Phrasal verbs with ON / ONTO / UPON | Effortless Phrasal Verbs | Aussie English

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what is up guys how are you all going how's your week been what have you been up to today we're going to be going over phrasal verbs that go with on on to and upon I've got a massive list of these ones on is one of those particles that ends up going with a lot of different verbs but before we get into that just remember guys if you want to sign up for this course the effortless phrase of the course you can do so now the link is in the description it's only $97 it's going to be bumped up to a hundred and ten dollars once it's complete and everything is packaged together but remember the content that you're gonna get is going to be this video but with a slideshow so that you can see the example sentences see the everything written down you'll have a PDF you'll have that slideshow with audio with me talking doing my thing you'll also get the mp3s if you want to listen to this out and about without all of this before and after spiel on the mp3s and you'll also get a word document that you can type on and play with so it comes with exercises and I also define all of the phrasal verbs I use whilst I am talking but before we get started guys give me a love heart or a thumbs up if you can hear me okay just let me know that the audio is working okay sometimes it plays up how are you going Renault how are you going Hashem I hope you guys are having an amazing day and we're about to you all watching from are you from different parts of the world you guys all in Australia I always love to hear which parts of planet Earth you guys are located in located on and from where you're watching so while I give this a quick share let me know where you're from how are you going Roberta thanks for showing up today I appreciate it guys I'm glad that I can be of service and that I can help you guys learn phrasal verbs have you been enjoying these videos have you been watching them on YouTube or Facebook listening on the pod caste whereabouts of you guys been consuming this stuff Wow so who seems from Sudan originally but now living in Egypt Egypt Salam alikoum I hope you are your well mate and Adriana sir Adriana's from Adelaide that's awesome Adriana you Brazilian by any chance or are you South American but a Spanish speaking not a Brazilian I'm gonna give this a share and stop talking 14 people good to see you guys all here Brazilian is all Roberta is here but living in Melbourne that's awesome that's awesome Melbourne is the best I love Melbourne gotta love Melbourne Layla's loves here how are you going Layla alright stop talking and give this a quick share and then we can get into the content so you guys finding phrasal verbs useful to learn are these videos helping you guys you know I'm always looking for feedback so if you have time always feel free to comment below and let me know what you think of these videos if you have any suggestions for how I can improve them I'm always all ears and eyes if I'm reading I'm open to any suggestions but yeah the the basic concept here is to try and help you guys learn to use phrasal verbs effortlessly so that you don't have to think when you speak they just come out spontaneously off the top of your head you don't have to sit there and be all pensive and panic about which phrasal verbs to use anyway I've probably talked enough how are you going Ruchi and Natalie welcome as well I've probably talked enough guys it's getting pretty hot here by the way the today and the last three days has been about 30 degrees hence the t-shirt hence the t-shirt but without any further ado as usual guys let's just dive in so welcome to component eight of the effortless phrasal verb course guys thanks for sticking with it I hope you've been enjoying it so today we're going to be talking about phrasal verbs with the particle on onto or upon okay these are all sort of interrelated to one another but we'll go through it and we'll define the different uses of these particles so I guess first and foremost as always it's used with position and movement we can use all of these with different different positions different movement but the basic idea would be you're on something or that you're going on to something or upon something okay so it's you're on top of resting on something else that's number one number two is to continue doing something you'll hear this quite often with people rabbiting on or talking on it means they're doing it on and on and on and on so that's continuing that action is continuing that's number two number three is dependence so like to rely on someone we'll get to them we'll get to them that's number three dependence rely on someone and then number four miscellaneous ones there's always a whole bunch of miscellaneous verbs to go through guys that I guess I find hard to define and put into these categories and then after that we'll have a few expressions and then we'll finish up for the day so let's get into it okay first one position a movement so on on top of above something but touching it so resting on the thing and it's one of those weird ones where I kind of have to use on to describe what on means so I'm sitting on a chair I'm currently sitting in a chair I'm sitting on the chair I could stand on the chair I could stand on a balcony at my house maybe I'm drinking a beer I'm standing on the balcony I could lean on the railing on the balcony so I'm putting my weight on the railing on my balcony I'm leaning on it I could lie on the lawn so if I go down off the balcony onto the lawn the grass and I lie down I'm lying on the lawn pretty self-explanatory I could also knock on a door so he knocked on the door I could spit too tough I could spit on the pavement so again I'm walking along and I decide to spit and the spit goes down on the pavement the second one here for position and movement is connection or giving power to something okay so before I started today