Pinocchio, Little Red Riding Hood & Other Big Bad Wolf Fairy Tale Stories - Compilation

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hi there kids it's me Miss Booksy your cool school librarian ever notice how there's always a bad guy in fairy tales and did you ever notice that a lot of the time that bad guy is a wolf as in the big bad wolf so let's take a look at all the cool school stories where we see the big bad wolf and all his big bad wolfiness let's go once upon a time there were three little pigs not the same Piggies who went to the market to get roast beef and then for some odd reason went wee wee wee all the way home no these three little pigs are Builders and are about to build their very first homes the first little pig didn't really want to build a house he didn't think it was very exciting at all the only point of having a house at all was to have somewhere to put your TV in video games so he found some straw and made a little house with it not a very good house but he built it pretty fast the second little pig wasn't very interested in house building either he didn't want to waste time or money shopping for Hammers and nails so he quickly made his house with sticks stacked up and held together with chewed up bubble gum and Scotch tape hmm might not be the best way to build a house but it did make a great pick for all his Twitter followers since the first two pigs were finished pretty quickly they skipped on over to the third Pig's house he was building his house with bricks he is making a very serious house the two other pigs were shocked bricks cost like a hundred dollars or something yeah and it's gonna take you like forever but once I'm finished I will have a very sturdy house that will last and last whatever dude yeah whatever we'll see you later we're gonna go play the third little pig wanted to go play but he had work to do he stayed and worked and worked and worked until his house was done and hey it looked pretty good and it was solid as a rock the first little pig sat down to eat his supper a frozen pizza he didn't have an oven so he was just eating it like a popsicle someone knocked on his straw door who is it little pig little pig let me in not by the hair of my chin chin chin which in pig latin means no way well then I'll have to Huff and puff and then blow your house down the little pig didn't like the sound of that the house of straw blew away in one second leaving the little pig just sitting in his chair surrounded by a pile of straw the big bad wolf smiled and weighed oh hello there little pig ah the pig squealed and he ran to his brother's house of sticks he was telling his brother about the wolf when who is it oh Little Pigs let me in not by the hair of our children well I guess I'll just have to Huff and then puff and then blow your house down oh that's a bummer the big bad wolf grinned at them but the little pig squealed and ran all the way to their brother's house the one he made at bricks they told him about the big bad wolf and how he was huffing and puffing and blowing down houses and just as they were finishing up their story there was a knock at the door no wolves allowed is that right okay then I'll just tough oh no this is bad he's very good at this and I'll Puff this next part is the very bad part and I'll blow your house down but nothing happened what was that you said Mr Wolf I I said I'll huff and I'll Puff yes and and I'll blow your house down still all this huffing and puffing couldn't blow down the House of Bricks this was very embarrassing for the wolf The Three Little Pigs danced and sang that they weren't afraid of the big bad wolf but then they heard a noise at the window he's coming in through the window don't worry I have the latest technology in window locks and that glass is unbreakable it's the stuff they use to build space shuttles and shark tanks cost me a pretty penny but it's sure worth it now the wolf tried as hard as he could but he couldn't get in through the window he stared in at the Little Pigs as they danced and sang he didn't like this one bit he looked all around aha the chimney the wolf climbed up onto the roof and scooted down the chimney not cool wolf chimneys are for cozy winter Nights by the fire and Santa only the wolf shimmy down instead of making a grand terrifying interest the wolf plopped right into the third little pig's cook pot the wolf saw the third little pig in his apron holding a spoon just don't I don't want to be dinner please please pretty please eat you no way I'm a vegetarian but stop crying and please get out of my Ratatouille you're going to ruin the seasoning the wolf splashed out of the Ratatouille he didn't look so scary now all covered in sauce and whimpering like a little pup you ruined my house I'm sorry and mine I'm sorry and you ruined my Ratatouille it still tastes all right no now it's got wolf hair in it gross the pigs had no choice but to take the wolf to Pork where the judge a very old and wise Pig decided that the wolf would have to repay the pigs by helping them rebuild their houses and