Piers Morgan on Shanghai [1080P]

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[Music] look around your house I bet half your stuff says made in China and most of that would have been shipped from here Shanghai within 20 years China will be the world's number one economic superow if you want to know what the future looks like then look no further because when China rules the world Shanghai will be the biggest mightiest richest and most riotous City on planet Earth [Music] Shanghai is communist China's showpiece City to wow the world and Incredibly it's Buck the global recession to become the greatest Boom Town on Earth there are currently 116,000 multi-millionaires living here in Shanghai they're called The balar Who or the explosive Rich how big do you think you can be as a businessman double b double Bill Gates but this is no accident it's a state planned economic Mission must be the great Chinese dream isn't it to be top dogs to be treated as one of the superpower of the world yes in this communist Paradox where the super rich rub shoulders with the desperately poor there are capitalist winners P can you pass the salt please and socialist losers the people who live here get displaced anywhere the government sees fit it's full of Eastern promise but with Western spice and of course we're not allowed to say how naughty we're really going to be because it's naughty as weak the trth this might be a mind-blowing modern day economic gold rush but let's not forget it's been engineered by a totalitarian state that's offered up its cheap labor to the world and we've all bought into [Music] it Shanghai sits on the edge of the East China Sea halfway between Hong Kong and Beijing it's bisected by The Hang Po River a physical divide between the old and the new over there is pushi which houses a legendary bun for decades the playground for shanghai's Rich its 't Deco buildings giving you a taste of what it was all like back in the 30s built by the British as a hub for their Far Eastern Trade It housed the banks and custom house which first put Shanghai on the world map as a Cosmopolitan International City over there is Po dong 15 years ago that was all swampland today it Skyline matches anything in New York's Manhattan it's a real statement of intent one that says this city means business that is the future of Shanghai and the world but as these computer Graphics show the Chinese State isn't finished yet they've got a 5year plan and at the end of it the mighty Shanghai Tower will complete the project quite a task but the man in charge of building this half kilometer High Colossus isn't Chinese he's a Scott Callum bean I mean I quite like the fact that they're building the biggest tower in China but it takes British brains to do it British brains along the Chinese labor and Manpower and uh Finance as part of this absolutely and is that the marriage made in heaven very much so and that'll take us to Mars prob how big are some of these the Pearl Tower here this is 468 m so it's going to be his third a big again yes I mean that's going to be the landmar building isn't it it is it's meant to be the capital piece of the Shanghai Skyline I mean the scale of it compared to where they were even 20 years ago prior to 1990 the tallest building here was a 20 M High fire station now they have over 1100 skyscrapers that's some rate of change but then authoritarian states don't worry about public inquiries or planning permission they just do whatever they like they want to make sure that Shanghai is the best city in the world it is the gateway to China and they want to make it successful in every way shape or [Music] form over the last 15 years this place has increased in size sixfold and doubled its population to 20 million it's a city on steroids offering incredible opportunities for those with a vision to cash in you may not realize it it HSBC has always been more than just a British High Street stor it stands for of the Hong Kong Shanghai banking corporation and it's been here for over 150 years Shanghai is its home and to give you some idea just how important this place now is to the company they spent £35 million moving their HQ from that Tower there to this Tower over here a distance of about 500 yards and the reason they've done this is so that you can see the new logo from Over the River there why well because HSBC wants a front row high-profile seat in the world's future Financial Hub it's all part of the Communist party's master plan and a million miles away from the fanatical forces that seize power in 1949 chairman ma must have turned his grave when today's communist decreed in 1992 that is glorious to be rich China has presided over a double digit growth ever since [Music] this is shanghai's Rolls-Royce showroom only there's one slight problem there are no actual rolls-royces they've all been sold there was one here this morning but somebody snapped it up it's become this classic British brand a top status symbol for shanghai's Rich and it's certainly not cheap a Rolls-Royce Phantom here will set you back £700,000 nearly double the UK price and it's the likes of 36y old Charlie Jong who are