Phrasal Verbs With Down | Effortless Phrasal Verbs | Aussie English

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g'day guys how's it goin welcome to this episode of Ozzy English this is I guess it's episode number 6 now or component number six for the effortless phrasal verb course again apologies that I didn't have one this Monday I was a little swamped I was a little bogged down with everything else that was going on after going away on my father's 60th birthday so happy birthday dad I'm sure you'll be listening to this anyway so he went down to lon that was really good got to see a lot of birds go to the beach hang out with people hang out with my dad's family friends so they came and stayed with us in this huge house it was really nice right near the beach but aside from that I've just been working away like crazy trying to get down as much as I can for Ozzy English as I'm sure you guys know so there are six components or five components out now for the phrasal verb of course guys so just a quick reminder you can sign up for this course now I go through all of these lessons however you get all this other content this bonus content with PDFs of everything that I say all the phrasal verbs that I use are highlighted on the PDF so I'll give you definitions for them and exercises because the aim of this course is to teach you to use phrasal verbs effortlessly you can sign up for that now it's only $97 if you sign up for it as I'm releasing it after that it's gonna be 110 dollars so if you sign up now you'll save 13 dollars in the long run but yeah you'll get a video with the slideshow that I'm reading off to present all of this stuff you'll get an mp3 word document PDF all these different things in different formats for you to pick which one works for you best for you to play with for you to learn with you can put the mp3s and the videos on your phone you can watch it on the train all of that sort of stuff but this video is free it goes up on Facebook YouTube and the podcast because I also want to help as many of you as possible anyway let's just get into today's content guys I'll run through the lesson and then we can do a bit of a question and answer section at the end if you guys have any questions about the content that we go through about English in general I might interview you guys a little bit and ask your opinion about the podcast at the end as well in fact I'm gonna write that down now so that I don't forget because I want to hear what you guys think of the podcast and which direction I can go in in the future because I'm just sort of thinking about different things that I can do so yeah if you can if you can hear me okay give me a thumbs up guys give me a like if you have 30 seconds give me a share as well because that always boosts the post so that more people will see it so I'm just gonna quickly do that myself because I am shameless and love sharing myself on my own Facebook page so there you have it or on posi English apparently as I just did accidentally anyway one sec guys let me share this and then we will get into it and apologies to everyone who is listening to this on the podcast later who just has to be patient for two seconds all right so that's shared let's get into it today is the sixth component of the effortless phrasal verb course guys welcome I hope you've been enjoying the course so far today we're going to be talking all about the particle down so to go down and move down all the different kinds of phrasal verbs that we can create by adding the particle down after a verb you're probably getting the rhythm by now guys I hope you're enjoying it so down has four different basic uses as phrasal verbs and then miscellaneous ones that I'll go over that kind of fall into all these categories and then we'll do some expressions so number one movement downwards right this movement this basic moment movement of downwards reductions so something reduces down it could be that it's reducing like this it could be that it's just going down like this but it's that movement the contraction that reduction the reduction down that's number two number three is to depress to upset someone or to reject someone or something okay number four again sort of like number two is restriction so you can't you know move outwards you're getting restricted your yeah getting restricted down that's the fourth one and then we have miscellaneous ones that might fall into some of these categories but tend to be a little more abstract so let's get into it all right so the basic movement downwards the opposite of up or upwards we're going downwards down so as we've gone over in previous ones you can run down something you can go down something you could jog down something I've tried to use a few different verbs here though because we've covered those quite a bit we've used a lot of those jump run walk verbs quite a bit so you could lie down so you're standing up then you lie down you could lie down in the grass he lies down in the grass he was standing up and then he lies down you could sit down in the grass so you were standing up and then you decide you want to sit down you sit down in the grass if you get on your knees you're kneeling down right so the basic movement is that you were up and now you're going down lying down sitting down kneeling down you just pick the verb again guys and you put down on the end to show that it's a reduction or a reduction in height I guess so that movement down someone might ask you to get down from something so as a kid if I climbed up on something my parents might tell me to get down so if I climbed up in a tree my parents might say peep it's not safe get down Pete it's not safe hop down hop is to pull one leg up and jump on one leg but we use that sort of colloquially bit like slang the way of saying get down can you hop down and we might also say jump down can you jump down from the tree mate it's dangerous so can you hop down from there we can go down somewhere or we can come down somewhere so this would usually be I guess used for travelling so if I go down to Jalan or I'd come down to jalan it's the idea of Melbourne is here north of jalan jalan down here in the south and so i go from up here down here so I go down or I come down depending on whose perspective I'm talking about right I come towards the person or if I'm talking about me being here I go towards this person