Pi-Hosted : Torrent with Docker and OPENVPN with Transmission and PIA Part 5

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hey guys what is going on it's don here from nova spare tech and welcome back to the channel and today we are going to be continuing off with our pie hosted series and for those of you who are new you could catch yourself up with this playlist on the top left or top right one of these corners now what we're going to be doing today is installing a torrent client with vpn access as well as a little special surprise i got for you guys so let's get started now to begin i searched everywhere on the internet for either of google reddit or anywhere to find uh arm based portainer app template which to my surprise it actually doesn't exist i i couldn't find anybody who actually made a portainer app template just for arm devices or raspberry pi in general so i went ahead and made one i'm going to talk about it in another video later in the future because i want to be able to get more support from you guys to help maintain this and build it and if there's running into issues stuff like that but for just the gist of it i'm going to show you guys how to apply this new app template onto our portainer setup soon now for this touring client we're actually going to be using transmission it's actually very easy to use and it comes pre-shipped with most linux distro so you might be familiar with it already the usability is exactly the same now this one is has a little twist to it because it actually supports openvpn and what's good about this is that not only does it support openvpn it will also automatically disconnect your connection if your vpn decides to not work that day or something so you won't get caught torrenting if you lose that vpn so that's what's cool about it now as you may know for the past eight or nine years i've been using pia so this is a time to join up if you guys are interested i do have a link down in the description below to give you guys three months free and you could also cancel at any time so if you want to follow along sign up for the pia test this out now what's great about pia is that they also allow you to torrent and they don't have any logs so that's one of the reasons why i use it now anyway to jump onto the desktop here we have uh our portainer so you're familiar with seeing this already and this is my pie hosted uh github so i still gotta work on the i was just talking to my discord and if you guys are interested jump on my discord i have a link down in the description below as well but we're just saying that i should like spruce this up and make this look better i am going to work on it i promise i am going to make this look a lot better and but for now i've been doing a lot of work on our templates now if you head over to let me see pi hosted templates templates itself i have the new pertainer now as of right now of making this video i'm only about like 60 through of testing all the images and making sure it works on arm and the ones that don't work on arm at all i remove from the list so i am still working on it it will be complete soon because it doesn't it take it's very tedious but doesn't take too much time anyway to get a hold of this what you do is head over to json file and then go to raw and then you just grab this control c or whatever you want to copy it head over to your portainer head back over to the bottom and the app templates right here just copy that out and paste the new one it should say nova spirit in between so we're going to save that setting and now you just have the new uh app templates and with the new app templates basically it's the same as um what we're using before with yourself hosted i'm taking their app template and then converting it over to what supports on arm as an example one of the things that they didn't have on that app template was jdownloader i added that in and if you notice if i was to do anything else on here say like what we're going to be installing next i had to modify it to make it work with raspberry pi so this list does work with all arm you can see guacamole i converted it to arm i just put it there for now the little armor just so i know i worked on it i'm going to remove those i've been removing them but yeah so here we go now that you got the new app template uh we're going to be installing transmission if you don't have open vpn and you just want to get the plain client that works as well right over here on top of each other but for now we're going to be using the openvpn now as soon as you jump in this is all you need configuring all the settings now i'm going to go down the settings because we do need to change some stuff and i'm going to show you what we need to do so first you do need to change this over to pia so we're going to do pia like that username and password obviously now if you guys are not using pia and you have your own provider like nord or windscribe or something like that head over to this website right over here you see that it's hard to click uh but yeah you'll be able to go over here and it'll actually tell you what provider you could use so if you got viper or nord or pia or you have all these other ones you just have to fill in that little area with the provider that you have with the username and the password so you're not really stuck on using pia if you don't have it now the next up is your local network when it detects that the vpn is disconnected it will actually shut down the network but only allow your local network to go in so you would have to adjust this to what you want access to so we have 192 168 0.0 depending on what your network uses you might want to change this over to what your network is and then dot 0 24. so the slash 24 allows for 256 ips which is that whole block if you really are lazy you could probably keep it at zero zero and change this over to slash 16 which will cover both the subnets but i'm just going to leave it i'm just going to convert it to that and switch this over to 24 so that local network would go in now we're going to open up advanced options you could leave everything the same i actually made this downloads the same as the jdownloader as well as the other downloads i have so this is going to be at the same location where the file manager and jdownloader would be at so if you wanted to change any locations of the files you can do that over here now in this video i'm also going to show you how to edit a template if you need to so we're doing like a little combo every time we're trying to do these uh container videos so right now i'm gonna actually add all this stuff in and deploy my container okay so i'm gonna deploy the container now if you notice it's actually starting up and it says that it's openvpn it's