Pico Pi C Programming using the Raspberry Pi 400

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hey check it out a package came from sparkfun what is it it's the raspberry pi 400 computer and packing material kind of like that it's called the 400 reminds me of the atari 400 even though that thing was a piece of crap i had the 800. yeah a nice little uh nice little box oh that's kind of cute the box represents well at least two sides of the computer the front and the back that's neat so um a couple reasons that i got this one was because i wanted it um another reason was i think the newest pie i have is like a a3 plus or the pi 3 a plus so i actually don't have any pi a4s at all at the moment so this is a pi 4 that's good oh yeah i wonder how much science goes into having a product in the face of a box like that you know like with no padding whatsoever like how much damage it can take i think they have machines that actually simulate all that so yeah it's pretty much right here it's kind of thinner than i expected it looks like it has an sd card included so i assume this thing just boots right up to raspbian looks like they've got the uh header output right there looks like the standard size header i believe like from the pi 2 uh usb 3.0 interesting then oh ethernet well yeah i guess it had before kensington lock very fancy and for all of you fans out there there it is usb c now usbc can provide much more power than usb the usb is before it oh good because i really needed a card adapter the official mouse which i assume isn't gonna be that great yeah what's with that trend now like not including these um power bricks you know like there's all these things where it's like oh yeah it's your mini mini sega genesis console and it runs off mini usb or micro usb but it doesn't have a wall wart i guess we all have those wall warts and they're like trying to be green but they're just trying to save money but yeah this actually is hardwired interesting uh 5.1 volts at 3 amps okay so yeah that is a little higher than you'd probably want to well actually that's a lot higher than you would do with a regular usb port and you use like a usb micro fast charger would have been about two amps so oh there's like a book oh look yeah there's a book that's cool the official raspberries pie beginners guide how to use your new computer take a look it's a color it's in a book a reading rainbow i can't do anything except find a girlfriend on star trek next generation what about that part where uh data wants to get a girlfriend and the first person he goes to for advice is jordy i mean i know jordy is his best friend i mean don't tell any of the next gen movie writers but newsflash dana's best friend is not picard it's jordy picard's best friend is beverly crusher 247 pages a lot of kids probably are like what's a book i wonder if kids like look at a book and try to touch it you know like oh why won't this button this click button not work what is it oh we've got a looks like micro to regular hdmi cable adapter got the raspberry pi 400 set up here um does this thing turn on by inserting the power port is it following the british tradition of the sinclair zx spectrum i guess the zx81 did that as well um yeah one comment i would make well first of all i i know i'm already going to hate this mouse so i'm not going to use it the usb ports are on the left hand side and the cord isn't very long which means this mouse actually is going to be less functional for right-handed people which is what 90 of the world so that's kind of weird they don't have like a longer mouse cord maybe they wanted to make it kind of like cute and compact oh boy i can install the history channel app to this tv and watch historic things like ancient aliens and the curse of oak island oh that fired right up okay i guess i guess you turn it on by plugging in the usb power source it is like the zx spectrum oh i'm sorry zx spectrum pico pico blah blah blah i tried this wireless mouse and it's really laggy that's kind of weird i don't know why it's having such trouble um well i could always try another wireless mouse i have many of them i mean i like how this computer is built into the keyboard it kind of reminds me of like you know like the 80s it's weird i can only see two wireless networks all of my neighbors should have one up oh no don't look at my network password um this keyboard is pretty serviceable there's not a ton of throw to the keys but it's all right i mean it kind of reminds me it reminds me of like a laptop oh we might need to update your software it could take a while okay so i'm going to compare the setup time for the um pico pico pico micro you say micro you don't see me grow um yeah whatever that thing is i'm gonna plug it in to the pi 400 and we'll see how setting it up in c compares to windows i notice this has thoni included in the application so um python development would be easier than falling off a log but see i'm sure it's still a few extra steps let's find out said drift a memory bliss with you all right so there's the pie hooked up i assume this is going to show up as a mass storage device where is oh there we go open a file manager there we go okay yeah so it's under media so yeah it's like any removable device let's see what's in there raspberry pi 2. all right well it gives you the link so let's see getting started with micro python it's like a baby snake okay download the file okay where did the file go to oh it's it's chrome oh chromium yes i saw i assume this went to like the way i can't i can't open that file show me where it is oh under downloads i guess that makes sense okay let's open a second folder i feel like that episode of uh the office where michael scott was trying to use powerpoint he's like power point powerpoint and well it looks like this is going to update uh gave me the unstable version oh what the heck let's