pretty self-explanatory I might ride down a hill on a sled so I'm honestly I'm at the top of the hill the bottom of the hill is down here so I ride the sled and I ride this sled down maybe I just slide down the hill I could run down the hill I can walk down the hill the basic idea is I was at the top I go to the bottom and the overall movement is down next slide we can talk about this too when eating or drinking something so the basic idea here obviously is that if I put something in my mouth it goes down into my stomach right and if I vomit if I'm sick it comes up so it comes up where it goes down so we quite often use this when talking about eating food or drinking drinks so someone might gobble down their dinner you know and gobble is to kind of like really eat quickly gobbled it down we might wolf down our dinner these are kind of two slang terms so two wolf literally like the wolf the dog the kind of animal a wolf they wolf down food because they eat really quickly okay so if we wolf down our dinner it's that we've eaten it down so it's gone in our mouths down into our stomach I might scull a or neck a drink both of these are colloquial slang terms that are quite often used if you go to the pubs in Australia if you go out someone might scull a beer and if you want to just talk about the fact that the beers gone in their mouth down into their stomach they've scold the beer down they've drunk the beer down they've nicked it as in you move your neck like this to drink the beer it's a slang term guys will use that quite a bit yeah naked naked as in finish the beer if you make it down you're making the beer you're drinking it and it's going down and if you get sick afterwards you might throw it up you might hurl it up you might chuck it up you might vomit it up so the idea there being it was down here and it's come up and out of your mouth imagine that you're a little kid and you've got to have some medicines so you've come down with the flu you're sick you've got to have some medicine if you take a pill or maybe you have to drink a little bit of medicine your father might say go on mate you can get it down as in you can swallow it down you can take it down you can put it in your mouth and get it down into your stomach you can do it I know it's unpleasant it's not nice but you can swallow down the medicine where you can get down the medicine you can get the medicine down and we also use this quite often with keep so if he keeps his food down that would be the idea that he wants to throw it up but he's managing to keep it down so he's maintaining it down in his stomach so he it wants to come up but he's keeping it down so dinner was a little weird it didn't taste very good and it made me feel a bit sick but I'm managing to keep it down it's not coming up all right if you stand down so will you stand down as a way of saying more figuratively but I guess it's the movement of downwards figuratively that you want to resign from something that you you are resigning so you're giving your job up but it's you relinquishing it you're the one who's decided I'm resigning you're standing down from a position so the manager stood down and left the business he wasn't fired he wasn't kicked out he stood down he decided to stand down so you can imagine that he was on a platform and he stepped off it down so his job was up here and he's given it up and he stepped down okay he stepped down but you can also have it for fall in line which means to sort of do what you're told so if you're a soldier in the Army and you were doing something that you should have been doing or that your superior officer has said mm-hmm I don't want you doing that they might tell you to stand down as in do what you're told fall in line and behave stand down so the soldiers stood down and let the man pass after he was told off by his senior officer you can settle down you can use this figuratively to kind of quiet down so this I think we'll go over this later with regards to like reduction in sound but if you settle down somewhere I guess it's also figurative you are creating a family and you're finding a location to live and then you're sort of going to that location and settling down meaning kind of like if something settles it stops moving so maybe if I was into traveling I like going around the world and then after five years of traveling everywhere learning languages figuring out what I want to do with my life I decide actually I'm gonna go down to Geelong where my parents and I grew up where I lived and I'm gonna settle down and have a family in Jalan so I'm certainly imagine you've dropped a leaf and it falls like this and then it settles on the ground it's settling down on the ground so I'm settling in a location I'm settling down in that location no longer gonna move I'm gonna have a family I'll have some kids and I'll you know get the standard life going so we'll go settle down again later though a few more of these movement ones downwards a tree can fall down so you can chop down a tree you can cut down a tree a tree can fall down the tree fell down in the forest did anyone hear it a building if a building falls down like this they don't really fall down like that they kind of crumble down right or they topple down topple is like where the top of it comes off and it it all just comes down as a result to crumble down would be the idea that it's turning into like crumbs imagine if you get bread and do this with it and crumbs come off if something crumbles it's that little pieces are coming off and it's sort of disintegrating right it's falling apart so if an old building decides decides if an old building topples down it falls to the ground it falls down and it can also crumble down if it's like disintegrating and yeah we can chop down a tree we can cut down a tree we can saw down a tree you just pick the verb that you want to use guys to describe how the tree is being you know cuts chopped sawn and then the fact that it goes from standing up to lying down on the ground is why we choose to use the particle down so we've chopped it and it's fallen down we've chopped it down we've cut it and it's fallen down we've cut it down we've sword it you know we've used a saw so we've sawn it down and it's fallen to the ground we've sawn it down alright how many more of these have we got a few more you can pat someone down so Pat is the idea of doing this to