not using the latest because the latest actually doesn't work with arm for some odd reason so we have to roll back to 3.7 so these are the little things i'm talking about where i tested certain aspects of these programs just to make sure it works on arm and this whole list is going to be filled with them and i'm going to be adding a lot more pertainer applications in here i mean docker applications in here as well so going into here you can see a log this is not going to work because i actually did not enable something and i did that on purpose just to show you what you need to do so popping into the transmission vpn we're gonna stop this actually we're gonna kill it okay i'm gonna hop over to duplicate and edit settings on the top right then next thing we're going to do is head over to runtime resources and enable privileged mode now also in the capabilities we're actually going to also enable net admin those are the two things we do need to enable so it allows it to create a tunnel device now because i paused it and everything i'm able to deploy the container if you don't kill the docker it's gonna give you an error saying it's unable to copy it over so now that everything's shifted over i'm gonna go and read my logs everything is working properly there we have it so i'm gonna let this go because it's gonna initiate download whoever needs to download and the first time we log in we're gonna have all our stuff now i did test this out before on another image that's how come you could see that i did download something so i am going to go ahead and download a torrent as well just to show you guys let's jump into this and see how it runs so obviously we're going to head back into our homer and if you haven't done it already it's time to update more your stuff you can see oh another special thing that i added this is going to be cool if you head over to my pi hosted and go over to the template area i have images with all the logos so if now you get cloned my pi hosted you're going to grab all these logos that you need so now you don't even have to look for them on the internet you could just copy them from your pi hosted folder over to your homer folder and then you should have the new icons so here we have a new uh homer setup it's starting to look pretty good right now because i have more and more tools and i'm going to head over to my transmission and actually i could just delete this because like i said i was doing this for testing so let's remove that and i don't need that this is all good and ready to go now i'm gonna head over to the container itself now if you go over to logs all right i'm gonna head over to logs over here you're also going to scroll up this guy let me disable auto refresh you're going to be able to see the public ip we are currently using for our pia or private internet access and that should be it that's how you know it's connected and that's your public ip now to download something i'm going to head over to kubuntu and i'm going to go for the mira with the torrent link and this is the bittorrent link i'm just going to grab this one save the file and all i have to do is upload it to my torrent to my transmission and right over here upload and there we have it now give it a couple of seconds it's going to start loading and you're going to see all the settings going so it's going to start loading oh you know what i got to select it then i'll be able to see all the stuff there you go all the peers where we're connecting from all the information that we are doing and i could tell that it is using pia right now because it would be a lot faster but because i'm on the vpn that's the limit of what my connection allows for that is it transmission don't have much of a setting um so you could do turtle mode you could do some settings over here but there really isn't much of a detailed setting which is something i like because it's just keep it simple you know i mean if we want to go for a more concrete uh torrent klein we could probably use deluge i like deluge as a desktop application as well it's really up to you but transmission works just as well it's lightweight it doesn't boggle down the raspberry pi too much that's why i decided to choose this instead of the other ones but it's up to you if you wanted to install other torrent clients now how to grab this file again go back into your homework dashboard uh hit file browser and i have it saved so it's gonna be right here so when it's done it's gonna actually say completed right now it's incomplete so it's you see how that file is right there it's still in part but if i want to grab the file all i have to do is just go to complete it when it's done and it should show up right over there right now i only have one remember that ubuntu desktop that i tested but yeah let's head back into transmission this should be done in about three minutes anyway that is it guys um i hope you enjoyed this little bit of series i did spend a lot of time just trying to prune and fix up the pertainer app template and i'm going to be building it up from there i will be making another short video just for that because i need to get help basically to help build on that list um transmission is working great especially for the raspberry pi on this light instance it's very lightweight so it's been working really well and i think on my next video we're going to sit down and start talking about specs because i started to add all these applications to it we should start checking out how much ram and how much things it's actually using on the raspberry pi to see how much further we can go because we still got a lot of applications to do especially jellyfin next cloud stuff like that we're going to be adding in we want to make sure that we have enough resources to run those applications anyway that is it for me guys if you guys are new to the channel consider subscribing and also hitting that bell notification icon so you know when the next video is going to be out and then save my nerd cave hack till it hurts
Channel: Novaspirit Tech
Views: 36,659
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: novaspirit, tech, Raspberry Pi 4 Server Setup, debian, raspberry pi os, arm, portainer, docker, self-hosted, shellinabox, ubuntu, linux, linux server, server, raspberry pi, raspberry pi home server, home server, home lab, portainer.io, Shell In A Box, Homer, homer dashboard, docker homer, pi-hosted, pi hosted, guacamole, file browser, transmission openvpn docker, transmission torrent, torrent, openvpn, pia, private internet access, vpn, transmission openvpn
Id: tGLVEq913_4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 3sec (723 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 01 2021
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