizza delivery round soon not long after Mr Deeds appears who gives them both a big hug they then ask if the name Preston Blake means something to him he remarks his mother knew someone called Blake and they tell him it's his uncle who has died they say his uncle left him a 40 billion dollars inheritance and Dietz doesn't seem to care he reads one of his poetic cards something he loves to create in his free time later they tell him he'll never have to deliver pizza anymore but Deets doesn't really listen delivering pizza and helps people he sees on the street they say he needs to come and write some papers in New York to sell his inherited stock to them for 40 billion dollars and Deets say he guesses he can come remarking he'll be the first to leave this place in a long time next people from the whole city are waving him goodbye they make a stop on their way to eat some Wendy's before they continue in New York a TV reporter called Mac is told by a man called Marty how the company has flown to bring Blake's air and Max says he's going on the air in two hours and tells a man called Jim and a woman called babe to get the heirs life story by then later babe asks Marty for help saying she really needs this story as DEET starts talking to the pilots Chuck tell Cecil this guy is perfect that it's basically guaranteed this will practically hand them the company suddenly Deeds start singing Space Oddity by David Bowie and the pilots join in on the singing and then suddenly Cecil joins too Chuck angrily yells at them to stop and Deets calls him a party pooper they arrive at the company Tower and Cecil tells him he's now the most eligible bachelor in New York but Deeds says he doesn't want to meet a girl just because he's Rich telling a story how his father saved his mother as she fell through the ice figure skating saying he'd like to meet a girl kind of the same way behind them stands Marty as they get in deeds's servant Emilio surprises him sneaking up on him Deeds says he doesn't want a servant but being his friend he'd like he hugs the elevator operator asking how he's doing getting the answer it has its ups and downs getting to his apartment on a lower floor deeds's surprised Emilio is already there and Emilio explains he himself is very sneaky next day he wakes up in his new apartment testing a a Hawaiian punch-drinking Fountain Emilio sneaks up on Deeds again and Emilio remarks he's is underestimating his sneakiness meanwhile Chuck tells people they can't tell anyone about this until he's acquired all the shares Deeds appear asking if there's anything he can do today Chuck says there's nothing he explains to Deeds that he as an owner doesn't have to do anything that he should let officers do everything suddenly a man storms into the room swearing and Behaving Badly Deeds tells him to stop swearing as there are ladies present but he ignores deeds and Dees hits him he helps him up and asks what the problem is the man says he figured that if he played football well he could renegotiate and get more money Dietz asks if they could renegotiate and pay him less if he played bad to which he replies no repeating he wants more money Deeds remarks that don't seem fair and that they'll have to fire him then Chuck gets upset as he's their best player but Dietz says he'll be back that evening Marty has told babe about deeds's dream of saving a damsel in distress and they're preparing to trick Deeds suddenly Deeds appear and they act as if Marty is mugging her and deeds runs up catching up to him starting to hit him kick him and hit him some more before running back to babe with her bag she pretends to be dizzy and confused and deeds offers her to walk it off they introduce each other walking down the street and babe explains she's a school nurse Dietz finds that lovely finding her kind and asks her if she'd like to have dinner with him Deets tells her his life story and how he's delivering pizza and writing poetic cards a waiter appears and deeds says he saw this couple having their anniversary asking if he could give them these twenty thousand dollars as a gift but not tell them it was from them next a Mr Simons invites Deeds to their table and deeds hugs them all curious they ask a bit about him and babe reveals Deeds makes nice poetic cards they ask him to share one and deeds recounts one he's done for Mother's Day the poem is a bit Goofy and the people start to laugh all except babe Deeds tells them that people in his hometown would definitely find them funny too but wouldn't laugh since that wouldn't be good manners saying they better go continuing to laugh he remarks if Babe wasn't there he'd probably knock their heads in she says she doesn't mind and the people immediately regret their bad behavior babe goes to the ladies room taking out a camera remarking she wants a raise next morning Emilio surprises Deeds again Deets asks how he got in these pajamas and Emilio tells him he changed him saying he was very gentle Chuck appears showing deetsy's on TV how he behaved recklessly last night Chuck tells him this creates a Bad Company image Deets hugs him saying it's as bad