being their Butler for a whole year turns out he made a pretty good Ratatouille who knew and so the three pigs learned that hard work can pay off and they all lived in their sturdy brick houses happily ever after today's story is Little Red Riding Hood foreign it worked okay once upon a time a little girl named Little Red Riding Hood that's me was packing a nice dinner to take to her Grandma's house my grandma was sick and even though I had to walk a mile I was ready to help my grandma because that's what good kids do right I packed up a sweet dinner liver and onions and peas oh you don't like that okay then Fruit Roll-Ups some pizza ice cream and four Twinkies okay good choices now there's only one good way to get to Grandma's it's right through the scariest Forest you can imagine oh my bad better yeah good whoa but then someone or something snatched my Red Hood [Music] oh it's my basket of delicious snacks I've been robbed stopped by a wolf I said a wolf and the Wolf was wearing my red hood that's a little girl's Hood he could stretch it out the darn wolf and he just looked silly too then he spoke well there's a little girl like you doing all by herself in the woods like this going to my grandma's house if it's any of your business and it's not so please give me back my stuff are the usassy Lassie maybe I will go to your grandmother's house and eat her what do you think about that put some sauce on her maybe some ketchup or mayonnaise I don't know oh no you won't you're not putting mayonnaise on my grandma I yelled and I kicked and run pretty fast even when they're wearing little girl's red coat that doesn't fit quite right I had to get to Grandma's and fast there was a dangerous wolf in the woods so I ran faster okay okay we're here at Grandma's house let me in Grandma there's a dang wolf outside in the woods and he's stealing little girl's clothes and parading around and this time he's wearing my grandma's nightgown and sleeping cap he even had on a pair of her high heels and he was licking his paws just like he'd eaten a snack or maybe my grandma what could I do he's a wolf but I had an idea it was a good idea I ran and I ran and ran and ran and ran and ran [Music] look at you what's that sound it's like a click click click click is that though [Music] wearing my grandma's high heels and you'll understand one day it's impossible to run in high heels then right there with his twisted ankle and his belly full of my grandma he started to get sick it was really gross he the big bad wolf threw up [Music] threw up all over the place oh he threw up my grandma don't worry she was fine not a scratch he threw up all the Fruit Roll-Ups and the ice cream and the pizza and the Twinkies I don't feel so good it was gross but it gave me and Grandma time to get away we called the police and the fireman and Animal Control Dog the Bounty Hunter and everybody we could think of and I'm happy to tell you the wolf was caught and sold to the circus well my grandma and I go every time it's in town and it just happens to be in town today lucky you follow me I'll show you around look it's the clown car guess how many clowns can fit in one tiny car or nope eleven no that's a pretty good guess but it's 24 whole clowns [Music] 23 24. that's like the highest number there is there's Octavio the guitar playing octopus cool Hey There Little Red Riding Hood any requests nope just your usual [Music] look at this this is new a man-eating chicken scary it looks like it's starting [Music] please oh oh yeah oh chicken's my favorite oh I get it a man eating chicken you got me oh kids there he is Grandma I gotta admit he's great on the tightrope still wearing those heels too wow the wolf's got skills and wasn't under the tightrope it looks like delicious mac and cheese you know the gooey cheesy kind your mom makes maybe with a little bread crumb topping three cheese blend but no that's cold macaroni noodles and mayonnaise people bring to potlucks more like Pontiac you're doing great Wolfie stay focused huh wow you gotta stay focused [Music] they jump on those trampolines like crazy don't worry if they fall off there's a doctor right there how are you doing hey look it's Jack The Flame Jumper he gets better every time I see him the flame swallower talk about heartburn and finally no circus would be complete without an amazing juggler [Music] that's right kids I'm a wicked good juggler all right kids bring yourself in for a rhyming lesson it's Nursery Rhyme Time we are five pigs they all live together sisters brothers living together in a good Community a pig neighborhood if you will so we've got this one first one right she's pretty pretty little pig she went to the market she decided it's getting a bit cold out I need a new cardigan and she's also gonna pick up some produce plus some nice vegetables and this little piggy he stayed home do you know why I'll tell you why because he wanted to play some video games this little piggy had Rose beef loves a good Reuben this little piggy had none he doesn't eat me he's a vegetarian well pescetarian because