before I started this this lesson I had to turn on my phone I had to turn on my computer I turn on the TV so I'm turning the button like this turn on as opposed to turn off I might switch on the telly all the TVs switch it on or I could switch it off I could also flip it on if it's a flipping switch that goes up and down as opposed to turning I could flip it on or I could flip it off and I could also flick flick the button flick it on flick it off okay it can also be the opposite of off so on and off when we're talking about access to something so before again before starting this I streamed it live on Facebook but I had to log on Facebook I had to log on to Facebook so I had to get on the internet I had to sign on the internet I had to sign on to the Internet to be able to do this today so he logs onto Facebook and maybe he also signs on to YouTube so to get access to something online we could also yeah get on the computer we can get on to the computer we could jump on the internet we can jump on to the internet we could hop on a server we could hop on to a server so hop is the idea of pulling up one leg and bouncing and we kind of use this colloquially kind of like slang to talk about getting on something so you'll see this quite a bit in English I'm gonna jump on the Internet I might hop on Facebook for a little bit I might get on YouTube and have a bit of a browse we can talk about wearing clothing and often use the particle on with verbs so before I bought this t-shirt before I walked out of a shop with the t-shirt I had put it on I had tried it on so I tried it on I put the thing literally on me in order to try it out to see if it was good so I try on the t-shirt put on the t-shirt I could also put on a hat so what have I got here I put on the Hat it goes on my head okay and I can put it on to my head as well and then it comes off off my head all right we can also start getting a little bit more slangy using a bit more slang we can use verbs like whip so whip would be to have like a long piece of I guess it's leather its weave together and you can whip it like this that's a whip a whip but we can whip the whip by doing that movement okay we can use this to be a slang term for put on quickly though so to whip something on is to really put it on quickly so we whipped on our bathers and went down to the beach we whipped them on we've put them on incredibly quickly we could chuck them on again to chuck this time go means to throw something like this chuck it it's another slang term for put on so maybe they chucked on their costumes so they put them on but really sort of quickly they chucked them on really quickly but they could chuck their costumes on something so this is where we can switch in on two so if I had my costume on and then I took it off I might throw it on or I might chuck it on my bed so they chucked their costumes on to their bed they chuck their costumes on their bed and we can use throw so you might tell someone to throw on that new dress or throw on that outfit so you throw the outfit on and then you take it off you pull it off you rip it off and you might throw it on the floor so you threw the outfit on the floor you threw it on to the floor this time I think we're using on to something when it is going to a certain position right so you go to that position so you put on something you take it off but then if I throw it on to something it's not only going on the thing but it's also going to the thing okay so I throw it on to the floor it's going on the floor but it's also going to the floor so I say on to you'll see this pop up quite a bit with these phrasal verbs and here are some more examples so we can talk about public transport and I know this is one you guys absolutely love / hate okay I know you dislike this but okay so you jump on the train jump on the train we can jump on to the Train and the opposite of these two is off and off of okay so I jump on the train I jump off the train I jump on to the Train I jump off of the train any of these are acceptable they're just different ways of sort of expressing that idea on and off onto off of you could walk on the platform or you could walk on to the platform you can walk off the platform you can walk off of the platform up to you which you use you could step on the bus you could step off the bus you can step onto the bus you can step off of the bus off of the bus and just making sure I'm pronouncing that correctly you could get on to a plane and you could get on a plane you can get off of a plane and you can get off a plane the one that you need to remember is a car you get in a car so imagine you can't stand up you can't literally be on by guess the platform or the the bottom of the car you can't really be on it you have to be sitting in it so that's why we get in a car or in a taxi or in and uber and we get into a car and then out of a car we get in the car we get out or you have to say out of in that case we get out of the car okay because it's like a box so you have to enter it you have to get in you don't get on if you said I'm on the car it would be the idea of you're on the roof okay so the second one we just went over position and movement the second one is to continue to do it to do something so you're doing something on and on and on and you'll hear it native speakers say on and on and on and on and on when they've already mentioned a verb any verb and they're talking about it continuing okay so they'll say on and on and on so you might tell someone to keep on practicing phrasal verbs keep on learning meaning continue to learn keep on learning you might tell them to carry on working so she carries on working she's working and we want her to carry on doing that thing we want her to continue keep on working carry on working we can also use come on and we can kind of use this in a positive and a negative way and this is said when encouraging someone to do something positive way or telling them to kind of hurry up when I guess it