Emilio says he'll call his limousine since they're going to Blake's funeral today while Deeds Goes to get his suit Chuck tells Emilio that as soon as the Mr deed sells his stock he's out of here on his fat Puerto Rican ass Emilio sneaks up saying he hails from Spain later in the church a man holding a speech about Blake is rhyming and deeds says this man can make a fortune with poetic cards lastly deed shares a poem he wrote which some think is somewhat childish and some think is good meanwhile babe talks to her boss and she remarks she's meeting him again and today at 4pm later Emilio remarks he liked his speech at the funeral Dietz asks Emilio to tell him a bit about his uncle and Emilio starts telling him stories how Blake was like a father to him having worked for 30 years Emilio shares he never knew his father and his mother died giving birth to him he tells Deeds he better let him finish breakfast and suddenly he has disappeared later the football player calls saying he's sorry and likes to agree to his terms and his father thanks Deeds for teaching his son a lesson on his way out he tries sliding the staircase but crash lands he surprised finds his great uncle's personal Journal hidden in the now destroyed table next he's paid two guys twenty thousand dollars each for their bikes and he and babe have a nice evening together indeed shares a story from his uncle's Journal how he has a child dreamed of becoming a DJ which he thought was funny suddenly they hear there's a fire and they run to help deed shakes a firefighter's hand saying he's a volunteer fire chief in his town and says he'll help them he climbs up seeing a woman who refuses to come down before she's found all her kitties Deeds asks how many and when she says seven Deeds exclaims holy and they begin searching for cats throwing out one cat after the other which are all caught by people on the street finally deeds and the woman jump out and people cheer next Mac has Twisted the whole story showing how Deeds throws out cats adding sounds how the cats die and people scream how he's a cat killer babe remarks angrily that the truth was a wonderful story but Max says he had to spice it up babe says Deeds don't deserve this Deeds exchanges males with his people at home who are running his pizza business for him playing tennis the next day Deeds tells Chuck he'd like to stay around a bit longer and not sell his stocks yet saying he's found this girl Chuck gets scared and distracted getting a ball on his throat and Cecil laughs suddenly Chuck sees a secret message on a tennis ball for a meeting in the shower Chuck sees Marty asking who he is Marty tells him that that girl Deeds is seeing who's a school nurse is not really a school nurse next Chuck meets with Mac that evening as babe and deeds have had a great day babe begins trying to explain that she's really a news producer but can't manage to reveal it Deets gives her a card with a lovely poem expressing he's in love with her she gives him kiss but tells him she's sorry which he doesn't understand as she goes into her apartment Deeds wishes her a good night and walks home yelling he loves New York next morning babe tells Mac she's in love with Deeds saying she'll tell him everything and say she'll quit that evening Deeds has prepared a special surprise for babe and asks Emilio to pretend he's babe and Dietz practice asking the big question Emilio says he loves him a lot and finding it becoming weird they stop suddenly Chuck and Cecil appear and they wish him the best for his big night Chuck asks if they're in for any nasty surprises indeed says he doesn't think so since he's done nothing recently Chuck remarks he wonders what show they put on when they can't report on him asking a guy who's Marty to put on channel 8. on the news max suddenly reveals the girl who's fallen in love with Deeds is a news producer babe appears seeing it and calls on Deeds saying she came to try to explain feeling tricked and betrayed Deeds walks out and babe gets sad next day Deeds says he want to go home and Chuck remarks they have the papers ready that he can get his 40 billion dollars Deeds says he doesn't want the money asking if they know any charity Cecil names the United Negro College Fund and deeds tells them to give the money to them signing and then leaves Chuck gets really happy a day or two later the United Negro College Fund manager gets a heart attack Deeds comes back home to his little town saddened the next day babe arrives in the town walking into the pizza business asking where Deeds is the woman says she knows her saying she won't tell where Deez is until she's managed to get by her babe starts attacking her but is knocked down the woman remarks she was a rodeo clown for six years and the Fight Continues babe grabs a pizza dough blinding her and then runs up kicking her heart the woman remarks that that was a good kick somewhere in the forest Deeds delivers pizza to a guy the town calls Crazy Eyes Crazy Eyes tells him not to worry what happened that time heals all things X accept these eyes Deeds thanks him but he says he wasn't talking to him but that