emptying shanghai's car showrooms State trained as an architect he left his government job to set up a hotel and Architectural business now he can buy any of these topof the range Motors on a whim Charlie's millionaire lifestyle is a world away from his parents rural poverty Cadillac course the modern Shanghai yeah you are very much the new modern dynamic face of Shanghai what was your dream then to be in a great architect just like the the Norman Foster sir Norman Foster you want to be like him yes that's the dream how big do you think you can be as a businessman maybe we can to double Bill Gates double Bill Gates maybe everything can be true in here in Shanghai in China do you genuinely think Charlie you've got a chance of being twice as big as Bill Gates yeah yeah actually I believe that should he be worried Bill Gates yes she must worry about the Chinese guy yeah there is a lot of young guy like me uh maybe Millions what you're saying is in China there's millions of Charlies and you're coming right you're coming for us yeah I'm coming it's this bullish attitude that's given Shanghai his competitive age turning into the capitalist playground that the rest of his socialist state aspires to the one thing I'm learning about Shanghai is they don't do things by halves here and they definitely don't like coming second for example when they heard there were a few big hotels going up in places like Dubai and soul they thought to themselves no we can do better than that and they built this the Park Hyatt which at 93 stories is officially the highest hotel in the history of mankind let's just hope this is all build on more than Dubai shifting economic Sands you'll find the best room here on the 88th floor [Music] wow now that is a view but so it should be because in communist China you don't just get an ordinary president suite you get one of these babies a chairman suite at 8,000 a night but for that you do get quite a lot you get your own private kitchen with your own Chef your own butler a steam room an infinity pool just about every form of capitalist luxury you could wish for and it's not for US foreign westerners it's the local Communists who are lapping it up I just wonder if this is what chairman Mau had in mind when he brought in the cultural revolution Shanghai is changing the world's preconceptions of red China though not without some help from a new breed of British X pad 26y old bit of a SLO you probably wouldn't mind that would you I'm not as SL nothing I tried to get to grips of the local produce bling easy tiger whilst one man and his wife are double-h handedly bringing the sinim back to this city what do you think chairman ma would have made of your act on uh I'd give him a seat at the back at the last count there were 20 million people calling this place home and they keep coming at a rate of 200,000 a year Shanghai is one of the biggest city on earth and everyone's here for exactly the same thing money it's a far cry from rural China where peasants exist on pitiful incomes less than a third of their City comrades meanwhile luxury apartment blocks are springing up all over Shanghai to house the new Urban Super Rich this one's owned by Pearl lamb a multi-millionaire art dealer whose Personal Collection takes off an entire floor so she have to move out to the lavish Penthouse above it how are you here lovely to see you thank you for inviting me in oh my God how far does it go you can skate through is this your dining room table yes how many did you get around there uh if I push to the Limit it's 66 66 people yeah Paul can you pass the Sal please very Art Deco isn't it this is not Art Deco this is 60s I knew I said the wrong thing what's in here is he like being on the St ship Enterprise isn't that great when you have a hangover does it feel a bit dizzy in here uh no actually I feel great here here's my favorite bid a self opening [Music] lbe and there's a Terrace opening out onto a view only the wealthiest could afford W look at that what a view this Penthouse is all about entertaining so Pearl's invited a few of her influential Pals over for a power chat with me there's Lynn the internet entrepreneur araria the industrialist and Zoe the film producer all of you four ladies are very successful in your own right laor you you actually run a big manufacturing business for some of the most famous fashion brands in the world don't you who do you make clothes for I'm sorry I can't tell you why can't you tell me who they are I have the contract with them I'm not allowed to talk who are producing in my factory but these are some of the biggest brands in the world oh well known famous I think so but they don't want the world to know I'm sorry that don't go deeper no but they don't want the world to know that you'll make making them in Shanghai oh sorry I kind of got see what I love about Shanghai is the women are all so confident and as the Americans would say you kick butt I think the Shanghai woman rules because it is the husband who cook who look after the children who does everything because really they worship the ladies what the guys come home from A Hard Day's work and they cook