Photoshop Generative Fill TIPS!

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hi everyone Anthony morganti here if you've ever used gen toil in Photoshop you probably already know that it's often hit or miss and all too often you'll have more misses than you will hits well over the past several days I've been working with J toil in Photoshop and I think I've developed some techniques that will give you more hits than misses and that's what we're going to be covering in this video in this video we're going to be working on this image it's an adobe stock image obviously of a woman in a park and what I want to do is I want to make her a doctor and put her in the hospital now to do that we're going to use gender to fill several times first of all I want to use gender to fill to change your clothing now whenever you use gender to fill you have to make a selection and there are some debates out there about whether or not you should use a loose selection or you should use a very tight exact selection and to tell you the truth there are some instances where a tight selection works better than a loose selection and vice VI Versa now to change someone's clothes like I want to change her out of the clothing she's wearing and put her in hospital scrubs what I found is a loose selection works best to do a loose selection you most often would use the lasso tool the keyboard shortcut for the lasto tool is the L key by the way I have a full list of Photoshop keyboard shortcuts it's a downloadable PDF that you could get from my website for free I'll have it listed in the description below this video so we have the last so tool and we want to do a loose selection around her clothing so it's pretty much we're going to do this loose selection around her body we'll start up here it might be easier so we're going to start around her neck area here come down around her shoulder you can see it's just a super loose selection in this case across the bottom then across this way and over her shoulder this way and around her neck and then we're going to complete our selection right there and I have the marching ants now we click on generative fill then in this box we want to put what type of clothing you want her to wear in this case I'm going to write Dr scrubs just like that and click generate now if you're not familiar with generative fill what's happening is the image is being sent up to Adobe servers and all the work is being done up there when done it's going to return three different examples that I could choose from and you can see here's one example she's wearing some blue scrubs and here's another example and here's a third example now often you'll come through and you look well none of these look that great or fingers look funny in all of them uh you could click generate again click right here and it will go up and it will again send the image up to Adobe servers and give us three more examples and what you'll often find is one is almost perfect but there's going to be something wrong with it okay here's another another example here and here's one here let's just say for the sake of argument that we liked this one but her fingers are messed up all right uh let's here let's just go through them again actually that one's not even good okay this one might be a little better but see how our fingers are still messed up what I found is that you could fix it just do generative fill again and do it right on this generative fill layer so use the lasto tool and we're going to come up here we're going to get part of the stethoscope there and get this hand here like this and we'll come in do that and then click generative fill again don't type anything here and click generate now again it's going to send the entire image up to Doby servers and it's going to know that you don't like the look of her hand that is in that area and the stethoscope and again it will give us uh three different examples and that one looks pretty good now let's move the contextual taskar out of the way she has some Bangles on her wrist here that's okay but this hand right here doesn't look right so we're going to fix this again we're going right on the generative fill layer and we're going to click generative fill we're not going to type anything and we're going to click generate so what I'm getting at is when you do have a generative fill example that you like but there's something just a little bit off about it just circle that area and right on that gender to fill air uh layer do it again and in this case that one so we used it twice or did gender to fill two more times to fix those areas we didn't like and so far it looks pretty good all right now I want to take her out of the park and put her in a hospital again should we use a tight selection or a loose selection and again should we just do it like on top and not do anything else well what I found is that generative fill outside of the fixes that I did when I fixed her hands right when you if you're not doing any fixes if you're going to use generative fill like in its entirety again where photoshop's going to look at the entire image it's best to either flatten these layers you would do that by going up to layer and all the way down here to flatten image or put a stamped layer on top I prefer to put a stamp layer on top there is a convoluted keyboard shortcut for that if you have a PC a Windows computer you would hold in the shift key along with alt contrl and E so shift alt control e on a Mac it's shift option command E when you do that it will just stamp all those layers together and put a stamp layer on top now as I mentioned I want to take her out of the park and put her in the hospital well if you try to use a loose selection it won't work and I'm going to show you what you would do is you would do a loose selection around her entire body but since you really don't want to do anything to her you want to do everything to the background you