feels like they're doing something wrong or foolish so you'll often hear this when someone's barking for a team so they're barking for say Essendon a 40 team here and they'll be like come on Essendon come on come on it's like continue doing well continue doing well but they might say come on as well if say someone in the team of Essman had a beautiful kick to score a goal and he totally missed so the ball went out of bounds on the fool the guy made a fool of himself someone who barracks for that team might say come on man what did you do come on as in you know you did something wrong or foolish that is a common one you're gonna hear all the time come on and it can be positive or negative you might tell someone to go on so again go on can have a lot of different meanings but in this case we're talking about continuing and it's sort of an encouragement to continue an action to continue doing something so maybe you've got a baby and not a newborn maybe the baby is about a year old and you want it to walk and it's holding on to something it's almost ready to walk you might try and encourage it by saying go on mate go on go on it's like continue doing what you're doing go on so go on you can do it keep at it guys go on you can learn phrasal verbs go on you can move on that's like to continue moving so for instance the Aborigines in Australia may have lived in a specific location and if they use up if they consume all of the resources so there's no more kangaroos there's no more plants for them to eat if they use up everything there they might have to move on so they have to go to a different location they have to keep moving they have to move on and you also might hear people say play on continue playing play on but you'll hear this in sports teams the referee will yell this out so for instance you'll always hear this on the TV watching footy when it looks like someone's found someone else but they haven't the referees decided they haven't failed them they'll say play on play on keep playing so the referee told the footy teams to play on continued playing something can drag on to drag on and this is sort of negative and it means like it lasts a long time so the meeting drags on or maybe I'm watching a movie that's really boring it's not getting to the point it's taking a long time to sort of finish it's dragging on so it's the idea that's boring it's not interesting it's not fun so that's the negative side of to drag on you can add something on so you can add it on or you can add it on to something else so this is to incorporate in addition with something else so we might add on some extra shopping items to the list so we want a few extra things we're going to add them on the list we've got five things on the list we've got another two to add on the list so now it's seven things you can dwell on something you can linger on something and this is where we're gonna start seeing dwell upon we're gonna start seeing the use of a pond so to dwell upon to linger upon something so that's to continue to think about this thing it's to continue to talk about it it's just that it's occupying your mind or what you're talking about so he's dwelling on the issue he keeps talking about it he's dwelling on it he's lingering on the issue so we're talking about it linger is to kind of hang around in a certain place whether it's figurative or literal we're lingering on this issue meaning that it's going on it's continuing to be used so to dwell upon to dwell on to linger on to linger upon and issue you can press on or push on and this is similar to move on it means to keep going so to keep going in a direction or to yeah you might use this when walking so if you're bush walking out in the bush you're out the sticks and you need to walk ten kilometres that day you've walked eight of them the sun's going down and the leader of the bush walk says we have to press on we have to push on we have to move on we have to get to the end we have to continue going we're almost done but we need to press on we need to push on we need to keep going and the last one here is to talk about something on and on and on and on there's multiple different ways of saying this in English we can say obviously to talk on about something we can wrap it on about something too rabbit is to talk a lot we can go on about it she's going on and on and on about this thing we could bang on about something bang is to like hit something to bang about it I don't know why we use that and harp on about something all of these are different ways of saying to continually talk so she rabbits on about her days she goes on about her day she bangs on about her day she harps on about her day she talks on about her day I'm just gonna have a quick drink talking talking so I'm talking on and on and on and on so number three now we're gonna be talking about dependence and this is where you'll probably hear upon use the most okay I guess in in this slideshow so you can count on someone or you can count upon someone this is to depend on someone to rely on someone these are all synonyms so we count on you to help us you can depend on someone you can depend upon someone they depend on us for help they depend upon us for help they rely on us felt they rely upon us for help something can hinge upon something else and this is again sort of like depend upon rely upon or count upon something but it's usually an argument or a fact or some kind of piece of information so your plan hinges upon one thing maybe it's having enough money to carry it out so to complete the plan it hinges upon having enough money to do it you can bet on something you can bet upon something so Tibet is to pay money put money down on say a team or a horse so I bet $50 on my favorite footy team to win the game or you might hear less commonly I bet $50 upon my team but you're most often here on you can bank on something or Bank upon something and this means to be sure of something to count on it to depend on it but the example