Pilotseye.tv - Lufthansa Cargo Boeing 777 - Departure from Seattle

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the cargo bay 1 4 5 heavy ready pre-cleared look tons of cargo eight one four five four ready to copy suppose a 1 4 5 heavy clear to echo Delta Delta Fox 5 be a pain to departure then direct Yankee Delta charlie then as file maintain 3,000 departure frequency Seattle one two eight point five four three five zero five Lufthansa Cargo eight one four five physically to echo Delta Delta Fox via the pain to departure then stamp sincere tango Mike's team November Yankee Delta charlie fly plane route initial 3,000 feet one to eight point five is departure and three five zero five this book is on cargo in one four five heavy backpack as to who the lighthouse fools in case of an engine failure ha ha ha Dawson's a Mayan or done was left early writer and writer and writer so few are much like what our football futsal does amoeba a safe of any sect or who has it I was along with our buddy Platts bribes and fufu's okay give it is neatly decides to cut it outside of Adela reading way to serving around like legislation to that next one on the bottom I can talk all good radio click Archie open if you would condition filed is I see em sexy would add meta lifts uncontrollability thrust loss or Dennis Heuer massive amount Florida avi what is its job case grab Heidi bolero I do cut I think do I let you try a size and then I'm limiting ground if you hold on to that for a 3d box this is a practice year he need never that the state see because our water softener playoffs upon white egg we please that breaks breaks us it thank you pre-flight checklist free flyer Gibbons removed Peter Selleck tank after testing 100% tested one out percent flattest ones heading two six zero all tribute errs three zero one five five hundred sixty feet heading two six zero altimeter 3 0 1 5 inches 560 feet checklist complete hit ground from flat egg okay Wojtek the recruits hydraulic clearance you're clear for hydrology thank you does Nate here at go verify information India before start I took background there ago I have a right hand before start gently scrape your heading 160 two or two to three thousand feet takeoff speeds frigate back bandwagon we won one three seven we are one three nine three two one four three trim three zero-zero reefing completed before sad check is complete higher ground we're starting the engines now you're cleared are in it thank you sighs right engine they got a defeat up to market more than fishing hooks you should see dr. Volkow on the picked up that box - looks like a clean start here yep stop let's ditch it and fell in four to five big hero is that crown invitation he sees it should support about the girly girl before texia items flips five prepare a cravat exit head signals on the left-hand side thank you very much for your help many very much it's let me know what you're ready for me to disconnect thanks say good bye have a nice day thank you very much and have a safe flight thank you black controls he won 5-3 Dillon way to one five-year-old hello 1 mm Radha ground equipment is clear what Doug bitter taxi Lufthansa Cargo eight one four five weakest ex-convict cargo I'd one four five run away want to cry Tech to the alphabet by Andy unaided doctrine sekai wait for five f ing ages and take some unsubscribing problem right side askew left side is all clear you could hear no Sam okay upon tidy 145 heavy pain tire good afternoon runway one-six right line up like traffic departing downfield notes on Chicago eight one four five line up and wait runway one-six tribes traffic buddy finish bars clubs have a gig like fights brand new but you never start to take off all very trafficking for you reward on the cargo 81 45m you're only 1/6 right clip takeoff friendly anything can be done what does a guy weighed 105 is good for takeoff under-16 right but wait because it you're stopped its take off take exception they checked they won late wasn't afraid gear up gear up big changes babies 2003 that's beautiful front a 2010 episode of Nazareth 5pf altitude flips what flaps one cleitus nixel come to Carter 1:45 have economy Lufthansa Cargo 81452 attained 6,000 sure flaps up the Cardinal does a cat to Memphis five Baba has a high level are you running heavy saddle for others the perfect cargo 81452 Peter 3 for now Baba's katana photos checked what does 15 minutes rate of climb terms of cargo 81 45 heavy particular extension resume own navigation content in between 1 5,000 which was a cargo 8150 Matane won $5,000 steps speed vertical speed adapted enough Karin stems execute LDAP we'd have speeds fast Ref sorry king of a pesky stressed its wrath read enough we love sweet we are edge strict so I with you a person character you would wait like tigers contact out sugar 1 3 4 5 Lufthansa Cargo 80 145 1 3 4 9 5 hook a member okay SNL Oh Lufthansa Cargo 80 145 heavy passing 10600 timing 1 5000 prophetic Fargo 845 Seattle Center funding payment of a free manager Lufthansa Cargo 81 45 comma chain flight of a 3-0 after takeoff checklist after takeoff check is complete 3.0 Alice Dylan do a sawed-off detected Qaeda yeah Hitchcock dromedary foucan cave our session we are be shown as panorama
Channel: Aviation World
Views: 1,000,088
Rating: 4.8851986 out of 5
Keywords: pilotseye.tv, boeing, boeing 777, lufthansa, lufthansa cargo, seattle, frankfurt, eddf, ksea, departure, take off, aviation, airplane, claus richter, boeing field
Id: 80LS4lBKVd4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 14sec (614 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 14 2016
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