Pink rubber kettle teardown - not terrible

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it's a kettle not just any Kettle but the finest pink rubber Kettle from China I mean everything's made in China but this is a direct import so it may have special special features inside can you even see inside here I'll shine a light down into it inside we have a stainless steel looking boiling plate it does say 304 whether that means uh 304 stainless steel or something else I don't really know it's read about 600 watts but you know what let's just fill it with water and we'll boil it I'm just going to fill it with water right now one moment please the water has been put in I've put in 500 milliliters or half a liter it is up to just below the max Mark here let's plug it in and see how long it takes to boil so I'm going to plug this into my little tiniest uh test meter here and then there's a switch on the side and at the same time as I press the switch I'm going to start a timer so the power it says 720 Watts it's at 600 watts but 720 is good is it PTC element but I don't think it is a PT helmet I think it is an actual heat element right tell you what I shall let this come up to temperature and apparently when it comes up to temperature it doesn't cut off they say if you're traveling and you go to a very hard high altitude where a water bottles sooner it may not stop boiling because it is purely thermal that it will cut in and out once it reaches the desired temperature right tell you what since this is literally waiting for a pot to boil I shall pause the video and come back once it has biled one moment please and the result it took about five minutes to boil 500 milliliters of water so say roughly one minute per 100 milliliters so probably just three minutes if you made a single cup in this it started boiling steam Canal as you'd expect and then the cutout kicked in so it works that's good let's move this stuff out the way and I'll pull the water out with this and then we shall open this thing but first before we do that let's see if it feels wobbly does it feel robust but now it's full of boiling water uh it does it doesn't feel too bad it feels like you could tip that without it suddenly going rubbery and dying and doing stuff anyway we'll also check out this cable because there's always a suspicion that the cable with these import products may not be up to standard this is a thing if you use it with another product that draws more power right tell you what I'll pause while I pour this away and then we'll explore it one moment please this is very hot so I'll let it cool down and while it's cooling down well it's a kettle so yes it is hot let's explore the cable so let's just lob uh this cable off the cable does say well it's embossed with uh 0.75 millimeter two core 0.75 millimeter do you trust that you trust any oh God no look at the size of the chords and that right so what let's uh nibble nibble nibble through this I should have got a lighter handy for the aluminum test I think this is very cheap nasty cable but we've got other stuff to compare it to here it is uh let's compare it to actual 0.75 millimeter which looks a lot thicker let's strip them I should just strip them with the Snips it does look very coppery oh it doesn't feel right though does it oh it feels very very rigid Let's uh strip some of this feels better uh right I want I'll just grab the lighter and we'll do the flame test I have the lighter let's do the flame test and see we'll try it on the real copper first so I shall hold a flame under the real copper I've just pull a couple of strands out and it discolors it goes kind of like it glows oh it's actually melted down a bit but it's not shriveling up like the uh the aluminum normally does let's pull a couple of strands out of this and do the same flame test I should Zoom down there shouldn't I I should Zoom down flame test and it just instantly just absolutely just shrivels up and goes limp so this is just copper coated aluminum isn't it or some other Bakery compare the two of them see that one's just shriveled and gone limp this one has held its shape though it has melted back a bit with the heat uh right so not really necessarily the very best cable not super current carrying Excellence here okay well that was predictable that's fine it's what we've come to expect when you get leads with Chinese products I do recommend throwing them in the bin and getting reputable leads from a reputable Source in the UK that'd be something like RS Components rapid electronic CPC the big suppliers who have a a reputation to protect this thing is color now I'll still get water every winter there are three screws under here so let's bring in a driver and remove those screws and see what it reveals I would guess there maybe into the stainless steel heater plate in the bottom if it is stainless steel it feels like they're spinning to be honest I'm sure they are coming out well they are quite long oh they're very long with a little rubber band a little rubber bone this is where I could have got my new cordless driver and done this really quickly but I didn't did I no I really have to start doing that is this going to come off is there something else I should know is there some secret thing holding this in place I should just keep on screwing just in case any better oh that is better they are quite long they are quite long what is this going to reveal okay it's going to reveal something very simple it's going to reveal the incoming Supply which does have an earth connection uh shame that it's a double pole plug but for reference because this metal ring which is kind of makes it important really uh you if you use an earth cable there is an earth wire going on to the chassis here the metal components uh the little connection at the side does go through this switch with its little new indicator and even notice the neon indicator but it's got three connections so there will be a new indicator and then one leg goes to the heat element and the other leg goes to the thermostatic switch well actually the thermostatic switch goes via this to the so the little indicator light go off as well the look of it and that's very straightforward it's not bad it's a fairly solid little thing down here and how have they fastened the rubber into have they basically put two oh I think they've actually crimped two layers together with the rubber trapped in between them it looks like it so it is physically crimped in that's interesting it doesn't seem to be coming out Teresa which is good so there we have it it is more or less what I expected the heater plate with the heater physically um fused onto that it's good that it's Earth I wasn't expecting that well it's a bit nicer if they actually Supply the Earth cable but but you get what you get and so there we go the the pink rubber Kettle to all intense purposes it's not too bad it seems quite a logical design and the thermal cutout did trip just after the water started boiling so it is fairly close to the correct temperature that's pretty good so there we have it so if you do get one of these I don't necessarily recommend you've got one of these but if you do get one of these uh get yourself a three core proper pre-core Flex if you have if you live in an area with grounded sockets and either way you just basically change the flex for a new one anyway because this is just not really great it's not going to handle up to fault conditions very well but there we have it Z Chinese rubber Kettle the pink rubber kit I should have demonstrated that to fold a bag down you're basically just fold it in like this and you just smidge it in and it just compresses back down to a smaller size for travel presumably but that's it the rubber Kettle from China it's not too bad
Channel: bigclivedotcom
Views: 98,572
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pink, rubber, kettle, foldable, travel, electric, silicone, floppy
Id: _6iDNP3QPxc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 13sec (553 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 05 2023
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