I have here is I'm banking on my employees showing up to work today so it's something that I am I'm sure of I know they will do it or that I hope they do because I rely on them so I'm banking on them showing up to work now let's get into the miscellaneous ones guys so there's a lot of these that I was sort of unsure about where to put but I wanted to cover I wanted to go over nonetheless so you can egg someone on or you can urge someone on and this is to talk someone into doing something or to sort of push them to do something so he eggs on his mates that would be like he's getting them to keep doing whatever it is he wants them to do so if they were teasing someone he was egging them on it's like he's saying things like go on come on do more of it do more of it so to egg someone on or to urge someone on she urges us on that would be also to to urge could be also keep doing it so to keep giving someone's support she urges us to keep going on to continue you can hang on you can hold on so the hang literally would be like to put your hands over a bar and hang from it I'm hanging on to the bar or I'm holding with my hands onto the bar but we can use this figuratively to mean wait can you just hang on a sec hang on can you hold on just hold on one sec so we hang on while he makes a phone call or can you hold on just a moment hold on a sec you can tell on someone you can rat on someone you can dub on someone and you can inform on someone these are all pretty much the same way of saying to report something or someone to an authority so you might tell on someone or rat on someone if they've done something wrong in the classroom so I told on my mates for setting a fire in the classroom a prisoner might rat on some other prisoners who are dealing drugs in the prison he might dub on them table though would be more like kids doing it so he's dobbing on his mates and informing on would be the idea of you've got an informant someone who's informing I guess to the police and they're telling all of this information about say the Mafia so this guy is a rat he's someone who rats on other people he's a rat and he's informing on a group of criminals some more miscellaneous ones you can act on something that is like acting on information or intelligence and the slang terms for these will be info information Intel intelligence you'll often hear in tell when it is soldiers or you know people in the army or the military talking about information they'll say Intel intelligence so it's to do something decisively because of Intel or info that's to act on something so the general acted on the latest Intel he'd received you can let on and to let on is to reveal to disclose or to divulge something so to make make it known and this will usually use with information or a secret so if I found out about a surprise birthday party for me I might not let on then I know so I'm not going to let all the others know that I know about the secret I'm not going to let on I didn't want to let on that I already knew okay you can come on to someone or you can hit on someone to come on to someone or to hit on someone is to show sexual relational interest in that person so imagine I've gone to a pub somewhere that you can buy beer and get food usually in Australia I've gone to a pub and some girls come up to me she has started to come on to me or hit on me it would be like she's saying you've got a really nice beard I love your beard what's your name Oh your eyes is so beautiful you know doing that kind of thing where it's pretty obvious she's romantically interested in me for better or worse right so that is to come on to someone or to hit on someone you could pick up on something so if you pick up on a thing it's to notice that thing it's to realize that it's occurring or that what it is it's to be aware of that thing so if I was really oblivious I didn't know what was going on when this girl was hitting on me she was coming on to me I was just like a chick seems really nice don't know what she wants that would be me not picking up on the signals she's giving me okay it's me that not picking up on the fact that she's coming on to me or hitting on to me so he didn't pick up on the signals she was giving him when she was coming on to him you can get on with someone you can get along with someone this is to just I guess have a really good time with this person sort of be really good friends so they got on really well or they get along really well with each other you can get on with something and that's the idea of stop procrastinating just get on with it just do it just do it stop procrastinating so stop rabbiting on and get on with it do the thing that you're meant to be doing get on with it okay you can move on with something move along with something that's kind of like to keep going I guess that's tied in with the continuing thing but the policeman might ask people standing around a crime scene to move on he might ask them to move along okay walk in on so now we're going to get into the more complex ones guys these are the interesting ones with multiple particles after the verb so walk in on someone or something this is to enter a place interrupts something that's happening so I walked in on my boss having a meeting with some clients I walked in on the people in the room okay I walked in on my boss I walked off on someone so to walk off and then I guess using on here is attributing that I've done it to someone so I've walked off on this person so imagine that we went out to the park me and a girl me and a friend whoever we went out to the park across the road and then I just walked off on them that would be me walking away and on is that I've done it to them I walked off on these people I could walk out on someone if I walk out on someone similar to walk off on it's imagine you're in a house though this time so you're in the house and you're walking out of the house if you walk out on someone in the house it would be someone like your wife or your