a cat using your hand and kind of rubbing an animal sort of touching an animal gently that's to pat security security guards can Pat you down like this so they'll touch your arms they'll go under your arms they'll check your body to make sure you've got no weapons to make sure maybe if you're in an airport that you're not carrying drugs you're not trying to smuggle any drugs so they'll Pat you literally gently touch you down so they start at the top start up and they go down they Pat you down the security guard Pat it down the patron things can trickle down they can flow down and they can run down in this case we'll talk about safe tiers so if I start crying if I burst out in tears the tears are trickling down my face so trickling they're going from my eyes down to my mouth and falling onto the ground they're trickling down my face they're flowing down my face they're running down my face the tears flowed down her cheeks that's the example I've got here and it could be the rain is on the window trickling down flowing down running down again that movement is down you pick the verb that you want in order to describe it you could also use bucket down that's the idea of having a bucket you know it's a big container and the water coming out to piss down not going to explain what piss means I'm sure you guys know what piss means or to pour down all of these are sort of slanging kind of ways of saying it's raining heavily it bucketed down last night if the house is standing up its upright and it catches on fire and it burns up if it not only burns up as in the flames go all the way up in the house and it's on fire but after that after it's burnt it's burnt up completely the house then falls down so maybe it topples down maybe it crumbles down but it falls down we can say that it burnt down so this time we've used the verb burn because it was on fire and that's what's caused it to go from up down so the building burned down in the fire you can gun someone down you can shoot someone down you can mow them down which is kind of like I guess when you use a mower on the lawn its chopping the grass and the grass is falling down as a result of being chopped you can use it figuratively if you're using a gun on a crowd of people and all the people falling down because they've been shot that's to mow down a crowd of people so I mean this won't be relevant in the future but at the moment obviously you guys will know about what unfortunately happened in Nevada in America in Las Vegas where 59 people were shot we could say that the man was up in the hotel and he gunned down these people he shot them down he mowed them down so they were standing upright they got shot and they fall into the ground they were gunned down shot down mowed down you can use it for anything too like if a plane is flying in the sky and someone on the ground is shooting it and then it comes down and hits the ground you've gunned the plane down you've shot the enemy plane down the enemy plane was mowed down all right so a few more of these movement ones hopefully you guys are getting some good content from this so when writing something we write it down right because I guess it's it's up it's in our minds it's what we're talking about and to write quite often we have to do that down we don't write up like this we don't write against the wall usually we normally face down when we're writing and so we write something down you can take something down take that that idea or whatever it is that you're talking about and put it on paper put it down on paper you're taking it down so he took notes down in the lecture he took down the notes in the lecture you can get down something you can put it down on paper you can write it down and you can also jot something down and that's the idea of writing it down very quickly he just jotted it down he jotted down the notes from the lecture if you're driving a car that's full of stuff so you've piled all this stuff on your car you put it on the car and the pile has gone up so it's stacked up it's piled up its heaped up so the size has increased up if you put tires over the top so like ropes over your car you're tying it down so the stuff is stacked up but you're keeping pressure on it to hold it down right so you're trying to drive this car you don't want the stuff to fall off the car you want the stuff to stay on the car it's stacked up but you want to make sure that it stays down you don't want it to fall off the car you don't want it to blow up into the air you want it to stay down so you can tie down the car go on your truck you could nail it down maybe there's a tornado coming and the roof of our house could blow off the house we're worried about it flying off the house it could fly up into the sky so we want to keep it down we want to keep it down we want to nail it down if we use nails so I pull out nails put them in the roof and Hammer them in we're hammering them in to the roof we're tying the roof down if we use rope we're nailing it down maybe we use glue we use glue so we stick some glue under the tiles under the roof we're gluing it down we're trying to keep it down okay tie down nail down glue down again pick the verb and the idea of wanting to keep that thing like this so we say down we use the particle down alright looks like we've got one or so left one left alright sweet you can pass something to pass something is to hand something you can pass something down or you can hand something down we can literally use this where someone is below us and we've picked something up or we've grabbed something from above us and we're passing it down to that person or we're handing it handing it we're using our hands we've got it and we're handing it down to someone but we can also use this figuratively well literally as well but it's quite often you if you get something from an older sibling so imagine you've got an older brother or an older sister and they have grown out of their clothings so they've gotten too big and their clothing has gotten too small for their body they've grown out of it and so instead of throwing the clothing out they've handed it down to their younger sibling they've handed it down to their smaller sibling they've passed it down to you or to whoever it is so they can use it and continue to I guess wear it out there's another phrase overheard for you they're gonna wear it out by continuing to wear it