Pickup truck guys spoke. I listened.

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the comments section on just about anything you find on the internet is kind of a cesspool the comments section's on my videos though delightful well with one glaring exception yeah I'm afraid it's time to talk about pickup trucks again this is City nerd weekly content on cities and transportation viewer suggested topics always appreciated and today is really all about responding to you the viewers so my video on problems with pickup trucks isn't my most viewed video of all time that's this one but if I go into my content dashboard the stats are very weird it has more comments than any other video I've made and it's also my most disliked video of all time I mean it's the only video where the like dislike percentage is under 90. if I was still in school I guess that's a b but you know in this day and age anything under a five star review is a fireable offense so I wanted to investigate okay so here's the thing I thought it would be fun to go through and read every comment on this video that has the most comments of any video I've ever made and the most dislikes and then just make a video that responds appropriately you might ask am I a complete masochist and honestly after the last week or so I'm kind of asking that question myself so we're going to go over the thoughtful the stupid the clever the downright misanthropic the whole gamut some of this is going to be ridiculous obviously but some of it's going to touch on important stuff I never got to in the first video things like how federal policy dictates the way pickup trucks in the US are built so let's start with the top comment which is from Jacob corducki and has over a thousand likes he mentions the rat race or arms race effect and that really resonated with people other comments touched on that theme too but took it in a bit different direction you made me change my mind and now I want to pick up for It's a larger size and safety okay that's probably trolling if your vehicle is smaller than mine get out of the way if your vehicle is larger than mine stay in the right lane if you're not from Texas you don't understand like I needed another reason not to live in Texas one thing I got comments on that was really interesting that I didn't touch on in the video was land use like the need to provide wider lanes and turning radii that is totally a thing I'm a city planner and I hear you need to require more larger parking spaces because my vehicle is too big more often than I would like this is not really what you go to planning school for or I don't see how one can live in a single family house in the suburbs without one ah you're so close to getting it or this one I have family in rural areas everyone there drives a pickup and and that's cool since walking slash baking is not as practical so there aren't really any pedestrians to run into I don't know seems dystopian and people had questions you had people challenging my data collection methodology well I questioned it myself I actually got a lot like this one getting on the freeway to observe how many trucks are empty isn't really a good gauge given the fact that the track could have just been unloaded before getting on the freeway or maybe on its way to get a load like really do you think that's the most likely explanation that our roadways are just teeming with industrious pickup truck owners who do nothing but drive from place to place all day picking up and dropping off loads of like two by fours and bags of cement more than that though I got a lot of people who challenged the idea that pickup trucks have gotten bigger and heavier over the years or that it was fine because all vehicles have gotten bigger and heavier like luxury vehicle vehicles have a lot of weight too the Dodge Challenger is 4 500 pounds wait did you just call it the Dodge Challenger a luxury vehicle I'm just going to disqualify this comment but mostly they got fixated on the fact that I did a visual comparison between an 80s mid-size pickup and a modern full-size which sure but the point was people used to buy more mid-sized trucks also I literally gave you this chart from the EPA in the video that shows the weight of a new pickup has grown basically an order of magnitude faster than any other vehicle type I put the actual data right in the video I don't know I'm starting to get the feeling people comment on things on the internet without having read or watched them so I'm kind of disillusioned and finally you had this person I thought you were going to cover the problem that I see pickups have gotten bigger you guys I think I'm losing my mind I also got a ton of comments asking why I'm not complaining about Teslas since they're heavy too I guess with the implication that I must be a huge Tesla fan well this was a video about pickup tracks if you want a video about Teslas here's one that I recommend another genre of comments was people pointing out that how else are they going to tow their boat slash snowmobile slash camper all over the planet every weekend so let me see if I got this right your plan is to put as many miles as possible on your Trek while also towing a completely different depreciating asset out to the Wilderness and back look I'm not saying Outlaw pickup tracks I'm all about freedom of choice I also fully support your right to put all of your cash in a pile in the middle of the street and just light it on fire there was also the argument yeah trucks are big but they conform to federal regulations and therefore they're good like I'm sure this person is extremely pro-government regulation and a very consistent way but there's actually some good stuff here several people pointed out that the Way Cafe or corporate average fuel economy standards are set up actually incentivizes auto manufacturers to make Vehicles physically larger rather than trying to improve fuel efficiency and Emissions because Cafe has lower fuel efficiency standards for vehicles with larger wheelbases so therefore there may be a large untapped market for reasonably sized trucks that simply aren't in the inventory because they aren't profitable for the manufacturers enter apparently the Ford Maverick which I got like a million comments on and okay I have to address this maybe I'm in a Bolivia city guy but I've just never heard of the Ford Maverick is this something my viewers really know and care about or does the Ford Motor Company have a highly efficient bot farm that spams middling YouTube channels inundating the comments section with fake Grassroots enthusiasm for new products I don't know and I'm definitely not giving it one more second of free publicity I also got a million comments on the Chevy Silverado but not because people were gushing about what a game-changing product it is but that it was hilarious that Chevy was running Silverado ads on my video hey unlike all you people giving the Ford Maverick free advertising down in the comments at least Chevy is paying me to advertise a huge