DREAM FISHING: Our BEST Pike Fishing in Small River from Shore | Team Galant

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Hello guys, it might look like we're going flyfishing, but that's not our style. We're going to be spin fishing for pike in a marshland, that's why we need waders. What a strike! These are some nice headshakes! I don't think we'll experience this type of fishing again. We've found a small river full of baitfish. This means that there are Pikes here too, since they follow the baitfish. I'm super-duper-uber-mega excited today! I feel like there are big Pikes in the air. I know that we're going to catch a lot of.. ..Pikes. And With a bit of luck, hopefully, we'll catch a really big one. Can you see the river down there? No, you can't, and neither can I because it's a long way down this road. We'll start walking and see you when we're there! In the fall, big baits can be effective, since the Pikes want to eat up before winter. Should I be lazy? I'm going to be lazy and pick a lure that's already prepared. The Hooligan Roach in the color Hot Pike. It's pretty big, with a large paddle and a good profile. It looks like a big baitfish. I brought two boxes so I've got a bit more baits with me compared to Tobbe. There's a lot of big Roach and small Ide here in the Fall so I think that a big.. ..Roach-looking bait is going to bring me the big Pikes. Stop making loud noises! The action of this bait is so nice. It looks like a really big Roach.. ..Just waiting to get eaten by a huge Pike. There are a lot of trees and rocks in this river. That's why I'm not doing any spin stops since the bait would sink and get stuck. Here I come, sinking down in the mud with every step. I've got a feeling that a big Pike could strike at any moment. This spot feels so hot, I think we're going to get a strike really soon. No! I had one. That's a mark right there, first contact. Pike! No! That was a nice one! Probably 80-90cm. What a strike! It's a good one! No! - You lost it too? It was just standing still. Why do you look that grumpy? - We had two strikes and lost them both. One of them was big, It was just going with the current and then it came off. I'm going to try something out, I don't know if it will solve the problem, but if.. ..You lose several fish then you should try doing something to avoid it. This Hooligan has a pretty wide profile, which could make it harder to hook a Pike. I'm going to try bigger hooks. These are the BKK Fangs, size 3/0. As you can see, this hook is a bit bigger than the other one. Hopefully, this will make it easier to hook the Pikes. It's worth a try. I'm sinking into the mud! Tobbe, I had one! I can't believe this! The first cast. It mauled the head of my bait. It was about 5 meters from this edge. Let's just go home Tobbe.. ..I've got one! I think it's a nice one. It feels heavy. It's got some nice headshakes, it feels really heavy! This has to be big. It's a really big one! Are you seeing this Tobbe? It has to be 10kg! Look at that head! It's swimming towards land! - It really is big. It's huge! It's going to come off! Look at the head! It's so big! This could be 10kg. - Yes. This is a brutal Pike! I've got a bag to weigh it in here, let's see how big it is. Let's get the bag wet first. Set the scale to 0. It's ready Edvin. Get it in there. - My fingers hurt. 9.44 kilos. This is crazy, this Pike is so big. Unfortunately, it's a bit thin. If this was in better condition, it could weigh up to 13kg. This is one of the biggest heads I've seen, it could probably swallow a 2kg Roach. Crazy big Pike! I'm so fascinated by this head, it could swallow you Tobbe! - Let's catch it again in the Spring. Yes, let's do that! Look at this, what a beautiful fish. He wanted the Hoologan Roach. Good job! - I'm so happy! It feels so good to catch a fish like that. This is the biggest fish I've caught from shore. Pretty crazy to get a 111cm, 9.44kg Pike from shore. The bottom is so soft, I almost got stuck right before I caught that Pike. I got a really nice reward though! As I said, this Pike came here from the sea to eat small Ide and Roach like this one. He saw this bait and mistook it for one of the two and boom! This bait is really good for fishing in the Fall. Let's celebrate that pike with a discount on the Hooligan. If you want to try one of these, go to Kanalgratis.se and choose a nice color. Are you using any weight on the lure? - No I'm not. I don't think my Pike was that big, but it was a pretty nice one. The overall size of these Pikes seem to be really good. Holy crap! Edvin! Nice fish! It's a big one! - Where's the camera? In the camera bag. Okay it's not that big. What a strike! Insane. It's not as big as Edvin's. - It's still not a small