Pitch Perfect Duo SHOCKS Strangers on Omegle
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Channel: Marcus Veltri
Views: 1,526,140
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Marcus Veltri, Marcus Veltri Omegle, Marcus Veltri Rob Landes, Omegle Troll, Omegle Reactions, Omegle Piano, Omegle Pranks, Rob Landes Omegle, Rob Landes Violin, Marcus Veltri Violin, Marcus Veltri Violinist, Marcus Veltri Reaction, Marcus Veltri Prank, Omegle Prank, Rob Landes Piano, Marcus Veltri Song Requests, Marcus Veltri Pitch Perfect, Marcus Veltri Perfect Pitch, Marcus Veltri Omegle Perfect Pitch
Id: P_ycdkEVX2A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 21sec (921 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 23 2022
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