pickup truck to a bunch of urbanist nerds and look as far as all the dislikes I get that not everybody's gonna Vibe with this channel I agree with some of what you said but a lot of it sounds like somewhat uninformed condescension to me well somewhat uninformed condescension is kind of this Channel's brand so welcome this is the first one of your videos I've watched that made any sense to me I'm amazed you kept watching but thanks both of those people should definitely subscribe and if you two are a fan of nonsense and uninformed condescension you should hit the Subscribe Button as well and maybe take a gander at the patreon link down in the description more brilliant viewer comments in a minute but first sub count check Tamil now has enough subscribers to fill one of the truly great stadiums on the planet the Alberto Jose Armando in Buenos Aires better known as La bambanera home of Boca Juniors you want a stadium that fits a city's grid almost to the point of absurdity well this is the one okay let's go right into the good stuff yep typical City person thinking well that's probably Fair War and Peace clever takes it a little further though city folks once again complaining about something thing without even considering the other 75 percent of the population not everyone lives in the cities or the suburbs 75 of people live in rural areas I mean we actually have a Census Bureau that collects data on this stuff so we aren't talking about a matter of opinion here for those of you watching from outside the U.S it's pretty well established now that we aren't all even operating with the same basic set of facts at this point thanks Australia you know what though I'm still a positive person there are still reasonable people out here and we can see eye to eye I got quite a few comments along these lines I love my Ram 1500 but I'm not going to argue with any of these facts good video The Creator on this channel lacks perspective but he makes decent points I gotta say as a big unnecessary truck owner I'm pretty triggered by this video haha this video attacks me personally but I still value it but mostly and this was unfortunate there were a lot of people who felt attacked but apparently didn't value it at all what's interesting though is that so many of these comments had the same kind of like standardized vocabulary and rhetorical approach see if you can spot the similarities this is hashtag Mega country says beta mail approved what a beta not everyone lives your beta lifestyle a Tama called City nerd would say this what an absolute beta beta soy boy oh yeah soy was a big thing too has anyone done a study of the evolution of these weird code words it's just super interesting like what does soy have to do with anything the soy is strong with this one I don't think you have enough soy in your diet hey you anti-freedom soy boy not to say that some of the comments didn't venture outside the box I don't think you would be able to enjoy a topless bar wimpy little thing reply LM away agreed this guy's a wimp lmoa it's the people who drive trucks that allowed this guy question mark to enjoy eating his avocado on artisan bread very disappointing video the genre of comment that was absolutely the weirdest though was the wife's boyfriend Angola like this is an idea they obsess over I bet his wife's boyfriend has a pickup and he's just triggered by it in this one at least when Sydney nerd needs to move stuff that would take a pickup he can ask his wife's boyfriend to use his pickup truck ah honestly this sounds a bit like a you problem with some projection thrown in like do these dudes literally live in a world where the thing that makes you a great catch for the ladies is spending like seventy thousand dollars on what's really a pretty stupid looking vehicle that depreciates rapidly I mean it just feels like a lot of these people are super anti-social like how are these people finding anyone who wants to hang out with them let alone the spouse of a obscure YouTuber look at some of this not everyone cares about the environment I literally could not care less about CO2 emissions if some jackass soccer mom decides to come into my lane she deserves to have a harsher impact let's be real people who buy vehicles that look like this aren't interested in coming off as friendly or approachable or particularly interested in the well-being of their fellow humans they're really going for the polar opposite and they definitely don't want you to tell them there's anything wrong with that like the most frequent comment I got here was mind your own business and don't tell people what to drive Freedom of Choice Nanny State takeover if you are worried about other cars getting too big maybe you should buy a truck this is America you need to drive American cars in America if you drive quote unquote European cars you're going to get crashed under the weight of my awesome pickup truck so wait you just told me not to tell other people where to drive and then and you told me I need to drive a pickup truck what did Emerson say about consistency it's the hobgoblin of little Minds maybe my brain just isn't big enough to comprehend the pickup truck owner mindset this is the one I want to close with though because I really think it goes to the heart of it don't mess with the pickups man that's almost like speaking blasphemy the love affair with these trucks runs deep and often goes back Generations within families that's America right there man and I hope these trucks are around for a long time there's a lot I could say about this comment but I'm already going along I think it's fair to say that pickup trucks are expensive cultural signifiers what it is exactly that they signify is maybe a question for another time cars and trucks are deeply woven into the American identity in a way that I feel like they aren't in other countries like I'd love to see a study of the proportion of American whose social media profile pic is taken from the inside of their car versus people from basically any other country has anyone done this let me know down in the comments I just feel like it would be pretty Illuminating okay fine one bonus comment I like you you make a lot of sense you should be in charge of something Rick I have enough trouble keeping control of the comments section of my videos but I appreciate it and that's all I've got today thanks for watching thanks as always to the patrons your support means a ton keep the great topic suggestions coming I'll be back with a new episode next week and I'll see you then I don't think you would be able to enjoy a topless bar foreign
Channel: CityNerd
Views: 395,955
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: urbanism, urbanist, urban, city planning, urban planning, best cities, pickup truck, ford maverick, chevy silverado, ford f150, ford f series, ram 1500
Id: qXblFO4_YQY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 24sec (924 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 13 2022
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