Pimping Out My Springfield Hellcat OSP

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hello everybody this is samara striker here we've got this Hellcat and we're gonna really pimp this thing out we're going to put a Veridian eseries laser on it we're gonna put this red dot on it and we're gonna put telling grips on it and if you remembered watching the video you're probably wondering well why am I going to take these grips off and wait a second you can't put a red dot on this gun because it's not the OSP version and you would be correct but this one is this is a second Hellcat this one is the OSP version you see the plate and it doesn't have any grips on it so we're going to start out with just doing the red dot here to avoid a bunch of clutter around the table get the red dot put on it then we'll move on to the laser and the Talon grips the red dot that I have on the table here is the shield SM SC and if you've looked at the various things on this gun there are two red dots that are recommended by Springfield the shield our MSC and this SMSC the our MSC is readily available outside of Springfield right now as of the making of this video you can only get the SMSC from Springfield you order it right from their site it's $2.99 their ship it right to your house the primary difference between them is the SMSC has a polymer body the our MSC has an aluminum body and both of them have a polymer optic which you'll see is actually quite clear and before you get too worried about the polymer is probably not truly a polymer it's more likely a polycarbonate like you would find in your eyeglasses and that type of lens has been around for quite a long time quite popular and they're pretty durable the key to it is their light this thing only weighs 1/2 ounce with the screws it actually weighs less than the plate we're going to remove to put the thing in the slide and the OSP as well as the original one the regular one without the removable plate weighs 11 and a half ounces the slide with the red dot on it when we're done will they weigh 11 ounces so the slides actually going to get lighter remove this plate put the red dot on there and that's going to be important for a couple reasons one a cycling speed and reliability in two when I put this thing on top of the gun which of course is going to sit down in that well but you'll see it's not much thicker than the gun and when it sits down in the well it's actually right about the exact width of the slide so the small size of the footprint of it is going to matter to what we're trying to do here the first step is to remove the slide from the gun remove the barrel and basically get it you know you'll we have just the slide by itself which is pretty easy to do you lock it back flip the lever up pull the trigger pull it apart take the barrel out set those parts aside so we've got just the slide that we're gonna work on before we get into the mechanics of doing this let's talk about a few of the things that are actually here on the table this kit you can buy separately on Springfield sights a few dollars but it also comes with the OSP itself this you can either buy from Springfield or you can get the RMS see on the open market and possibly at some point you'll be able to get this anywhere what comes with the red dot in the box is this battery of course an instruction manual now the instruction manual I found to be a little bit in the confusing side because it makes reference to things that don't exist on this for example there's reference to push in a button on the front of the site to open a drawer to be able to change the battery there's no drawer the battery sits right in the base of it and there's there's no provision for any kind of sliding parts so the manual looks like it's possibly basically the RMS C or RMS manual kind of prop forward comes with some stickers you'll see that on the battery itself I can find where thing rent went to one of the stickers goes on the bottom of the battery because when the battery drops in here it actually is right there at the bottom of the site there's nothing that goes over the top of the battery and it locks in place and by the way this looks like a sticker when you look at it and it's got do not remove on it comforts the electronics and you do not want to peel that off even though it kind of looks like the type of thing you might peel off as a protective no shipping protection and it comes with a couple stickers and it comes with some other parts you're not going to use on the hellcat installation a shim plate and you'll see the shim plate if you look at it really carefully it's thinner at one of them the other and it may be kind of hard to see basically it's an elevation shim so that if you had we're mounting this on something that had we couldn't get it to zero you could use this to elevate it front or rear and get it to zero we won't be using that in the hellcat and you won't be using the screws that come with that because you're going to be using these specific ones that help that Springfield provides and then this wheel you can put this on the adjustment wrench it does come with the adjustment wrenches you say you will use the adjustment wrenches but if you put this on the adjustment wrench you push it all the way down through you can use it as a guide to see how much you've turned it which that's kind of cool I probably won't use that at mostly because you'll be just turning a few clicks and I'm going to use a bore laser for the initial setup on this and then I'll finish it at