I BROKE ALL THE BONES IN MY BODY (And it hurts...) | Roblox

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it's time to see if I can break all of the bones in my body that sounds like a terrible idea let's do it [Music] hello everybody I am kindly Keon and welcome back to roblox today we're checking out broken bones for and the title pretty much speaks for itself in case you're unfamiliar with this game basically you hurl yourself off of very very high places and you see how many bones you can break on the way down so that's precisely what I'm gonna do here you can see my body is now rag dolling oh gosh I just broke three broke three bones okay broke a ligament you know who needs ligaments they're overrated anyways and now I'm face-first in the ground and that's basically the gist of it now things get pretty ridiculous as I understand it you can get higher and higher mountaintops that you can hurl yourself off of so you can more effectively break the bones in your body I only broke six bones that time that's kind of disappointing but to speed up the process I've purchased a few game passes that will give us multipliers that make it a little bit easier to earn money I've also purchased a million dollars now what can I do with that million dollars I have no idea actually that's why I'm gonna go back to the main menu I'm gonna go to the shop and we're gonna see what we can get ourselves with this cash so first of all I can upgrade my breaks level I don't know what that does but I'll go ahead and go up to level 5 let's do that sprains level let's also take that to level 5 dislocations sure flight control level so does that give me more precision when I'm flying through the sky helplessly maybe also run speed we can upgrade that I barely even dented the amount of money that I have but that's a good place to start utilities I can buy a helium balloon for $10,000 ok sure and then maps we also can purchase maps Mount Zach ela ok does this just take me higher and higher on the mountain is that what I'm doing right now I'm not sure but I'm very intrigued by this I see ok so we're on Mount Zhu Keela but there's also the sunken city winter horror oh my gosh and that one starts at a million dollars holy moly all right let's get to let's get to flying or falling majestically strategically okay I've spent pretty much all of my money at this point let's go back to the main menu let's play and let's see how things go I have no idea how to use the helium balloon how do I actually use the this balloon great question I don't know let's just do this Sara I'm just gonna throw myself off this cliff right here this is where I'm going this is where I've chosen to fall from oh oh oh that had to hurt ooh definitely felt that one oh there's all a bunch of other people here oh gosh okay hey happy day I broke 63 bones that's a new record for me so my question is should we try and bounce more like do you want to stay close to the cliff edge or do you want to get like as much momentum as you possibly can and just go fly it through the air through the sky I don't really know I I'm not sure what the best strategy is but I do want to kind of try to get past that that bowl that I got stuck in last time let's try to make it all the way to the water I don't think that's gonna happen but holy moly I am bouncing all over the place okay yep that was yep sure perfect you're my foot looks a little little dangly there is that new record 84 bones I would say that's pretty good pretty good let's give it another shot shall we okay where should we jump from can we we can jump down this way I really want to make it to the water I feel like that's where I belong I want to splash in the water let's do this let's see if maybe going at this angle will help oh gosh oh oh that was that was just a direct hit and I broke a hundred and sixty-eight bones from that okay I think that this clearly shows that we want to just get as much speed as possible and just plow into the ground at at tremendous speeds that is the secret to true success in broken bones for now it does appear that I have some kind of firework what activate what does that do I clicked it it doesn't seem to do anything also how do I actually use this helium balloon somebody needs to walk me through this I don't know let's continue the chaos oh dear oh goodness I really want to make it to the water it's just not gonna happen is it Oh into the tree okay that was a good trajectory that I had on that one if the tree wasn't there I think we would have made it to the water let's try that again slightly angled differently just just got it will avoid the trees here we go my friend here we go let's do this oh no trees no trees no trees oh oh yes into the water let's go I bounced over the water holy cow was that the best one yet it wasn't 168 feels like record but it's not now what happens if I change to so I was at 4 but I can go to 3 I could also no no I can't afford to go to the sunken city yet okay so I may have just bought a hundred million money let's see what we can do with our newfound wealth let's go to the top of mountains Aquila so let's let's get as high as we can in the area that we're in and then we'll move on to the sunken city oh my gosh this is gonna be gnarly okay let's do it oh dear oh my gosh I am so high up oh this is terrifying oh I didn't mean to slip okay all right well we're going for it oh okay all right off the off the little ramp there I'm gonna try bounce off of this boom oh oh gosh Oh oh dear oh this is this is looking not good but great I don't know like how do you describe it it's we're gonna do really well but we're also going to look like pudding at the bottom of this hill oh okay just splash into that water take a vacation there you go buddy nice and nice nice and cool water I only broke 157 bones I feel like I could do so much better than that let's go to the next level sunken city I can get to the top of sunken city by paying a simple fifteen million dollars so that's exactly what I'm gonna do welcome to a UFO oh my gosh we're gonna start on a UFO sure makes perfect sense let's do it here we go down the mountainside into the end of the city gosh okay this is kind of like lava ground this is a bit volcanic just continue bouncing we got 91 bones broken we got 14 more bones to add to that gosh okay continue the chaos look okay come on keep it going keep that momentum going oh gosh the tumbling