Photographing Assynt, when the elements attack! Landscape Photography Assynt

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in these next two or three videos I've got coming up I'm in the most amazing place called ascent and it's north north of Scotland now I fully intend to photograph very familiar places and places that are not quite so familiar but the good thing about wandering around and spending lots of time at certain places that you can explore and that's exactly what I'm doing right now nothing beats a holiday where you don't plan every shot you just pack everything in the car your warm clothes your food your heart flask and your drinks etc etc and you just go for a wander head in a rough old direction and anything that catches your eye you just pull over and capture ah I just love it that is what we've got coming up in these next series of three videos but I'll tell you though bloody freezing faster bad one time for the obligatory healthy [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] this is clack dual beach famous area to shoot you want to come in capture some waves crashing etc etcetera forward to this we really beat up against the weather I have to tell you really really up against it so it's law dictates the very second you sit down at the van the rain stops and it you get out of the van the rain absolutely please it down shall we say persists down with rain so it's been quite challenging does anybody else ever find themselves in this situation you know where you're going you're feet are likely to get wet so you put your wellies on then your wellies a treacherous to walk over rocks where they're really super slippery so it's a conundrum of whether you put your boots on so you know it's safe to walk on but you're likely to get your feet wet or dry feet but slippery as hell [Music] [Music] [Applause] so what I try to do on this video throughout my timer scent he's trying to grab as many big Vista shots as I can the mindset is going to be pictures for the office wall or pictures for the wall in general struggling compositionally wise and realistically in-situ phone it's not necessarily that letterbox landscape shot from left to right but I wanna think outside the box unlock the big big Vista shots blower moly [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] that is punished stinger for in an absolute public lectures it's blowing - hooli I can't even open my eyes but unless his camera breaks down I'll turn the camera around us are you guys - look who I'm seeing now that is absolutely breathtaking breathtaking [Laughter] have you got any food to give you going give a fisherman friend [Laughter] keys push him out you know keep keep me up [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] that's da lighthouse that has to be probably the prettiest lighthouse I've ever seen edge absolutely delightful place facility tells me I'm not going to get any shots here it's a nice day six in Scotland and that's the first time we've had any glimpse of the Sun and now it figured freezing we go for a moaning at one thing straight on the morning at another thing Wow first thing in the morning what an amazing an amazing view that's a stack poly up there so just goes to show if you know this area well at all that's a very very prominent mountainous stands so proud in this area and of course it's just not visible at all so I think just like yesterday where we managed to grab a couple of shots the primary objective today is to look for those really office walls shots I mentioned it yesterday but just in case you didn't hear me yesterday because the wind was howling a gale what I mean by office wall shots I just mean those shots that you're likely to print and put on your on your wall somewhere wherever to for it to display nice and proud or more often enough they're always just a pretty landscape many landscapes like this not necessarily some honey pot locations but pretty pretty pretty landscapes to look like this there you go another problem obviously we're faced with is the very second you said it me a tripod the very second you start taking pictures the rain starts coming down it's just been an absolute nightmare for us it really is becoming very very difficult I could put up with most things but this constant rain for pretty much a week solid driving me insane despite the fact that my primary objective is to try to grab as many Vista shots as I can office wore hanging shots as I can I've got a big big lens out simply because it's got a big hood on it that way I don't have to mess around with filters I don't have to worry about trying to take a 6 7 8 9 panel shot so I'll do the opposite with that handheld photography zoom in let's see if I can capture maybe some more of the intimate detailed shots I released a video last week well I say last week I haven't actually released it yet but by the time I get back I'm gonna release that then release this one so see you guys it'll be last week but anyway I went down south to interview a very very nice chap called Mike Brown big influencer on YouTube and just a general general all-around nice guy obviously professional photographer with really really super super guy when I was down there trying to make a vlog and the wind was horrendous and all the elements were against me so I created a video just to remind us at times like this and I'm saying this to you now because I'm using this as a reminder to me you [Music] sometimes when things don't always go to plan as in now you still have to respect the fact that you're out and you're having a great time you're not in work and you're thoroughly enjoying you know the elements at the end of a what would you rather be doing sat in an accountants office apologies by the way to any accounts out there I'm certainly not saying this to be derogatory towards you guys but sometimes you need a slap in the face and a wake-up call to to remind you hey you know not only is this an amazing thing to do on a weekend an amazing thing to do you know on a trip but to do this as a job it's just the most amazing thing ever and sometimes you have to slap yourself on the face and it's a bit of a wake-up call just to make you realize that you know Jesus Christ this far worse places to be there really really is it's freezing cold the wind Stanek get up again rain on and off it doesn't really matter we're here for