he eats fish oh no [Music] no Peggy he was out in the woods and he ran into the big old Bad Wolf why hello what is a little pig like you doing in the woods so he cries all the way home and he was safe inside the beautiful brick house here it is all summed up this little piggy went to the market This Little Piggy stayed home this little piggy had roast beef and this little piggy hiding on and this little piggy ran way way all the way home it's a strange rhyme it's supposed to help you count your fingers or your toes or something I'll see you next time hey guys I'm and I'm Austin and this is kylan you can find us on our channel the knife but right now we're hanging out with the cool school for our story time today we're going to be reading Little Red Riding Hood let's go are you ready let's do it I'm excited once upon a time there was a little girl named Little Red Riding Hood who loved her grandma more than just about anything in the whole wide world she loved her this much this much one day her grandma got sick so little red packed up a picnic basket of get well foods like chicken soup orange juice vitamins ginger ale and gummy bears okay so maybe the gummy bears were actually for herself but it was a very nice get well basket Little Red Riding Hood set off for her Grandma's house she was about halfway there when Out jumped a wolf [Music] don't worry Little Red Riding Hood was trained in Wolf karate so she was not afraid go into a picnic nope I'm going to my grandma's house because she's sick I'm gonna take care of her well aren't you nice yes I am now buzz off heck can I have some of that chicken soup and I said scram the wolf ran off down the path howling Little Red Riding Hood was glad he was gone she didn't have time to be buying with any stinking wolves she had to get to her grandma when little red finally arrived she skipped up to the front door and knocked Grandma it's me little red oh just a minute hmm that didn't sound like her grandma then the door opened and well oh hello give grandma a hug needless to say she wasn't fooled where's my grandma don't be shitty Chad I am your grandmother now if only I had some chicken soup you're not getting my grandma's chicken soup now where is she little red I'm in here Little Red Riding Hood looked all around where was Grandma's voice coming from the closet under the bed in the bathroom the wolf stood there patting his tummy he burped then little red realized you ate my grandma well I I swallowed her whole actually I was just so hungry someone was being greedy with her chicken soup well kids Little Red Riding Hood didn't want it to come to this but she was going to have to use her wolf karate she bowed and went into her fighting stance she took a deep breath ah and then what are you doing she waited on that wolf he tried to run but he was so full couldn't even go very fast please stop I I don't know karate this isn't fair [Music] but I already swallowed her you and just like that he threw up out came grandma she was just fine a little icky but alive little red called the police and they came in and arrested the wolf grandma got better and Little Red Riding Hood got a medal from the mayor for outstanding citizen bravery in a wolf battle and her martial arts instructor upgraded her to a black belt with special Stripes that meant she was extra good at karate the end hello kids here we are with another Nursery Rhyme Time today's story it's about a cookie you see there was this woman and she was a baker and she was running out of ideas of how to get kids to buy her delicious cookies well one night she had a dream about a little man who was made of cookie she woke up at 3 47 in the morning as Bakers usually do and got to baking and after hours of trial and error made a little man out of gingerbread end of story just kidding that's where the story really begins come here I need to eat you you can't eat me I have so much to live for I've never gone sailing I've never had my first kiss I've never run in a field or been to Paris there's so much to do and with that he ran out of the house and into the field I'm actually doing it I'm running in a field I'm Gonna Get You little man run run as fast as you can you can't catch me I'm the gingerbread man and he ran and ran and ran and ran and ran as fast as his little legs could carry him until the old woman Baker was out of sight and then he rested by the river well sleeping by the river was a wolf or at least he thought the wolf was sleeping she is going to come for you I can always run away you wouldn't have to run away if you crossed the river but I can't I'm made of gingerbread I'll get all soggy and fall to pieces I was just getting ready to cross the river myself why don't you ride on my head you could hold my ears see the view maybe fish a little I don't know and just then the old woman came into sight in the distance and the cookie man began to panic well the big old wolf hopped into the river and shouted at him quick hop on before she gets here the gingerbread man was torn there was nowhere to run and so he leaped