Pixel Art Shading Tutorial - Aseprite

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[Music] so you want to know how you can turn this into this in pixel art hey guys one bet that's by kai i'm kind today we are back once again taking a look at uh and how to do that so pixlr is like really specific with most uh with most resolutions because the the smaller resolution the less pixels you have to work with right now i'm in a 64 by 64 uh canvas but we're not going to be using all 64 pixels of course we have this space so we can have two different um two different circles so what we're gonna do is i'm gonna go ahead and grab the circle tool which is i don't know shapes right here i'm gonna grab the ellipse tool and i'm just gonna click and drag from this bot this side of this box to this side so we have these four boxes right going to be one circle right there you go and then we're going to do another one and we're going to click and drag from up top to the bottom down here and we're going to have two circles there we go two circles like big eyeballs yep uh-huh and we're gonna go ahead and fill these in i'm going to use white for this main color right here and then white for this so i'll use the the fill tool which is this button right here or you can g on your keyboard i believe i think i'm going to change that that hot key but still all right um now the first thing is is that with any color you never want to use like extreme value so you never want to use solid white you never want to use solid black black is typically just used for outlines like for line art around the edges of things like we have right now but you typically don't ever want to use white uh or any extreme fully saturated or fully brightened colors um because it's just difficult to shade they're difficult to look at and they just typically don't look very good so what we're gonna do is i'm gonna go ahead and drag this down a little bit um get this color down uh and a little saturated a little bit but because i want this to be like maybe a stone kind of texture we're going to go ahead and add a little bit of blue to this instead of red so i have a little bit of blue in there you can see and we're going to hit g and then bucket that in so now you can see this already looks a little bit better um i will make this a gray color though but no saturation there we go so make a little bit fair more fair all right i'm also going to do i'm going to fill the background in with a color so it's not just like solid like weird looking colors so we're just gonna do like that just so you can see a little bit easier um all right cool so i'm gonna like i said saturate this uh there we go so now you can see the one on the right has very very subtle saturation i might actually add a little bit more saturation in there um a little very subtle subtle saturation and there's a little bit darker there we go um initially this one has zero saturation doesn't look as good but we'll get to that in a little bit so i want to have this uh sphere shaded in a way where it looks as if uh there's light coming from the top left so there should be a light source there should be a light source coming from this direction right coming down from me like maybe this is the sun or something who knows so the light should be coming down from this way and shining onto the um the spheres so on the right we're gonna go ahead and instead of using layers and overlaying and screening uh dropping the opacity down of layers to blend things together i'm going to actually just use colors because i think it's a a much nicer and easier way to do it rather than relying on blending modes so i'm going to lighten this up a little bit lighten it up just a little bit add a little bit more a little bit tiny more saturation we're going to go ahead and i'm going to create a nice little circle right there just click and drag and launch a little circle and then we can fill that in now you can see let's go ahead and maybe smooth this out a little bit like that perhaps um but yeah you can see how we have a nice kind of thing here i don't i don't just want this to be a perfect circle by the way because i wanted to look a little bit more rough but you can see how we have a nice little kind of highlight going on there um and i want to actually maybe yeah there we go cool so you can see we have a nice little highlight going on there um and this definitely makes it look as if there's something coming up from the uh coming down from the top uh the top left so um to replicate this we also need of course shadow on the other hand on the other side where the light is not hitting so if the light's coming from here we're gonna obviously need light in this shadow in this area sorry so i'm gonna do the same thing hit i to eye drop the base color and i'm gonna go ahead and drop the color down add a little bit more blue to it saturate a little bit more you can see we have a nice shading color so i'm gonna go ahead and just kind of drag click and drag a nice little uh value out over here like that there we go and there we go now because this is too harsh of a transition between um the two colors i do want to go ahead and um kind of soften this up a little bit and like i said i'm trying to make this look a little rough because i want it to be like a rock and i don't want to be perfectly like you know spherical everywhere but this is a little off the is making the shape of the circle look a little strange so let's go ahead and actually fix this by kind of making this arch a little bit more and then we'll pull this piece backwards until it just feels more like a circular shape that this is kind of wrapping around because that's what we need because this is after all a circle if you didn't if you didn't catch that um so we're gonna have to do something like that and kind of maybe feather these out by putting those little pieces on the edge there um and kind of just making it look like it's uh it's a little more uh faded faded into the the edges all right cool so after this like i said the difference between this darker color and this lighter color is too great so we can either do one of two things um the one i'm gonna do is i'm gonna go ahead and just eye drop this color and then drag and drag it down a little tiny bit add a little tiny bit of blue into it so we have a nice medium color and between both of these and we'll just add this in in between um the the darker color and the lighter color to kind of to fade these colors