PILIPINAS DEBATE 2016 | March 22, 2016
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Channel: Bloomberg TV Philippines
Views: 2,012,782
Rating: 4.6194258 out of 5
Keywords: News, Business, Bloomberg, Entrepreneur, Forex, Trading, Investment, Franchise, Franchising, Wealth Management, Finance, Economics, Financial Advisor, Economy, Stocks, J Screen, Share, Profits, Marketing
Id: haxzzdIbDR0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 185min 43sec (11143 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 21 2016
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
Just one of the many topics he flip-flopped on.
Du30: Para sa tunay na pabago-bago. #changeisconstant
I'm doing everything I can to stop this candidate. I hope I get some help from you guys.
TLDW: https://youtu.be/haxzzdIbDR0?t=2433
Kayo naman eh. Joke lang yan! Visayan humor! /s
Why aren't your media confronting him regarding this? Why are the shying away from asking the hard hitting questions?
A man who has ruled over a bunch of mindless puppets for a long time would know crowd psychology by now. He will tell you everything you want to hear, over and over.
Are they saving this when he gets elected and for the impeachment trial?