into the air towards the wolf's head and shouted to the woman run run as fast as you can you can't catch me delicious I was going to eat that he was eaten by the big bad wolf and spent the rest of his days playing Pinochle with Little Red Riding Hood's grandmother in the wolf's stomach and that's the end of the tale story is Three Little Pigs all right once upon a time there were three little pigs who lived at home with their mother the time came when the pigs weren't so little anymore and their mom decided to buy a condo and moved to Florida where she could play Pig knuckle with her friends by the pool she told the pigs it's time you set out for the real world and find homes of your own I'll send you a postcard so off they went the first Pig found a nice location and decided to build his own house he'd heard of building huts with straw so he went shopping for some Target had a huge sale on crazy straws so he bought all they had and commenced to building it turned out to be a really neat looking house although it leaked a lot when it rained but it was very pretty the second Pig decided he should use sticks to build his house he bought popsicles in bulk at Costco and after a two-day Feast of ice pops and a lot of brain freeze he began his house of sticks it turned out okay the walls were thin but they smelled like Fruity popsicles hmm the third Pig was never one to cut corners and he found a good contractor to build his home hiring a contractor and a construction crew was expensive it took almost all his money but he wanted a home that would last the other pigs made fun of him and bragged about how much money they had in their Banks that's right piggy banks but the third little pig moved into his new brick house and was quite content well maybe a little lonely yep that old wolf went out on the prowl looking for a snack snack building their houses and thought he'd stop by Uninvited he arrived at the first Pig's house he snarled little pig little pig let me in the pig called out who is it I'm just a nice old lady I'm lost let me in you sound like a big bad wolf so not by the hair my chinny chin chin then I'll huff and I'll puff and I'll blow your house down go ahead and try I built it myself and the Wolf flew down the house with a little huff and puff just like that let's watch out on instant replay and boom goes the dynamite the little pig hightailed it to his brother's house made of sticks and that battle wolf followed him there was a knock on the door little pig little pig let me in it's the wolf no I'm just here to deliver the mail la la la I'm the mailman he said it's the mailman it's night time there's no mail I'm telling you it's the wolf not by the hair my chinny chin chin he's gonna hop and puff and blow your house down man and he did the wolf hopped and popped and he blew the house down sticks all over the place the two little pigs motored out as fast as they could you've never seen two little legs move so fast bad wolf he followed them right to the third Pig's house safe inside the pigs told their brother about the wolf the doorbell chimed ding dong the third little pig used his security system to check who was outside oh little piggies don't be rude what men I don't think so not by the hair by chitty chin chin then I'll HOV and I'll puff and I'll blow your house down gotta say I've had a pretty good track record so far tonight I'm two for two just saying very well do what you wish the wolf toughed and he puffed and what happened okay okay it was the third house of the night he could do this he huffed and puffed and still there the house stood it was very sturdy the little pig buzzed through the intercom how are you doing out there I might have to call the police if you don't leave the wolf gasped and golfed for air you gotta wait till I having power and I'll blow you ah the wolf face The Three Little Pigs cheered authorities and he had them come and take the wolf away the first two pigs apologized for poking fun at the third little pig and they offered to pay rent if they could just stay with him for a little while he told them which in Spanish means my house is your house I think I mentioned that pig is pretty smart and the Three Little Pigs stayed in their big brick house together and they lived happily ever after and never ever heard from that big bad wolf again the end so kids the lesson is it's important to do things the right way even if it's the hard way and watch out for wolves that's pretty important too hi guys we're Gabrielle and Chad and this is Siege today we're over at cool school for the story Circle that's right and we're going to read the boy cried wolf are you ready once upon a time there was a little boy named Terry he was a bit of a terror in fact he was called Terry the terror he would kick and scream anytime he wanted something at the toy store I want it I want it I want it I want it at the ice cream shop even at the grocery store I don't want cereal cookies I want cookies and with everything he could have ever wanted at his fingertips he was a pretty boring boy at that oh um bored