Pilot Falls Asleep on Solo Flight

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a cesna pilot flying on his own from Ken to redcliff in Australia fell asleep and overflew his destination by more than 110 km or 68 Mi the pilot was doing a ferry flight in a Cessna 208 Caravan when he suddenly stopped responding to our traffic control about his planned descent into redcliffe the controller suspected the pilot had become incapacitated and asked another pilot that was just departing brisban to intercept the cesna and try to see what was happening listen to the real conversation from the a afternoon of July 2nd 2020 cor just good 425 heading 016 1,500 passing climbing 4,000 4 identified climb to 9,000,000 425 425 4 425 aircraft a caravan over head level 110 who's Landing there com from can we can't raise him um just wondering have you got time to uh just and have a quick look or uh not yeah sure no problem 425 okay thanks I'll um I don't get you fa wide of him we're not sure what he's doing flight 1 Z so uh and he's currently now heading towards Woody Point if you can turn left 32 I think that's 32 4 425 10 left heading to 4 left 2 4 4 4 now just over Woody Point heading Southeast Lev 11 Z reported you just um track uh to coming behind him there and uh I'll just uh stand by okay 425 but he's still heading on that Southeast lead Direction you can that does required to follow and uh 10 follow 425 he appears to be going up a dark at the moment yeah he's just heading south it may be pointless um you ch but anyhow I'll just stand by just getting some other information okay correct corer 425 and the super on here here would like if you've got time to just see if you can see anything in that aircraft and um just not what just not sure about the level you'd like to go to to have a look um if you've got the time to uh we seem to be getting on him at the moment I'll let you know [Applause] shortly okay you got about 60 knots on them there it's about 3 mil ahead and uh if you have to you can climb to a high level but just let us know it comes nice stand of there [Applause] today and 45 request 11 425 required 1 1 Z maintain separation from that traffic 1 1 separation appro 425 have you got a registration for me is the registration caran appeared to be turning to the left however ni back turning back to the right again full maintaining [Applause] uh thanks you can't see any movement in the aircraft I'm just trying to go a little close without speaking him is any frequency was last rep we've tried all the frequencies that they were on but just stand [Music] by 45 1 2 3 Z was the last time FL 425 the Caravan appears appears to be watching me somewhat because uh if I turn towards him he's turning to the left however not responding to my wag in my wings at all 425 R think so there does appear to be some sort of action in there Nega serly I can't identify himself um however if I turn towards him he appears to be turning to the left so he he must be watching but not my wings all my wheels dropping at all 425 thanks for that and could you try 1 1230 which is his last frequency just um uh say oxygen oxygen 45 thank you for that and the JFC if you can would like you to stay within for as long as you can and uh they're trying to pass someone else to get out there okay how long can you stay with him I can stay with him St a while I'll get back to you pick a short okay know next 425 could you call approach now thanks 1 2 3 5 2 3 5 425 thank you approach PL 425 M 11 1 Z 425 approach 425 approach uh estimates based on D expect departure and endurance is 1 hour endurance from around now so approximately 0830 it appears to be turning to the left uh just follow a little bit uh longer just can verify that on RAD 425 in the last 30 seconds I haven't picked up a turn thanks 4 [Music] turn and 425 and when you're able if you're able to advise how long and if you're able to stay along in thanks uh I should be able to stay another 10 minutes 4 425 425 it appears we've got him on a another frequency standby okay and 425 so just be aware uh that he may make some movements there now thanks so watch we're just giving him a traffic alert on [Music] you 425 safety alert traffic information Delta Quebec Pap just pilot responding now so may make some sudden movement he's going to call me shortly I'll just check his endurance and his intentions and if it's all good we'll be able to let you uh get some separation between you thank you sir 425 [Music] approach 425 D is descending he's not yet on this frequency thanks I'm watching him on T 42 425 425 can you switch to 1 2 3 decimal 0 an attempt to relay the Delta Quebec Pap oxygen oxygen oxygen okay [Music] Del Del here the pilot woke up and reestablished communication with traffic control but the flight was far from over Delta got to 4 to five now okay Del now with Gold Coast approach do you have a remaining endurance time and how you feeling uh Del stand by one I'm feeling fine and I stand on estimate take I'm going to start turning it back towards land turn right heading 2 40 right heading 2 40 back 425 maintain FL level 110 maintain level 11 1 0 FL 425 approach FL 425 Delta Quebec Papa appears to be turning the right and tracking towards prison do you have a endurance remaining fuel time delc onec 10 right heading 270 I'm pointing you at go co airport right heading 270 go Coast is the current closest Airfield would you like to land at the Go Coast uh