Pix4D Mining Webinar - Featuring Pix4Dmatic & Pix4Dsurvey

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good afternoon everyone and welcome to another webinar that cr kennedy uh putting on for you it's um going to be about the dji phantom 4 rtk drone how the mining industry can use it as well as pix4dmatic and pix4d survey so my name is timothy hammond i'm the national rpas manager at ci kennedy or remotely piloted aircraft systems and um definitely enjoy speaking about the mines talking about them hopefully educating you on the minds as first job out of university i wanted to make as much money as possible so i moved to western australia and worked as a gold exploration driller as you can see in those photos super dirty super dusty long hours but good money after that i moved up to northern canada where i worked on the open pit oil sands sites and then did some natural gas drilling for a couple of months after that only to come back to australia and trade the commodity up in sydney for a couple of years so the dji phantom 4 rtk just a quick uh recap of what it can do it's got a 30 minute flight time with a seven kilometer transmission distance as well as it's uh what it's known for it's centimeter level positioning one inch cmos sensor with mechanical shutter which is perfect for surveying and a 20 megapixel camera so uh people often ask why would i pay you know three four times as much for a p4 rtk versus just the normal phantom four and uh that would be because the built-in rtk module ensures strong magnetic interference doesn't affect the drone when it's in flight and these mining sites that you'll potentially be using them on um always have some sort of uh interference which can mess with the drones compass and calibration as well as that you've got the time sink which increases the processing efficiency so when you're putting it into pix4dmatic and survey like we'll demonstrate later basically instead of trying to solve the puzzle with random pieces all over the place at least with the rtk module it's going to know fairly well where the image was taken and at what time the other benefit is that you need less gcps so you don't need to go out on site and put 20 or 30 down you can get away with about five as a minimum and the final thing is their mission planning software you don't get any of this sort of functionality on the standard phantom 4 pro drone unfortunately this is just unique to the p4 rtk so why do mines need drones well they increase safety to on-site personnel they allow more accurate stockpile measurements it's a reduction in traditional surveying costs as well as operational planning benefits and compliance with regulations so safety is obviously of very high importance on mine site and high walls definitely come under under the uh category of potentially being unsafe so uh well this is just you i guess because there's loose debris you've got unstable surfaces and cracks that you may not know existed until you're going out to inspect them that's why if you do have the ability to use a drone and what i'm showing you here is what we captured a 3d model of a mine site and basically you're getting such detailed images that you don't have to send a member of staff out onto the site to check for you know potential erosion or cracks that may have formed or loose rocks that could potentially fall on someone else you can literally do it in a 3d model after album before something occurs the next thing is blast zones they're not necessarily the safest area for a person to be so if you can do most of the work that a person on the ground would do via a drone obviously it's going to be a lot safer for everyone a uh third safety precaution that drones can help out with is stockpiles they don't sound like much but they can get fairly high so even if someone's going out to traditionally survey the uh stockpile uh there's always the hazard that they could trip or fall whilst climbing up or down the stockpile as well as potentially getting hit by a piece of machinery whilst out on site that moves us on to the fourth safety concern is machinery if you uh if you need to inspect roads walls dams safety barriers etc machinery is always going to play a big role in potential incidents on site so using a drone could potentially remove these uh these hazards and exposure sides for personnel because they're constantly moving there's dusty environments so low visibility and um yeah just something to stay out of their way from so one of the greater benefits i guess that most people would have heard about is accurate stockpile measurement and so since stockpiles are they're not regular by shape and they have craters it's difficult to estimate their volume with great precision uh using traditional methods of surveying such as gnss gnss surveying um whereas with drone data they capture thousands and thousands of data points for each stockpile which makes them far more accurate and far timelier than the old methods which potentially took hours whereas now you can fly over a stockpile and it only takes a number of minutes the benefits of this also include the the ability to have a more accurate forecast model for what the actual mine site is going to be up to produce as well as a sneaky one is when subcontractors say that they've removed x amount of dirt when realistically the drone data says that they've only removed this amount of dirt so it's a good way to call people out on if you feel like someone's doing a dodgy on you operational planning a huge aspect in mining aerial images of the site enable regular visual assessment of the state of hall roads so this provides valuable data such as length slope and turning angles and with this information you