bored boys often get into trouble and boy did Terry get into trouble he would take cupcakes from the baker's window he would let the chickens lose from old Mr O'Brien's chicken farm [Applause] and worst of all he would run up behind old Mr Hackle and scream [Laughter] which didn't matter much because Mr Hackle couldn't hear too well luckily for Terry the townspeople were very patient people the baker learned to make one extra cupcake every morning so that she wouldn't be short for the customers Mr O'Brien trained his chickens to come to his call so that if they got loose they would come back and Mr Hackle still made Terry help him across the street life went on as usual and as usual Terry got bored one day when he went out into the woods tearing leaves off trees and splashing in mud Terry came up with an idea hey I have an idea oh it's genius everyone will totally flip out and I will laugh so hard oh this is going to be great the next morning when everyone was getting ready for Terry to come tearing through town he didn't show up the baker said that's weird I have one extra cupcake today the farmer called for his chickens but they were already there staring at him Mr Hackle just stood by the corner waiting well after an hour went by people started to worry and just then Terry came running into town screaming there's a little brother as a little help the baker quickly slammed the shutter so fast her cupcake splattered everywhere old Mr O'Brien ushered all his chickens inside of his maximum security Chicken Coop and locked the doors everyone in town scrambled to their houses and stores and locked them up tight leaving Terry laughing at the Town Square yes silly people there's no wolf you fell for it that was almost too easy [Laughter] everyone in the town was upset old Mr O'Brien's chickens were so upset they didn't lay eggs for three days but Terry thought it was all extremely fun after things got back to normal Terry began to feel mischievous again hey I wonder if they would fall for it a second time we'll find out and so the next morning Terry called out from the woods I mean help the Baker and old Mr O'Brien squinted their eyes and looked off into the woods and just then Terry came limping out of the woods with his shirt torn and dirt all over his face he was really going for a Daytime Emmy Award this time everyone began to panic because this time it had to be real the baker slammed her cupcakes in the window old man O'Brien cooped up his chickens foreign ran inside everyone except Terry and well except for Mr Hackle but that's just because he couldn't hear all the fuss oh you fools you silly silly people there's no wolf you fell for it again twice that's two tune it up at me you after a few days things got back to normal Terry wasn't allowed to go into town anymore he was grounded for three whole weeks one day Terry was playing in the yard and guess who showed up a real live wolf hello [Music] a Hungry Wolf that's me is that for real oh that's just Terry The Terror at it again I'm not falling for that this time an old Mr O'Brien heard Terry crying don't worry girls it's just Terry The Terror at it again and Mr Hackle well you guessed it he didn't hear anything anyway he didn't even look up from his crossword puzzle the whole town ignored Terry yelling because they knew it must have been a trick and then the wolf ate Terry in one bite that was a good little boy luckily for Terry the same wolf also ate Little Red Riding Hood's Grandma which turned out to be too much and he threw them both up wow oh that is that is just wrong that is just wrong who are you Terry ran home and told his parents who had a hard time believing him but one thing Terry knew for sure he was going to be a very good boy for the rest of his life the moral of the story is don't trick people especially when it comes to safety always tell the truth don't hang around wolves and don't scare chickens if you're hoping to have some eggs the end all right kids here it is Nursery Rhyme Time first things first meet the family pork him in the pig Piggly the pig and Alfonso the pig just finished college and eager to grow up so the first one Pokemon he decides I'm gonna build a house and I'll really like straw because it's like soft so yeah I'm gonna do that or whatever and so he does and he has this big soft house that kind of sways with the breeze well then the second Pig Piggly he decides he's gonna move out too I like stay [Music] also be strong and so he does and it's kind of vintage you know got a little flavor of like Portland but not like Main Street Portland kind of like an offbeat Portland like one of the suburbs then Alfonso the third Pig decides he's gonna move out too so he says I looked at the schematics of most of the other houses and it seems that brick is a very solid material I will Design my house like so many historic buildings before me with brick Pokemon and Piggly think that this is not the smartest idea he's ever come up with you're never gonna finish that house it's gonna take like a whatever yeah it's gonna take long forever