to use it until it's no longer usable so he passed his jumper down down to his younger brother all right number two so we're away from the specific movement one that basic downwards movement this is reduction which is loosely tied in with that so reject reduction to reduce something you can cut down on something okay so the company cuts down on costs it's trying to reduce costs so costs can blow out or they can blow up like this if they increase they can increase out or they can increase up and if you want to reduce them down it's that idea you're just trying to decrease them I want to reduce the company's costs down you can also cut down on something like smoking if I'm smoking 20 cigarettes a day and I reduce that to 10 cigarettes a day I've cut down on how much I'm smoking you know you imagine lining them all up the 20 is here tens halfway you've cut down on smoking you can hush down quiet down or quieten down which is the idea of becoming quieter so I start speaking like this I've hushed down I've quietened down so you might hear teachers say this to their students the teacher rushes into the room wants to get this their class started they might say okay quiet down everyone let's get started the teacher told the students to quiet down the teacher told the students to hush down yet be quiet just reduce the volume you could also say calm or settle down so here's settle down again and this is the basic idea of becoming more of not being as excited so instead of just you know if the students were moving a lot but not making noise the teacher might just say calm down stop moving guys settle down okay the parents asked their kids to settle down as in just become calm and stop being so excited and active so from here to here reduce it bring it down you might have someone to slow down so if someone's driving too fast they've sped up and you want them to slow down you would just say can you slow down I need you to stop driving so quickly I just noticed that you sped up and I want you to slow down so the driver decided to slow down and maybe he did this by taking his foot off the accelerator he put his foot down on the accelerator or just on the accelerator and you asked him to take it up off then you've asked him to slow down the temperature might cool down if it's really hot outside during the day it's heated up the temperature has increased it heated up this morning and then this evening or the tsavo it cooled down so again increase/decrease reduction after something has gotten to a certain point so the temperature cooled down in the arvo you could also come down from something so if you were high which is a verb that means that you are under the influence of drugs we use that in English quite a bit if someone has smoked cannabis or they've done a line of cocaine maybe they've done some heroin while they're high high like that up there mentally we refer to it as being high after they they've stopped becoming so high they're coming down right so they're they're high is reducing so they're coming so he came down after being high on cocaine for two hours you can power something down so the worker powered the Machine down and that is to reduce the power to something so you didn't necessarily turn it off but you brought it down gradually you've powered something down so you've let it you've let it turn off I guess you've all you've just reduced the power and it's it's done this slowly if you make a story less complicated so it's complicated up here and you reduce how complicated it is you've dumbed it down so you've made the story I guess more stupid you've made it Dumber simpler so you've done the story down for someone else sorry I done the story down for him you can die down or something can die down if a party is going crazy everyone isn't calm they're not settled so you might want them to settle down or calm down and maybe hush down and quiet down if they do that the party has died down so it's really excited all everything was going crazy and then when it became calm we can say the party started to die down it started to die down you can turn up the music so if you turn the knob up like that it goes from here to here you've turned the music up the volumes increased and if you turn it down the volumes decreased so we turn the music down so can you guys turn that down yeah right the party's starting to die down so we'll turn it down it's reducing okay you can come down with something so this would be the idea of getting sick I came down with the cold you came down with a cold you've become sick you've become ill so you your health was here and then you've come down with a sickness with a cold with something and it's usually a cold that's a collocation there I came down with the flu or with a cold you can go down with something this is the idea of something sinking like a ship so the captain went down with his ship or the ship went down off the coast so it was off the coast because it's here and it's off the coast and it's sank it went it went down literally into the water something can wear down so for instance I have a pencil here as I write the tip of the pencil it wears down even though it's going in this direction because it's reducing we say it's wearing down so even if I'm pointing the pencil down and so as it wears the lead this part of the pencil is actually going upwards because it's reducing we say it's wearing down and the same with teeth for instance a crocodile a crocodile's teeth either either row I guess it could be the bottom row or it could be the top row if the teeth reducing in length in size they're wearing down and they're wearing because he's using them right so the sole of your shoe if it wears it can wear down even though it's going in this direction you could turn the shoe upside down as it's doing that but the old Crocs teeth had worn down so he was eating so much maybe add some rocks and on his teeth wore down all right number three now to depress upset or reject put down so you can put someone down and you can put down someone and this is the idea of I guess depressing them making them upset by being mean to them usually by trying to bring down their ego I guess by saying something nasty so you guys could put me down by saying you're ugly Pete you have no hair so you're putting me down you're insulting me you're trying to make me feel you know happy here and then you're trying to make me