Pike fishing on Lough Derg with Rick Zevering full version

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[Music] [Music] it's October and it's a time of the year that jerk baiting works really really well and this is a jerk bait rod it's a very short rod it has to be short who should stand on the on the seat of the boat and you slam the bait downwards into the water so it has to be short therefore I'm very stiff so you can impair the action onto the bait a multiplier filled with 80 pounds braid that may sound a bit heavy for a lot of people but it isn't actually because what you should never do is give the pike a chance as they used to say in the in the 70s because the only chance of pike has with this kind of work is that it dies a horrible and slow death with a big bait in its mouth if the line breaks so to avoid that you use 80 pound braid nothing lighter than that and at the end of the main line we put a tooth proof trace this is a fluorocarbon used for muskie fishing in America it's a hundred pound fluorocarbon a lot of people don't really believe in fluorocarbon I think it's not good enough for pike but I fixed with it now for two years and I never lost a pike no I'd never a Pike tab it through it so it's not so much and it's invisible because that's how it's advertised I don't think it's invisibility of it that attracts me in any way it's the fact that it's very light is way lighter than steel then a steel wire so your bait will have a better action in the water I think but whether that's true I don't know but anyway we're going to tackle up and I will show you the one and only not that you should use where you're drugged bait fishing and with that that goes for all lure fishing actually I'll show you how it works you take the line double like that you stick it through the eye you know like that you hold the double end here between your fingers and you twist it five or six times around itself then you see you have a loop formed here you stick that in through and you slowly tighten it this knot will never break on you and I mean never this is the best not ever invented and any other knot is inferior compared to this knot so there you go I have a collection of jerkbaits here this is the Buster Buster jerk it's a very easy to fish jerk bait it's it's a kind of a glider they call it a glider it goes like that through the water it glides a Dutch handmade jerk baits it's called the goose bait well you can see it's been attacked many many many times and it continues to do so even though all the paint is gone but it's still it's still a super catcher we have a phantom jerk bait from the States we have another Dutch homemade product called the Torah that's also supplied me with and many many a big Pike and we have a small salmo sometimes some days that the pike are not really not really in a feeding mood the small little jerk baits seem to work seem to work better and this one caught me an awful lot of pike we have a swim bait miss Pro swim bait yeah you would swear it to live fish when you see it in the water we have another Dutch homemade and our dum a bull very nice bay they've got many a big pike on that a small little cormorants karma and jerk baits goes very shallow and it goes really erratic for the water and a few soft baits we have a toad here and God knows what it looks like but the pike love them and as you can see it's been it's been attacked many many times I had to glue it together again a big pike destroys it unfortunately that's why that industry is going so well I suppose something I made myself I just glued some components of different baits together it looks like God knows what was it works and last but not least the good old Bulldog the 12-inch Bulldog it's actually it's not very good for your shoulders to cast this all day like but sometimes it just seems to work they seem see something in it and they and go off the whole thing like sometimes it looks are really really deep down so they they see something in it that we obviously don't but as you can see that's been glued together it's been taken so many times it's full of full of more damage really there's a lot of damage done to this plate so that's it in the old days I would take an awful lot more with me boxes and boxes of jerkbaits but this is nowadays what I would I more or less use and so let's see if they work today [Music] we're on our way now to response what we hope to find pike in the meantime while we're driving we we show you what we need an apron [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so it's the 2nd of April 2009 and after Pike or unlock Dirk and the spawning spawning time has just basically finished come to an end and the pike should be hungry it's very sunny today which is normally not very good but then again you never know so we started fishing the depth of around 13 14 feet and see see if there's any action we start rolling and we troll about 20 meters behind the boats I'm using a SPRO pike fighter that goes about 2 meters deep and I have ready for use a selection of baits here a couple of pike fighters there is a pike fighter goes by 2 meters and Mills master shallow meals master a small shad rap which is sometimes an absolute killer in in spring a nameless plug that I once bought in Holland no idea what it's called but I called numerous by comets there is a good old-fashioned j-14 Rapala there is a super shard from Rapala there is a stroll the rattling SPRO I have a couple of jerk baits ready as well for for later but first we do a bit of trolling and we see what happens so I've started trolling at around 15 feet of water and I'm making my way into the bay until approximately 10 feet and as soon as I reach 10 feet I'd go back into the 15 feet and that's in that way I cover all all depth really between a 10 and a 15 and as soon as you find a pike all we have to do is you look at your at your at the sounder and say it's starting feet so you stick to