is just never-ending it's relentless oh this is gonna hurt this is gonna hurt oh that hurt yep it did it did believe it or not okay there's a big old pit in the center here but I am going to aim for and it looks like we can splash and enjoy a nice refreshing dip in this sunken pond there you go 423 bones I love it that is awesome that's what I'm talking about we are two hundred and eighty thousand dollars from that one tumble not too shabby shall we go to the final stage winter horror land now I actually do not have enough money to buy the highest level of winter HorrorLand but I have just the solution for that that's right buy more money so I now have a hundred and eighty million dollars and I'm gonna go ahead and buy the very top of winter horror land which yeah it looks like a horror land let's do this oh are you gonna take me oh my gosh what is this it's like a floating volcano oh my goodness okay well here we go let's do it just begin the tumble just a nice steady tumble down this volcanic crevice okay just get that bounce going nice and easy very nice cuz that's a nice one Oh clip that edge and that's gonna hurt yeah uh-huh Oh into the side of the wall there it was all part of the master plan okay it just keeps on going it just keeps going keep this thing going come on come on get that body tumbling oh yeah got to keep that momentum got to keep the momentum you don't want to land on like a flat area they'll ruin everything okay it's getting a little icy seems like maybe the the volcanic part of the mountain is dissipated and now we have made it to the frozen section oh gosh all right into the frozen lake yeah yeah 698 bones awesome so I'll tell you what guys for the low low price of somewhere around 12,000 roebucks I can max out all of my upgrades and I'm gonna do that just for you guys there's more upgrades than I expected actually there's also jump height level bounce level slide level perk cooldown level and utility fuel level I don't really care about the perks I don't even know how to use them so I'm just gonna focus on these physical attributes okay so now everything except for these last two are at least level 100 let's see what kind of impact that has on our ability to break bones back to the top of horror mountain or whatever it's called oh my gosh look how fast I am holy cow okay there's another pit over here okay well let's do that let's let's go this way let's see what happens oh gosh always spinning so fast oh this is gonna be good this is gonna be good I have so much control of my character as he flops around the sky Wow oh just pinballing back and forth across the walls holy cow mm bones in one fall this is nuts oh it hurts oh it hurts so good look at this just I'm like a slinky just go sneaky go oh the crunching is glorious and terrible all at the same time oof how do you even break that many bones you're just turning your bones into dust at this point oh gosh it hurts oh it hurts the crunching is so terrible oh it's like pouring a bowl of rice krispies the snap the crackle and the pop I'm just like spinning around this cave doing full circles around the cave while crunching all of my bones in the powder it's amazing a feat of human ingenuity punch punch punch crunch crunch crunch crunch make me want some Pringles you know once you pop you just can't stop you got that perfect crunchy noise oh gosh 10,000 bones friends 10,000 bones have been crushed into mere powder inside with my poor little avatars body oh my gosh this is incredible holy cow okay we're almost there we're almost there into the lake of frozen ice Oh just cool those joints there you go a little ice on that will help with the swelling I broke every bone in my body that was the goal oh I love it we have done it I just earned 14 million dollars from one fall that is glorious let's go back to where it all began let's go to mount zu Kela now I don't think mouths Aquila is as tall as horror mountain but that's okay it's I feel more comfortable here this is my home this is where I really truly feel comfortable with hurly myself off of cliffs to break all the bones in my body this is where it all began you know this is the next Olympic sport gosh I hope not it's gonna turn myself into mashed potatoes gosh it's incredible how much momentum I can gather just by sliding across the side of the mountain that's insane so I don't think I'm gonna break every bone in my body this time around but that's okay we already know we can't who are we trying to impress 3,600 bones that's so pretty good I mean that's still pretty powderized I would say Oh up here we go almost to the lake almost to the lake splashing the lake you got you've got break a few more bones along the way of course and then you just put yourself right in that beautiful Oasis vacation did I actually break my record I don't think I broke my bone breaking record I did break every bone in my body so that's cool but I don't think I broke the record but there you have it guys broken bones I've successfully broken all the bones in my body I'm very proud of myself it's kind of a weird thing to be proud of myself about but I am what can I say hopefully you guys enjoyed this episode let me know what your record in bone breaking is not in real life don't go outside and break bones in real life that's that's a bad idea in roblox in roblox let's be clear about that hopefully you guys enjoyed this episode if you did be sure to hit that like button and of course if you'd like to see more you can subscribe to my channel by clicking on that little circle with my logo on it right below this window you can also watch more of my videos by clicking on the sides of the screen but otherwise thank you so much for watching I will see you guys next time
Channel: Kindly Keyin
Views: 7,769,223
Rating: 4.7936959 out of 5
Keywords: roblox build, roblox monsters, roblox roleplay, roblox video, play roblox, roblox adventures, no swearing, roblox survive, roblox tycoon, roblox online game, lets play, build to survive monsters in roblox, no swears, no cursing, family friendly, kindly keyin, roblox camping, broken bones, roblox broken bones iv, broken bones ultimate, roblox game, broken bones 4, broken bones iv, roblox broken bones 4
Id: T6FkY-7CK3U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 21sec (921 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 18 2019
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