PixVerse AI | This Free Tool Offers Ai DeepFake , Image To Video , Text To Video And More

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AI video generators are becoming more popular day by day you may hear the name Pika Labs or Runway ml today I am going to introduce one more Hidden Gem aai video generator that offers you with better AI videos it offers your text to video and image to video in different styles and with more control feeling excited to know about the tool then without further Ado let's dive in this is deid and you are watching AI lockup introducing pix vers AI a text to video and image to video generator tool I will put the link in the description here you can notice some commercial videos generated with pix verse AI at the bottom you will find some videos generated by pix verse AI now to start creating videos with pixers navigate to the top here you will find two options get start in web and Discord Community if you want to use the web version then select the first one and if you want to use it on Discord then select the second option today I will try both methods let's start with the web version now you have to create an account just continue with your Google or Discord account once successfully logged in your interface will be like this one here you will find a vast number of pix ver generated video clips you can take inspiration from these videos all right now to generate your own videos click on the create button from here and this is the video generator inter interface first the input method you can generate videos from text prompts and animate your image this time let's go with text next in the prompt box we have to type or enter our prompt I am pasting a simple ready prompt after that enter the negative prompt which means what you don't want on your video after that the inspiring prompt to dual Clips feature by turning on this feature your prompt will be analyzed to find the most related and appropriate prompts this will lead to the creation of Two Shots after that select the video style there are three Styles available here realistic anime and 3D animation select the style is per your need then the aspect ratio here you will find almost all popular aspect ratios select your desired one in the end the seed it's very important for continuous generation after all is set hit the create button from here now it will take some time let's fast forward the video and here it is you can see that it generates two videos for us let's make a [Music] preview both video clips are amazing you can create more stunning videos by entering more detailed prompts all right now let's generate a video with another Style after entering the prompt and negative prompt select the video style this time I will go with 3D animation select the aspect ratio and seed and then hit the create button and here is our result as I turned off the inspiring prompt to dual Clips feature it generates only one video this video is amazing and looks so cute now if you're thinking about the video resolution don't worry you can upscale it by clicking on the upscale button from here and here is the result it is now a 4K resolution video all right now let's generate a video with an image to do that select the image as the input method after that upload your desired image by clicking here I have uploaded an image of a hummingbird after uploading the image type a prompt if you want you can leave it blank if you want a random result after that select the motion strength of motion next the seed and in the end if you you want a high definition video click here after all is set hit the create button and here is our result it looks beautiful and natural now if you don't like the video then you can regenerate it by clicking here and to download the video click on the download icon from here if you want to regenerate or download any of your previous Creations you will find them on the my video tabs all of your videos will be stored here all right friends now I will explore the Discord version of pixers it's more powerful than the web version to access pixers Discord server click on Discord Community from here now click on the accept invite button okay this is the welcome page of pixers click on the first instruction to learn details about pixers you will find some tutorials here to start generating videos we need to join one of the generate rooms generate rooms 1 and two are for text to video generation there are are some other rooms also we will explore them one by one let's start with text to video generators after joining generate room one or two come to the text box and type slash now you will find some apps scroll down and find pixers under pixers you will find options like create create single animate meme face and others select create from here you can directly type SLC create on the text box also after that enter the prompt I am entering a simple prompt after entering the prompt select your style this time I will select realistic after that you can add some negative prompts then the aspect ratio select your preferred aspect ratio from here in the end you add a character I will explore it later now let's delete it after all is set hit the generate button and here are our results pixers generates four videos for us that's really amazing pixers is the first text to video generator which generates four videos for you let's play one by one it looks like standing on a road not walking let's play the next one this one is perfect it looks really amazing I love it this one is also very good and looks so realistic okay now you can upscale any video by clicking on the U button from here and if you want to create a variant of any video click on the V button from here if you don't like any video then click on the redo icon from here to regenerate the result let's generate a variant of the third video click on V3 from here now you can customize the prompt after that hit the submit button it will take some time at this time I will upscale the third video to do this click on u3 and our results are ready this is the variant of the third video it looks like the same video and here is the upscale version of the third video this result is really amazing now the video is smoother and quality full pixers has done an outstanding job now to download any video click on the download icon from here the video will be saved on your device all right now let's create some anime style videos come to the text box type SLC create and then enter the prompt then select the anime style from here after that select the negative prompt and aspect ratio after all is set hit the enter button and here is our [Music] result honestly they are not up to the mark the reason could be we entered a very basic prompt let's regenerate the videos click on the redo button from here this time it provides good results the first video was especially good if you want first generation in one video then select create single and then enter your prompt and style in the create a single prompt you will get another option seed it's very important to generate similar kinds of results this time I will enter a random seed after that you can enter the aspect ratio and negative prompt and this is our result it's looking so amazing okay now let's see the characters to do this type SLC create or create single after that enter a prompt then the style select anime this time after that set the aspect ratio and negative prompt now click on the character here you will find some pre-built characters select one of them from here and then hit the generate button and here are our results they are really good especially the third one all right let's see the similarity of the character this is the image of CLE and here is our video result that's great all right now let's talk about the image to video feature yes you can turn your image into a video with pix firste to do this come to the text box and then type slash animate after that upload the desired image after uploading the image set the motion then you can enter AED after all is set hit the enter button and here is our result I think it's quite impressive all right now let's talk about the most impressive feature of pix firste pix firste can generate videos from your face reference to create a video with a face type SL mem face and then upload your reference image after that enter the prompt and negative prompt after that the aspect ratio incede then hit the enter button and here is our result it keeps a similar face and generates a video isn't it amazing let me know in the comments section in this way you can generate unlimited videos in different styles with pixers I think pixers is another gem to all the content creators all right friends I will wrap up our video now before that I would love to hear about your experience and opinion about pixers share your thoughts and results in the comments section below don't forget to like this video if you found it helpful and subscribe to our channel for more amazing tutorials like this one thank you so much for watching and until next time happy creating
Channel: Ai Lockup
Views: 10,630
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: text to video ai, text to video ai free, text to video ai free without watermark, text to video ai generator free, text to video ai generator, text to video ai generator free online, text to video free, ai video generator, ai video generator free, free ai video generator, free ai video generator from image, best ai video generator, best ai video generator free, pixverse ai, pixverse tutorial, text to video ai sora, text to video ai animation, text to video by ai, ai lockup, ai
Id: 4AON8URDn54
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 47sec (647 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 19 2024
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