husband and you're leaving them permanently so it's to abandon or desert someone and it's especially used for partners for spouses for husbands and for wives so my husband walked out on me and the kids he cheated on me with some other lady and walked out on me so he's left he's gone he's left us that leads us to cheat on someone so this is to not be sexually faithful to your partner to not be monogamous so you've got a wife or a husband and then you start having sexual relationships with someone else that is to cheat on the person so the cheat is to do something to trick to kind of try and win and you're cheating with this person on another person so we're using on this time here to attribute the person on whom or to whom that thing is happening so he walked out on her when he found out she cheated on him it's a few phrasal verbs in there he walked out on when he found out she had cheated on him you can take something out on someone to take something out on someone often used us to take it out on someone or something is to unleash your anger so to release or unleash your anger on a thing so imagine that a teacher's husband walked out on her she got incredibly angry about it went to school and as a result of her anger as a result of it she took it out on the students so she took out her anger on the students she took it out on the students she was nasty to the students on them because of what happened somewhere else so she took out her anger on the students you can get off on something so to get off is to I guess be sexually excited or aroused but it doesn't have to always be a sexual thing it can be just something you really like and so if you're getting off on a thing it's that you're getting off because of this thing again attributing cause to this thing okay so it could be sexual and you could say she gets off on guys with big muscles meaning that she really likes guys who have big muscles that's what gets her off that's what floats her boat that's what she likes she gets off on guys with big muscles but then we can use it in a non-sexual way for for example here I don't really get off on cars that's me sort of being I guess sort of using colloquial slang to get off on but not in a literal sense of sexual it's me saying I don't really like that thing I don't really get off on cars don't really like them doesn't get me off no don't enjoy it so to get off on something is to be excited or aroused by it or to derive pleasure from that thing you could zero in on something so to zero in and then on another thing that would be to adjust one's aim so imagining imagine that you are I guess in the army using artillery so you've got a cannon like this and you're aiming it at something and you have to work out the target you got a zero in on the target so it's to adjust one's aim to be pointing at the target or to better focus on a thing to zero in on that thing so the police are zeroing zeroing in on the hackers whereabouts so there's a hacker on a computer somewhere doing something illegally the police know what he's doing they're trying to track him down they're trying to adjust I guess their aim to try and find him so they're trying to zero in on his location on his whereabouts you could move in on something so to move in on something again move in I guess that would be like your surrounding something and you're gonna move inwards you're moving in and there's something in there on which you're moving in okay that's probably a little bit complicated but it's to come closer to something or to hunt or catch something so the example I have here is the pride of lions so there's multiple lions they're all hunting something the pride of lions moved in on their unsuspecting prey so their prey was sitting somewhere eating in the grass they were unsuspecting as in they didn't suspect anything was going to happen they were just nonchalantly doing their you know their thing eating the grass as the Lions moved in on them so they moved in on them they tried to catch to hunt them down similar to move in on you can muscle in on someone so muscles muscles if you muscle in on someone it's to kind of push them out of the way and take up the space that they were occupying we can use this figuratively we can use it literally you know who's muscling in to try and move in on their position in line maybe waiting outside a bank or a restaurant and you muscle in but figuratively its to interfere with someone or something or to intrude with something or someone forcibly so using your muscles in the example sentence I have here is the Mafia the Mafia muscled in on the gangs turf so turf is kind of slang for the area that they control their turf and the Mafia have muscled in on their turf they've taken it up and muscled in because they might have used guns they might have literally used their muscles and beaten these people up and then taken up that space taken up that turf let's move on to some of these expressions guys and then we'll finish up so it's for something to be on to be on we use this quite a bit it's an expression that means for something to be going to take place to happen so is it gonna be on yeah it'll be on this is like imagine there's a party gonna be on tonight I just used it there's a party that's happening tonight someone might say is it still on so maybe it's raining it's bucketing down outside it's pouring down outside lots of rain coming down and you're worried it's not gonna be on it's not going to be on so you bring up and you say is it still on is it still on so we can be in on a secret if you're in on a secret this is to be aware of it so imagine there's just a few of you and your friends who are in on imagine you've got a group where you're all talking you're all in a group on a secret so you're in on the secret don't worry I'm in on the plans I know what's going on I'm in on that thing to be on to someone or something is to be aware of that person or that thing usually like plans kind of like being on so for instance