about five days so the weather is due to break ever so slightly in we'll have to make the most of it so I can't really moment at that any any more I released that video just really showing what this is about more than it is about taking pictures I'm making reference of course to the experience of landscape photography okay set my alarm early this morning we've had a bit of a drive to get here but now we're walking in the fresh air we're taking in the most amazing views all around us and we are in a fantastic fantastic place called acid in Scotland I mean really that's my slap in the face [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] oh no nice of the composition we saw so much the composition release the fact is just plumping down behind this wall just to get a bit of rest bike from the breeze is blowing what could should have read this way and and the rain as well as giving it a bit of shelter but yeah quite nice shot from here shooting off into the mountains in the background that you can't see because of the low light mist but I'm desperate only got my 15 stock Bill Brown as well because this week I wanted to do some some shot to avoid 15 stock filter I bought a 15 stock filter probably about six months ago and I think I've used it maybe once or twice so I don't even know if it's any good but yeah Tooley ones I'm guessing it'll be okay but I'm trying to use it this week but surprisingly I am really struggling they would factor this conversations quite nice got a rock on the left-hand side all the crashing waves leading on the right-hand side like I say all the way up to the mouth to the background nothing too special it looks okay and all I'm trying to do now is run off a few shots to try and get my timing right because the waves are fashion up obviously we want to try and capture the shot as the wave is receding leaving all these bright Vail trails and what I call them and that generally works out really really well yeah it's going quite well but it's kind of wave after wave after wave so it's very difficult to get one wave up then one way back you see to be overlapping oh yeah koala this is quite nice beautiful beautiful beautiful place under the right conditions here wow it's just a photographer paradise [Music] [Music] very nice shot utilizing these rocks as you can see them here utilizing these rocks is for very interest because there's a few diagonals and a few lines a bit of 10 stop action because I do like it I mentioned earlier I want to throw my 15 stop filter well there's just no way not with this wind I just I wanna risk it to attend stop on to minute exposure Southern run over f11 I'll put the information on the bottom of the picture if I'm happy and decide to post process this particular shot oh yeah I do like this and more importantly than that it looks as if it looks as if it's starting to clear [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] instead exploring still driving around the island in my rear view mirror I caught that road then lean back onto the mountain range that's just started to become visible through the mist low cloud and now for the first time in how long's it been seven days six days that's the first time that we've seen the Sun and now within minutes we're complaining about the damn Sun lighting our eyes and all the rest of it you can't win Kenya but look at that pulled over I've grabbed a couple of panel shots including a couple of panel shots with my hundred mil lens as well ultimately a really really narrow really really long letter box shaped image and I think I think I think that could be rather special I don't know why but the lads have taken to shooting backlit sheep well when in Rome [Music] for anybody just followed by channel for a good while you know I've struggled three times to try and capture the seeing wheels and the reason why I struggle to capture the seeing wheels three times at the press is because like a Berk I'd be traveling to around about the Sunderland area upon the northeast coast when realistically all this time of searching they're here innocent and everybody must have kept that a secret from me shame on you we're going to attempt to pick these wheels out the things that lads to when they've got a bit of time on their hands attempt to pick these wheels up put them in the water and replicate the sea on wheels shot the problem is this seems pretty damn can move you know it's every time I'm about to take a picture it's always the case of the problem is the problem right now honestly can't believe it six days solid rain rain snow in Glencoe got the fans stuck it was that bad yeah really really was that bad and now six days later the surf school for the first time and it's now been a pain in the backside so we just love landscape photography [Applause] [Music] much heavier than they look much heavier Amish are the happy because I'd like to purchase at the edges [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right that's it gonna call a halt to that call that a wrap as far as the video is concerned we've got another four days left in ascent and then maybe one more day heading back down south my stop off and do a few more shots at Glen Cove but yeah okay take a look at these images let me know what you think let me know what your favorite is but tomorrow morning I'll make a part two of this video so if you've watched this and you've enjoyed it you like the pictures that's about to come up then watch part two as well possible part three I'm not quite sure it depends on over-excited tomorrow is going to be I think tomorrow I'm going to give myself 15 stock challenge I think that's going to be tomorrow's plan right that's it thanks for watching cheers goodnight [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Gary Gough (Pro Photographer)
Views: 14,761
Rating: 4.910543 out of 5
Keywords: assynt, assynt photography, photographing assynt, landscape photography, Landscape photography assynt, photography, Landscape, gary gough, stac pollaidh, highlands, scotland, photographing scotland, scottish highlands, assynt landscape photography, video, landscape photography tutorial, photography tips, tips, beginner photography
Id: N_Zi76OOGko
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 23sec (1463 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 14 2020
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