drag it over wait it should go right here i think and i believe funny should be under programming uh so we go to the options and we go to interpreter we actually don't have an option here for the micro python on the pi pico so i guess we're gonna have to download that we must need the newest version of thani in order to have that support um i guess because yeah the raspberry pi 400 does predate the pico you know it's like how i say multimeter instead of multimeter right like you don't say altimeter for an airplane you say altimeter potato potato let's call the whole thing off wow almost a gig of updates um yeah this is so much better than windows oh shots fired oh but i can play modern video games on windows oh ballistics launched okay well i'm still updating linux in the background but looking at the getting started guide with the sdk setup getting started documentation that's what i used earlier however if you're if you're intending to develop for the pico on a raspberry pi then you can set it up using the setup script from the command line so i guess we're going to have to save this and run it well in the meantime the quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dogs yeah not too bad let me try that again what was that mabel bacon teaches typing maple bacon i'm mabel bacon the quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dogs i keep missing the same keys in my younger and more impressionable days my father gave me some advice which i've been turning up turning over in my head ever since also not a command yeah um not a bad keyboard you know for what it is oh cool h top is built in all right we can see all the four cores pretty neat oh wow this thing has four gigs of ram that is totally respectable well chromium's taking up about half of the cpu oh chrome you are a fickle mistress oh while trying to function out of h top i notice there is a power symbol on f10 so i wonder if that's a secondary function because there's a function key here let's see the function key is red all right so that means that would set the secondary function of each of these keys including system request and insert all right linux is updated let's see if it also updated phony where is that here uh detect automatically there we go we're connected all right well aside from me having to make sure the pi 400 was up to date that was you know pretty much the same level difficulty as windows you know you just basically install well actually now thoni comes built in with newer versions of the raspberry pi os so that makes it easier than windows you're no longer updating your you don't really have an excuse to be slow and let's see there we go did my alias take oh good it did all right let's run that script pseudo bang bang um the heck oh it's not executable there we go what was it felix had the pseudo sergeant and i was like felix it makes it sound like you're not a real sergeant all right well the um the setup setup script should do all the um tool chain automatically so i guess we can just jump to the part where we're using it i'm going to download the same file here all right so apparently we've done this so we should be able to jump right to blinking and led and see then assuming you clone the pico sdk and pico examples repositories in the same directory side by side set the path now we have to do all this stuff i wonder if this is making a pico examples folder for us like second windows i'll wait for the other process to complete before i continue oh i might add uh this is a 4k tv and it looks like the raspberry pi 400 has no problems um outputting 4k it's almost kind of like too small like these windows i mean i can read them but i don't know and i tried to increase the text size but apparently that doesn't that's not sticky so that's that's my impression of the youtube comments oh look at your torn up nails ben actually my my thumbs are looking quite spelt today i googled it apparently if you hold this power button down for uh two seconds that will turn off the machine and you can also tap it to turn the machine back on so sorry clive sinclair your legacy of no power switches is over although something weird like if you look at you have insert and delete here so insert should be under the red function key but it doesn't seem to work so also page up page down home and also have those red function keys as well i would say some feedback as someone who's about 50 colorblind the red doesn't look that much different than the black so maybe they could have made that a little bit more distinct the script completed uh let's see where did it documents where did it put all those files oh once you get put them in the same folder the script executed from pico sdk i'm not sure if that's really where i want it to be you know so far i'm not entirely convinced this is that much easier than tuning on windows i mean there's that easy script that apparently did everything for us but i don't know i mean i noticed um this also has visual studio code built into uh the operating system so maybe that'll help i don't know all that for a drop of blood i'm going to try redoing the configure script in the folder where i actually want all the pico files to be i think i was just you know flying too close to the sun so this is probably going to take another 10 minutes even on the pie it's like it's it it's just so much easier to download the bloated arduino 400 megs unzip it slap it on the desktop boom it works i completely updated uh raspbian so it's up to date so these are all the steps i'm having to take even with a completely up-to-date um raspberry pi os well and part of my motivation for getting this was i wanted to have a handy arm linux box um i mean i had actually the most modern raspberry pi i have is like a raspberry pi 3 a plus in one of my little portable game consoles so i didn't have any raspberry pi 4 so now i do like yeah