EPIC Wide Angle SEASCAPE Photography | 16-35mm

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[Music] [Music] [Music] i think here's one right here this is going to be good yep that's what i wanted nice beautiful right now so dramatic you know this is actually one of the first places i ever shot landscape photography probably 15 16 years ago it's been a while but i've been to this beach hundreds if not thousands of times and i feel like i always find something a little bit different something that i haven't seen before you know and i think i attribute that to one thing that i changed early on you know i would come here every day and try and get pictures and i just wasn't ever creating anything that i was happy with the compositions just weren't very good and you know it was weird because i was getting really good light i was getting epic light dramatic light the main problem was i'd see that there were clouds out and i would rush out to the beach and i would show up 10 minutes before sunset and every time i'd plop my camera down i'd rush i'd plop my camera down and i'd get this beautiful light oh that's a big wave i may need to move before we uh get hit by a wave i just wasn't spending the extra time scouting around and getting to know the landscape i'd come here all the time but i never really gave myself a chance to really understand what i was trying to take pictures of just ended up being pictures of a bunch of beautiful clouds over a mediocre composition nothing flowed you know i'd encourage you especially for seascape photography where the tides are changing you know the difference between a low tide and a tide like this where it's five feet tied i mean compositions are completely hidden or revealed so it's really important to watch out for that stuff so as you can see with the composition i'm trying to shoot here we've got this rock shelf and the water is just pouring over the rock shelf creating these beautiful patterns and we've got these clouds up above that are catching just honestly unexpectedly beautiful light i did not expect this when i showed up today and i'm using my 16 to 35 wide angle lens [Music] so here is that first image of the water just kind of pouring off of this rock shelf like a little waterfall the conditions during this moment were just so beautiful to witness the warm light across the foreground rock the rock shelf and the warm light dappled throughout the clouds i think this is a nice photograph but i do wish i took a few more exposures and specifically i wish i had gone with a slightly longer exposure when the water was pouring off the rock i felt like the water motion here could have been a little bit cleaner to me it feels a little bit messy although the water that was pouring off the foreground rock was a nice touch but i did keep shooting this composition as the conditions changed and as the light shifted later on i did find a version of this composition that i think came out a little bit cleaner the cloud texture is mixed with the water texture just amazing right now that's a good one now i'm trying to get some of the waves crashing on this platform right here because it makes for a really nice bit of motion towards the bottom left part of the frame so while i was doing some dark exposures for the sky that were quicker shutter speeds i ended up finding a frame out of those that i really liked so here is the image and again i didn't really mean for this to come out as a final photograph this was just supposed to be one of the darker exposures that i was blending in with the brighter longer shutter speeds but i'm really happy with the way this came out i love the texture that's created in the water here and i felt like it was a really nice contrast to the beautiful textures in the clouds this is a bit out of the norm for me because usually when i'm shooting these wide-angle seascapes i am focusing more on longer exposures i'd love to hear your thoughts on this photograph specifically do you like that shorter shutter speed where you can see the texture of the water flow or do you find it a little bit too chaotic in comparison to the longer exposures please let me know in the comments now this image was shot a little bit before sunset but while the sun was right on the horizon i shot one of my favorite long exposures of the night [Music] so this is another image taken at 16 millimeters and those clouds were catching such beautiful pastel colors those deep oranges in the sky were so beautiful to witness and they looked like little flames just kind of floating up there i spent a lot of time taking tons of different exposures of the water just pouring over the shelf and over the foreground and i felt like with this image i found a better balance and a little bit more simplicity in the composition i definitely liked that softer light in the sky you know i tried to get lower because i thought it would make the composition a little bit more interesting but it actually just increases too much of the foreground down in here so here's what it looks like with more of the foreground down there but actually standing up has a much better ratio here with the mid-ground so i think i'm going to do that instead there we go i think that's going to work really well as long as i don't get knocked out by a wave see if we can get one more wave here this is a good one all right so here is the image i was just composing with a little bit of post sunset soft light and with those nice puffy warm clouds in the background now of course the backdrop here with the clouds is a little bit less dramatic than the previous images i really did like the composition here with the rocks and the water flow i felt like the water flow here was perhaps the best water flow that i captured all day the way the water just kind of adds this nice vortex on top of the foreground rock and really leads you into the composition i felt like was just a really nice touch and even though i have shot this composition a few times before i felt like the wave action here was the best that i've shot over the years so earlier i talked a little bit about scouting and just how it's so important to spend extra time at a location i would like to show you a composition that really illustrates that importance of scouting and here it is so this is an image that i shot in 2018 this ended up being one of my favorite images of this beach while you're standing at these little ridges it's very subtle it doesn't look right away like something that would make for an interesting photograph but on this specific day i spent three or four hours before sunset just walking up and down the coast looking for little ridges little patterns and i found this specific one and made sure to make a mental note of it and i went back here for sunset so i know i must sound like a broken record at this point but really i mean i can't stress how important it is to just get to know your landscape have fun explore my biggest mistake was i would go to a place early on show up like five to ten minutes before sunset and expect the landscape was just going to give me the photography but that's not the way it works the photographer has to take the pictures and the landscape can only do so much and you can create some beautiful landscape photography of subject matter that might not seem so dramatic or extravagant at first glance and that's definitely the case of what happened here with this photograph truly this is one of the places that's special to my heart one of the places where i you know got started shooting landscape photography and really discovered my passion for landscape photography so really happy i was able to bring you guys here to enjoy this pretty awesome sunset honestly i think i actually got a few images out of this too even though i was pretty flustered i think i got some images at least anyways we'll have to see um as always i really appreciate you watching the video give it a thumbs up if you enjoyed it and subscribe to the channel for more and yeah i'll catch you in the next one [Music] you
Channel: Michael Shainblum
Views: 13,605
Rating: 4.9732647 out of 5
Keywords: seascape, photography, landscape photography
Id: fVoeZYp1KUE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 43sec (703 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 13 2021
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