feel sad so you're bringing my attitude down you're depressing me you're upsetting me you're rejecting me I guess sort of rejecting me you know we don't like you that's putting me down so he always puts me down you can bring someone down or bring down someone so every time my footy team loses that brings me down it makes me sad if I'm really happy beforehand and then I become incredibly sad and depressed it brings me down I was up here and now I'm down here with my mood so your life in here is quite a bit in English with us referring to mood or attitude if someone's happy they tend to be up so like upbeat if someone said depress they're down I'm a bit down so my footy team lost and when that happens when my team loses it really brings me down you could tell someone some sad news and that could bring them down okay so you can also get someone down or you can get down yourself again it's just to become depressed being alone can get you down I'm when I'm alone I get down so I feel sad you could break down so maybe you got down or someone brought you down to the point that you started crying or you became really depressed upset visibly upset this would be the idea of breaking down so she broke down into tears she broke down into tears you can let someone down or you can let something down and that would be like I guess we'll get to the figurative meaning of let down later on but if you let down something like a tire a tire was pumped up so you pumped the tire up until it was full and if you let the air out of the time so the the air is in the tire and you let it out of the tire the tire retracts it becomes smaller it depresses in size you're letting it down but we can also use this figuratively for you've done the wrong thing by someone and I'll go over this in a bit but the example sentence here is he led us all down you could turn someone down or you could reject something doesn't have to be someone so maybe someone offered me a new job and I said sorry guys I can't not interested that's me turning the job down so imagine me doing this thumbs up thumbs down this is yes that's no I'm turning it down no thanks I turned that I turned down the offer or I turned the offer down if a girl was here that I was interested in and I wanted to ask her out so I said to her let's go out sometime we'll grab a coffee it'll be fun if she said yeah nah no thanks she's turning me down but she's also shot me down so this is where we can use shot as in like I'm a plane and she's shot the plan and the plans crashed I was up here thinking I'm all awesome and then I'm gonna go out with this girl and she shot me down when she said yeah I'm not interested so I asked her out but she shot me down I guess it's like deny someone reject someone you can look down on someone and that's the idea that you have a really high opinion of yourself or yeah that you just don't like the person or you think very little of them so if you look down on someone imagine you're up here and you're looking down on them like they're a small less equal person to you you're up here they're down there so you look down on someone so if you don't like homeless people and you complain about it or you know it's obvious that you don't like them people know about it they could say we can tell you look down on homeless people so you think you're better than the homeless people so you look down on something maybe you could look down on it on an activity so someone smokes cannabis or drinks alcohol or skateboards and you think it's stupid you might look down on it or look down on them for doing it and you'll often hear the expression to look down ones nose at something so if you look down your nose at something it's like you're holding your head up and you're looking down your nose at the person okay you can also talk down to someone again the basic idea being you're up here the person's down here below you they're not equal to you you're better than them and you're talking down to them so it's kind of like you're talking to them like they're below you they're not as good as you so my boss talks down to me sometimes so he could say you're a horrible person you suck at this you can't work you're hopeless he's talking down to me because he's he thinks he's up here better than me alright number four number four guys to restrict so that's the idea not being able to move for something to be restricted so a business could be shut down or closed down and that's the idea of it no longer functioning it's no longer open its closed so it's been closed down or it's been shut as in like to the opposite of open shut same as closed it's been shut down um it can be temporary could be could be permanent but the business shut down for the day or maybe they were doing something illegal and the police shut them down permanently okay shut down closed down the police could also come down on something crack down on something and clamp down on something so this is the idea of them stopping that thing restricting that thing becoming more severe with punishing that thing so for instance if they were really against smoking weed smoking cannabis in in Australia and they decided we're gonna increase the laws and make them more severe then you could say they're coming down on people who smoke cannabis or they're cracking down on drug use or they're clamping down on people who use recreational drugs whatever it is so they're the police crackdown on crime you can have something like a bird of prey so like an eagle or a falcon or a Kestrel could be anything a hawk if it grabs its prey and it closes its claws around its prey it's pinned its prey down when it's taken its prey put its weight on the prey so the preys been pushed into the ground so the animal that it's caught you could say that it's pinned its prey down or it's holding its prey down okay the bird held down its prey with its as it began to eat it so it's restricting the animals movement the animal was you know free and blah blah blah doing this and it got caught and then pushed down so it's been pinned down it's been held down sort of the same thing if imagine you're a lion on the Serengeti plains in Africa and you are hunting zebra or zebra we can pronounce it either way if a lion is hunting zebra and it's it catches the zebra so imagine it's chasing after a zebra it catches up to so it reaches the zebra and then it pulls a zebra down we can say