Phrasal Verbs With BY | Effortless Phrasal Verbs | Aussie English

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boom let's go live guys welcome to this episode of Ozzy English this is episode number five of the phrasal verb course we're going to be going through the particle by today this will be a shorter one because there's not that many different ways we can use by so it'll be a short episode for you guys before we get into it if you want to sign up for the course you can get it now for just $97 you'll get access to everything as I release it that's videos these videos but in set up in the corner here over the slideshow that I read from you get a transcript with all the words that I say I highlight every single phrasal verb that I use in every single episode give you definitions at the bottom and then I also give you exercises and where I'm developing the Facebook group at the moment to give you daily exercises too so yeah sign up give it a go if you guys want to dominate phrasal verbs if you want to learn them by heart if you want to learn them by rote if you want to be able to use them naturally effortlessly like a native speaker so I'm gonna quickly give this episode a share if you want to share it as well please do so it'll give it a boost on Facebook so a few extra people see it if you can hear me okay give me a thumbs up give me a little love heart if you really want to show you love and tell me where you guys are listening from today I'm always curious to see if you guys over here in Australia down under if you're out in the country are you guys in the city are you overseas and what time is it what time is it where you guys are hopefully you're not watching this too early in the morning or too late in the evenings so and it's good at the moment I'm looking out the the window here and it's still sunny so we had daylight savings come in I think on the 1st of October I always forget every year and the funny thing is my um clock always sets itself automatically so I just wake up and the hours shifted forward or backwards and I don't even notice to be honest it was it was a funny day didn't even realize so let me just quickly share the video here so that it gets a bit more of a boost and a few more people might see it on Facebook and then we can dive straight into today's phrasal verb course so this component is gonna be all about the phrasal verb bye guys or phrasal verbs that we create with the particle by I mean to say all right quick share you know let's get into it alrighty then alright let's get into it welcome to the fifth episode or the fifth component of the effortless phrasal verb course guys today we're going to be talking all about the particle by and how we can add it to phrasal verbs or two verbs in order to create phrasal verbs so this is a relatively simple one guys there's only two or so different meanings different ways that it tends to be used when we join it together with a verb but firstly it'll go through what the particle means because it can be confusing as it's often seen after verbs in English language when we use it so it's actually quite funny I'll look this up and there's about 20 different definitions for when you can use the word by which is quite irritating and even reading them I don't even know this when I use it or when I think about it so the two basic ones though - two basic ones identifying the agent performing an action so this tends to be heard in the passive voice I drove my car that's me saying it in the active voice my drop my car was driven by me that's the passive voice my car was driven by me he threw the ball over to me he threw the ball over to me the ball was thrown over to me by him so he was the one that did it by him we looked up a word in the dictionary the word was looked up in the dictionary by us okay so it can be used in the passive voice we can also use it to indicate the means by which something is achieved okay so if something is achieved we might say for instance I drove by using my hands so I did this thing by using my hands he learnt to throw the ball by practicing so he learnt to throw the ball by practicing we looked up the word by using a dictionary okay so that's the basic idea of where the particle by will be used in English when it's not with phrasal verbs or when it's not in a phrasal verb when it's not with verbs when we combine it with a verb to create a phrasal verb though it tends to mean one of two different things the first one is movement so getting to close proximity and then passing something and this can be interchanged with the word past for instance the man walked past us the man walked by us so it's the idea of getting very close to things to get very close to one another and then something to go away so pass by walk by the second one is to just literally be by something so to be next to it to be stationary still to be to be not moving but to be very close to something so for example he stood by the ladder so if I was standing here holding a ladder I'm standing by like beside the ladder so this one just means beside in this in this example to be next to to be beside something and then we have a bunch of miscellaneous ones as usual guys so we'll go through all of those at the end with a few expressions to let's just dive into it though alright so the first and most basic form of using by with a verb is that you will pick a movement verb walking running stumbling hobbling limping and you've just added in by or past okay the the particle by or past they both mean the same thing for instance the man walked by the lady so there's two people here this is the lady this is the man he's walking to the lady he walks by the lady and then he walks away from the lady so he walks to her by her away from her the man walked by the lady he can run by the lady or he could run past the lady he could stumble