Pilot Training Scene (Top Gun: Maverick 2022) Full uncut clip

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attention on deck morning welcome to your special training detachment be seated emanuel bates nordic commander you're all top gun graduates the elite the best of the best that was yesterday the enemy's new fifth generation fighter has leveled the playing field details a few but you can be sure we no longer possess the technological advantage success now more than ever comes down to the man or woman in the box half of you will make the cut one of you will be named mission leader the other half will remain in reserve your instructor is a top gun graduate with real world experience in every mission aspect you will be expected to master his exploits are legendary and he's considered to be one of the finest pilots this program has ever produced what he has to teach you may very well mean the difference between life and death i give you captain pete mitchell call sign maverick good morning the f-18 natops contains everything they want you to know about your aircraft i'm assuming you know the book inside and out damn right yeah i'm straight so does your enemy and we're off but what the enemy doesn't know is your limits i intend to find them test them push beyond today we'll start with what you only think you know show me what you're made of [Music] rooster bradley lieutenant bradshaw yes sir let's not do it like this you're going to wash me out that'll be up to you not me am i dismissed [Music] good morning aviators this is your captain speaking welcome to basic fighter maneuvers as briefed today's exercise is dog fighting guns only no missiles we do not go below the hard deck of 5 000 feet working as a team you have to shoot me down or else or else what sir or else i shoot back if i shoot either one of you down you both lose this guy needs an ego check we'll see that so let's say he put some skin in the game what do you have in mind whoever gets shot down first has to do 200 push-ups guys that's a lot of push-ups well uh they don't call it an exercise for nothing sir you got yourself a deal gentlemen flight's on let's turn and burn fanboy you see him nothing on the radar up ahead he must be somewhere behind us where's your wingman where are you i got you back i'm coming hang in there hang in there hurry up man hurry up break break break it right rooster just saved your life fellas but it's gonna cost him not this time old man we don't [Music] should be us down there but it's not and now you know a little something about rooster wow hey hold that time back down until we get back brother all right [Music] that's a kill smoked damn it was all fun and games that's helped me wasn't it damn say phoenix now how's about we tell everybody bob stands for something other than robert i mean don't take the bait bob want to know why we call him hangman all right i got it baby on board [ __ ] greetings aviators lights on all right phoenix let's take this guy out watch your back phoenix where's he going that's why we call him hangman he'll always hang you out to drive leaving your wingman there's a strategy i haven't seen in a while he called you a man phoenix you gonna take that so long as he doesn't call you a man talk to me bob where's maverick jesus his nose is already coming around get off me hangman for all you folks at home this is how you bury a fossil all right hangman time to teach you a lesson you're out phoenix son of a oh it's [ __ ] let's go man let's see what you got come get me he will be gone hangman's coming yep you're good i'll give you that [ __ ] phoenix i can't see him how close am i phoenix i'm dead [ __ ] seeing the afterlife back man crazy where is he that's a kill now let's go who's next i got you omaha do it lights out coyote copy kill yeah [Music] say rooster mind if i ask you a personal question would it matter if i did so what's the story with you and maverick it seems like he's got you a little rattled it's none of your business no where the hell is he been here the whole time holy [ __ ] you see me now come on let's get it over with fights on what is with these two right you put us here how are you gonna get yourself out you can bail out anytime how low you want to go rooster i can go as low as you sir and that's saying something what's past has passed for both of us you'd like to believe that wouldn't you our deck's 5000 feet fell if you're running out of room out here your strategy is about to run us into the ground what's your move altitude altitude altitude altitude altitude altitude altitude pull up it's too low too late had your chance that's a kill not enough damn it same old wrister [Music] go see hondo about your push-ups
Channel: Ash Cadiang
Views: 8,979,033
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Top Gun, Movie, Viral, Maverick, Top Gun: Maverick, Tom Cruise, f14, su-57, tomcat, topgun
Id: 0B7WL7nhIF4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 3sec (543 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 24 2022
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