PIERRE: The Most Isolated Capital City In America (In The Lower 48)

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all right everyone we are in Pierre South Dakota this is downtown yeah it's pretty slow isn't it it's uh Fourth of July about 11 in the morning so uh you know a lot of the businesses are closed down for the holiday Pier is not a big city uh it is the second smallest capital in the United States after the one in Vermont Montpelier yeah there it is the Missouri River I bet it's absolutely beautiful when it's sunny but the weather is not cooperating here in Central South Dakota I hope it doesn't ruin fireworks tonight because uh you know Nicole and I were going to show you a fireworks show we hear it's really good in South Dakota they got a lot of nice interesting shops here I'm betting during the week when it's not a holiday this downtown is really hopping nothing nothing happening on Fourth of July though before I show you any more else uh I got a shot from the sky with my drone so let's check that out right now [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Applause] it'd been nice if it would have been sunny today those drone shots would have looked a lot better but anyway we're here today Pierre has a population of just over 14 000 people that is Peak population there are no interstates or major expressways coming through this town basically just a kind of a little four-lane road driving in but I like that I actually like that about this city it's kind of out here on its own now the median age is 39 that's about the same as the U.S 52 percent of the town is female 48 male the town is 81 percent White 10 percent Native American I think that's the highest amount of Native Americans I've seen in any town on this trip four percent Hispanic the last five percent is mixed now uh they make some money here I'm guessing the fact that the state government is run here is a part of that and they also like their trucks very loud as you can tell anyway uh median household income in this town is seventy four thousand dollars a year that is over 1400 a week that's good money that's higher than the U.S average U.S average is 69 700. uh poverty is 16 percent that's a little higher than the US average for children 17 and under it's 24 percent that surprised me a little bit given the incomes of this town median home value is a hundred and eighty seven thousand dollars so that's getting close to what it is in the rest of the country pretty low right as the U.S crime 24 incidents per 1000 people U.S average is 23. they had zero murders though last year and it's mostly property crime all right we're here South Dakota Capitol building uh do you think we could just walk in [Music] I'm guessing well let's uh let's go see you can hear people fire enough firecrackers already though now here in the South Dakota Capitol Building you stamp your passport yourself they don't have a person I'm ready looks like he did okay yeah it's pretty good let's see South Dakota July 4th 2023 that's a cool date huh when do we do Tennessee September 2022 almost a year ago almost anyway yeah cool all right we are in the main section of the building where the Rotunda is boys the most exciting thing in the Rotunda I wanted to move the camera all right there it is yeah it's pretty you've been to quite a few of the state capitals probably about what 35 by now about that it's beautiful isn't it [Music] uh let's see Office of the governor Christie Noah yeah this is her he's about good but it looks pretty deserted it does say please walk in but I don't think we can get in today it is the Fourth of July okay maybe she'll be at the fireworks maybe we'll run into her that would be cool I wouldn't recognize her but you might I would recognize her Jimmy Rosa figured from Roman mythology to exemplify South Dakota's major interests which are agriculture uh livestock Mining and Industry and family I'm not going to tell you which is which because that'll just be a long time but yes that one's livestock I think look at that bull by the horns which one is she which one is she right there industry I bet so this one's agriculture that's what I would guess and this one's got to be family yeah this one is clearly family this is the first ladies exhibit the wives of all the governors of South Dakota these are Miniatures of the dresses they wore I guess yeah you know but after their husbands were elected yeah and they are all women except the very last one the first gentleman yeah there's um picture of them well it is the evening of Fourth of July and we're going to see some fireworks but it is rather cool look see those folks right there they're all bundled up it is it is early July isn't it isn't it summer this is a shock to us Texans it's uh mid-60s Fahrenheit like 64 degrees Fahrenheit that's 17 Celsius and it's pretty cool yeah well it's because the wind's blowing yeah it's windy and the wind is rather cool without them we are definitely not used to this but anyway the Sun is setting so we should be seeing some fireworks here pretty quick lots of people here uh I guess this is the main city park you can hear the people hear the guy talking well I don't know if uh people watching can hear that but they've got a band they're going to play some music I guess before the fireworks begin but you can see in here fireworks going on going on all over the city along the river here [Music] oh here we go [Music] here we go that live music [Music] give you a look-see here these guys play it's an orchestra how about that the sun is about to set here in beautiful South Dakota this is my first South Dakota Sunset is it we've been uh South Dakota yes it's the first time I saw I actually looked at the sunset honey oh okay well you got some people firing off firecrackers already but we're we're here to see the Big Show The Big Show definitely so that should be happening pretty soon the people across the river seem to be competing to put on the best show those are pretty they're getting serious now the sun's almost down [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] yeah people have been shooting them off for a couple hours on the other side of the river it's 10 o'clock already I know yep playing I think a big show is about to start we stayed at the clubhouse Hotel and Suites we're going to show you what the hotel looks like the amenities it has uh it's about 2 20 a night it's what it costs to stay here so anyway first off let's show you the room all right we are staying in room 210. let's check it out that's green now we uh we booked a suite so let's see so this is a living area yeah let me back this way too yeah what when you watch TV tonight sure can uh let's see it's got a little kitchen area