by the lady or stumble past the lady he could hobble by the lady he could hobble past the lady that is the kind of like limp so it's to not be able to walk properly he can limp by the lady or limp past the lady again as usual guys you pick whatever verb you want in the case of these movement phrasal verbs and then you pick the particle that you want to describe that change in location right so moving to moving by this little action and then moving away from okay to buy away from you just pick the verb walk away from run by stumble - all right the next one we could talk about the same sort of thing but this time to pass something really quickly so these are quite commonly used for things like say cars that are going by quickly or bullets that are going by quickly and again we just switch in the verb that we feel like using to describe how the car or the bullet is going by so for instance he raced by in his youth he raced by so he went by really quickly he went past really quickly he raced by he raced past we could zoom by or zoom past and that's the idea of going boom zoom by zoom pass you can scream by scream past rush by rush past if someone shot a gun and the bullet came by your head so didn't hit your head but it came really close to it and then went past it could whiz by it could whiz past the bullet could shoot by literally it's been shot at you it shoots by it shoots past and you could speed buy or speed passed okay so hopefully those are starting to make sense we can use this one we're visiting people so for instance if you were living here and I lived on the other side of town over here I could come by your house I guess it's like this come by meaning that I come to your house and then past so this would be the thing of sort of visiting briefly whilst you're doing a journey or wash you're going on a journey so their place isn't the end location that's when you might say I'm coming over to yours I'm coming around to yours and I'm coming to yours so yours is in your house your place and that's the ultimate destination in that journey but if I'm going to say the shops over here and your house is here and I'm gonna go by your house on the way to the shop so I'm literally going by you and then going to the shops that's when I can use buy or past with any of these different kinds of verbs so for instance I'll drop by your house on the way to the shops I'll drop by your house I'll drop past your house so your house is on the way I'll drop by I'll drop past or visit you briefly you could stop by or stop past someone's house swing by swing past pass by you probably wouldn't say pass past because it's kind of redundant the words are related to one another to one another but you would say pass by I'll come by yours later I'll go by yours on the way to the shops I might pop by later on are you gonna be around cuz I'll come over to your house I'll pop by before I then go to the shops so to drop by or any other verb with by or past there when talking about visiting someone briefly and usually on a journey where that's not the end of the journey it's sort of on the way to something else alright what else have we got here so again passing someone a few of these I'll go through now will have kind of a literal sense and then figurative sense so there'll be the literal movement or being next to something kind of sense of the phrasal verb but then we often have this other figurative metaphorical use of this phrasal verb okay so the first one here is to pass by we can use this literally to mean you've passed someone by so you've walked past someone in the street we've passed by them you've walked past them you've walked by them but we can use this more figuratively for say opportunities so I wanted to apply for a new job but I forgot to hand in my CV I forgot to give them my CV and so that opportunity passed me by the opportunity went by so I didn't quite get it I was here in the opportunity you know which isn't a physical thing went past and I missed out we could use flyby and again literally the bird flies by quickly so I'm here the birds flying maybe it's flying over maybe it's flying around it's flying too and then away from me but it it flies past me or it flies by me incredibly quickly the bird flies by me incredibly quickly we could use it in a figurative sense though for things that pass by quickly that aren't physical objects so for instance time flies by quickly that's a common expression or here time really flies by so that's the idea of I guess you know being stationary and time going past you and kind of leaving you behind so time flies by quickly all right the next one come by to come by so we can use this excuse me for a sec so we can use this in the sense of to visit I think I've swallowed a fly excuse me for a sec guys oh all right so we can use come by to mean visit I'll come by yours later we can also use this in non-literal ways like to find something or to come across something so I guess I guess it's kind of relaxed out so I was getting called it so i guess thats related to passing something like this but it's something that you found on the ground or it's something that you have received that you've got so someone might say how did you come by that new watch that you're wearing so i've got to watch here how did you come by it it's kind of like how did you find it how did you get it how did you come across it did you buy it where did you see it in the shops how did you come by that watch and then yeah we can use visit or see someone in the street just by chance and you could just say yeah I came by my friend in the street or she came by us in the street we can use go buy and go past again we can go buy someone's house literally but we could say that time goes by so that was kind of like how time can fly by time goes by so time goes past it goes by really quickly we can also