that it has tracked it so it's found the tracks found the zebra tracked it down it's chased it caught it chased it down it's hunted it caught up to it hunted it down so it's gotten the animal to the ground we can say track down chase down hunted down the lion hunted down the zebra police could narrow down a list of suspects so that's the idea of imagine they have 50 names on a list of people who committed a murder and they reduce the list they restrict the list all the way down to two names so they've narrowed down it was wide and it became narrow so it's gone from here to here so it's reduced it's restricted we can use the particle down so the detective narrowed down his list of suspects you can go down for something if you go down for a crime this is the idea that you get caught for it you get the blame for it so imagine you're up you get caught brought to the ground literally but figuratively in the sense that you are court for a crime and then go to jail you go down for the crime you can also reduce something down so prices could really be reduced down but it's kind of redundant because reduce restrict it already kind of has that idea of the thing going from here to here but you might hear from time to time that the sale reduced down the prices brought the prices down let's go through some miscellaneous ones guys and then we can get into the expressions and finish up with a Q&A section so miscellaneous ones you can come down to something or something can come down to something this is usually when it's like the final thing okay so it all comes down to this imagine that someone is playing football they mark the ball they catch it the siren goes off the siren goes so there's nothing left of the game they just get their kick at the goal and that's it imagine their score as a level so everything comes down to this guy getting this score or not getting the score so the game comes down to the last move or this last move it all comes down to this it relies on this thing you could put down to something so this is just sort of mean that you you you think this is the cause of something if you put something down to something so if I get sick and I put the flu down to the cold weather that's me saying that the reason I'm sick is because of the cold weather so I put it down to the cold weather that's a very figurative weird one that has no it doesn't feel like it has a literal sort of attachment to any of those previous four explanations of how to use down so I put this flu down to the cold weather you can wave down a taxi so you might wave someone down this is the idea of getting a car to stop so someone's driving along and you walk out in front of the road and wave and the car stops you're waving the car down you're quite often get here this just referring to taxis and people in places like cities waving to get the attention of a taxi if the taxi stops to take them home they've waived the taxi down so they waived a taxi down to take them home you can lay something down so that's the idea of putting it on the ground you know whether it's you yourself or it is something like a gun so it's relinquishing it it is putting it down giving it giving it up surrendering it so you might lay down your life soldiers in World War 2 laid down their lives for their countries so they relinquish their lives they gave their lives they laid their lives down the soldiers could also have laid down their arms so imagine their guns and they surrendered the soldiers laid down their arms and surrendered you can hunker down and knuckle down we use these kind of colloquially to mean work hard the idea of I guess getting down and doing something you know concentrating on that one thing we need to hunker down and get this work done we need to knuckle down I guess that's the knuckles of these knuckle down and get the work done so let down fail to support or help someone as they had hoped so I didn't show up to work and it let my boss down so he got really depressed as a result or maybe he required me he hoped I was gonna show up to work in order to help him by not showing up I failed to support him so I let him down it could also be convey bad or disappointing news to someone but in a polite kind of considerate way sort of to spare the person's self-respect right so they're they're not they don't look like an idiot and you haven't put them down you haven't shot them down so for instance if I asked a girl out to go on a date again the same example instead of her shooting me down by saying yeah no way if she was really polite and said I would love to but I have a boyfriend I'm sorry but you seem like a really nice guy that's her letting me down slowly letting me down gently letting me down nicely she's not putting me down she's not being horrible she's letting me down gently so she doesn't like that guy over there but she's letting him down gently what a good chick so what else have we got here alright let's get into the expressions almost done guys almost done so come down to something we went through that one you can bring knock or take someone down a peg this is a common one a peg is imagine that you know when you've got like a wooden thing I don't even know what this thing is called holes in a wall a peg is the wooden thing that goes in the holes in the wall I'm not sure where this originates from but it means to reduce or damage someone's ego or pride so to make them more humble sort of humiliate that person so you want to bring them down a few pegs or bring them down a peg or to knock them down so that's the idea of hitting them knock them down a peg or take them down a peg so this guy needs to be brought down a peg or two he thinks too much of himself he's really arrogant he's got a huge ego we need to humiliate him make him humble reduce his ego we need to bring him down a peg or two you could be down on your luck meaning you've been unlucky so he lost his dog his wife divorced him and his house burned down he's really been down on his luck lately you can get bogged down in something usually details if you get bogged down in the details you are bogged down or you get bogged down it's to be caught up in something so that's like to be burdened weird to be prevented from making progress because of this thing so imagine you get caught in a net and I guess caught up is like to be stuck in that net to get bogged is to like have your wheels in a car