the 13 feet for a while because that might might well be the depth where they're where they're lying at the moment you never really know it's been a cold nights and they might they might go a few feet deeper you never know you have to find them again every day but often as soon as you found them at a certain depth day they will there will be there the rest of the day like not always but but very often in any way as you can see I continuously make jerking motions with the rod with the rod tip because I strongly believe that the stop-and-go the movement of a bait is way more attractive than when you're just a few bait in the inner our support I've always done this and I think it out fishes people who just hold the rod or just put it in the raw support continuous jerking that is that is the key for me in anyway so we're now went out to 12 feet we're making our way to the 10 feet and see if we meet something [Music] which was something else something with a very very loud rattle see if that wakes them up still a bit early [Music] [Music] so we've given up trolling for a while because it's flat cam it's not really really the type of weather to catch pike trolling so we're doing a bit of casting now on a very shallow very shallow spot in the middle of the bay it's very rocky it's a few plants here and there and official jerk Bay that goes very shallow just on the surface and we see receive their warps Oh yep you know what it's good fish he hasn't started fighting it so I'm just giving a bit of time that's about a meter I'd say a meter and two centimeters that's my estimation receivers right now he's waking up that's a good fish there's a good fish do a quick measure one meter in seven centimeters long all right no it's an ice-fishing then so he's going to swim again it's a nice start first fish of the day one meter seven so we support the fish until it swims away on its own which is now whoa that was nice by the way that was caught on a corner and German little jerk bait with here we have you rattles in it and he seemed to like that so we'll go on to the next one not a very big fish but Stella's nice bike we just hoped it's not about pike actually he's come back but eighty centimeters something like that there you go my boy me girl I should say cuff you go [Applause] now you see a jerkbait that has caused numerous bike as you can see all the oh the very initiative gone it's basically just a plank of wood really but it still catches fish so you can see all the teeth marks teeth marks and is it's a great jerk plate there's nothing just a piece of wood really that's all it needs to be so keep that on for a while undergo to a difference possible now I caught two pike casting directly and then there was a long time with no action so I decided to go back to the trolling so we go back to how we did that we started today go back to to around 10 to 15 feet of water and see if there's anything happening there was a tiny bit of a ripple on the water which is any way better than the flat cam so we'll see we'll see what happens good fish feels a good fish it doesn't know what's happening is now we started to cop on I think now about 95 centimeters a nice full pike lovely fish very heavy fish actually so that's number three today it's the first one trolling so he's going back now kudos right I think it's a big trout it feels like a big trout now it's a pipe it's like look as the pike has a lamprey a lump reattach to us you got it's quite unusual wait not ready yet almost don't you so the lamprey fell off the limb tree had itself attached to the to the fish here you see what it had made a wound in the pike and that's where it sucks the blood and the tissue out of the pike but it just let go before I could show to the camera what it had a lamprey on I mean anyway you know nice fish heavy fish nasty wound up there he goes anyway a little jack pyke I couldn't resist that ever catching shad rap there we go now I suppose it's time to go home it's been quite a hard day actually quite a hard day fishing we had or I had five five bike one big fish and a few nice fish and one small fish but sure would always be worse and I know now who the culprit is for the for the bars but production mistake it's the moon and the moon is invisible somewhere they're up there and if the moon is visible during the day fishermen stay away [Music] I attached the second line a second rope to the anchor rope so I don't have to every time go to the front of the boat to lift the anchor out I can just take it off here after rowing pin and just pull it in so I can actually snake it my little compartment here [Music] it's actually very sunny this morning and the same as if I remember well last spring the moon is out and visible I don't really like that [Music] it felt if it's bigger than it actually was look at this because it's hooked on the site and they always fight No the good fighter you were he did his very best he's gone back [Music] right I hear from a lot of tourists that's that the fishing is really bad and lock durig and their problems problems catching fish like well I just want to show you a method that I I didn't really really think of it myself but I kind of modified it a little bit it's an old method and that's a method that will always always always catch fish like and it consists of a heavyweight as you can see here on some stainless steel that's about would be 150 grams with five ounces of weight aligned to swivels a long line where you have a steel wire on and a small bait and the thing with the bait is it should be a very shallow going going lure a very shallow plug so the whole idea is you let the whole construction sink to the bottom you're wait till it hits bottom and that was the now you give a little bit of extra line and you troll it and while you troll you give little jerks with the raw tip if that doesn't catch fish you might as well you might as well go to the pool really the whole idea