use this for what someone's name is so we might say what name does he go by what name does he go by meaning what name does he use what's his name he it may not be his actual name but if it's the name he goes by that means it's the name that people use when they're talking to him referring to him whatever it is what name does he go by and we can also go by say experience so to be guided by something or to be based on something so going by experience he'll be liked so if I go by experience he'll be late all right what else have we got here so we can pass undetected here's another one talking about passing or going by something so he passed by the guards unnoticed he went by the guards unnoticed he passed by the guards unnoticed he slipped by he's slipped past the thief slipped by the security cameras so they didn't see him he slipped by slip is to kind of like imagine me putting my hand a table and doing that you know my hands slipping so he slipped by you can say sneak by or sneak past the leopard snuck by the man so imagine the man's here looking forward and this leopards come behind him and then passed and went away the leopard snuck by the man or we could creep by something so the hours crept by tonight that's I guess more of a figurative sense where the ours is in time crept by as in passed us by without us noticing that crept by what else have we got okay now talking about being literally beside something so I could sit by the wall here I'm sitting by the wall I'm sitting next to it I could sit by someone so if my mother was in hospital sick I might sit by her all night so the example sentence here was he sat by his sick mother all night I might wait by something so I might wait by the wall for something I might lean on the wall I might put my hand on the wall I might lean against the wall whilst I wait for something but I'm beside the wall so I'm waiting by the wall maybe I'm waiting by a phone so I'm waiting for a phone call I have the phone next to my head and I'm waiting by the phone for news I could stay by something as well so again it's just the verb changing to whatever I want and I'm talking about sitting next to something sitting beside something so I might stay by the phone whilst I wait for it to call make sure you stay by the phone getting into some more that sort of mean beside well they do mean beside but that have figurative senses as well so for example he to stick by something so he's stuck by the TV tonight that would be like here's the TV here's him and he's right next to it and he can't maybe he can't tear himself away from them from the TV he could if he wanted but he doesn't want to leave the TV he doesn't want to go away from the TV so he's stuck by the TV tonight figuratively figuratively though we can say that someone sticks by someone else meaning that they stay by their side they support that person or they maintain a decision or a promise so she sticks by her husband meaning that she doesn't break up with her husband she doesn't go away from him she doesn't leave him she sticks by him it could be also that he does something or he thinks something and she supports him so she sticks by her husband's opinion or she sticks by her husband's actions so she supports him we can move we can take stick away and we can put in the verb stand and this can mean literally to be standing next to but it could also mean to support again the idea of supporting someone so I stand by a ladder that's literally me standing next to a ladder or I could stand by what I said so I said something I made an accusation maybe I made a threat and I upheld it I maintained it by standing by what I said so here's what I said he's me and I stood by it I stood strong I didn't back down what else have we got here so we can also use stand by to mean wait for further instructions so we stood by and waited for more information or a lieutenant might be in the army and he's waiting for orders and so he's standing by he's standing by he's waiting for these orders so maybe the colonel or the general the guy above him calls him up on the phone whilst he's standing by and says you need to do this this and this and he says no worries got it and then he's no longer standing by and he goes and acts on those orders okay it can also mean remain loyal to someone support someone we kind of went over that but imagine the dog stood by his owner so he's not going to abandon him he's not gonna run off on him he's not gonna betray him he's going to remain loyal and support his owner she stood by her husband no matter what so she supported him no matter what all right we're almost done guys we'll get a few others here with regards to adhering to rules or adhering to laws so you would adhere to these things another form is sort of a phrasal verb there guys but you might play by the rules so if you play a game they play the game by the rules or they play they play yeah they play the game by the rules so they're abiding by the rules as well we could say that abiding by the rules meaning they're adhering to the rules so we abide by the law when we drive our car by using our hands we drive our car following the instructions following the speed limit okay so if we abide by the law or we abide by the rules we're adhering to them and the same with player game by the rules or by the the law of the game I guess you could say to inform briefly or check something so we can use the verb run something by someone or run something past someone and again this can sort of have the literal and the figurative sense to run by or to run past so the literal sense would be that you run past someone or you run by someone the worker ran by his boss he ran past his boss but if he runs something past his boss this will usually be an idea or a plan maybe something verbal something written but it's an idea so the worker ran the idea by