clean look after the kids what do you lot do or go out on the r no they you know they're being worshiped here when you get married you don't carry your hus husband's name yeah really yeah this is the Communist rules that's true yeah see there are some things about communist China that obviously are rather good like that from your point of view very liberal Ed all and are you are you free to talk about anything here I mean can you talk about politics quite freely and openly in a private you know in a private environment I think you can talk about anything right communism might have brought equality for women and perhaps the well healed can speak freely in their secluded pen houses but just 2 minutes down the road things are rather different here you'll find the familiar authoritarian face of red China this is shanghai's Old Town where life is lived on the street all over the old part of Shanghai you'll see signs like this on buildings which means they've been condemned effectively the government's decided to knock them down and to build something new and exciting now the people who live here get displaced anywhere the government sees fit and there there's no right of appeal no petition this is communist China you're outmate the alternative is to be rehoused in new stateb built Suburban developments or accept cash compensation but there have been angry protests by the Shanghai who live here over the derisory amounts of government's offering as an incentive to move away from this very valuable inner city land with a population density already four times that of New York's I guess something's got to give to house a hundreds of thousands of rural migrants who arrive here every year searching for that Shanghai dream yet the 20 million people who live in Shanghai are just the tip of China's 1.3 billion population it's a massive potential Market whichever way you look at it the thought of grabbing this a small slice has Western businesses salivating I'm standing here in the middle of nanging road which is shanghai's number one shopping street and to be honest with you it feels almost exactly the same as standing in the middle of Central London you got got iconic Brands like Marks and Spencers tesos down the road Chanel Gucci Armani all the stuff you'd expect back home even down to the appalling traffic and the dozens of Chinese restaurants I know where you're thinking he goes all the way to Shanghai just for his weekly shop well let me tell you it's worth it because whenever I go out of my local store they are fresh out of eels now I know why Tesco calls itself a convenience door blim me easy tiger in many ways this is just like a normal test goes back home here's the coffee for example NES Cafe Maxwell House but if you're after a late night stimulant I really wouldn't bother with that end of the market I'd come over here where you have what you don't get in your local Tesco back home for example this little jar of magic apparently for about £45 a few sips of that at night and there are snakes terrains and some unmentionable creatures that will keep you up in every sense all night long gentlemen this is my kind of tesos back on the High Street and you're bombarded by more Western Brands but there's no pound stretcher here after Japan China is now the second largest spender on luxury goods incredible in a communist state where once everyone wore identical M suitsie let's go amongst the names jly for position in this exploding Market is Barbie the ultimate symbol of Western Perfection this is her first sixf floor Superstore yet sales of the Oriental version Don't Come Close to the classic blond hair pneumatic Barbie which accounts for 85% of all dolls sold here and next Pats are arriving in droves to grab their own piece of Oriental pie Olivia van Hal is one of the 150,000 foreigners now calling Shanghai home what do you do here um so I'm a trend forecaster so I predict uh fashion trends and consumer Trends and give advice to Brands who are coming out to China and in simple terms what is driving the Chinese mad about Western trends at the moment would you say their economy is absolutely exploded and we've suddenly got this huge number of extremely rich Chinese a lot of whom come from um the center of China and when they want to spend their money they want to do it in a way that everybody knows what they're doing and uh so it needs to be with big brands that everyone's heard of they want to you know Chanel Prada Burberry so it's about showing off as much as yeah conspicuous consumption but people watching this what is Shanghai like I mean you're you're how old are you I'm 26 26y old bit of a Sloan you probably wouldn't mind that would you I'm not a Sloan that's me to bit of a Sloan and you've come over here to set up a new life what's it actually been like for you um it's been fantastic it's the easiest thing the xat community out here is still relatively small although it's growing the whole time and it is so nice to have been able to get away from London we'll talk about the recession which we've missed entirely so much sign of recession here right there's absolutely no sign of recession yeah I