can alter adjust the roads for your whole fleet and in well hopefully cut fuel costs which is also yeah major major expense in the industry in general though drone data helps ensure that the robes are built to design and that they meet the current legal standards also so frequently obtained uav aerial images that they help planners regularly monitor the mining features such as slopes or tailing dams and they also ensure that the regular maintenance of dams are completed in a safe and timely manner and allow for the identification of crevices uh erosion wall damage and basically anything else that could go wrong they can identify it before it does go wrong and this can prevent disruption to the site if like unwanted water i.e rain or sediment flow are really planned for ahead of time blasting is another aspect that benefits from the use of a drone survey and these models help to accurately analyze the area to be drilled and calculate the volume to be extracted post blasting so this data it allows you to better manage resources such as the number of trucks that you may need on site and a comparison against surveys taken before and after the blast will allow volumes to be calculated more accurately and this is going to be improved for future blasts it's going to cut the costs of explosives if you know where to drill and as well it's going to cut the time on site and drilling costs so now that we've seen the benefits of using drone data in the mines it's time to talk about pix4dmatic which is the post processing software which really gives you the deliverables from the data capture to being out actually actually able to use the data in a way that's going to help the mind side so in order to get actionable data you've got to acquire the input data so that's going to be going out and using your drone whether that's the dji p4 rtk whether it's the wingtra one the dji matrice 300 with the p1 that's going to be up to you as well as what software you're going to be wanting to use i mean the the dji inbuilt software is superb for pretty much doing all data captures but if there's some particular uh scenario that doesn't work doesn't suit your needs or doesn't work out then yeah there's drone deployed there's pix4d capture there's a number of software out there so it's really what's going to benefit you or your company so after you've gone out there and captured the data whether it's a 2d or 3d model um 3d obviously better to perform volumetric calculations 2d maybe just giving you an oversight of the mine area to create a progress support report for your investors that's you know whatever whatever you need so last week on the 21st of september um pix4d matic released their stable version of 1.19 uh so what is uh what's new first up it's uh first easy lidar and photogrammetry workflow on desktop with pix4d catch data compatibility this is dense and depth point cloud processing infusion you've got the support of oblique imagery and addition of new processing options and an actual template for oblique projects you have a sky filter option in the densify step so this will automatically remove this sky from the dense point cloud as well as you've got 3d textured mesh so you can create the generation of that and export that and a great feature is the auto mark button in the image viewer so this is for top down or near images only but it will pretty much after you've marked a couple of gcps tap this button and the software will automatically determine where the other gcps are and mark them in for you so time saver and you've got proxy server support camera support also an amazing feature of pix4dmatic it's compatible with any rgb camera with basic xf or xmp tags and there's no sensor size restrictions all right so onto the juicy stuff the essential outputs uh pixelmatic picks for the medic can uh output an ortho mosaic so whether you need it for town planning top down uh you know really well stitched together of large scale images that's one of the outputs dsm so if you're a mine side and you need to know where the water is flowing or the lowest point in the pit that's also capable point cloud if you need to measure some points or do accurate measuring from a 3d model that's available as well as a textured mesh which is great for doing presentations and you know gives you a really accurate model of what the actual target surface looked like when you're modeling it and of course you've got the ease and ability to export it into pix4d survey so that really saves exporting into another third-party uh program and then re-importing it into your own cad design software so this is just one of the mine sites damp data samples that we had and as you can see this is the dsm to show the highest and lowest points of the mine site as well as your textured mesh i do believe and point cloud and there's a quick flash up of when it automatically detected the gcps which is pretty nice so yeah 2d 3d oh you can't even see the whole screen on the left sorry um but yeah so that's obviously the whole roads and you can easily create um the angle of the slope uh how rocky how well they're paved um straight from picks for d matic so the the real benefit of pix4dmatic is that it's designed not purely but it's it's designed for large large data sets so this one for example in i'm not even going to pronounce it echelons switzerland sorry i don't know if that's correct but we'll just go with that so six square kilometers uh was captured in 10 600 images and it only took 46 hours and 42 minutes to process with a gsd of 2.27 centimeters so like normal processing i'd like probably maybe four to five days um with the same sort of spec computer but with pix4d's px40 medics new algorithm yeah it's