squirrel he adds however that he's sorry about what that Chuck guy did to his uncle's company tearing it apart and firing all those nice people Dietz asks where he heard that and crazy eyes says he watches the stock market Channel all the time that Chuck May everybody else but not him suddenly babe goes through the ice and starts screaming for help hearing it Deeds quickly gets there first he asks where the cameras are thinking it's a trick but as the current takes her down he gets worried he kicks a hole in the ice and babe grabs his leg to climb up soon after babe says she's very sorry for everything and that she really loves him deed says he doesn't know who she is and is sorry too a day or two later babe Emilio and the elevator operator hear how Chuck has confirmed the company will be sold off piece by piece and that the only person who could stop it is Mr Deeds but who has given up his voting rights and that now 50 000 people are likely to lose their jobs sometime later Chuck is having a shareholder meeting saying his proposition to sell the company off piece by piece will result in substantial premiums on all their shares and people cheer by law he has to allow any shareholder who's against the proposition to speak Emilio appears scaring Chuck saying the proposition would be an insult to a great man turning to Chuck and disappears then Mr Deeds appears and Chuck says he sold all his 300 million shares and is not allowed to speak Deeds hold up a share he bought that morning and walks up to speak DEET starts a speech asking people if they really dreamed of becoming Savage investors when they were children he remarks his own dream was to become a fireman wanting to slide down those Wicked poles and help others he asks a man if he wanted to become a fireman too and the man says no but adds that he wanted to be a veterinarian Dietz asks another man who says he wanted to be a magician suddenly several people rise sharing their childhood dream jobs Cecil says he wanted to be a ping-pong Champion Deeds remarks that now they're about to put 50 000 people out of work to make a quick buck that their sixth grade versions of themselves would put bubble gum into their hair and kick their asses for just thinking of doing what they're about to do people stand up agreeing with him Deeds says there's still hope asking them to please not break up his uncle's company using the hammer saying he always wanted to do that and people cheer Chuck then says they won't win since he owns 49 and then controls an extra two percent from foreign investors giving him 51 of the voting right as he's about to vote for his proposition babe storms and yelling stop she runs up to Deeds saying she's sorry but that she stole Blake's journal from him she then walks up explaining that in the journal Blake wrote on April 12 1957 that he was a volcano of lust and slept with one of his staff she shows the audience the Blake media Ledger showing who and his staff worked each day and on April 12 1957 there was just one person working on Blake's floor a woman sadly the woman died giving birth to a son a son born January 23 1958. Emilio remarks that's his birthday babe adds the woman's name was Miss Consuela Lopez and Emilio says that's his mother Chuck gets scared and babe announces that the rightful heir to the 40 billion stocks is Emilio which can be shown with a simple DNA test remarking Chuck doesn't own any share since they weren't Mr D to give Chuck says these are all lies and seemingly teleporting to the podium Emilio tells Chuck he's fired babe talks to Deeds gives a sincere apology for what she did and would be willing to spend the rest of her life to beg him for a second chance since she loves him Dietz kisses her saying let's go home Emilio is firing several people but allows Cecil to stay he then thanks deeds and babe for their beautiful spirit and research Deeds says all he wants is his friendship but then Emilio says how about one billion dollars and deeds remarks all right sometime later Deets is happy since a company bought one of his cards the one he wrote for babe and she's happy for him all over the nation people are reading his cards somewhere Crazy Eyes remark he can't believe Deeds bought them all one of these saying damn these things are fast the end thank you for watching make sure to subscribe if you'd like to see more videos like this and hit the like button to help us out until next time take care
Channel: MotionPic Recap
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Keywords: MotionPic Recap, MotionPic, MotionPicture Recap, MotionPicture, Motion Picture Recap, Motion Picture, Recap, mr deeds recap, mr deeds movie review, romance recap, thriller recap, action recap, science fiction recap, sci-fi recap, comedy recap, movie recaps, cinema recap, story recapped, movie recap, mr deeds scene, mr deeds clip, mr deeds, billionaire movie, movie about billionaire, billionaire romance movie
Id: D90YsJ6JlLA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 0sec (900 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 05 2023
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