would do the loose selection around her body then you would invert that selection so everything else but her body is selected and to do that I'm going to just zoom out a little bit I'm going to hit command minus on my Mac a couple times it's control minus on a PC it's just easier to draw now around her entire body cuz I don't have to use as large movements of my mouse so we'll just do a selection like this now this a loose selection right and I just want to illustrate to you why this won't work as well so we have our selection I'm going to fit it to screen again by hitting command zero on my Mac control Z on a PC so I have our loose selection we're going to invert it hit uh shift command I on a Mac shift control I on a PC now it may not look like it inverted but it did you can see there's marching answer along the outside now we're going to click on generative fill again and in the contextual test bar let me move this right here we're going to put a hospital hallway all right and we're going to click generate now again it sends the image up to Adobe servers and again it will come back with three different examples of her supposedly being in a hospital hallway and you could see that it didn't it put her outside the hospital not what I wanted at all and it's going to do this believe me believe me it's going to do this every single time if you want her inside of the hospital you could try typing inside Hospital hallway it's still going to do the same thing going to have to trust me on that cuz that's what it did so I hit command z a few times to undo that I'm going to get rid of these marching ANS or get rid of our selection by hitting command d for D select on my computer it's contrl D on a PC so we're kind of back to where we started after I made this stamp layer what I found is an exact selection works best when you want to change the background so what to do well go to the contextual taskbar and see it says select subject and if you don't see the contextual taskbar go up to window and make sure that it's checked right there you also could select the subject by going up to select and down to subject and when you do you'll get an exact selection of the subject of the image and in this case it's our woman that's still in the park now the subject isn't perfect cuz it didn't select this part of her leg right here so we're going to get the quick selection tool the keyboard shortcuts the W key again you see I use keyboard shortcuts all the time I encourage you to download that free pdf at keyboard shortcuts I have we'll just come in here and make sure that that selected now I mentioned this is an exact selection and we could make it even a bit better when you have any of the selection tools open that just hit W on your keyboard you'll have one of these three selection tools uh you'll have this select and mask button up here click on that and you can see that I have a red overlay view you could change your view over here often I use red or black then what I'll do is I'll go in I'll refine hair I'll just click that you can see it made her hair a little better then all you need to do then is just invert it click invert button right here now you had selected everything but the lady in the middle leave it output to selection and click okay so we have an exact selection of the background this will work best when we want to replace the background click on generative fill and put in here Hospital hallway all right and click generate now again sending it up to Adobe servers and you should see now when it comes back that she'll be inside of the hospital uh when you do that loose selection for some reason it's just referencing too much of the outdoor scene and it won't like get rid of the outdoors for you you have to totally select everything that's outside so that you could get her better inside of the hospital let's say you like that one or you like that one probably this one's a little better and then you could go with that so we started with this and we ended up with that and that's it that's how to kind of best choose G fill the main things are that if you want to change someone's clothing now I changed all their clothing so I selected her entire body you could change someone's top only or someone's pants only just just do a loose selection around that area that you want changed type in exactly what you want this case I mentioned I wanted Doctor scrubs and then when it comes back if there's a part of that generative fill that doesn't look right in the case her hands didn't look right just circle that little part with the lasso tool those little parts and then generative fill again without typing anything into the box like don't type in fix hand or anything like that just leave it blank then if you need to make sure that you want to take them totally out of a scene and put them them in a different scene do an exact selection for that that works better and make sure that you're inverting the selection so that the subject isn't selected that that entire background is sel selected like I did and this is what you'll end up with thank you everyone watches my videos I really do appreciate it talk to you guys soon
Channel: Anthony Morganti
Views: 32,068
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: photography, photographer, post processing, adobe, lightroom, photoshop, unsharp mask, smart sharpen, high pass sharpening, adobe photoshop, photoshop tutorials, how to sharpen in photoshop, photoshop tutorial, high pass filter, adobe photoshop tutorial, sharpen images in photoshop, sharpening tutorial, advanced sharpening photoshop, sharpen image, generative fill, generative fill beta, generative fill photoshop, generative fill not showing in photoshop beta, generative fill not
Id: AOTqSehzrOY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 58sec (718 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 14 2024
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