his boss so that would be like the workers standing here or you know it could be anywhere really he can be anywhere but his boss is here and his idea goes by his boss so he runs the idea by his boss he runs the idea past his boss which is the idea of informing his boss about his idea and checking to see what he thinks should we do this in the future I just wanted to run it past you I just wanted to run it and by you to see what you thought and then we can act on whatever you decide we should do okay so I just wanted to run the idea by you and maybe I was running the idea by my boss whilst I was literally running by him so I was talking at him and then as I passed I had to turn my head and keep talking and then I ran off okay so you can swear by something and you can yes swear by something so completely trust or support something you could swear by a person so it doesn't literally mean to say swear words but if I swear by this person it's kind of like I say you should trust this person you should support this person or I support this person I swear by their loyalty their trustworthy nature whatever it is but I say this person is good completely trustworthy you should definitely trust them I swear by this person I might swear by a thing so for example my book here on Australian slang if I think this is the best book in the world for Australian slang I swear by it so I might go out into the world I might come across people or come by people and if they ever ask me which books do you use for Australian slang if I instantly say this one you should definitely trust this book I support it thoroughly I swear by this book I swear by it and the example sentence I have here is she swears by yoga so if she does yoga she goes to class all the time and she thinks it makes her healthy happy she swears by it especially if she goes out and tells people yoga is awesome you should try it out you should give it a go I love yoga it's amazing I swear by yoga all right to left and then we'll get into some expressions so these ones are both used for to make do with something or to sort of survive on just enough so this will usually be talking about money guys about making enough money say at work to live so to get by so again to get by can have the literal meaning of to get by something to get past something so how did you get by the guard dog so there's a guard dog hanging around outside a junkyard somewhere there's heaps of junk cars that's where we usually see guard dogs protecting the yard he's he's on duty he's guarding and somehow you got by the dog you snuck by you crept by you I don't know any other verb went by came by but you got by the guard dog meaning you got past the guard dog he didn't see you but we can use it in a figurative sense and this one it has to be to get by we can't use get past but this would this would mean to make do to have enough money to make ends meet or to survive so what do you do to get by at the moment for work what do you do to get by meaning what do you do in order to make enough money to survive so at the moment I get by by teaching you guys English I get by by giving private lessons I get by by and they you hear me using by twice because I get by by doing something okay anyway that's to get by we can scrape by as well and that would be the idea that you only just get by you only just have enough resources to make ends meet to survive to make do so I'm scraping by so that's the idea of imagine you've got some kind of surface and something is really pushing hard against it if I'm scraping by imagine you've got money sitting on this surface and there's only just enough that I have to actually scrape the surface when I take the money and then there's nothing so I'm scraping by I guess I'm only just making enough money to scrape by I'm only just making enough money to survive so let's go through five or so different expressions here guys and then we'll finish up so if something is or if someone is all by their lonesome all by their lonesome or all by themselves this means to be alone so I hate being by my lonesome on Valentine's Day so I hate being alone on Valentine's Day I hate being by myself on Valentine's Day I hate being by my lonesome on Valentine's Day the next one is taken by surprise or to take someone or something by surprise and this just means to be caught off-guard to be shocked for something to be unexpected so for instance perhaps I was trying to sneak by that guard dog and he was asleep and all of a sudden I stood on his tail and it woke him up and I took him by surprise he wasn't expecting that to happen he was caught off-guard I totally took him by surprise when I stood on his tail while he was asleep or maybe the soldiers snuck up on his enemy and took him by surprise so he shocked him it was unexpected to take by surprise you can learn something by heart or know something by heart and this is the idea to know something perfectly so we often use this with regards to say a skill maybe playing the piano so I worked away playing the piano playing this song until I knew it by heart until I had learnt this song by heart until I knew it by heart I'd been working away at playing this song if someone does well by someone else that is to treat someone really well to treat them nicely so my parents always did well by me as a kid so they paid for my school they paid for me to go to the beach they paid for my hobbies they loved me they took care of me they were always nice to me they treated me well they really did well by me they did well by their kids and hopefully they would say that our their kids did well by them okay to do well by to treat well the last one is to judge a book by its cover to judge some by its cover to judge a book by its cover though usually this is used in the negative guys don't judge a book by its cover and that just means to make assumptions