significantly faster all right so a lot of the questions i'm not sure whether you guys came to the previous webinar that i hosted but it was on pix4dmatic and a lot of people didn't know what the difference was between pix4dmatic and pix4d map so pix4dmatic is optimized for corridors and large datasets of more than 5000 images it's on average 50 faster it's more reliable for large projects it's easier to learn to get started so low switching costs like the layout is you're not overwhelmed with a lot of buttons or features it's all kind of hidden but all the power the processing power is still there if you do want to get more advanced features so pixel automatic you can apply a geoid elevation and vertical coordinate system to the rtk data and unlike pix4d mapper if you've used it you can only do the ellipsoid offset and the next thing is that it has native integration with pix4d survey so you don't need to export it into a third-party software and then import it into a cad design you just go straight into pix4d survey and it's the only desktop software that fully supports the terrestrial pix4d catch workflow with the lidar and rgb image processing whereas pix4d mapper in a nutshell is the swiss knife for photogrammetry which means it'll take video multi-spectral thermal fisheye spherical basically any kind of camera and to put it bluntly all these three are part of the geospatial suite so if you need any more information about that please visit pix4d.com forward slash matic and their support page is second to none honestly any question that you can think of it's already been answered it's already been uh made into a video and uh their community on pix4d's website often has a lot of questions that hopefully you'll be able to find whatever probably you're having a resolution so next up pix4d survey bridge the gap between photogrammetry and cad so it's going to be the same workflow as pix4dmatic described you've got to acquire the data you've got to process it and then the next step which typically takes the longest of all three or four is that you've got to export it into a third-party processing software and then re-import it into a cad program so we all know that there's tons of software out there which provides a partial solution of this but there's nothing that provides an end-to-end solution and that's where pix4d survey is hopefully going to come in and bridge this gap so why does this gap exist well there's big sets of images like uav lidar photogrammetry technology they're all evolving uh way faster than what cad software can follow and now final designs still requires cad drawings um orthos or the mosaics that is they're too big to draw on in like civil 3d it cad software can't handle nice point clouds final designs still require cad drawings and many cumbersome software tough learning curve and they they all require different ecosystem so pix4d survey though you extract the data you need it's the next step in the pix4d photogrammetry workflow to simplify your connection to gis and cad and it makes planning and designing easier and not to mention it it allows for point cloud terrestrial and aerial data combined and the the workflow it's so much more easier such an optimized workflow like capture the images with a drone or any lazy scanner transfer your images into the digital point cloud and then boom straight into pix4d survey extract only the data you want from your project and the elements and then open the simplified accurate data in the cad or gis software with layers and the original properties in addition to this there's also the built-in vectorization tool and uh the algorithms are only getting smarter and smarter with pix4d survey so selecting for example in this case the lines the the walking lines uh it pretty much is able to do it itself so the next cool thing is the terrain workflow focus and so you'll be able to filter point cloud to train and not terrain you can vectorize brake lines create a smart grid of train points and make a tin from the grid and brake lines uh so i'll show you that in just a sec so here we're going to classify the point cloud as terrain or not terrain by selecting your sample distance flat being for like open areas irregular being for areas with more detail in the terrain uh we'll just quickly filter terrain so there we go straight up now we're gonna create a grid of points um so for this we're choosing uh 2.5 meter as sample distance and what that's gonna give you is um it's generated off the the selected sampling distance between the points um so this creates spot elevation and allows for simplification of the number of point clouds um so there are two types just if i touch on that for a sec there's regular verse smart the regular grid it's generated based on the selected sampling distance between the points whereas the smart grid creates points only where the changes in terrain elevation occur so uh this is gonna like that the smart option it's gonna only give you points where the change in elevate in in terrain occur uh despite using the same sample distance so there's gonna be a lot fewer points that are generated while accurately describing the terrain and this makes for a smaller output file and it's a lot easier to import into any cad software uh so now yeah we've created the tin file and as you can see super super simple to do i guess here draw a point on the actual uh haul road see how long it is see uh the slope and see the actual location that it was taken in there we can remove it add it back in and you will notice that the the grid uh well in this case the regular grid it's pretty much identical well it should be fairly identical toward the actual terrain uh layer was identified as all