don't think some of the girls driving down my road and brand new Lamborghinis completely kissed out with Hello Kitty would even know Rec session was tell me about the actual living standard here I mean what's your life like at home what do you have help there yes we do have help I would say the whole expa community generally on the whole have helps everybody has what's called an iie what's an iie an iie It means Auntie do more well I don't have an auntie I have an uncle what's his name he's called Jeff he's amazing what does Jeff do so he does washing cooking cleaning earning makes the bed walks the dog pays the bills post the post do you do needs a Jeff do you do I'm sure they do but I mean do you do anything yourself yes what do you do work very hard p and Jeff does everything else Jeff yeah does everything else he's super she does look massively overworked doesn't she Olivia is just one of a long line of Brits who've come here to make their Mark for over a 100 years Shanghai was a Cosmopolitan City grown rich on global trade where xats ran Riot this was an Infamous city of sin the Paris of the East where anything went until the Communist put a stop to the party goers in 1949 [Music] but now the good times are back and there's a new place in town trying to take full [Music] advantage Bristol born Norman gsny 62 and showgirl wife Amelia 26 no no no sneers at the back have come via New York to open Chinatown a burlesque club that's raised quite a few eyebrows of the government cultural [Music] [Applause] [Music] Bureau are you Norman single-handedly trying to bring the naughtiness back to Shanghai back in the day in the 30s there was a very the most famous of the naughty nightclubs was a place called the great world and it had six floors going up and as you getting smaller as they went up and they got no ier and more exclusive as you went up what happened at the top we're hoping to open the seventh floor from what you've gleaned what was it really like in Shanghai back in the 30s I think what everyone's idea of it is what Hollywood sold us it's Shanghai Express it's Marina dietro and stuff and I guess in a way what we're doing here is Hollywood's version of that old thing how was it really back in the day oo I think it was pretty pretty tough I me it was completely Lawless and there was a lot of refugees from all the trouble of the world here and most of them didn't have money so they were doing whatever was necessary to earn the money there was lots of prostitution and crime and drugs and it's quite hardcore wasn't it it was a brutal City I mean Norman says he wants to bring back the real nness to Shanghai is that is that how you see your role here Amia well here's the thing is that there is already a lot of naughtiness in Shanghai but it's all behind closed doors and it's I've been trying to find it but it's it's quite you won't find it it's not really geared towards foreigners so basically I mean you don't want this to be seen as in any way sleazy you know I think 1930s sleazy by today's standards is pretty classic yeah so I guess we're in that [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] area all very glamorous but what does the Industrial face of Shanghai actually look like now when I think of shipping tycoons they don't normally look like you I discovered the cutting truth about what it really takes to get a job here before mastering a relaxing pajama art Shanghai knees style there's nothing like a bit of this to get you through the stresses of the day right Master Chun China is the West Factory and as a result Shanghai has become the world's busiest port shipping over more than half a billion tons of Chinese products every year the chances are your clothes TV and even your cups all come through here to cope shanghai's new deep water Port has grown so fast it needs its own 32.5 km bridge this is absolutely mind-blowing if anything sums up the might and power of the new Chinese Empire then this surely is it it is quite literally the gateway to the world and doing very well thank you from our insatiable appetite for Chinese Goods is Sabrina Chow she was educated at the top British Public School charter house and now at just 36 she runs wwang shipping a 30 strong Fleet worth a staggering 400 million now when I think of shipping tycoons they don't normally look like you well thank you a like big ugly BLS from Greece or somewhere but you I mean you are changing times they are changing AR they that's right there a lot of uh ladies are ship owners these days really yeah for some reasons all the ship owners in the past Generation all seem to have daughters for some reason yeah so we seeing more of Us coming out so you're sort of taking over your your father's business yes I am how easy is it for a woman to run a big business in China these days it's easier than you think actually I think um China in many respect um it's more Forward Thinking than other uh Asian Nations such as um Japan or Korea the men here have a have respect for ladies ironically our consumption of cheap Chinese Goods is giving them the money to turn the tables and buy up the West a trillion pounds of US