i could probably make a thing where the keyboard like hides under here i mean well it's a computer not just a keyboard that'd be kind of cool right like you are now in pie mode all right i went in and i re-uh i did the script over again where i actually wanted it to be let's see if we can make blink this time it it worked yay all right so there's blink uf2 so i guess the moral of the story is if you use the pico setup script make sure you execute it where you want your pico uh sdk files to be there were fewer steps than windows but it still took probably about 30 minutes to set all that up as opposed to arduino which is however long it takes you to download and uncompress the zip file of it well i guess let's try making our own c file and see if that's a big improvement just because i'm using a raspberry pi to program this that doesn't change the fact that i still have to um unplug it and plug it back in while holding the button in order to enter programming mode which is still you know less convenient than most microcontrollers that i can think of all right i dragged the file over to the pi pico and sure enough it is blinking yay i just read through the section about the swd port that's the um programming port down here on the bottom but unless i'm mistaken it seems like that's only used for debugging not programming but yeah there's that run pin on the raspberry pi pico and i believe that is um the same as reset so i'm pretty sure you need reset in order to program with swd a regular arm microcontroller you'd program it over swd you can program it and then also immediately go into debug mode this seems a little overly complicated ah here we go using visual studio code now that's the same thing that we did on the on the windows version i know it's visual studio code itself is already installed but looks like we need uh to install these additional things as well uh looks like that's already been installed well i'll double check and then we will try to you know do this using code wait and i once again have to set a path and then execute code from a terminal well it loaded fast i'll give it that the soldiers uniforms were very realistic uh should be open folder yeah there we go uh we're gonna go to pico examples we're gonna open the entire folder okay open entire folder uh visual studio code uh uses folders instead of projects all right yep okay so there's all the examples there and now i'm letting visual studio code compile it i mean i'm pretty sure it's still going through cmake and make you know i'm not like a linuxitologist but i know you can go into a terminal and you can like you know write something in gcc pretty easily and just and it just works so i kind of wish maybe maybe in the future they will have this built into raspberry pi distributions uh i don't know i'm gonna see if i can just build blink ah let's see so let's see if it actually works let's let's speed up the rate of blink okay save it build blink okay well that didn't take long which makes sense so now this i mean i do not like this part about it so i hold down the button i remove the power then i give the power back i release the button and now it's in boot loader mode um look what a lot of those systems do is they'll use um the programmer will send a baud rate change over the usb port and that will be interpreted as a software reset signal now i guess you could say oh well you know you can't really do that if um you know unless you have a usb unless you're using the device as usb and i guess that's true all right so where were we we were go let's just drill down to the bottom of the of the planet earth what how what will help it bounced back all right let's see if that makes a difference and yes there we go we now have the high speed blinking i would say the setup time is about equal to windows the only difference is instead of having to like install five different things which honestly goes a lot faster on a large computer um it's still you know long process you have to make sure that your um raspberry pi or your you know your operating system is up to date that didn't really seem all that much easier than setting it up on windows uh yeah i mean i think part of the issue is you know if you have something like oh like you know like an adafruit metro m4 or something from stm or some new chip from microchip or atmel they're already um you know tool change all you know set up for that i mean granted yeah this isn't ultimately an arm chip but it's a custom new chip and maybe that is why setting up for it is a little bit more complicated because there isn't any existing infrastructure versus you know let's say there's a new arm chip that comes out for atmel you might have to download a new package in atmel studio which will be automatic other than that it should basically just work you know a usb port you know it's um it's not rated for infinite cycles right so but and the fact that it's making it so you have to unplug physically unplug it to cycle the um into cycle the programming is i don't know it's kind of weird uh i'm a linux expert like i'm like an expert marathon runner i can like walk down the street not fall into the road and that's about it uh oh yeah there we go okay so this was set in bash rc export pico sdk path cool all right well that that's not too bad and i want oh i guess what we should try next is making a program from scratch right um let's see this i know this has the c make list thing add executable blink blink put pull our pico standard library in okay target link library create map extra outputs ah these instructions do cover making a program from scratch we will need to copy the pico sdk import cmake and then see make lists to use as a template um yeah so why don't we go ahead and do that so we'll copy those two we'll go back we want to be parallel in the structure to pico sdk so what can we call this um let's call