fish! No, it's a really nice one. What amazing fishing we're having today! - Crazy Pike fishing! The bigger hooks might have worked! I got it 2 casts after Edvin's fish.. ..While Edvin was still shaking from his big Pike. - Even the camera is shaking. My legs are like spaghetti, I can barely stand up. This one was probably around 4.5 kilos. A really nice fish. It just got eaten by your Pike. I've got some nice wounds from the gills of my Pike It's totally worth it when you catch a Pike like that. We've arrived at our favourite spot, that's a lie because we have to go.. ..through these tall reeds. There so much reed but we'll just have to fight our way through it. I've got some kind of Pike fever right now, I'm shaking and can barely stand up. Maybe I should take a nap before we go, you'll have to go alone Tobbe. - Alright I'll catch the big Pikes alone. Let's go into the reeds. Fish! Wow it's a big one! 7 kilos or more! I've got it! What a Pike! - That's a big one Tobbe! I'm stuck on the bottom. - I can see that. That's how you do it. Imagine if my Pike was in the same condition as this one. What a Pike! It's so big. Look at the condition of this one. - That's an insane pike! We have to weigh and measure this one. - Look at the back, it's so wide! I'm going to weigh this one, but Edvin forgot to bring his backpack with the bag.. ..That we use to weigh our Pikes, so I'm going to unhook it and let it rest in the.. ..Water until he gets back. I changed to the same lure that Edvin got the big one on, Hooligan Roach, the color.. ..Real Roach. What a bait! It works like a charm. Look at how fat this Pike is, insane! As long as it's gills are under water, it will be perfectly fine. To think that this Pike took my bait! I did not expect this type of fishing, two really big ones, and one decent one. We weighed it and it's 7.9kg, almost 8 kilos, and only 100 cm. - That's a real pig! What a nice Pike. Bye-bye! - Nice! Boom, fishing for pigs today! One pig each! When I had reeled in halfway, I noticed that my Go Pro wasn't recording. I stopped reeling in to turn it on, and that's when the Pike took my bait. So I got the Pike in a spin stop, thanks to the Go Pro not being on. - You even mentioned earlier that you aren't doing any spin stops. Exactly but now one just happened! Maybe that's what we need to do. The Go Pro might have revealed the trick of the day! Fish! Tobbe! A big one! Another big one! This is insane! - Is it a nice one? Yes, it's a really nice one! It just smashed my bait in the shallow water. This could be really big! It feels heavy! It's huge! Like the one from before! It's dragging me into the water! It's a 10kg Pike! I don't have any words, don't lose this one! Look, it's taking my line. This was standing in about 50cm of water. It's so big. It's crazy big! - Get it up on shore! Unfortunately, this one isn't super fat either. We've got him! This is huge! What a brutal pig! What kind of fishing is this Tobbe? - Only big ones! Fishing for pigs from shore! I'm about to pass out. I think it's another 9kg. Imagine if this was as fat as yours Tobbe, it would have been 11-12 kilos. This is totally crazy! The scale is set to 0 Edvin. - Come over here then. Everything is a bit harder out here on the soft bottom but it's worth it! It's heavy. 9.20 kilos. - That's sick! This fishing is insane! How can you catch two 9 kilo pikes in like 3 hours? This has never happened to me before. If both of these Pikes had something to eat before I caught them, I could have.. ..Caught two 10kg Pikes. They both have the potential but they weren't fat enough. I'm happy anyways, two crazy Pikes! A big roach, that's what every Pike wants, right Tobbe? - Yeah it's crazy. 9.2kg and what was it? 112cm right? - Yes 112. Crazy! This Pike is so big! I can barely lift it up! Just look at this fish! It could eat you up. This is the fishing of a lifetime! - Get it in the water and let's keep fishing. I just have to pet it, what a beautiful pig. I'm sinking! Look at this Pike. They're so mighty when they get this big. This is so crazy! - Again, good job! I can't believe this, I don't have any words! This kind of fishing doesn't happen very often in your life. This is easily among the most insane fishing I've experienced. I cast just like this. I did a spin stop! One cast after the 9kg and boom. This isn't that big but it's still not a small one! It's above 4kg. This is insane! I'm feeling a bit spoiled, I just released a 9kg Pike, cast out and caught this Pike. It's not super small, but it feels really small right now. Back it goes, let's catch a bigger one. We've caught several big Pikes today and walked through some crazy spots. I'm exhausted. We're going to eat some lunch, the fishing has slowed down