based on appearance so if I literally have a book here we'll use my slang book again and I saw the cover of the book which is pretty boring and I said yeah based on the cover it looks like it's awful it looks horrible looks boring looks like a bit of a turn-off I'm not going to read that that is me judging this book by its cover so you'll always hear that or not always but often here it's in the negative don't judge a book by its cover meaning don't make assumptions about something based on appearances based on how that thing appears so if someone saw me in the street and said he's got a beard that means he's homeless that would be judging a book or a human me by its cover as in by how I appear okay and the example here I have is he swears by this book and says you should never judge a book by its cover so that's it for today's episode guys hopefully by now you've learnt a whole bunch of different phrasal verbs that use the particle bye see you in the next one awesome job guys if you have any questions about English about this episode put it below remember you can enroll in this course and get access to everything as it comes out it's only $97 so you can sign up now the link is there you just have to click it and click sign up there's three I think maybe three or four components out already and I'm working on the next one at the moment and yeah the price will be bumped up it will be increased once everything's out so if you find phrasal verbs to be really tricky and you want to wrap your head around them and improve your use of phrasal verbs so that you can use them naturally without thinking you just create them when you're speaking then I really recommend signing up to the effortless phrase of the course the link is in the description but if you have any questions please feel free to put them in the comment box below and I will answer anything that you guys are asking I think a few of you put in some questions below get a ratio get a Simon hey Simon in England Simon is another Aussie so he's walking to the office he said Zhu Li how are you going and Lally you're watching as well Adriana hello Adelaide to bolt to Beau's here how are you mate Saraya she's in Melbourne Mohammed as well so what other what other questions that we gotta keep scrolling through scrolling is where people often say they'll drop by to imply they won't stay long or just a casual visit even if they aren't going elsewhere afterwards okay so that's a good point by Simon you can say it to mean you're not necessarily on the way to something else but that you will only be there for a small amount of time so we'll swing by drop by come by but that it's I guess it is sort of the journeys going to continue but it might be that the journey goes to yours and then it comes all the way back home but yeah casual visit that's a good point Simon and Chau said I swear by Ozzy English exactly thank you thank you ciao good point okay what does Rocha ask and thank you Rocio you always tend to be the first person to ask questions could you please explain the meaning of fare as in how did you fare in your exams so for anyone listening right now or anyone who can't see the comments section she's spelt fair if a are II instead of FAI ah so these are two different words in the case of FAI AR and I almost want to look this up just so that I don't screw it up there would be like just fair or it could be that you if you are talking about someone's appearance and their fear it means that they're not dark they're pale so I have fair skin if I had blonde hair you could say I had fair hair okay but if a II I believe so how did you fare in your exams in that example - fair is kind of to travel I believed so let me look it up just so I get the definition yet second definition there is literally the word travel the first one is perform in a specified way in a particular situation or over a particular period so that is I guess the more figurative form of - fare so that's what this would mean right now ratio how did you fare in your exams how did you perform how did you go how did you yeah I guess live up to what you were thinking was gonna happen so if someone says how did you fare in something like an exam or how did you fare at something maybe you went to the beach and they say how did you fare it's pretty much just another way of saying how did you go how was the experience how did you perform how did you fare in the exam how did you fare at university when you were a kid how did you fare whilst you were away in France how did you go so I hope that makes sense any other questions that I can help you guys with any other questions posted anything here hi Pete please teach me to pronounce taught and thought okay so I might get a little up in your grill a little close to the camera taught is the T sound it's not a th sound they both sound exactly the same except for the first consonant taught thought so the first one is taught so my tongue if this was my teeth my tongue is sitting behind the teeth and up touching the palate in my mouth so the gum so my teeth say them they end here my tongue is touching here taught and it's holding back the air until I go taught thought is a different one thought is the th sound where I'm doing this the tongue is between my teeth it's not behind my teeth like thought and so I'm putting the tongue there that's blocking the air a little bit although air is still coming out as opposed to when I said taught and I'm holding the air back but I'm letting a little bit of air come out before I release it so I'd say thought and then I just make that ought sound okay that one takes a little bit of practice I know there are fewer languages that use the th there aren't that many especially from the guys that I seem to talk to a lot of you guys from Asia and from European backgrounds that speak Portuguese French Italian