this possums all right so we'll go into possums and paste those files and then we'll also make uh possums c oh you should have done that from the terminal with touch all right so let's go into pico micro pico micro nano pico micro pico oh i can just hear the the hair being torn from people's heads all right so cd um make directory build i should probably spell that right so we're gonna go into build and then we're gonna c make the folder above build so c make dot dot function missing ending oh crap i made a typo oh i see what i did i did a curly bird instead of a parenthesis oops now let's see if that works okay that seemed to work it's called possum c not test c i'm being very testy with my code i don't really trust this keyboard to not look at it when i'm typing we now have a make file come on come on little raptor come on to that egg this is all just to down or compile that little c program okay it looks like we got our our file um i'm gonna cycle the raspberry pi again i really wish it had just well actually there is that run button i wonder if we could hook up a button to that to make a a reset button i should i should try that well let's test this first all right so there's our rip dragged over and yep uh she worked see that actually seems a lot more straightforward than doing it in visual code nanopass look at me i'm a terminal jockey every year i go to the terminal jockey jock fest i wonder if i can do function insert here now that was again what made me go to a function that's weird the insert button doesn't seem very useful in a lot of a lot of aspects of linux or at least on this raspberry pi let's give this a shot okay so i'm going to plug it in and it should just do the previous code there's the run pin i believe it's active high now we can actually i can still see the led blinking to the pcb so let's see what happens if we take it low okay that does reset it run to okay so let's see if this works all right let's hold it into reset hold the button released reset and it worked see we've got the um mass storage device all right cool well you know what i think i should just add a button to this got this um large tack switch here i don't know i just grabbed a random surface one from my collection i don't really see myself using that debug port and if i did i can always just you know solder something through so let's get our ground from there i don't think i even need to glue the switch you know the solder should hold it and let's see run is one two three four five six seven eight nine ten it's the way you make me feel one two three four five six seven nine ten oh yeah you can see there's a little pull-up resistor i assume right next to it that makes sense [Music] can you feel the love tonight shiny new era tiptoeinera uh my family visited and we watched that last night on disney plus the original of course they're not gonna watch any remake nonsense on my tv oh no i've covered up the raspberry pi logo for shame i should be able to just go boop like that okay i plugged it back in it's in blink mode so reset hold that reset that and then it should come up in linux there it is cool why couldn't they just have added an extra tax switch to this although tech switches are actually kind of expensive so that's probably why they didn't but you know like just two switches right that would give you so many more options kind of ironic this pie on this screen is running at a higher resolution than my big computer upstairs that's only 1440p and then yeah even then you got like you got all you got your main folder then you got the build folder under that and then you gotta drag it over and uh okay yeah that updated correctly again so i guess i only have to make the cmake configuration once also it's kind of dark in here because i turned off one of the overhead lights so it wouldn't reflect on this tv i don't know just clicking and dragging a file you know like a uf2 file it just seems kind of cumbersome it's easy but you know if you're actually developing something and changing things rapidly i think it would get a little annoying i suppose what i should do is write the same automatic cat laser code in c so i'm going to need a random number generator and a pwm generator so how would this go let's do this let's take those files copy them go up one make a new folder call it surprise surprise laser cats fellas you've got lazy cats those are illegal do the right thing and then we'll call this laser just laser light amplification from the stimulated emission of radiation you know i was getting i think i was arguing with pat the nes punk and he's like oh man you don't say you don't say snes you say s-n-e-s and i was thinking um that's kind of dumb because there's all sorts of acronyms that we say as words like laser scuba radar um jpeg mpeg gif i mean most of them actually right uh yes i just think it's got a dumb snes that takes too long to say it's nests all right so i made well i just copied the possum thing and called it laser uh yeah all right all right so right now laser is just gonna blink the as before so let's go into the build folder and let's open a terminal here come on there we go i've been present for the birth of a little creature on this island cmake above bro okay cool and then make oh i bet it's taking longer the first time because it's compiling everything that is related to laser but then when you recompile it only has to recompile what changed in the laser c file uh but if i'm incorrect with that assessment be sure to wait i don't have to ask you to leave a comment below because i know you will you know i it is fun correcting people on youtube i i do it as well i'm bane think we think laser cats will save you all right that worked cool now i need to find the libraries in order to reproduce the servo project all right i grabbed a pwm example uh from the examples uh folder i made it let's see if