government bonds corporate shares in BP RBS and cabry to name but a few so it might be a good idea if we learn to get along together rather well I mean it's it's a crazy place here that's right when you come here you get a sense of CH and where it's heading it must be the great Chinese dream isn't it to be top dogs to be treated as one of the superpower of the world yes the superow like the number one I think China still has you know a few things to learn from the west and uh some cashing up to do but um yeah it's definitely heading that way there's no doubt that Shanghai looks amazing when you can see it through the smog industrialization has its price air pollution kills 400,000 people a year in China and Shanghai is definitely not helping matters despite 2third of the journeys here being made on two wheels cars are choking the city the Shanghai knes are managing the road rage by pushing it underground 15 years ago no Metro existed here at all now it carries 3 million people a day and within a decade it will be twice the length of London's tube which is currently the largest in the world we're of fet under Shanghai itself we are in the middle of where the big drill is going on and I'm about to be a part of the new Chinese Industrial Revolution because Shirley is going to let me do a bit of drilling of shanghai's new Metro Charley hand me the tools there we go I am literally boring Shanghai probably you lost as well yet even with all this modernization going on there's still an ancient culture that rises to the surface when given half a [Music] chance [Music] so here I am in one of shanghai's many small parks where literally hundreds of thousands of locals will come and do this ta Chi I'm with Master Chong who is is an expert at this very calming form of martial arts and it is sort of oddly Serene the whole thing there's nothing like a bit of this to get you through the stresses of the day right Master [Music] Chun so this City's soul may be Chinese but there's an obvious tension here between the ancient East and the modern West and on the surface only one seems to be winning hello can I ask you to see if you know who these people are okay who is that David beckin good who's that qu Elizabeth very good uh he's on the American Idol uh I know him Simon Simon c yeah and the Gordon uh Mr Gordon BR yes you know him yeah who's he be I was amazed by how many people actually spoke English but then I guess that's the benefit of compulsory English lessons throughout school it looks like a prime minister yeah you know who that is the Queen the queen very good who's that big him roone yonei yes the hor of the uh American H Simon cow oh you know him yeah who's that Simon Cowell yeah who's that oh G and BR so China gives us cheap goods and we give them our celebrities and politicians it seems a fair trade Shanghai might be redefining the world's image of communist China but don't forget this is still a one- party state where human rights are routinely abused there's no independent Judiciary and in the last year alone 1,700 people have been executed even drink driving can carry the death penalty but still you might be surprised at just how far the leadership will go to keep that Draconian grip on the masses I'm sitting in a very smart Cafe drinking a very palatable Frappuccino and I'm on the wireless internet clicking on the BBC News website but and it's a big butt you try clicking on other sites and I don't mean the ones you might expect like tianan square or Tibet but I mean things like YouTube Twitter Facebook and Myspace and you get this Safari can't open the page as far as the Chinese authorities are concerned the number one Menace is social networking and they're so terrified about it they're now employing 30,000 people whose specific job is to censor the internet to stop young people in China communicating with young people around the world it's state censorship like this that led to the current battle between internet giant Google and the Chinese government yet in this digital age it's naive to believe that the online generation are that easy to control hit shanghai's clubs for a night could easily forget you're even in China certainly 25-year-old designer Queenie and her best friend Seline 30 a freelance illustrator would laugh at the notion that big brother is watching the every physical let alone digital [Music] move well look no offense but I was not expecting this this is lovely thank you I mean you've got loads of Western DVDs there and you've got your blackberries what's in the fridge M bottle of champagne it's more like tickle but you've got you know the lovely Furniture big plasma Telly I mean it's pretty cool isn't it yeah we got most of what we want but what about our smarting State internet controls so imagine you're so smart you young people in Shanghai imagine that every time they try and shut these things down you just find a way of getting around it right we have to there's ways around it how careful do you you have to be not to offend the authorities wow I don't think about it there enough blogs and websites and kids are you know diverse enough that you can't monitor basically