if I was in a lecture at University and I was cheating so I was like looking around at other people's answers and then writing them down I was cheating if the lecture saw knew exactly what I was doing he is on to me he's on to me he can see it he's on to me but maybe he wouldn't let on that he knows so when I see him he's just pretending like he doesn't know what's going on he's not letting on that he's on to me you can be going on about something so that is to be talking about that thing what's he going on about what's here a bitung on about what's he going on about what's he talking about something can be going on like it can be happening what's going on you'll hear me say that all the time what's going on guys how you gone what's going on what's happening what's the news you can be switched on so to switch just to like flick a switch if someone switched on it means they're really intelligent he's really switched on that guy knows what he's talking about he's really switched on you can be bang on or spot on I guess that would be like spot on would be like you've got a spot like a little area that's the correct answer to something I'm making this up on the spot but if you're spot on you get something correct you're absolutely correct your exact you are spot on same with bang on you know bang being smash bang making a lot of noise by hitting something bang on to be bang on is to be correct exact you are bang on the very last one that we have here guys is to shed light on something or to shed light upon something so the shed light would be me doing this shedding light shedding it on my face right now by turning that light around shed light on something though figuratively is used for illuminate make clear or clear something up so to make it understood to a person okay so if you shed light on something it means that you are telling them about the things so that they know more about it so someone might say to you what was going on yesterday what happened yesterday I want to be in on what happened yesterday so can you shed light on what happened yesterday I don't know anything about it right now I don't know what happened I need you to shed light on the event so that's it guys I hope you enjoyed this episode and I will see you in the next one good job guys you stuck with it you did well that was about 40 minutes if you have any questions feel free to put them down below I think I saw a few of you like Sergio asking questions whilst I was chatting I'm sorry I don't answer them whilst I go you guys will remember that I am creating this course to sell to be able to support myself so I can keep doing what I'm doing remember you can sign up it's in the link to this video or it'll be below in the podcast you can sign up now and save 12 percent when you sign up and enroll in this course remember you'll get all the bonus content you'll get the video that I've put up here it'll be in set up in the corner like this in a slideshow that I'm looking at on the computer right now going through all the examples everything's written out you'll also get access to a word-for-word transcript of everything that I say all of the phrasal verbs we listed not just the ones that are the topic of today's lesson but every single phrasal verb I say I actually go through the entire thing and highlight them all define them all and then give you an exercise and you'll also have the mp3 and a word document too so it's designed to help you learn phrasal verbs effortlessly I really suggest that if you want to learn to use them once and for all go through this course smash it out work through it and by the end of it I'm hoping you'll never have to work on these phrasal verbs again the same way that's the aim for you to get to the other side and be like dumb and work be able to use them effortlessly anyway I'll stop rabbiting on I'll stop going on and on and on and start answering some of your questions okay so Karolina is saying she's got issues with phrase of when do we use - so Sergio was asking when do we use on to this one I haven't looked up specifically right now but I get a sense of you're doing it when it's involving that action of going from one thing to another thing as well as on right so if you step if you've got a platform over here and you're here and you walk up to the platform so you walk up but you walk up to this thing you're joining it going to the platform if you want to then talk about the fact that you're going to the platform as well as on it then you have to say on - we don't have to you can just say I'm going on the platform but you'll often hear people say on - it's weird because I guess you go to the platform first and then you get on it but you're never gonna hear people say I went to on the platform it's always I went on to whatever the thing is so that'll be most often used like that I'm trying to think of some other examples off the top of my head with on - so he's easy on to us on to us I think there's some that are just abstract right so if someone's onto you it means they know what you're doing for example and I guess it would be the idea that they have you know come to you and they're on you and they've figured out what you're doing they're on to us they're on to us but yeah I think for the regular ones that you won't have to just learn by heart it'll be the idea of one thing going to another thing and then going on it okay so getting on to something walking on to something running on to something whereas if I just said I was walking on the platform that's that's the idea of the platform's here and I'm just walking and I'm on the platform whilst I'm walking whereas if I say I walk on to the platform that's the idea of I wasn't on it to begin with and then I've walked to the platform and gone on to the top of it okay so if I'm on the platform I can just say yeah I'm on the platform now and I'm just walking on the platform if I was on the phone whereas if I was walking up to the platform and I was on the phone I'd