Pissed Off Space Marine Destroy Tyranids, Chaos Demon & Necrons | 4K Battle Scenes (2024)

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[Music] what is your life my honor is my life what is your craft my craft is death what is your pledge my pledge is eternal service have no fear we'll head West and make for the city's Edge once we're there t take cover stay low whatever happens keep heading west Sone West no matter what get out of the city into the fires of battle unto the Ang of [Music] War sister what now sister get up forgive me [Music] I am now un will steal of musle for to the furnish [Applause] [Music] this galaxy is ours your Empire had its chance [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] we head West but what about zon we have to get you to safety [Music] [Music] relevant and [Music] worthy an unusual degree of defiance yet futile I here an angel [Music] [Music] my thanks s I return your dark Relic to you I offer up this world and all those upon it I ask for the Lord that was promised you want to talk to your Gods I will send you to them admitted Titus the power of chaos is within you calling to this Relic imagine the ultra dominating this galaxy in glorious Conquest with you at their head imagine the power you could ear as a slave to chaos nothing you say could tempt me from the path of Honor or from avenging the deaths of my battle brothers killing my servants matters little I am unass the gods of chaos protect me with the very energies of creation you forget naroth I am no stranger to the touch of the warp [Music] will you be joining us soon brother [Music] reinforcements are on Route it's coming w [Applause] a you [Music] we can't open [Music] this company command this is first platoon we've lost the square we can't hold it he get [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] Angels we're facing a tyranid splinter Fleet the engage us on two planets aarx and Kaku I'll be straight with you Titus I have my reservations about your reinstatement there could be questions will that be a problem no Captain tur it my pledge is Eternal service zenos inbound aerate this Abomination come for them be slaughtered open the [Music] gates care to see who can slay more zenos brother Chiron I thought a beast of that statue would up a more sport hold them back Dam it for ultar for the [Music] emperor We Are The Defenders of mankind against the horrors that dwell in the Darkness while we draw breath we stand while we stand we fight we are the Angels of death we are the blade drawn against the Endless Night nothing will survive our WTH [Music]
Channel: FightClipsHD
Views: 41,966
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: game clips, game scenes, cinematic trailer, cinematic trailers, fight scenes, fight scene, gameplay, gaming, 4k, 4k fight scenes, 4k game scenes, full movie, game movie, game movies, playstation, ps, ps5, xbox
Id: qGZcjoawWT8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 32sec (872 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 25 2024
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