everything so really the Chinese authorities are beginning to lose control of your generation because they can't control the internet they can't really control what you say or think anymore slowly yes yeah they yes and what's the N life like uh just a lot going on you all have lots of options you have to like you receive lot of invitations you have to pck which one you more interested you're in hot demand are you Queeny maybe so shanghai's youth know all our Western Brands and celebrities who teely hack the web have great Tas in clothes and like nothing more than to have a good time at places like mint shanghai's trendiest club and Restaurant They're exactly like us though or are they what I'm about to do is truly shocking because the Chinese are getting really big in into their French wine the trouble is they don't really like the taste so what they do is take a bottle of this a nice 203 shatow pomal they do what we would all do with it which is pour it into a nice glass and then they commit what I think is absolute Veno sacrilege they take cocacola and they pour it on top and then they drink it if that's progress you can stick it mind you I guess they feel the same way when they see us putting milk in our tea and actually when it comes to the Finer Things in life they're catching up fast I me the fraguar is magnificent I honestly rate the fraguar very high it's amazing and I'm shocked by Dirty dealings in the beautiful game I hear that it's as corrupt as hell freze getting bags of cash before the game and then you'll have to replenish that at [Music] halim the Chinese are a very clever Bunch their expertise lies in nicking our Western ideas and then doing them bigger better and cheaper there are small towns and cities all over this country which have Global monopolies on your household goods 90% of the world's buttons are made in China 5% of the world's duv 85% of the World's toys that's why the Chinese are getting so rich and that's why we in the west are getting so nervous that China is taking over the world but even I feel slightly unnerved to discover that one of Britain's most iconic Brands is being handbuilt right here in Shanghai I never thought I'd find a black cab Factory here in China all right boys ready for work after Decades of manufacturing and Coventry they're building them here as well now project manager John lur explain why see I'm torn John I'm honest they make all the duvet they make all the pillows they make all the toys couldn't they just keep their hands off our black cats well they have cuz we will be building in the UK and selling in the UK this this joint venture here opens up big markets for us that the country plant couldn't probably achieve who's buying these things this opens up all of Asia and lots of other International markets but why China will the mask speak for themselves an average Shanghai wage is just £3,500 a year it cost at least six times that to employ a worker in the UK there's a lot said back in Britain about you know slave labor conditions for workers in China and stuff how are they looked after here I actually think they're looked after well here they're expected to work hard but I think that is the case in the UK in certain uh factories as well of course there's also the fact that unlike the UK there are no independent trade unions here so wages are kept profitably low which means our goods are afford to be cheap and we are all therefore complicit in this Mero round what's it been like for you I mean you're a classic brummie and here you are transported into this completely different world what's it been like it's great I mean it really is I always find everybody very helpful are they good to do business with yes definitely yeah but they want to win right they want to be number one yes they do want to win and you just have to fight your corner got used to the food yet food is great no problem with the food at all I suppos to be honest in centry it's all it's all cares and Chinese anyway is it that's one view in fact when it comes to the food here in Shanghai there seems to be no limit to what they can produce now this is what I call a meal fuagra the finest truffle roast pigeon caviar and an assortment of delightful delic Lees for pudding for wine a fine cabinet Sor and a delicious chardonay but here's the twist all of this was produced in or around this city this is Laris perhaps the finest dining experience in Shanghai just fitting out the place cost 2 and2 million it's run by David Laris nausey Chef who once ran teren Conrad's largest restaurant in London David how are you good thank you now all all of this basically comes from Shanghai all the surroundings absolutely it's one of the things that people love to hear about as well is it's a surprise but I have to say at the moment I haven't tasted it and you will know that I'm a very Discerning connoisseur I get stuck in like this yeah please go ahead I've had a lot of caviar in my time though and I think you're having the Beluga there that's the Chinese Beluga I mean that's pretty good that's got a proper caviar taste to it I mean how good is this from your point of view well to be honest