Pink Chocolate Is Not a Real Thing, And I Can Prove It

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imagine you just woke up in a world where all the chocolate you can eat is Pink that beautiful glowy Ruby chocolate instantly creates sparkles in your eyes and before you know it your mouth is watering you grab the pink chocolate between your hands and finally take a bite out of this piece of art hmm it tastes good but it doesn't really taste like chocolate there's a widespread debate on whether pink chocolate is the fourth type of chocolate or not we have dark white milk chocolate and now Ruby not exactly but don't worry we'll understand why Ruby chocolate appeared on the market in 2017 through a Swiss Belgian company called Barry calibut how they make chocolate pink is a manufacturing secret but they did open up a little about the process you might not know this but it takes a while before you can get from a cocoa bean to a chocolate bar after harvesting the cocoa pods one has to dry and ferment the cocoa beans this process of fermentation is usually what gives the chocolate its rich and complex flavor then you have to roast the beans which is when they'll acquire the dark chocolate color we're used to after grinding the beans into cacao nibs the last part of the process involves melting the nibs into a type of chocolate sauce that will be mixed with sugar butter milk or whatever you wish to mix it with some beans are naturally purplish and they change into a darker color during the fermentation process but to make Ruby chocolate manufacturers have to Halt the fermentation somewhere in the middle that's how they preserve some of their original purpleness which added with a few other secret ingredients can become pink if this video is stimulating your taste buds you can go outside to the nearest convenience store and look for a ruby Kit Kat you'll probably notice that pink chocolate has a similar texture to white chocolate but it has a slightly sour and fruity taste that's probably due to the fermentation process we just talked about in case you can't find a pink Kit Kat outside there's another recipe that gets close enough to the original Ruby chocolate taste according to Chocolate expert Angus Kennedy you can chew on a piece of white chocolate add some raspberries and a little piece of milk chocolate that's more or less what a ruby chocolate bar will taste like oh fun fact there's also a wide debate on whether white chocolate is actually chocolate or not scientists argue that we can't call it white chocolate because it doesn't have any cocoa beans in it white chocolate is simple cocoa butter mixed with sugar and has some vanilla to add to the flavor other studies say that what is legally required to call something chocolate is a simple percentage of cocoa fat and if that is indeed the rule well then white chocolate could be called chocolate no problem anyways why did pink chocolate get so popular the thing is that we don't eat only with our mouths eating involves all of our senses the size shape color and surface texture all play an important part in how appealing a food might be to us the smell will also determine a lot of our eating desires crazy as it might seem the smell of something can already activate your taste buds but primarily we eat with our eyes I mean look at this beautiful pink chocolate ganache and this Ruby chocolate mousse it's aesthetically pleasing and looks like you're about to eat one of the colors of the rainbow yum eating with our eyes has been a reality for us humans since the beginning of time let's take our primate ancestors as an example science speculates that primates might have developed a trichromatic vision to spot the nutritious and colorful fruits among the dark green canopy I'm betting that even looking at all these delicious images of food is making you crave the things we're talking about but our brains aren't all that smart when it comes to eating and we're easily tricked for example if you drink a pink liquid that tastes like a banana it will take a while for your brain to process it correctly as your normal expectation is for the drink to taste like strawberry another study shows how our brain perceives roughness as a quality of healthy eating even when that's not exactly the case if I gave you a piece of rough brownies and soft ones and ask you to eat the ones with fewer calories you'd probably choose the rougher ones this study from the Journal of consumer research shows that foods with rough textures feel heartier and healthier even if they have the same nutritional value as softer versions that's why we eat granola bars and Trail mixes thinking we are eating super healthy when they are very high in calories even today we are Masters at eating with our eyes social media stimulates the first thing you do once you order food is to take a picture of it the prettier the plating and the food itself the more likes a person is likely to get and the more a restaurant owner can sell dinner platters on the bright side it seems like Cuisines all over the world are getting more and more inventive have you ever heard of a rainbow bagel the internet was obsessed with this Bagel a few years ago and rightly so the dough of this pastry looks more like Play-Doh than something edible but it's a spectacle for the eye and extremely popular amongst young children and adults alike it's like eating Sunshine one of its admirers says the brighter the colors the better in this case and what about edible everyday items like a hairbrush I swear this is a cake inside as much as it might feel weird to eat a hairbrush cake it's also very cool this new social media trend is pretty surprising and filled with odd edible items such as edible Polaroid cameras edible hand soaps edible water bottles edible handbags really the list goes on acai bowls are also pretty popular today in the social media world that luscious shade of bright purple topped with perfect Rose of granola pumpkin seeds and oats makes my mouth water just by looking at it but Cuisine is getting a little bit exaggerated to grasp the attention of consumers around the world I'm thinking here about Burger King's quintuple Burger it's five Whopper patties five slices of cheese and five rows of bacon you get the picture it's over 2 000 calories in just one Burger which is more or less the nutritional amount an average person needs to consume per day it's certainly shocking when you look at it imagine eating it still our need for food to be aesthetically pleasing has its downsides in supermarkets we tend to choose those fruits and vegetables that we consider perfect but this means that a lot of the ugly food gets thrown in the trash because nobody wants to buy them sure we eat with our eyes but it's important to be aware that just because a fruit came twisted or weird looking that doesn't mean it won't meet our nutrition needs a Singaporean project called ugly food is trying to make a difference people can buy blemished food in their online grocery stores according to the company consumers are invited to increase their acceptability threshold another project that's changing the meaning of the quote we eat with our eyes are restaurants that offer blindfolded dinners since 1999 restaurant owners have offered their clients the experience of eating without using their site naturally this experience heightens the other senses like taste and smell a 2002 study also shows that those that eat blindfolded can eat up to 22 percent less than those that see what they're eating according to this study blindfolded people would get satisfied much sooner than those that weren't this would literally mean that our eyes are bigger than our stomach meaning that if the food looks appealing to our eyes we could be driven to take much more than we normally manage to eat that's it for today so hey if you pacified your curiosity then give the video a like and share it with your friends or if you want more just click on these videos and stay on the bright side
Views: 98,941
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Keywords: bright side, brightside, random facts, food facts, facts you didn't know, food secrets, pink chocolate, is pink chocolate real, is pink chocolate healhty, chocolate facts, ruby chocolate, how chocolate is made, white chocolate, KitKat, is chocolate good for you, manufacturing secrets, facts about your body, how your brain works, how your brain perceives food, brain functions, taste buds, healthy food, nutritional value, Burger King’s quintuple burge, blemished food
Id: yARTdwXrA9A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 31sec (511 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 12 2023
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