say I'm just walking up to the platform now and I'm about to walk on to the platform so I'm not on it at the moment but I will be in a sec I'm about to walk on to the platform so I hope that makes sense Sergio this is one of those things where even I have to learn this stuff guys I can use this naturally and this is kind of the curse of being a language teacher a lot of the time I know how to use it but I don't know how to explain it that's really annoying and frustrating so but it's good I love these questions because it makes me think about it and I have to better learn how to explain these things all right what else so Joe asked another one what did you stick on the wall ah so I have a postcard up here this one came from Julianna who's from Brazil this is a slang postcard I'll pull it off the wall I can always put it back on the wall this is one with different slang terms guys so it's got a whole bunch of different slang terms you can jump on YouTube and I've actually broken down these different slang terms and talked about whether or not I use them so I think do a search for 16 Australian expressions do I use them as English and you'll see the video where I go through this postcard so there's quite a few on here that I do use but there's also a few that I don't use okay so I'm gonna put this back on the wall guys on the wall I was thinking though recently what would you guys say if I asked you to send me postcards from around the world and I can put them on the wall here because I was thinking that would be kind of cool if you guys have questions if you have topics send me a postcard and I can then put it on the wall and hopefully address it in these episodes because I want to decorate the wall I don't just want it to be white but let me know what you're thinking if you like it I will organize an address where you guys can send all of those postcards but I would love to hear more from you one on one and have something put on the wall here it would be great to completely fill this entire wall up so let me know what you're thinking a comment before our below so lolly okay what does to get in on the act me that's a good expression with it to get in on the act so you're getting in as in you're becoming part of something right so imagine you've got a group of people standing around one another and you're outside the group you want to be in the group right so you want to get in the group and if they're going to do an act whatever the act is maybe they're going to set fire to a house or maybe they're going to I don't know any act but if you want to be a part of the group and the act they're doing you'll get in on the act okay so get in is a phrasal verb there that means be a part of be a part of this group and then the on bit we use in front of the act to attribute cause to the act so I want to get in on the act so I hope that makes sense but it's to be a part of whatever this act would hypothetically be so Ritchie's got one Jeru cheap can you please explain the phrasal verb without purpose well without purpose is to just have no purpose so to have no reason to do something to have no purpose so without just means to lack that thing not to have that thing so if I didn't have a purpose it would be like I didn't have a reason and it would just depend what the context was but maybe I'm I'm living life currently without a purpose that's like I'm living life but I have no reason for why I exist for why I'm living my life there's no reason so I'm living my life without purpose okay there's no purpose I think we got another one Sergio wants to know my address I will have to check I think I will give you guys a at P o box so a post-office box but I don't currently have one and I prefer not to be giving out my home address so I might ask my folks my parents as they have a P o box I will let you guys know I'll probably send out a group email so if you're on the email list you will get my the address I just have to ask them permission first obviously if not I'll organize one locally and then you guys can send me the postcards there okay so if that's it guys if you have no other questions we might finish up but I hope you're enjoying this stuff I've been trying to work on a few other things as well recently I'm just getting a bit snowed under getting a bit I guess overwhelmed with work which is a good thing but there's some interviews coming soon there's one with Adriana that'll hopefully come out this week I've also done one with my mate Wildman the Australian guy who loves crocodiles I interviewed him a while ago it's sitting here waiting to come up and I've got a few more - that I want to release but as always guys let me know as always let me know what what you guys think of the podcast if you have any suggestions for how I can improve it anything is you want me to cover make sure you also get over to the Aussie English virtual classroom the Facebook group just search Ozzy English Facebook group the virtual classroom and suggest expressions for the podcast episodes guys I love when you are a part of it and suggest these expressions everyone then votes on them and the one that gets to the top is the one that I will do the expression on so we're doing that currently anyway guys that's enough for today I think we've probably smashed out about 50 minutes thanks for joining me again guys make sure you sign up to the course and I will see you next time see you guys
Channel: Aussie English
Views: 7,279
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: on, onto, upon, phrasal verbs with on, phrasal verbs with onto, phrasal verbs with upon, phrasal verbs with on onto upon, phrasal, verbs, effortless, effortless phrasal verbs, epv 08, epv, aussie english, learn phrasal verbs, on phrasal verbs, onto phrasal verbs, upon phrasal verbs
Id: ozxqpIN1gvM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 2sec (3062 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 20 2017
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