the range but that's kind of a useful little tool and there's also a couple washers in there that can be used as shims so overall it comes with several parts that you would use if you're going to put this on a different gun that you won't use putting it on a Springfield and then the Springfield kit it's in a clear bag so it's pretty easy to see what you get you get two two screws and you get two two wrenches let's go ahead and get started we won't need this in the baggie anymore we're going to need these parts out where we can get going so open it up then dump them set that aside I'm going to put the battery in the red dot now this red dot doesn't have an on/off feature that you can manually control once the battery is in it it's on but it's designed to turn off in the dark so they rate the the lifespan of the battery from one year if the gun is constantly kept in the light to four plus years if it's kept in the dark so for example if it's in a safe when you're not carrying it and it's you know in a holster or otherwise concealed when you are it's gonna be dark so I press the battery into place now I should be able to show you if I can get it to show up there it is now keep in mind that the diet is going to look really bad cameras don't do well with these things the dot itself is actually quite clear you'll find that red dots in general when you show online camera they always look pretty bad but it really is a nice nice pinprick clean dot that will vary in intensity depending on the lighting condition so the brighter it is the brighter the dot will get when it's fully dark it will go completely off and make sure the battery is fully in there flush now once you've pushed the battery in there's no way to easily get it out without using one of these little notches there's a little notch in the frame right there and you can reach in with the wrench get the wrench up under the battery and flip it out but once that's in place now what we need to do is remove the plate from the top of the gun one thing I did find and you'll use the wrench that comes with the kit is these heads are not very deep so you want to make sure that you get the wrench in there nice and straight nice and square and keep it upright and push in I fear it might be easy to strip these and if you do if you strip these heads out it's a trip to a gunsmith back to Springfield or to a drill press so I'm going to remove them and I did pre loosen them to make this easier on film because I knew I was going to be holding it note a less optimal position for me to hold once I remove them I can take the plate off with the screws and I'm going to want to say if the plate and the screws for later in this plate weighs point 9 ounces the red dot of course is going to go with the lens towards the front you know your classic formation where you're going to look at it from behind and you just set it in place there's little notches here on the gun that will align with little holes in the bottom of the red dot to hold it in place then you take the two screws that come with it now you may or may not want to put blue loctite on these one important note is if you look it may be hard to show it on the camera actually you can see it on this one right here see that spring these holes go down into the internals so number one that's why I use the screws that come with it you don't want longer screws that reach in and touch those parts in number two you would never want to put red any kind of Loctite or anything like that in those holes you'd gum up the works so if you choose to use lack tighten I'm going to try to do this without it if I find that I need lock tight I'll take it back apart and do it you would want to put it on the screw first use very little of it and then let it dry which is actually part of the normal instructions for Loctite but everybody always skips that they put a drop out in there and just go right just how you'd want to let it dry so that it couldn't drip down into the works but as i mentioned i'm going to try to do it without the lock tight and if i have a problem with it loosening up then i'll do that drop these two screws that came with the springfield kit in there they use the longer wrench and what i always do with this and anything like this is to turn them down snug first and then to tighten them in an alternating pattern so that we don't warp the red dot so you turn each one till it's snug and then go back and forth until they kind of seat and i don't want to tighten this like i'm trying to put on a tire i'm just going to put them down till they're snug if i find they loosen up rather than tightening them tighter I will go with a little bit of blue loctite on them but at this point it is now mounted and ready to go one thing I just noticed when I was getting ready to clean up and ready to go zero I failed to point out how you adjust it so I have the orig right now in the windage adjustment and I'll just turn it back and forth and adjust the windage and the elevation adjustment is there at the top so you go back and forth between them and zero the zero the dot and I've already got the bore laser installed so what I'm going to do is I'm going to go to a place where I'm at about 15 yards and just align those two dots and I'm good to go now that we've got the red dot taken care of I'm going to go ahead and move on to the laser and Veridian was kind enough to send us this e series which is their new series of low-profile lasers primarily for the pocket pistols this particular one grips around the