How to walk properly: start with your feet!

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so first of all let's look la feet many people don't actually optimize their feet because they walk with what I call a passive foot strike the foot comes down in contact with the ground as one solid unit there's no appreciation of actually how active the foot can be a passive foot strike creates three challenges for the body it robs us with good posture it actually minimized the correct tracking from the foot through to the knee and then through the hip and also it takes away the ability to stimulate the whole lengthening the muscle lengthening a talking effect that we can create with every single step we need to be thinking about achieving two things with the feet first of all having an active foot and secondly to achieve an open ankle and we need to focus on these two objectives with every single step we take so the active foot and the open ankle are the first part of my walk out technique and they give three unique body benefits let me show you how when you actually come into an active person open ankle straightaway it will actually start to open up your whole posture so you get correct alignment not just from the foot to the knee into the hip but all the way up through the body improving your posture now functionally what's also important is in this position you can have an awareness of your big toe your middle toe and your little toe functionally it really helps you get the correct alignment between the foot and the knee and the hip so the tracking is correct you actually go to safeguard your joints and reduce any potential discomfort you might have in the knee joint but also here important in the lower back and in the hip and the third benefit is cosmetic as soon as you start to activate the foot correctly you're going to stimulate the correct muscle recruitment so they can be much more of your glutes in your bum and also your tenting in find that you're making the muscles work in the lengthened torsion position so that impacts how your body looks as well as how your body performs
Channel: The Guardian
Views: 620,069
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to walk, how to walk in heels, how to walk like a model, walking fitness, joanna hall, walkactive, bondi beach, walking technique, walking style, active foot, open ankle, best workout, workout training, workout plan, fitness plan, walk better, how to walk better, how to walk properly, how to walk correctly, how to walk properly for men, how to walk properly for women, 2020, tekkers, proper walking technique, proper way to walk, posture, posture workout, walking, walk, walker
Id: hapNhZNM0jQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 3sec (123 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 27 2013
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