it'll take flashing it over and nothing is on the scope well that's lame and i did something wrong compiled but it's not working like it's supposed to all right pwm example is set up and we are getting a waveform out of it cool so now i need to figure out how to set the correct period that we need for servo motors so i've got pwm set wrap slice num which is what pdf pwm bank we're on and then 1 000 i can just get an idea of what the default is by going by setting one to one and then to 750 and guessing it's about 64 megahertz that this counts at i will say this seems to be the easiest way to do it in c basically just to have the c file open in some other program and then just continually run make in your build folder oh okay all right so that's 12.5 kilohertz so i went from 1000 to 10 000 so that does appear to affect the count interesting i could well i think i could probably divide it with what i have right now yeah i think we need to divide the clock by 256 to get into the range that we want just kind of guessing so here i can i can make this while i reset this and then our window should come up oh where's oh there's our window okay okay oh that gets us pretty close 49.01 hertz oh think i think i can work with this okay so we're dividing the clock by 256 then we're doing a period of 9 800 slices and that gets us pretty much right on 50 hertz okay now we can use sir all right i'm just going to uh convert the python void set servo angle x angle y then down here we'll enable it and then we'll set it set servo uh actually this goes zero zero yeah cause we're going to be looking for the base width which is uh one one megahertz i'm sorry uh one millisecond pulse width so he has one millisecond to two milliseconds i have all these calculators laying around 9 800 divided by 50. 196 ticks per millisecond oh that that works out uh pretty good all right so i've just uh commented out the multiplication part so we'll have a base of 196 ticks which should get us a one millisecond initial pulse which is what we want and then we can go over that to get the servo positions now that's creating a pulse of four milliseconds so i'll divide i'll divide the divider by four yeah go from 256 to 64 which means the same amount of ticks will be reduced since we'll have yes we'll have a higher number so we're not dividing the clock by as much we're only divided by 64 to 256. so four times faster which means 196 ticks will go four times faster which should be one millisecond and there we go one millisecond pulse okay cool actually if we wanted to make sure we had enough granularity we could divide the clock by less so we could divide the clock by 32 which means we would double the number of ticks but that would be good because if we have 196 ticks in one millisecond of space that means we've only got about 1.05 uh degrees per tick so if we have a higher number that'll give us better granularity well mostly we won't have to worry about the rounding errors from the multiplication i had to adjust some more math in order to get the timing right but i think i got it now let's see if the servo does what it's supposed to do there we go 90 90. nice it's now running in c i found a random number uh function it's part of the standard library so that seems to be working uh yeah there's also a sleep milliseconds function so yeah i basically just ported the code over from python into c i'll go over that in more detail using an actual screen capture which i'm sure you'll appreciate and then we'll see how bud likes it uh hooked up in the kitchen again bud is like i don't care what language it is as long as i can chase it okay it's time to stop torturing you with a camera pointed at a screen here's a proper screen capture okay so the c make lists text file um this is important so this has to reside next to your c file so we're including uh cmake and the pico sdk project uh you can call this whatever you want doesn't actually have to match the name of the folder or the c file but executable you have to actually say laser and then laser c add extra outputs that's going to say oh we're going to make you know the uf2 file laser and then target link libraries you have the name of your c file and then everything you're using so standard library pwm and adc all right so the main c file itself um we're also including standard pwm and adc i don't really care for how it uh you know here it says hardware underscore pwm hardware underscore adc whereas here it's you know a more straightforward uh format all right so here's set servo so we have a base of 1953 ticks to make one millisecond and then it's 10.85 ticks per degree so we basically take the angle input we multiply it by that we add to that and that's actually what we set the pwm channel to it's interesting uh yeah so the pwm channels on the pico pico pi there's two channels per pwm slice and they go to two different pins that's well actually that's not entirely unusual i've seen i've seen that before we can have multiple timers that have the same time base on other arm chips uh get random there is actually a function called uh rand so i'm just doing a modulus divide to return a certain range laser flash you basically give it a one or a zero and then it basically this time oh it's different the lasers blink you know left right left right they blink uh an inverse of each other target does picture the same basically the same thing we have a random speed then we try to achieve the target and then we sleep for the the speed basically that's how long we sleep is how slow it goes or how fast it goes and our main we have all our inits so we have these two which are used for the two lasers well technically it controls the transistor then we set these functions to pwm slice number basically gets an index based off what pin you're at clock divider i went with 64. um yeah what is the clock speed on this i can't