front of the trigger guard so you'll see that there's a bit of a clip there and the trigger guard is going to go through here similar in concept of the crimson traces that you're seen on my Glocks the only thing is because the hellcat does have a rail it's going to use part of the rail as well so it doesn't need to use as much of the trigger guard these are all fairly easy to install and the way this thing came it came inside of a the box inside of a bubble wrap so it was well protected and it came with the instruction manual the laser a battery and two wrenches one is for the installing screws and one is for the zeroing the alignment screws and that's one important note when you look at this thing there's a screw here and there's a screw here these are the installation screws these are the ones you want to mess with while you're doing this the zeroing is here in here and you don't want to be trying to take those out that's not how you take it apart so the first step is to remove the installation screws so that I can split the two halves and it's relatively easy to do it's kind of a little detailee thing because the screws are small a wrench or small the leaves are small and you do want to pay attention to which ones on the bottom and which ones on the top because on some of these eseries depending on the gun they may be different lengths so I'm going to put the bottom one over here to the other side and then I split the laser in half here's the battery compartment and there is a little rubber bumper under there that needs to make sure that stays there that's partially to make sure the battery doesn't bounce I don't know if you can see it yeah you see it right there that's not trash that's not something you throw away it's right under the spring it's kind of hard to see because everything in there is black see if I can turn it yeah now you can see it's a little bit more greyish so leave that in there that's not something you pull out and throw away and you just insert the battery and then I'm going to push the button and test it to make sure the laser comes on and it does I'll turn the laser back off and go ahead and put it on the gun now the way this is going to go on the gun is you really can't get it wrong because if you try to put it on backwards it just won't line up so I'm going to put the one part of it on the gun and I looped it over the trigger guard and on the rail and you'll see there's no rail clamp on it where you tighten on the rail you don't need it because when you tighten the clamshell together it's gonna hold around the trigger right in the rail and you'll see that it's kind of wrapped around the trigger guard there from the gun back around and put the other piece on and it should just line up and go together now I turned it up towards me so I can see it but all I was doing is making sure the pieces were lined up before I gave it a squeeze and you really do want to make sure everything is lined up before you start tightening the screws you don't want to use the screws and I did just turn the laser on when I was doing that I hit the button you don't want to use the screws to draw it in other than the fact it's gonna have a little bit of spring to it because of the battery and everything but if it hasn't lined up don't try to force it together with the screws a little put the top screw in and I'm gonna put the bottom screw in and then as I tighten them I'll run them down until they start to get snug and then I'll alternate them just to make sure that if there's any sort of misalignment that kind of pulls it out rather than warping this is plastic housing so you do want to just tighten it kind of finger tight notice I'm using the short end of the wrench to grab on and the longer end to keep my hand away from the so I'm not bumping into the gun and stuff like that but I'm not using the long end where I get massive amounts of torque on it that one's snug and that one's snug so now the laser is installed we'll go ahead and close the gun which of course I had a listen shot was unloaded as well and I can turn it on and off with my finger so even with a normal fire and grip all I got to do is pull my front hand forward a little bit if you've got longer fingers you won't even have to do that and you can turn the laser on and off now one thing that may come to mind is we'll wait a second why do you have two optics isn't it kind of redundant you got a red hot and you got a laser well maybe I did want to pimp this gun out all the way but one thing to consider is the red dot you have to bring the gun up in front of you in a firing grip with the red dot up in front of your eyes lined up in a self-defense scenario it may not be an option that's probably going to give you a little bit better accuracy but you may find yourself in a compromised position where you're having to fire around the corner under a table or just snap up and quick and that's the advantage Laser gives you so it may or may not be redundant to have both devices but they do kind of give you different options for how you acquire the laser is a little bit quick up but not always as accurate as a red dot but the red dot gives you a little more reliable reliable centering smaller dot and if of course you have the luxury of bringing the gun up that way by the time you're done with that when you take the fact that you can either get 11 rounds plus one in the nice real flush compact to finger grip or you can get 13 rounds plus one it almost got a full three finger grip you've got a pretty flexible