and it did take a while but once it was done the real test of strength came you see there was this traveling salesman Mr Wolf who was actually a wolf want to buy some things no I have enough stuff but you don't have this stuff no thank you all right if you don't open this door I'll blow your house down try me and not only did the wolf blow his house down because it was made of flimsy straw and whatnot but he also blew down the stick house as well then he decided to pay Alfonso a visit Gone Big buy us some a nice things we don't want your things get out of here yeah no and besides am I going to blow your house down and he tried but he just couldn't and he got all faint in the head and fell down and Pokemon Piggly and Alfonso lived happily ever after in three beautiful brick houses nothing to rhyme about no just a story moral of this story take your time do things right and it'll pay off in the end all right kids get ready it's fairy tale time once upon a time that's what we all folks say when we're not sure of the date but way back when there was an old man who built puppets the kind of strings attached to their arms and legs and heads called marionettes actually this man was a very lonely old man and so he would build these puppets to keep them company pretty smart actually well one day this old man built a puppet so amazing that it actually started to move on its own what hi are you my papa I sure am and you are Pinocchio beautiful what a lovely way to end a story but that's not the end for you see a traveling circus came into town that day which was run by the big bad wolf and this wolf had gotten into the business of convincing children to run away with him and perform in the circus but it wasn't as fun as that sounds the wolf made them walk on a tightrope which was really scary and swing on the trapeze which made them really dizzy and brush Lion's manes which was really dangerous worst of all they had to clean up after the elephants when they did their business sorry but Pinocchio didn't know about any of that he just wanted to see the show but that night the old man gave Pinocchio some money and asked him to run to the store to buy some milk okay Papa but he was going to buy a ticket to the circus instead and because it was a lie his nose started to grow well then Pinocchio went to the circus and had the time of his life but he saw all the other children in the crowd eating popcorn and cotton candy and he was sad that he couldn't eat anything because it was made of wood so after the show just as the first star began to Sparkle in the sky he made a wish Starlight Star Bright first star I see tonight I wish I may I wish I might turn into a real boy tonight well the big bad wolf saw Pinocchio and thought that a wooden boy would be a great circus act and he can use that giant nose to spin plates on top of so he put on an old dress from the circus costume trunk and walked over to Pinocchio so you want to be a real boy wow you heard my wish are you my fairy Godmother I sure am to be a real boy all you have to do is run away from home and join the circus but Pinocchio didn't feel so good about that he would miss his papa too much and he knew his papa would miss him in fact the old man was probably wondering why he was taking so long to get that milk Emma so thirsty and besides this Fairy Godmother looked a little odd why are your hands so fuzzy and why are your ears so big and why are your teeth so sharp wait a second you're the big bad wolf aren't you are you okay what took so long and then Pinocchio made the first real boy decision of his entire life he told the truth I used the money to go to the circus the big bad wolf tried to get me to run away but I just couldn't leave you I'm sorry Papa it's okay Pinocchio I am disappointed but you did the right thing you came back and you told the truth and you said you were sorry and because Pinocchio did that his wooden nose went back to normal size and then it turned into a real nose and his wooden head it turned into a real head and he turned into a real boy the old man was so happy and they decided to celebrate and they would have had cookies but they were still out of milk so they ate popcorn and cotton candy instead delicious and that's the end of the tale want to hear another story see you next time [Music]
Channel: Cool School
Views: 14,601,878
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cool school, kids videos for kids, stories for kids, cartoons for kids, kids videos, for kids, kids cartoon, videos for kids, youtube kids, miss booksy, ms booksy, story time, storytime, bedtime stories, animated stories, fairy tales, fairy tail, english fairy tales, english story, fairy tales in english, bedtime story, fairy tale, princess story, kids stories, big bad wolf, cool school compilation, kook school, storytime for preschoolers, storytime for kids, preschool
Id: zK8bYBBKOes
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 33sec (2433 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 16 2015
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