here a little refrigerator microwave oh we should have gotten that little pint of vanilla oh it's got a little freezer huh or so we can get a good look at the room back here all right yeah so a little living area and a desk over there TV all right let's see the bedroom and it's got a separate bedroom here it's pretty good size but not yeah it's a bit roomy it's pretty big I got a little chair over here okay sorry I'm cracking with that I was cracking my back in the car okay and let's check out the bathroom then is there a light there we go this is the bathroom it's got a tub it's not a Jacuzzi but it's a truck all right well actually it's short a little tub there all right so there you are guys this is the room they do have breakfast included in the hotel I'm having a few eggs some sausage and biscuits and gravy with some orange juice they have waffles and pastries and all kinds of bread again that is included well let's take a look at the gym the wife going to be working out you see me yet there she is seeing how your workout's going it's going pretty well okay can't complain getting some cardio not my favorite part well so this is the gym and it's got some treadmills that overlooks the pool hot tub area but we'll show you that here in a bit and it's got some free weights it's not a huge gym but it is adequate it's got everything you need all right we are heading to the restaurant on site there's a the area of the lobby where you have breakfast it's an Italian restaurant right yeah I think so anyway yeah there's where breakfast is and it is included is that the right direction are you heading the right direction okay I knew you were backwards oh no it was right that's right okay Rosa Italian Grill all right the bar is empty good for us well we're gonna try some cheese bread first nine dollars all right our cheese bread is here with some marinara smells really good I don't know Little Caesars Little Caesars that's the one thing they have that is awesome is their cheese bread so hopefully it tastes good it is definitely better than Little Caesars isn't it yeah yeah it's pretty good I think it's pretty good pretty good pretty good messy of garlic in it right our early dinner is here I'm having walleye which is an interesting fish but I was willing to try it I'm looking at the veggies underneath yeah lots of veggies 23 for this and you're having a salmon salad with a grilled shrimp yeah yours is twenty dollars well let's uh let's eat it man I gotta tell you mine is awesome this fish is kind of fishy tasting but I like that well it reminds me of the fish when I was a kid we used to go out to Oologah Lake in real Oklahoma and catch fish and it tastes like those fish that we would catch these vegetables with potato this is potato oh okay and arugula and mushrooms and carrots I don't know what they seasoned it with but it is an amazing tasting it's really good so how is your salmon salad it's really yummy I added shrimp so I tried the Salmon's really tender it's really juicy and yeah it's good it's very good yeah it's good food here all right we got our bill 77 dollars too bad I had some Jack Daniels that's why otherwise it'd be cheaper stained can you believe it you had what I abstained can you believe it you abstained from the Jack Daniels I know I had to check and see if you have a fever when we get back anyway that was a really good meal this is the pool at the hotel as you can see it is totally geared for kids damn kids everything did you say damn kids that's not very nice too yeah I'm surprised I thought it had an adult bullet I thought it did in the pictures but no this is it right here but it does have this big hot tub here I'll back out yeah I guess that's it yeah see it's pretty big it's too cold for you huh do it I dare you go down the slide you gonna go down dessert wow those are some weird sounds there's no water in it I guess no I'm gonna do it just like you did nope no water sliding what oh this lighting stopped huh yeah but I got about halfway down it's not even that deep that's a fun pool uh you know if you're a kid this is a blast what are you doing up there they're going to kick you out of here you're not supposed to climb up there what are you doing up there yeah you're gonna get it you're gonna get us kicked out of here all right we are uh gonna have we're gonna have dinner over here at what's this place called crabby shells it's right here on the river looks pretty cool doesn't it yeah it's a seafood place we love Seafood right yes so we are setting out on the patio of this seafood restaurant overlooking the Missouri River we've got uh some tequila I got a margarita rocks a Blue Curacao comes with a shark with red tequila in it I think this is like Jaws blood tequila okay it's what Wednesday it's actually the day after Fourth of July so it's a nice nice day here it's very quiet though well they've done a nice job decorating this place [Music] we're as far away from environment as you can get but they've done a really good job the decorations here very beachy [Music] anyway oh you stole one of the umbrellas [Music] you said you could have it it's not considered stealing all right yeah well we pretty much got the place to ourself [Music] it's very quiet today yeah the other customers left huh yep I chased them up I bet this place gets real busy though is an awesome place our food is here I'm having just plain old regular fish and chips they're pretty good and you're having a sobby I'm having a blackened tuna sandwich Wasabi tuna sandwich yes I got the May on the side and then you're like fried clam things fried fried clam strips yeah looks good looks like uh drinking by the water or eating looks like eating by the water food I wanna my fish and chips are really good it's hard to mess fish and chips up but these are really good so when you're done with your food they have a nice cleanup station this is for the customer step one dump liquids recycle cans trash bin dish tub and here's uh everything here I get a laugh out of that that's usually what the employees do isn't it but anyway this place is cool though I really like it everyone so that's the end of this video this was a delightful place yes the food was good it was not good for you but it was good yeah but a genuine beach bar in South Dakota of all places that's yeah but anyway going to head out into rural South Dakota next and then Minnesota after that so be looking for those thank you [Music]
Channel: Joe & Nic's Road Trip
Views: 93,117
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: X6x45LoyrLw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 17sec (1517 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 12 2023
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