going to the sand or go into mud and then you get stuck and when that happens the car goes from being here to here so it goes down right so you get bogged down if you get bogged down you're getting stuck on things or in something and it's usually the details of say a specific task if someone just wants you to do something they might just say don't get bogged down in the details just do it so it's not important don't get bogged down in the details so I could save you guys don't get bogged down with memorizing every single phrasal verb just learn how to use the particles on the verbs and you'll be sweet you can come down on someone like a ton of bricks like a ton of bricks so bricks are what you make a wall out of you know those things that are about this big they tend to be made of clay and other things bricks so if you come down on someone like a ton of bricks you imagine you know a ton is in a thousand kilos of bricks falling on someone you've come down on that person really really harshly so it could be like with punishments I wax school and both my parents and teachers came down on me like a ton of bricks or maybe the judge came down on the criminal like a ton of bricks so you really got punished badly you cannot let someone down this is usually used in the negative don't let it get you down so don't let it get you down this is don't let it make you sad or don't let it depress you so your footy team lost but don't let it get you down you can let your guard down this is the idea of becoming vulnerable emotionally maybe you get a boyfriend and you decide I'm gonna let my guard down and be honest with him about my feelings if you've got your guard up you're not being honest or you're not telling him everything that you're feeling and thinking so your guard is up or it could be literal wear like a security guard has let his guard down maybe he's playing on his phone and he's not his guard isn't up he's let it down and you snuck in so the security guard let his guard down and we snuck into the building whatever it is if you never live something down this is the idea of never being able to overcome to reduce or cause others to forget about something shameful or embarrassing this happened so imagine that you get really drunk at a party and you throw up everywhere you couldn't keep the food down order you couldn't keep the drink down after you've nicked them all down and you throw up everywhere you vomited it up and embarrassed yourself it was very shameful you could say I never thought I was gonna live it down as in I never thought anyone was ever gonna forget this thing they were always gonna remind me of it I'd never live it down free to go let your hair down I don't really have any but if you let your hair down it's like - relax - stop being so formal and conservative so imagine you've got your hair tied up if you're a girl and you want to let it down it's to take the butt eyes out of your hair and let your hair come down so to relax so after a long week at work she went out with her girlfriends and let her hair down this is the idea if she went out and relaxed and stopped being so strict formal conservative get down to business this is to begin doing what needs to be done needs to be done so we have to get down to business so we started the meeting we didn't muck around we got straight down to business okay so it's to begin doing what needs to be done and the very last one guys is to get something down pat so we went down pat before I don't know why it's used here but if you get something down pat it means to learn something by heart so to learn something perfectly to get it down pat so by the end of this course you guys will have gotten phrasal verbs down pat okay you'll have learnt them by heart you'll know how to use them perfectly you'll have gotten phrasal verbs down pat so that's it for this one guys thanks for sticking with me and I'll see you in the next episode good job guys thanks for sticking with me I know they they're quite long and it's just me talking talking talking but if you guys have any questions if you have any questions about what we just went through with the phrasal verbs if you have any questions about English in anything at all feel free to ask me right now and I'll answer for you guys so Zhu Li wants to know the difference between cool down versus cool off so it's cool down and cool off so these are just two ways of saying the same thing we're just thinking of it in two different ways right so you would imagine that if something reduces in temperature so it heats up and it cools down it heats up cools down so if you ask someone to cool off so cool down it means calm down you know don't be so angry off would be the idea of the heat coming off the thing whatever it is so imagine you've got a pan full of water on the stove and there's smokes coming off it or not smoke but steam is coming off the pan if it cools off it's cooling because all the heat is coming off the the thing so it's cooling off I'm not sure why we use off there apart from to think the stuffs coming off which is causing it to cool down but they both mean pretty much the same thing so Summoner asks when do we use conscious me what some what's an example of how you would use that seminar can you give me an example sentence I'm not a hundred percent sure lolly okay in the meantime is there a difference in the pronunciation of shut and shot yes there is so it's like cup cop see my lips shut so it shut shot so my lips come into kind of a ring shape when I do that off ah ah ah shut shot Cup cop so that's the basic difference there between those two so I was also gonna ask guy as well I'm waiting for some more questions are you guys enjoying the podcast and do you have any feedback for things that you would like to hear on the podcast that aren't just about learning English that aren't just interviews that aren't just I guess me doing phrasal verbs at the moment do you guys have any suggestions I was thinking about doing shorter episodes about interesting facts i watch a lot of youtube videos that ask weird questions like how long until the moon won't be circular going around the earth what will the world look like in a hundred million years I've been thinking about answering some of those questions and creating episodes for the podcast that we're shorter and sort of just trivial facts what do you guys think about those and while