right so as well as with pix4dmatic pix4d survey also released their most up-to-date version last monday or tuesday the 21st of september and what this allowed for was an improved export dialogue so more flexible and complete options the coordinate system conversion on import so you can actually adjust the rtk data when importing it in i'll show you that in a sec volume calculation super good it's um you know wherever you want to click this is what i found working with this over the past week was that wherever you click it's actually going to click onto that point as opposed to in other software you may think that you're clicking on a point do the calculation and at a later stage realize that that calculation was wrong if you're pointing at the ground pix4d survey knows that you're pointing at the ground it's not gonna click you up like two three four meters up in the air and just give you some stupid number that doesn't make any sense all right so this is the quick workflow this is what i'm talking about one two three four it's noticing that it's on the ground it's giving you the base layer and then from there you click it uh you right click to deselect selecting anything else and then what i've done here is reduce the point size so it's easier for me to see the actual stockpile or area that i'm calculating and then you can zoom in and ensure that the area that you've selected is the actual area that you want so there you go nice little overlay of what you're actually seeing versus what the 3d computed stockpile looks like so now you're asking what's the difference between pix4d survey and pix4d mapper well pix4d survey is optimized for fast extraction of the details you need from large geospatial projects it supports faster vectorizing it's more reliable for large projects it's easier to learn and to get started you know it's not filled with all these buttons and tabs and icons that are confronting to you it's simple it's laid out it's a really really nice user interface as well as its uh low switching costs which until december actually pix4d has some great offers i think about 50 off for pix4d survey to get people involved and get people on board so if you are interested please uh feel free to reach out to me uh t seattlekennedy.com otherwise sales at com hammond at secondary dot com dot u and we'll help you out uh pix4d survey as well as pix4dmatic can apply a geoid elevation and vertical coordinate system to the rtk data so even if you set them up as an arbitrary in pix4d mapper you can still change that and apply your coordinate system in the survey as well as that it's uh got its native integration with pix4dmatic so whether you're exporting out of pix4dmatic and into survey there's literally just an option on the top left-hand side of the screen where you go to save the project which will say uh open with pix4d survey or matic pix4d survey it doesn't do photogrammetry um but it depends on the 3d input so whether it's from px40matic mapper or pix4dcloud if you want raycloud also point clouds alone work so if you're exporting out of a lidar sensor into a last file that will work in pix4d survey and just to reiterate once again pix4d mapper is the swiss knife for photogrammetry so that that means it will take video it will take multispectral thermal fisheye spherical basically any type of camera that's what pix4d map is famous for so these are the three things that are part of the geospatial suite and hopefully pix4d survey is going to bridge the gap for your next project and if you do need any other information please don't hesitate to visit pix4d.com forward slash survey now uh one last little thing before i go and call it today uh pix4d is holding a virtual user conference so virtual you don't have to fly anywhere sit at ya at home on your laptop and you can register for free using the code pix4duc21 or if you've got your own pix4d account already uh you can register there and uh watch for some keynote speakers to guide you on um pix4d's the geospatial suite pretty much anything that you you need to know they're gonna know and if they um and if their question's not answered there there's always the pix4d community which has the q a sections updated all the time so guys that is it it has been a pleasure um speaking to you about the dji phantom 4 rtk how it benefits the mining industry pix4dmatic pix4d survey and as you've watched this pix4d uh have actually given us some trial codes available so if you do want them please feel free to email me and i can get you a month-long trial for matic or survey in addition to this we do have some great deals in october at cr kennedy for the phantom 4 rtk so if you've been hesitating due to the cost shoot us an email and yeah we've got some nice little bundles packaged together so my name was timothy hammond any inquiries any questions anything else that you want to know about any of the topics that we've covered today feel free to email me at t hammond cr kennedy dot com dot a u or sales that say okay and um yeah someone will be back to you shortly anyway guys if you do have any questions right now feel free to leave them in the chat and like the last webinar that i hosted i will find out the answers and uh email them all to everyone once i've found them thanks guys have a good day bye
Channel: C.R Kennedy Geospatial
Views: 120
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pix4d, pix4dmatic, pix4dsurvey, uav, dji, mining, m300, matrice 300, phantom 4, phantom, crkennedy, rpas, mapping, open cut, dtm
Id: Y1N5zXO6_V0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 58sec (1978 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 05 2021
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