Pictures to 3D Prints the Easy Way

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this week on the corner we're going to look at converting pictures to 3d models without using cad software stay tuned hey everyone it's me jeff welcome back to my corner this week what i'm going to do is we're going to have a look at how to convert pictures into stl models without the use of cad software now the reason why i'm saying this is yes lots of people know how to use cad software lots of people can take a jpeg or a bmp file and turn it into a great 3d model but there's also a lot of people who can't and there's a lot of people who don't have the technical knowledge or don't have the the training in cad software in order to do this myself being one of them i am just like a tinkercad novice so on my feed i saw actually this picture over here i don't know if you can see that on there but it's basically a person asking the question how do i turn this picture into a printable model so what i'm going to do is i'm actually going to use that picture i'm going to use a couple of online tools and i'm going to use what we have in our slicer naturally and i'm not going to use any cad software or anything just a couple clicks on online adjusting a couple things in our slicer software and we're going to see what we can come up with okay so stay tuned so we're at the computer now and i've quickly typed in picture two stl because that's ultimately the goal we want to get to now there are a whole bunch of different tutorials and different links on how to do all this so i'll just give you a really really quick thing basically we're going to go through two steps we're going to convert the file to a grayscale model which will make the slicer program easier to interpret it in order to give it different color changes at different levels and after that we're going to convert that picture then to an stl so the first step as i said is we're going to convert it to a grayscale so where i go to i'll leave the link down below and all we're going to do is we are going to import our logo now you can play around with different settings down here that will give you different looks but just start with the default first okay you'll get to a point where it's actually you can play around with these features to see which one works in the slicer that's best for you i'm just going to leave it like this for right now then we're going to save our our completed grayscale model or image and then the second step is you're going to have to convert it to an stl so i'm using and what they will do is they will convert the grayscale into different height maps so your slicer will be able to use it so here's our logo um your width your depth your height is at 10 mils right now i don't think i want it at 10 mils i think i'll drop that down to say five um because we're just gonna do a little embossed logo here um detail medium is fine add base is fine um you can just leave it there add base millimeters um we just want a one millimeter base which will give us a plaque down below you'll see that um here i'll show you that right now but what you want to do is you want to invert and let's convert this right now and i'll kind of show you what i mean so here's our 3d embossed model here now it's a little bit dirty because i didn't have a high-res picture of the model i just took it off the retic the reddit screen which was um compressed and stuff but we can work with this no problem so what we're going to do now is we're going to download this or we can just open it with our slicer let's just open it with our slicer for now so here's our logo imported onto our build plate now you'd have to change to whatever printer you would be using let's just go troxy for now i guess um do these at 0.2 layer height but all you're going to do at this point in time is you're going to slice change your filament color while we're waiting all right so we're done slicing the model and here's our preview so all we're going to do is now we have a three-dimensional model of that logo we're just gonna bring it down and add a color change let's go with yellow all right see that's got a nice pop to it we're only going to do two color changes right now uh just so we can um have a look at it so we'll slice it again because now it has the color change in there all right so now it's re-sliced with the color change in it and you can see here it's going to be about a three and a half hour print and the color change happens about two hours in so one thing to note is on certain printers though you see how we have the color change here depending on how you um your printer handles it you might have to put a pause command in here which is really easy we'll just um add color change or add a pause right so or whatever custom g code your printer uses you're going to put that in right so we're just going to for us we're going to do the color change for the printer that i'm using because i know it handles it your printer might be slightly different but yeah so and that's it you slice your model and we're gonna go print this so we've just done all the stuff on the computer and i've got my print and it's complete at this point in time um so let's just recap here so basically what we did is we took this gentleman's photo here and we simply used a couple of online tools to get a little bit of depth and we printed out his his logo so that's really easy that's one way to do this now another thing that we're gonna do is we're actually gonna now because we did this in grayscale and we just did the two color i thought it would be fun to see what we can do with this what i've done is i've taken my um an app store app and i've taken yeah that's me that's my picture and i've run it through a filter um and now we're gonna put it through the slicer software we're gonna adjust a couple of the gray levels so we'll have different colors and then we're gonna print it and we're gonna see how it turns out so what i did was i went on my phone and did one of those quick little picture apps that it adds some filters and i used a filter to generate a grayscale kind of picture or a black and white picture of myself and then i went through those two websites and converted it to grayscale and then to an stl and what i'm going to do is slice this bad boy so what we're going to try to do here is i'm going to try to look at the different levels in the photo and or the stl and slice it in three different levels or three different colors since it's a black and white photo i'm going to go black or white gray and then black so i just need to get above the first line where it just has the base layer which is right there and now i'm going to switch to a gray and then i'm going to go up and try to zoom in so i can see where the layers are forming you see right here i got the eyebrows in the eyes i don't know if you can see that the eyes are going to be a little higher than the eyebrows that's where i'm going to do my next cut which is right here i'll add black and then i'll be able to do the photo now i probably could have looked a little bit further and then one more level but i only have one shade of gray right now but yeah so this is using three different colors in order to do uh a picture to an stl so we're gonna slice this and then print this and hopefully she will turn out fantastic check this out that's me that's me it's not a lithophane but it is a um three colored print all right see right all right so what do you say right like you know this is actually a really cool different technique to get used to when you're printing stuff so you can um try this is three colors as we know um but we can try four or five or just different ideas right this is the empowering thing this actually you know if you look at this and you did um maybe the black um outline as a different color like say red or something it kind of looked like maybe an andy warhol sort of print you can do four of them in different backgrounds the tool is there for you to use um practice around with uh some of these online tools in order to convert your images to different things and you can come up with some really nice prints this is to enable you to figure out a way to get from you know point a to point b to point c like look at that that's got the three colors in it i just did black gray and white as an example it looks really cool um it's a little bit different it'd be a cool little gift for somebody for sure all i'm doing is trying to point you guys in the direction for people who are not experienced with cad to have the ability to do some of these things um to do a couple different layers to split a picture in order to have some pop to it to come up with um a couple different colors in your picture right so yeah like um and you know this will give you hey you know what i can do these steps i can go into cad slowly and learn some more steps basically what you need to know in order to get to those levels yeah if you um found this video interesting or helpful or you know you picked up i'll uh you picked up a trick or two with it um please by all means um leave a comment below if you know a better way to do this or a different or easier way to do this because basically this is what i'm trying to do the easiest possible way for people to figure this out um leave a comment below okay give me a like if you like this video don't forget to click on that subscribe if you're just cruising through this channel alright until next time people peace out
Channel: Jeff's 3d Corner
Views: 15,088
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: cOCUX0lqE-g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 42sec (762 seconds)
Published: Sat May 22 2021
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