Del standby one approach FL 425 we're just tracking uh slightly Behind still maintaining 110 425 thank you check is required have you checked your remaining field Del the power we have uh about 1 hour 10 minutes of uh fuel remaining got to quec Pap Roger and would you like to land at the Go Coast there is a tower active power negative uh I have endurance to continue to uh red cff D back papa Red Cliff is a bearing of 36° and 7 7 days more 5 miles that's about 30 0 minutes SL time that's uh that's fine I have the endurance for that Quebec Papa turn right heading 3 two 0 cing 3 1 0 right heading 3 [Music] 1 dat Pap prefer if you able to land at the Go Coast if I bring you in to the go Coast would you prefer a visual approach or an instrument approach um Delta Quebec for I'd prefer to continue directly got Pap you've been off radio for quite a while and you don't sound that great to us on the radio at the moment so we'd really prefer if you were to land at the Go Coast now especially given your remaining fuel uh Delta quec power understood um yes 10 by one we need you to land at a AER drone that has Emergency Services just as a precaution gold coat is the closest the lights are on Runway 32 is the current Runway I'm going to turn you to the South now to position you for approach for the go Coast Power understood Delta corre turn left heading 160 uh left heading 160 Delta Des 5,000 5,000 delile go Coast q& is 1 020 correction 1 21021 delc Pap and Delta quec papar can you just confirm only one person on board that's 425 what's your preference to uh return to Brisbane or continue onwards or just to remain in the area uh we still got fuel at the moment uh to track once uh once in R will be to make a decision further 425 did you just remain up follow 110 follow aircraft down uh if you would like me to we can do that's good we'll spend remain at 110 initially M 4 10 4,000 got Pap turn right heading at 250 heading 2 got quec Pap position is 1 15 M southeast of the go Coast just taking you through final to the west then I'll turn you further to the east to P up [Applause] finals DC Papa decent to 3,000 and if you're able to switch on your Landing lights 3,000 Delta Delta Pap turn right heading 3 4 Z vectors for final right heading 3 4 Z delc Pap delc Pap 13 track miles to run Del delc 3,000 3,000 del d back the go Coast airfields in your 12:00 now do you have it inside Delta Quebec papar negative Del right heading at 350 to towards final and the tower does have you Insight right heading 35 Delta and approach FL 425 uh once the exercise complete we'd like to just uh rejoin to pris for some Fu 425 clear direct to Briston thanks would you like us to follow in we still 425 the ground station yeah if you can do that thanks okay 2,500 2500c the tower does have you in sight the Airfield now is your left 11:00 at 1 miles you should see the py soon and you'll be on F in just over 1 minute [Music] Pap Quebec Pap do you have the Airfield in sight now you're left 11:00 at 1 Z M Delta Quebec papar negative Delta Quebec Papa the AER drone Beacon is on and there will be fire tender vehicles in front of the Tower with flashing lights and just hear a few alerts in your aircraft there if you can just check your speed and everything's all good fine Delta out Quebec papar the aodr you're 12:00 at 7 miles yeah have resume navigation join final Runway 32 finway 32 one established on the papies cleared visual approach Runway 32 report established on the pap apprach 32 Delta kcarc prar just confirm that you are established on the papies affirmative Delta remain this frequency and if you can commence to sent Landing Delta quec papar run the way down Delta quec papar Runway 32 cleared to land clear land Runway 32 Delta K 425 thanks for your help there tonight did you just want to wait till he's landed and then I'll give you to approach to return to Brisbane thanks it'll be great 425 just watching going on the left hand side [Music] 425 425 the tower has reported that he has landed and thanks a lot for your help tonight brother together with fly 425 a royal flying doctor service Pilot Air Traffic Control helped the cesna pilot land safely the atsb investigation found that the pilot was likely experiencing fatig faue due to inadequate sleep the night before and leading up to the incident the plane was also flying at 11,000 ft due to icy conditions but the pilot was only occasionally using the supplied oxygen which likely led to mild hypoxia and worsen the existing fatigue this all contributed to the pilot falling asleep this shows the importance of Pilots ensuring they're well rested and healthy especially when flying on their own thanks for watching watch more air traffic controlled videos by clicking on the screen and I'll see you guys in the next next one
Channel: lucaas
Views: 225,153
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: air traffic control moments, air traffic control, atc moments, atc funny moments, atc scary moments, best atc moments, best atc, real atc, air traffic control funny, air traffic control scary, real air traffic control, pilot air traffic control, student pilot emergency landing, student pilot emergency, pilot falls asleep, pilot sleeps, pilot falls asleep solo flight
Id: bMaxjlq3q3s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 59sec (1079 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 25 2024
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