Photographing Puffins on Farne Island | Wildlife Photography

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so my friend Matthew here he's recently just split up with his girlfriend I know sometimes isn't it so me my friend Dave we decided well let's take him to an island and see some more birds so it's exactly what we're gonna do we also just proved your ticket yeah booked for the all-day trip yeah what name is it husband that's the one - your card - please really brilliant some some spring watch starting the board [Music] tell me about that little boy playing in the garden life wasn't always good to him find his goal he tried it with him [Music] but then he grew up to be a man girlfriend [Music] then she say you got it wrong sorry see [Music] love will come your way in this statute things will up [Music] get you my [Music] [Music] be just fine [Music] no it's hard to walk away from all your dreams and keep on trying [Music] don't lose your hope you I [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so start off on the stable islands and there's lots of puffins flying with sandals in the mouth and I think I've got a few good shots of that at one point there was puffins just stood actually was about to just over sand eels just looking at me so I think I've got a couple of shots I think the best shot of the day is possibly come from that point so we're now on the unifier Nayland it's absolutely gorgeous at the moment there's lots of turns flying around and they're just dive-bombing everywhere in fact one dive bombed and landed on Dave's hat and just sat there for a while so I've got a few shots of that you really have to be careful because there's lots of birds just in the walkway and there's eggs and things so you just go watch where you're walking what the glorious day lots of birds around turns and puffins all diving whether it's and eels in the mouths of things it's just absolute fantastic we're here all day we came about in half nine boat and I think we're leaving the inner fine island around of a porpoise 3 heading back I don't think we're donating enough for that just heading straight back ashore I really not sure [Music] there's a lots of chicks along the side there as well when it gets dive-bombs I don't need a microphone it's an awesome place to swim especially something I'd recommend I want to do this for a little while I actually booked a workshop with Alan hear it but because of the storm either we weren't ever gonna or the council this is really good to be out here again face I've seen a lot of kit around here sitting huge lenses I've seen some antique cameras people with a point and click with the phone's wide range of things [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] awaken Oh [Music] and recognize the hutt stole it from James burns I hope it gets pooped on yes James how are you [Music] Thomas well but try to keep feet on [Music] you just want to drink the beer and grab a glass and let it go we're going down now I can hold you in long called the zoo I store my [Music] even when [Music] [Music]
Channel: John Haswell Photography
Views: 2,758
Rating: 4.8095236 out of 5
Keywords: John Haswell Photography, John Haswell, seascape photography, wildlife photography, puffin photography, farne islands, Northumberland Puffins, farne island boat trip, Seabird Photography, Artic tern, Guillemot, inner farne, capture northumberland, Simon King, nesting puffins, sand eels, wildlife photography techniques, photograph puffins, farne island puffins, northumberland bird photography, northumberland wildlife photography, how to photograph puffins, puffins with fish
Id: NEHtj51iC50
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 9sec (609 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 05 2018
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