with you we'd be lying if we said it's as good as the best finest Iranian Beluga you know or or or Royal Beluga out there but it is certainly very very good and I think little better the old sh little sh I mean I have never heard of Chinese wine let alone drunk it before what should bu should I be feing the worst here no you know I think the ones we picked for you are are the best of what's around here in in these parts but what's what's incredible is is a staggering amount of of wine that's made and sold here to Banquets that is quite nice yeah these are the ones that I this is the one I picked the best so they they're doing to wine really what the Chinese do to everything we do they're taking it making it bigger and better and probably going to flog it back to us I think the wines are a little further off but I could see where it will mature to that point but certainly many other products most definitely I mean the is magnificent I think these guys are doing a pretty good job I mean there are lots of very rich people in Shanghai what are the craziest lunches or dinners you've had in here uh I me we had three chaps come in and spend about 25 30,000 R&B within 30 minutes and then left about £ 3,000 in and out quick quick quick bite quick drop um we've had we've had customers come in and spend the equivalent of you know 6 7,000 on on a dinner for two lime me well since a slap up Chinese in town cost about a f it's not exactly cheap I wonder if they were hungry again half an hour later at this point you might be panicking that China's taking over the world but don't worry there's still one Great British export they haven't quite mastered yet although the state have a plan for this too it's amazing English ground this is Shanghai shener FC who last year F his second in the Chinese Premiership like every other team in this league they were formed a 17 years ago after party officials decided that football was vital for National Prestige as English football commentator Rowan Simons explained it's a game of two halves BR here we are at the middle of shanghai's match there's no doubt there's a very angl sized field to this I mean they've got you know the famous Liverpool banner You'll Never Walk Alone it's all been nicked from from Britain really isn't it absolutely I mean mid 80s when China started opening up that's when the TV opened up they started watching football on television at the time they were watching the lights of Liverpool doing well in Europe and that's the the culture of football that they picked up on I hear that it's as corrupt as yeah there's many stories of uh referees getting lumps of cash or bags of cash before the game both teams coming in and then you'll have to replenish that at halim very very serious corruption issues here throughout uh the history of the league and that goes on even at professional level like this especially at the professional level I have to say we do amateur games or charity cups and we have the same thing happening there makes our Premiership look streaky clean doesn't it but what about this state plan to become the world's number one football bowling Nation what would worry me is that when they got their together with Athletics it took about 10 minutes and the next thing we knew that was the Olympics go well I mean Athletics was actually not the case they didn't win a single medal in athletics what they did 10 years ago is choose which sports they thought the rest of the world was weaken and concentrate on those there a lot women's weightlifting there aren't that many women weightlifting around the world uh shooting and things like this they were quite cunning they were very very cunning and an absolute state plan to win the Olympics by targeting sports that other countries didn't take seriously from the look of this lot they got a long way to go with football I mean on a positive note it's quite comforting that the one thing they can't do better than us is football well absolutely and we should be very comforted by that because they're bloody useless Shanghai has revealed itself to be a heady Fusion of both East and West an emerging giant wrought from the most compelling principles of seemingly opposite ideologies this city is all that's best about capitalism and communism and all that's worst I can only liken it to victoriia and London where the super rich and the desperately poor live together in this vast smoldering cauldron of consumption and construction everything on a gigantic scale like a modern-day Industrial Revolution and just like those victorians there's a super confidence which is really infectious about here recent surveys showed that 83% of Chinese believe that tomorrow will be better than today and Shanghai epitomizes that [Music] attitude [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Jocelyn Leo
Views: 455,708
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: shanghai, piers morgan, piers morgan on shanghai, 1080P, HD
Id: YlmgOz_cH78
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 14sec (2534 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 08 2013
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