you're all having a think mob maje there asks what does Down Under mean Down Under means Australia Australia we use that to refer to Australia because Australia is down under the equator so it's if the equator of the earth is here you imagine you've got you know the world like this and the equators in the middle the northern hemisphere is up here where everyone like America Canada England they're all in the north and we're down under the equator so Australia's down here you're way down under so that's how we got that nickname down under short episodes would be good awesome awesome guys yes I'm thinking about doing that and having people transcribe them as they had done sort of recently we were doing that picture and Chris were doing that quite a bit all right bother where the bother by are they different yeah they are like it just again it depends on the context you have sentences where you've heard these used because they become they become difficult for me to explain unless I have a specific example so if I said to someone don't bother with that that's me telling them don't do that thing don't hassle yourself don't go to the trouble of doing that thing don't bother yourself with that task but so it would be bother with and then a noun that's when I would use to bother with something if I said don't bother by and then I finish the sentence it would be with a verb in the run so it would be like don't bother by don't bother by don't bother by coming over yeah that sounds a bit weird I'd probably stick with with but I think it's just whether or not you use a noun or a verb in this yearand acting as a noun so or if you were here by can be used in so many different ways that's a really difficult one so if something was annoying you you could say that I was getting bothered by that thing that thing was bothering me I was being bothered by that thing so that's where you've used the passive voice so these these are the kinds of things that are very nuanced and subtle it's not really that important to nail these every single time people will understand what you mean but you'll just get better at these the more you read the more you talk and the more you expose yourself to the language it's kind of not worth trying to remember a hundred different grammar rules I would just go out there and use them read them keep absorbing them okay what else we got here oh she likes the idea awesome yeah well that's what I was thinking if we do some trivial stuff what I'm talking about things outside of English like crazy facts maybe I could do facts about Australia where I talk about the kangaroo or how uluru formed in the desert all that sort of stuff you guys will get all sorts of different vocab that will be required when I make those episodes so that's why I was thinking about it lolly asks what does I can't be bothered mean I can't be bothered means I don't have the will to do it so if I was busy tonight or not even busy but I didn't want to do this live lesson because I was busy playing a video game or maybe I just I felt like sleeping I could say yeah I can't be bothered meaning I just don't have the will to do it I don't really want to I can't be bothered it's a very common expression you'll hear people use pretty much everywhere in the english-speaking world I imagine they would use this I can't be bothered meaning they don't have the energy they don't have the will to do that thing but literally to bother someone is to be annoyed okay so to annoy someone he's really bothering me it means that I don't like what he's doing or him or whatever it is so I guess the idea there would be if I can't be bothered it would be that someone can't annoy me enough to get me to do that thing maybe maybe that's what I originally came from I can't be bothered or maybe I don't want anyone to bother me to do yeah to do that thing so I can't be bothered that's a good one though use that Karina was snow is it right for her to use my bad when I use my bad or my mistake how can I apologize for something that's a really good one my bad is a pretty slang colloquial informal way of saying sorry admitting fault apologizing for something that you've done so if I bumped into someone in the street I accidentally you know bumped into them without seeing them I could say off sorry my bad and that's me admitting guilt straight away saying that was my fault my bad so the thing was bad and it was mine because I did it I caused it my bad you can also say my mistake that would be a little more formal a little less informal I guess but yeah use both of those they're not rude they're both 100% fine to use ratio the part I enjoy most though is the connected speech part it's amazing how those tips change everything for understanding and becoming better at being fluent yeah I try and keep that in there but I haven't heard much much feedback about the connected speech stuff so I was never sure if people really liked it if using it so I'm glad that you let me know because it's always important for me to work out what you guys like and don't like so that I can keep improving it so I watched it please teach us phrasal verbs commonly used to speak in restaurants schools shopping business well I can't do that right now but I'll try and do that in the future mate videos on Ozzie animals would be great the joke is also good fun all right awesome guys it looks like we're out of questions thank you so much for sticking with this entire episode we've just run for about an hour so I really appreciate it guys remember if you want to sign up for this course you save 13 dollars if you sign up for it now and you're gonna get all these videos with all the extra content so that you can learn to use phrasal verbs effortlessly sign up give it a go I know you guys are gonna love it and I'll see you hopefully on Monday catch you later
Channel: Aussie English
Views: 3,688
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: phrasal verb, phrasal verbs, aussie, australia, aussie english, learn australian english, effortless, effortless phrasal verbs, learn phrasal verbs, prepositional verbs, learn preposition verbs, down phrasal verbs, phrasal verbs with down, down, particle down, preposition down
Id: XvAFYefCfbU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 3sec (3603 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 12 2017
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