remember it was like 160 megahertz so this would be the main cpu clock divided by 64 and that's what's feeding the pwm uh timer thing uh it's doing 39 060 ticks or clocks before it repeats and that's how i dialed in the um the duty cycle to get the or the duty cycle to get the 50 hertz that we need also adc ac is pretty simple i select input i think there's only four adc's on this chip which is pretty low so we're just going to go with zero which is attached to gpio26 and then we basically center our servos to begin and the code works pretty much the same as before we set a random target and then the servo moves from where it is to where it's targeted to go then we flash a laser a random number of times anywhere from four to eight flashes let me make sure the laser stays on we sleep for a random number amount of time then i i added this it flashes again before it moves and then it goes back here so yeah that's our c code so we converted from python over to c then we compiled it on the raspberry pi so uh let's set it up in the kitchen get it bud it's not using an interpreted language get it oh are you still tired out from my family visiting they really put you through the ringer didn't they get it bud it's behind you they came from behind it's to your left i think bud's tired out from my family visiting well anyway there you go uh converted the automatic cat laser to c and developed it entirely with the raspberry pi 400 and yeah it is more straightforward although still probably more steps than it needs to be but i'm sure that'll be improved in the future but did they make you all tired oh poor bud so much petting and love last night from my niece and my sister but just he's all pooped out now he's gonna go eat his sausage big fat cat belly rub big fat cat belly rub rub rub rub rub your so flashing the pie pico in c on the raspberry pi quick overview blah blah blah blah there's all this then got you suckers so you're going to want to download the setup script which is pretty easy it's going to be a shell script and then place that where you want to do your development in your directory structure because not only is it going to copy all the files there it's also going to have a lot of the paths pointed there once you've done that you'll create your project folder let's say it's a laser cats make sure your project folder is in the same directory as the pico sdk and inside of your project folder you're going to have your c file the c makes list text file we talked about that and the pico sdk import cmake so you can grab these from the pico examples folder and then you create a build folder you go into the build folder you run cmake space dot dot to c make what's above it and then in the build folder it will create all the files you need including your debugging files and of course the uf2 for programming uh yeah so i found that was the best way to do it basically edit the c file in a program and then use the terminal to do cmake to set it up and then you run make from this folder to actually compile it and then updates uf2 which you can drag over uh yeah so maybe in the future i will experiment with swd programming i haven't found a tutorial on how to do it yet they say you can debug with swd but i haven't seen how to program with it maybe someone has done it uh leave a comment below in conclusion uh setting up c programming on the raspberry pi itself is a little easier than windows but probably still not as easy as it should be obviously i'm sure things will you know mature as time goes by this is still a very new microcontroller um for now i still think the killer app is using micro python because yeah you just drag one file over and then you can use thani which is easy to use on windows it's included with the raspberry pi although as you saw i had to update than in order to have the pi pico support the thing that's nice about micro python is that you can basically immediately upload changes you don't have to push the button you don't have to unplug the pi pico it basically just works and then of course if you want to make it boot to that program you just call it main dot py and save it to the pi's flash memory so we'll see if the c infrastructure improves but i still think the best case used for this right now is probably educational purposes with micro python for myself i would probably still just use like a off the shelf arm cortex m0 because it's going to have a much more a much more mature ecosystem behind it and you know there are some things about the pipe micro that i think even though it has a lot of ram which i'm sure was to facilitate micro python it has a lot of ram and has those pio you know programmable peripherals however there's other things that seem limiting like it only has two uarts two spies and two i squish c's whereas um other cortex m0s you have pretty much every pin is assigned to what's called a circom and you can configure them to be whatever you want well uart spy and then you can mix and match so you could have 20 uarts if you wanted or five spies and two uarts and three i squared c's and it's all very configurable and so this chip seems a little bit more limited in that capacity and yes you can program the pios to do that sort of thing but again that's you know that's that's an emerging technology so this chip more and more the more i think about it reminds me of the parallax propeller which is coincidental because i actually do have a parallax propeller 2 now and i'll be making a video about that in the future cute
Channel: Ben Heck Hacks
Views: 28,793
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: raspberry pi, pi pico, pico, pie-co, benheck, microcontrollers, arm, linux, cats
Id: il4bgA76E1M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 5sec (2645 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 08 2021
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