or whatever you don't have the sound but I would just practice at home if you find it's an embarrassing sound to practice imagine blocking the teeth and then just let it go by pulling the tongue back the what thought okay thought and eventually the more you do it it'll get subtler and subtler until it sounds really natural so I hope that helps ciao good good question good question hey P is to pop over the same as to pop by lalla they're pretty much are they pretty much are but as Simon said to drop by is it's kind of a brief visit it may be that you're also on the way to another location but for the sake of speaking to someone and using either one of these they're going to know exactly what you mean they're gonna think the same thing that you're coming to their house okay so I'm coming to yours I'm coming over to yours if I want to use over although we're not actually going up up and above but it's just sort of a figurative expression we're going over yours we're going around to yours so around we're going around or we're going by yours and we're dropping by we're popping by whatever you want you just switch the verb and again use whatever particle you feel like out of those options dropping I guess it would be weird to say drop to yours but to go to yours to go by yours to go around to yours to go over to yours you can switch in whichever verb you and any of those particles and it all means the same thing you're gonna come to my house okay so definitely use that though words like drop by pop over those two verbs drop which is to pick something up and do this that's drop pop is kind of like - I guess it's kind of - throat so like pop it over there or to push to place but I really like using those sorts of verbs guys when you speak for those sorts of things because they're the kind of verbs I'll use often okay so I'll use those more figurative slanging kind of verbs than literally saying I'm going to your house I would much more likely say I'm gonna pop over to your house I'm gonna drop by your house later I'll swing past that's another good one I'll swing by swing past if you hold on to a rope and you literally come down and then you know swing it's this movement and we use that a lot for some reason yeah swing past later I'll swing by later I'll swing over later I'll swing around later just pick whichever one you want but definitely give those verbs ago you'll sound awesome piller how are you going piller asks when should we use to or for it is a little bit difficult for me that's one that you've caught me out and I can't answer that off the top of my head I would have to research that first yeah that that's a really difficult one because those two prepositions mean different things and are probably also used in the context of different phrasal verbs that may not necessarily abide by the rules that are general generally used for those prepositions when they're not used so I think if you want me to answer some questions about specific uses of particles two and four with phrasal verbs right now I can probably tell you but I might have to get back to you regarding those as that's a pretty difficult question so sorry I kind of help you at the moment but we'll find out Ruchi what have you said do we say I'm going to school or I'm going to the school what's the difference okay here the only differences obviously that you've put in the word that which is an article and it specifies our or the specific score so for instance if I just say I'm going to school that's the idea of I'm going to the place that I get educated wherever that might be someone might not know which school it is I could tell you guys I'm going to school tomorrow and you guys don't know which school I'm talking about but you know what school is and so that's that's how I'm using it like going to university going to town going yeah any of those sorts of things it's like we know what it is but we don't need to know the specific one if I said I'm going to V school that would be that you and I kind of have spoken enough that you know which school I'm talking about okay so imagine that it is imagine I have a son who goes to school he goes to school all the time and I also have a daughter who goes to school so they're both at school they're both getting educated at school at the moment and I say to my wife that I have to go to Peter's school so or to you know imagine I've caught my kid Peter whatever but I've called my son Peter he goes to school and I have to go to his school so if I have to go to his school I might say after my wife knows which one we're talking about that I have to go to the school later so I have to go to that school I have to go to his school I'm putting something in front of school there so that she knows I'm talking about a specific one okay so as soon as I'm talking about a specific school that's when I would put it in there whereas if I'm just saying that he goes to school to get educated it's I'm not talking about the specific school I'm talking about where he goes and it's school like yeah I hope that makes sense any more questions guys and are we gonna finish up there I think that's it well guys if there's no more questions I think we will finish up and I will I guess run the next lesson by you next Monday so hopefully I will see there and I hope you guys have an awesome night Pisa
Channel: Aussie English
Views: 4,593
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: by, phrasal verb, phrasal verbs, phrasal verbs with by, by phrasal verbs, aussie, australia, aussie english, learn australian english, effortless, effortless phrasal verbs, learn phrasal verbs, prepositional verbs, learn preposition verbs
Id: jjtG99ImD7k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 25sec (2545 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 09 2017
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