together of course and then the second thing we can do here is we can kind of do a little bit of um a little bit more bridging um you'll see what i mean in a moment let's go ahead and just put that up there like this feather it away um yeah so we can do like this and then we can actually go ahead and kind of texture this a little bit i know you might you may have seen this this kind of style before um we're gonna go ahead and do something like this and kind of bring everything together just in the really darker areas like so we don't want to overdo this but i just want to get a nice little a nice little um there we go that was really good so i really like that nice little texture in there um and then we can do the same thing with this lighter texture so eye to eye drop that and then we'll go ahead and then just on every other piece so like not right there obviously because that just makes a solid line but every other piece and maybe like some diagonal pieces like this we can go ahead and fill all this in like this there we go and then up here as well which i really like this method because i think it looks really cool and it's very simple to do as well so that's uh that's another plus right there i'm gonna actually get rid of this piece and then we'll move this like that yeah there we go all right cool so i think this also needs to be like that yeah yeah cool cool cool cool cool um yeah there we go i like that a lot this is very nice very very nice all right cool sweet sweet sweet so that looks really good and i think i want to do an actual darker color as well so we'll just drag this down a little bit and add a little bit more blue to this as well again um and we'll do an even need more saturation than that there we go we'll do an even darker color um like this and just get a little bit of that nice um those nice tones in there just on the edges like this let me pull that there um but um but yeah so i think this is actually a struggle in this area right here there we go that's better all right cool um yeah it might be a little bit too much now but we'll have to take a step back from it and look once i am finished you got to do some areas to see what some areas look like you know what i mean so we just gotta keep our hands together and hope for the best you know what i mean sometimes so let's go ahead and do like that and then maybe fill all this in to be honest with you yeah actually yeah yeah okay that's good that's fine i like that that's nice um i want to get rid of that piece though that was too kind of weird yeah yeah definitely that looks so good okay i like that a lot all right nice and then of course we can do the same thing with this up here um but we are going to need a in between color between this lighter color and the the like base color i suppose as i wear so i dropped that lighten it up a little bit desaturate it a little bit and then that's too light there we go maybe desaturate a little bit more yeah that's fine um and then maybe we can go ahead and do what i like to call fading which is kind of going around all of the edges of the corner pieces and kind of fading the edges so it looks like it kind of goes into the um the uh the bit more which is nice which is very nice so i don't necessarily like the shape of this uh the shape of this highlight so i'm gonna actually change it up real quick before it gets too far and i just fix it up like that there we go that's much better i enjoy it cool cool cool um and then of course you can go ahead and always do a second highlight if you really want to but it's not necessarily necessary um not necessarily necessary it's looking a little bit too shiny now as if the the rock is wet but i mean you could do whatever you want but i'm just saying um but yeah so i want to actually go ahead and grab this one last color and we'll do a darker color this darker color and then we'll just put a couple of these pieces up here to once again feather or fade these edges up at the top so they don't look so harsh um and the last thing i want to do is i don't want this line to be solid black around the edge i don't want to be black so we're going to do is i'm gonna go ahead and eye drop that the the darkest color that we have so this color down here then drop it down a little bit saturate a little bit turn a little bit more to the blue and then we'll go ahead and just um fill all this in and now you there's one of two things you can do either you can have a consistent line art color like this and do everything um in this color or um the lighter that the pixel art gets you can change the color of the line art as you go along so for instance if i wanted this up here to be a little bit lighter because this is lighter we will go ahead and lighten it up a little a little bit so we go ahead and use the darkest color that we had down here on this lighter section up here and then we can this gives the idea that this is indeed getting hit by the light because even this piece is lighter as it were um so yeah you can do that which looks really good i like that that's cool um but you can't really go overboard with it though because like some of these edges will get lost like i think this is about as far as i would ever go with it um but um but yeah you can see that it looks really cool i do like that but i think that i do like the consistent line art color better but for right now for today we will go ahead and do this because i do think it looks cool for this specific um piece actually for some reason but yeah so that is it ladies and gentlemen hope you enjoyed it that's kind of how you take a regular circle and and take it into this like kind of shading kind of highlighting extravaganza that we've kind of melded all into one pixel art tutorial this is a this is a i think this will help a lot of people because this is a shading this is um lighting and and kind of dithering and everything else at the same exact time so hope you ladies and gentlemen enjoyed it i will see you in the next one but until then [Music] bye-bye [Music]
Channel: TutsByKai
Views: 29,043
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tutsbykai, tuts by kai, kai, tuts, beginner, tutorial videos, tutorials, tutorial, how to, beginner tutorial, easy tutorial, simple, easy, animation, aseprite, aseprite tutorial
Id: iLKCufUcc5I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 45sec (705 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 28 2021
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