setup here for self-defense personal carry and even home defense now these do come with a pretty nice texture on them the Springfield has done a lot of engineering on this texture and it's actually quite a nice texture well one thing you'll find depending on the size of your hands the grip may be just a little too small to get a good good solid grip on and align it the way you want so you may choose to put a grip on it really just to make the grip a little bigger so you've seen this gun where we put a hellcat the way it's a handle it grip for the Hellcat and it's got this green inset it's really cool but what we're going to put on this one is a Talon grip that talon sent us that will perform the same function i like the rubber grip so both of them are the rubber style crepes but you'll be able to see the difference between the two and in that case it makes the grip just a little bit bigger and a little bit easier if you've got larger hands last thing I'm going to do before I run off to the range is I'm going to use the red dot to do an initial zero on the laser and then I'll finalize the zero at the range and we'll see how these things work one thing I did actually probably need to show you before I go to the range is what do these Talon grips that I was talking about look like so what it comes with is the grip for the body of the gun or the the grip of the gun itself one that goes on the pinky extender for the ten round magazine and one that goes on the 13-round magazine it wraps all the way around the magazine I don't like pinky extender so I don't have the pinky extender on any of the magazines to show this I can at least show you what it looks like on the pinky extender even though I don't have it at a magazine you'll see that it blends well with the shape of it it goes around basically three-quarters of it it doesn't grow on the back only because it's open at the back unlike the other one but it's very well done very well molded fits into the contour and the texture so it would integrate well with the grip just like the one on the extended magazine does and you'll see that the Talon graph is a full wrap around it is the rubberized texture it goes into the finger grooves and leaves the middle part so you don't end up with a hump here or anything snag on and it does wrap around up underneath that right here you can barely see it but what that prevents is these from you know if there was a if some of them will end right here on some of the designs from other manufacturers and they like to pick and pull up with them coming up underneath it it keeps it really solid it's not going to come apart and of course you do use a heat gun or a hair dryer to heat these up to conform them now I'm not going to show the installation procedure in this particular video number one the videos get long and number two we installed a set of these Talon grips out of P 365 so I wanted to show them to you on the hellcat but we'll put a link to that P 365 installation because fundamentally the process is the same for installing talon grips and that goes into a detailed step-by-step but at least here you can see what the grips do look like they're telling makes really really nice grip so they do a really good job in anything they do and they do have the sandpaper texture available i just personally don't like the sandpaper texture on any of the grips so I prefer the rubberized but you know it's going to come down to your choice and it is pre-cut and pre conformed to the grip of the specific gun so I I didn't use a knife at all on this I took these installed them the way they came they lined right up everything's perfect doesn't interfere with the Mac release ready to go right out of the box once you've done one a time or two it's very easy to install these we're back from the range the gun worked flawlessly the laser was just a hair off from my initial rough doing it in here in the house but once I got to the range I did a little bit of a tweak I probably can tweak it a little bit more I was kind of hitting just a hair left but it was a nice tight group and the laser dad did Co witness with the dot from the red dot but of course when I was testing with the laser for creating the range video for you guys I lowered the gun a little bit down below my sight line so when I was shooting the laser footage I couldn't see the red dot and then when I was shooting the red dot footage I turned the laser off so there are one for one but at one point I did turn the laser on just to see how it lined up with the red dot and it was lined right up I think the distance that I was shooting at the range was a little longer than i0 dit here but overall it's a good combination you might not choose to do all of this and by the way this talent grip was quite comfortable and it kept the gun really positioned well but you may choose to do let's say the red dot or the laser but this kind of gives you the test scenario for all three of those modifications the grip the laser and the red dot beyond that if you like our videos please give us a thumbs up share subscribe click that bell up there to get notified if you do check us out on Facebook patreon Twitter gun streamer were all over the place even Instagram thank you [Music] you
Channel: Hammer Striker
Views: 108,774
Rating: 4.9131427 out of 5
Keywords: 9mm
Id: MmHYy1xWD70
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Length: 23min 11sec (1391 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 26 2020
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