a bit, we're getting some.. ..Strikes but there's not as much activity as before. The best thing about fishing rivers from shore is that you need to fit everything.. ..In a bag. That's how you end up with crushed Kex chocolate. - It's just breaking apart Tobbe. Look! A big piece. - A golden nugget. It's because of this one I'm going to catch a big Pike. We let this spot rest for about an hour while we had some lunch, and a lot has.. ..Happened. Not for me and Edvin, but in the water. The tide has come and made the water muddy. The water was pretty clear before but now it looks like a swamp. Because of this, I'm changing to something different. I know that the Bream usually stirs up the mud in the water and this lure.. ..The Kiwi Bream resembles a Bream. That might do the trick. They might think that a school of Bream is here, and since this is the only one.. ..They'll find, they'll go for this one. That's my plan! A Pike is hunting. I don't know if you can tell, but the water is really murky. You can only see about.. ..30 cm deep in the water, before you could see about 1m. I'm excited to see if the fishing gets worse, or even better. - It could die off completely. It could. I did just see one hunting though. What a strike! Holy crap. It's a big one. Let's get you up on the shore. -That's a nice one Tobbe, almost 6kg maybe? I told you that the Bream color would work! It's funny that we just said that we might not catch anything now. Look at how fat it is! It took the bait just 2m from my rod. Maybe the fishing will get even better now. - He saw the orange tail and went for it. I could feel something sharp against my finger, but I saw that the hook was on the.. ..Otherside. -There's a hook in its mouth! Poor thing, save him immediately! The loop on the hook has come off. It looks like it's from a perch bait. A straightened hook with no loop. This was really easy to unhook. This one was a bit more in there but still came out easily. I don't think that I've missed a single pike after I changed to the BKK hooks. Bye-bye! - Bye! You can barely see it because of the muddy water. I'm really impressed by these hooks, the BKK Fangs. I'm using the same stinger even though I changed the lure. These hooks have gone against rocks, I caught 5-6 Pikes and they're still sharp. Even though I fight the pikes with the brake set to the max, they're not bent at all. These are my new favourite hooks, the BKK Fangs. Shit! A crazy strike! No! Well, actually it was just good that it unhooked itself. It's weird how the fishing can just get turned off, we know that the Pikes are.. ...Here but they don't want to bite. We've tried different baits but we can't get them to bite in the evening. There's nothing we can do. Big! Big! - Get it to shore! Get it! Yes! What is happening? That was the most insane strike, right in front of me! That was so crazy, and that fight as well! - Totally crazy! I was about to shit my pants when I saw it. This looks like a Perch jig but it's a big bait. Hold it up! It's heavy! what a pig! - That's a pig! What's going on Edvin? - What's happening? This is the most insane fishing we've experienced! It's crazy! Do you want my help? - Yes please. Is it okay? - Yes. It's 113cm. - What? Tobbe what are you doing? - I can't see, the pike splashed mud on me. It's worth it though. - You're all muddy! I think it's time to put it back, it was very energetic, as you can see on my face. - Turn around. Goodbye! - It's really nice. What a bad release. Ouch! My stomach. They have a tendency to splash the lens today. - And to beat me up! You're so dirty you should go home. Turn around! You've got mud all over your face. This was insane, I don't think we're going to experience fishing like this again. In this small river, we caught: One 113cm, a 112cm, a 111cm, and a 100 cm. - It's crazy, this is the most insane fishing I've had. And I've been fishing a lot. This really was fishing for pigs. If you think this was crazy, make sure to like if you also enjoyed this fishing. If you don't hit like, you will never experience something like this. Be sure to subscribe so you won't miss the next video. Also, follow us on Instagram.. ..The link is in the description. Take care, everybody. Bye!
Channel: kanalgratisdotse
Views: 593,091
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: team galant, team galant gädda, team galant pike, kanalgratis, gädda, gäddfiske, pike fishing, tobias ekvall, small river fishing, small river, fly vs jerk, kanalgratis gädda, pike fishing in small river, hooligan roach
Id: bCGTCB3fQqg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 45sec (1545 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 08 2020
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