is that you basically you follow the bottom contour you could of course use a plug or bait that goes very deep but this actually hugs the bottom this system hopes the bottom and very often sells a perch are very close to the bottom and they won't come up to take something that goes over their heads like so you have to come very close to them so that's why the heavy weight and if you see that you're not hitting bottom when you let it drop back you can give a little bit more line and all you really have to do is you wait until you see shows a fish on the screen and you stay on that depth leg we have now 25 feet and I haven't seen shoals of fish yet but they will come I'm quite sure now there is fish appearing on the screen there is lots of fish on the screen so but a bit of look I might get a bite here that was one I missed it again and I missed the kid that was a big I think that was a pike the way it took it I'm now basically trying to to catch a perch just just to show you how how easy it is to catch fish what if you use a bait slightly bigger you have a very good chance on pike as well because there's always lots of lots of basically smallish pike living in the depth and in the depth I mean in between say 25 and 35 feet and you would get them as well with this with this method actually it's a it's quite deadly really yeah there is one comment it's not a very subtle method without heavyweight and stuffing you need a fairly stiff rod for it but you could even use a beach caster force if you want it's not social and the first to admit that but it does catch an awful lot of fish there it comes at the end of the long line it's not a huge perch but sometimes you catch a really really big perch with it as well and Pike as I said before so now it's so easy to catch fish if you use the right method and this is the right method there you go [Music] you know nice size pouch News oh you missed one now I got that's a nice patch the beautiful fish the first fish I ever caught in my life was a perch I'll never forget it was a lot smaller than this one but it was imprinted in my brain forever now if he goes yeah it's a small pike so you can see that this method works not just for pike or for a part but for pikas all now off he goes he was living in the deep somewhere around 30 feet you see all the lice the license body they often get that when they lie on the on the bottom for a longer longer time so if he goes so will you use that method you can basically catch fish all day if you find the right depth you have almost almost constant action so highly recommended perhaps not for big fish but for four numbers definitely [Music] now I showed you the method and it's really very easy and all this stuff is very easy to make yourself and small lures you can get anywhere and you're almost guaranteed to catch fish but that was it for today because we're going back to pike fishing because that's what we came here for in the first place so [Music] so the Sun disappears a bit or is disappearing actually and it's getting a bit a bit chillier and a little bit more wind so it might improve the fishing a little bit we'll see now nice fish 90 centimeters aprox [Music] he rocked me up my toad [Music] oh come on Klaus are you ready in that one who couldn't resist the Buster journey he was not ready yet now lean mean and not so much fighting machine here he goes [Music] No nice [Music] free shower this is a serious fish to avoid like us jumping out for the one to jump boost off someone to jump [Music] I'd say this lady would be about 1 meter in 10 just going straight back she gave some fight you're a good Pike that was good fun there was an enjoyable fight is to say an enjoyable fight I'm going to get another one [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] nice fish around say babes 90 centimeters long nice lady he's a great fighter first sighs he's not even that big but he fights like Ricky's possessed it comes nicely hopped in scissors as they say there is this jerkbait a friend of mine made that a German friend my actions among mark thanks it's a great base it's a lovely jerk wait that's what he could watch sheath hard as well you see this is one of these cases I caught her a wire cutter comes really handy if should always have a wire cutter on you because he's hooked in a slightly awkward way and I don't want to damage him because at the end of the day the well-being of the pike is the most important thing now totally on the arms on this bait choose mark no she goes could you be a bit 87 or something centimetres a nice fish she knows nice well that's nice too we suppose we can sit now there she's that's a nice fish and again on the mark schlissel man special nice Pike about 90 centimeters it was nice fish oh she goes she taps on the sites but the bleep there she goes [Music] [Music] no damage to me again on the coaster jerk there he goes toad strikes again nice spike in the toad the toad is still intact they use it again he goes I grab it right at the boss ankle ropes [Music] [Music] this is a whopper Horace is a whopper he's very heavy well there she goes now we measure it's not completely accurate but she can approximately up to here you want in 1 meter in 10 centimeters [Music] it's a very good fish it's another whopper big Pike I'm not going to try and he's not having it yes now that should be that should be our last one I'd say she's a mighty strong fish look at her go she knows again serious this is a serious serious Irish October just come back now that was fun I think I'm gonna have a cigarette [Music] [Music]
Channel: Clareflicks Ireland
Views: 4,460
Rating: 4.7435899 out of 5
Keywords: fishing, Pike, angling, Ireland, Clare, predator, lure, fish, lake, Lough Derg, northern pike
Id: UboXfYjYfIQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 34sec (3394 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 16 2019
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