Pinnacle Studio 19 Ultimate - Zoom Tutorial

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zooming can be fun based on who you through men on back on up you don't want none of this it ain't pretty hey guys how y'all doing out there it's me your boy Malik holding it down one more time for pinnaclestudiopro calm I know you guys want to know how to get your zoom boy so I'm going to show you how to do your zone thing in pinnacle studio so let's jump off in a pinnacle studio 19 ultimate and make it happen here we are in pinnacle studio 19 ultimate and it's time to get our zoom thing right Before we jump into the zoom 212 you I want to remind you of a few quick things the thumb the one that's pointed in the upward direction if you like the content in this video click that thumb if you got questions or you need help leave your comments below I always answer your questions and if I can't help you if I don't have the answer I'll point you in the direction to get you to answer your need and if you want to see chunky funky lovely goodness like this on a regular basis you got to subscribe if you don't subscribe you're going to miss out when I upload a video all right let's make this zone thing having people as you can see I have a video clip down in the timeline now I have done a zoom tutorial before using pan and zoom but this time I'm gonna make a zoom tutorial which shows you how to zoom without losing any resolution in your video and I know a lot of people have been wanting that so let's jump off into it I'm going to right click on this video clip and I'm going to go to open effects editor' I'm going to go to 2d 3d and then I'm going to go to 2d editor CPU now where it says select preset it is now set to default so I need to click on that and then I need to select no preset what this does is it makes the video clip just like it was in a timeline just set out to its original format the next thing I need to do is I need to turn on keyframes so where this little diamond is I'm going to click on this and it will turn orange and that turns on keyframing the reason why I need to turn on keyframing is because I need to be able to control when and where and how fast it zooms right now when I turn on keyframing and added a keyframe right here to the beginning of the video clip and once again this keyframe just has the parameters of the original video nothing has changed at this point so what I want to do is I want to move my playhead forward so I'm going to left-click on the playhead I'm going to drag it forward to a position where I want the zoom to start at this position what I'm going to do is I'm going to click on this add a keyframe button clicking on this add a keyframe and it has the same parameters as the first keyframe because I didn't change anything now what I need to do next is move my playhead to a position where I want the zoom to end so I want the zoom to go pretty fast so I'm going to stop right here and now instead of clicking on this button I'm going to change the parameters pinnacle studio is smart enough to know that if I change the parameters when I have keyframing on that means that I want to add another keyframe so the first thing I'm going to change is the size so you need to click on size then if this padlock is great you need to click on it to make it Orange when you do that what happens is anything that you do to either one of the width or the height they change together and you want them to stay together because you want the aspect ratio to stay the same so you can place your cursor at the edge of the numbers to where you see line with two arrows one arrow on the right and one arrow on the left you can left-click and then you'll see that the number has a little orange bar at the end which means that now I can move it so I can move it to the size that I want or if you like to type in the parameters you can just left click and type in a number so now it is zoomed in and you can tell that the resolution has a change it's still sharp just like it was when it was up doing all the way out usually when you do then you zoom in on something like that it can easily change the pixelation and you start to see it and it looks all nasty so this is really great using 2d 3d CPU but I wanted to zoom in on a wasp and the wasp is not centered so that means I need to change the position so click on position and now you can do the same thing you can slide it or you can type in I'm going to type in this time so I'm going to change the x position which is the horizontal and the Y position which is the vertical and the Y looks nice and centered now so if I play this back you'll see that it stays out and then when it reaches the next keyframe or the last keyframe to hold it in position it's going to start moving to that next keyframe and zooming in and in since I didn't add anything after that it's just going to stay zoomed in like that if you want to you can zoom back out by adding another keyframe with the original parameters in and now that I'm done I'm going to click on OK and then once again if I play this you'll see a B unit beauty beautiful zoom and the resolution is still sharp and crisp alright guys you know the routine the thumb the one that's pointed in the upward direction click it like it live it love it hug it show the thumb some love all right comics leave me your comments because when you do I get back with you if I can't help you I'll point you in the right direction to get you to help that you need and last but definitely not least subscribe if you don't subscribe you're going to be missing out on all of the pinnacle studio love I bring you on YouTube so sum it up so you know and you're in the know thanks for watching we'll see you again soon you
Channel: PinnacleStudioPro
Views: 36,735
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pinnacle studio zoom tutorial, pinnacle studio zoom in tutorial, pinnacle studio zoom, pinnacle studio zoom in, pinnacle studio close up, pinnacle studio 19, pinnacle studio 19 ultimate, pinnacle studio tutorial, zoom pinnacle studio 19, zoom in pinnacle studio 19, zoom pinnacle studio, zoom in pinnacle studio, close up pinnacle studio 19, close up pinnacle studio, zoom, zoom in, pinnacle studio, ultimate, tutorial, how to, pinnaclestudiopro
Id: any1IjwmnWQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 0sec (480 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 31 2016
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