Photogrammetry 101 - Complete Tutorial with PPK Bonus!

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hey guys tim durham with and in today's video rather lengthy video i'm going to take you through the complete process of doing a photogrammetry mission we're going to go to the field i'm going to show you how to set up the base unit the rover unit how to the settings i use for my inlet rs2 units collecting those points doing the logging doing the flight and coming back and processing the data so i'm going to take you through every bit of it it's going to be a long video but for somebody that has questions and doesn't fully understand the process of photogrammetry this video is going to be very helpful i've been wanting to do this for quite some time and finally got the time to do it so i hope it's very helpful today i flew well the day that i flew i flew with the topo drone mavic 2 pro ppk is that drone new no it's been out for i don't know two three years maybe but the accuracy on that you're going to see is just it's unbelievable it is outstanding and one of the things that's kind of important is because i'm going to show you the topo drone air 2s ppk will be coming out in two weeks and this drone is going to be the most affordable ppk system that's going to be on the market so we're going to be glad to be providing those and shipping those out here in the united states so if you're looking for a very cost effective but very accurate ppk drone then this is going to be it the camera that's on this is almost identical to what is on the mavic 2 pro so again follow me today with this video that i've done and i'm going to show you the complete process for photogrammetry i'm going to show you the difference in using the ppk system versus just the standard mavic 2 pro images that were taken without any post processing so let's dive into this video i hope it's helpful and if so give me a thumbs up and consider subscribing let's get going all right so in today's video we are going to walk through every single step of doing a photogrametry mission you know it's about 10 acres so it's not large you may have been charged with the task of taking over photogrammetry for your company you may be a one-man show and you've been doing real estate stuff and you're ready to step up your game and offer new services to your surveyors and engineering firms and contractors or what have you but regardless of the reason if you're here it's because you are wanting to learn how to do photogrammetry and uh photogrammetry is in some regards more it can have more difficult aspects of it than lidar lidar allows you to do a lot of things and when you're getting into photogrammetry what's really too important to understand and know is that it has limitations there are areas where photogrammetry does really good and there's places where you can't use it at all and so if you're wanting to create uh contours and topographical maps of places that have a lot of vegetation a lot of trees photogrammetry is not going to work however if you have places where you have parking lots manicured lawns roadways maybe you're doing 3d modeling photogrammetry covers a lot of stuff so there's people that really specialize in 3d modeling so in that regards it could be very good for that kind of stuff but again when you get into high vegetation a lot of vegetation a lot of trees other than creating an orthomosaic map which is when you know what i tell people is a satellite a high resolution satellite image because my end customers don't know what an orthomosaic map is but when um when you are generating just an orthomosaic map for a client that that's all they need so that's not relating to survey and contours and that kind of thing then sure then you can do it anywhere um you can still have issues with it stitching properly depending on how high you fly so if you fly too low over a lot of tall trees then you're going to have problems windy days present a problem um anyway so let's dive in let's get started i'm going to walk you through every step if you already know how to do the steps i'm doing just advance through go to the next uh segment i'll try to have everything done on a timeline to say what we're covering but i'm going to try to cover every single thing so i don't leave anything out you know most of the feedback i've gotten over the years that people do want to see a detailed video so let's stop talking let's get into it and set it up all right so when you come out to a site you are if you're doing this for a survey or engineering firm they're going to have benchmarks and you've seen the benchmark that i have and so when you get ready to set your your tripod up we're going to be having the inlet rs2 now i actually have a laser plummet so some of the old uh we're not over they still sell these tribe racks that have uh optical plummets on them where you have to look through an eyepiece to see uh to see your your benchmark and so what you're trying to do what you want to do is you are going to i'm going to turn my laser on and i get it to where it's pretty level right and so i come and then i i get it to where it's kind of set up i'm going to have one leg i'm going to have one leg that's mashed in the ground now what i'm going to do is i'm going to take i take these two feet right here and with that laser if i can find my laser where'd my laser go oh there it is okay now i move these two legs until that laser is dead on i'm not even it doesn't have to be perfectly level but i want to take these two feet with that one planted in the ground and i move it to where this laser is on the benchmark if you're using an optical plummet you're gonna have to get down and look through and move it until it is dead center and that's where i'm gonna stop so it's not level but i'm over i'm actually over my benchmark so i'm going to go ahead and mask these in the ground now that that is dead center and you also want to make sure that this tri rack is is in the center of um your top plate you don't want we're not going to want to have this thing uh slid off the plate it's kind of skating we don't want that we want to have we're going to want to have it almost as centered as it can be now we're going to have some latitude to kind of move it around and get it perfectly centered but now what i'm going to do is i want to get it i want to get it centered up so i'm going to do my rough centering with my legs and when i put this up i did not put my uh i did not fully extend the legs i left a little bit of room so that so that i had room to to make adjustments all right all right let's see there's that again i'm just going to get it to where that bubble is almost pretty close to being dead center now now i'm going to use my uh and i'm still pretty close let's go back right there okay now i'm perfectly leveled up now what i'm going to do is i'm going to take this i'm going to move it just a hair so that i'm now my laser once i got it perfectly level now i moved it to where my laser is now dead center of the benchmark and then i'm going to tighten it up underneath not too tight just enough to snug it you do not want to crank it down and that's it i can turn my laser plummet off okay now the next thing i want to do is i'm going to go ahead and take a reading now i could even go as far as to take this off and take the reading i use a laser a lot of guys old school they just use a tape yes if i measure from here to right there there's going to be a little bit of difference because we're at a slight angle when you're doing uh contours in your specs or within a foot it is not going to hurt for me to do a a measurement because we're going to be in the millimeters difference that i'll have because of the triangulation but i'm going to measure from this top plate to my bench mark and then once i have that measurement i will add 0.377 meters to that because that's the distance from here up to the bottom of the antenna i already i know that so i'm gonna go ahead and take a quick measurement got it on the beam right there okay now so it's 1.195 so what i always do since i'm and you can get these this is a leica but disto but you can get basic laser measures uh that's going to be accurate i will i'm going to add it's got a calculator function so i'm going to do i'm going to add point it was 1.195 and so now i'm going to add 0.377 to that someone plus 0.3 seven seven and equals that's one point five seven two i'm going to take a picture of this so that i that i remember um you can also log and get to where the sun there we go all right and then once i get the base set up actually i'll even go ahead and just snap a picture so that i know where i had my base so i now have recorded the the the uh value that was in there the 1.572 i'm going to cut that off and go put it up i'm now going to get the base unit mounted up turned on and then i'm going to set an alarm on my phone i want to let it sit there and run for five minutes before i start logging i let it warm up but always always always put an alarm on your phone that says remind me in five minutes to start logging i wish that inlet would allow that to be part of the firmware to where when you booted it up that it automatically started logging after a certain amount of time emled if you watch this would you please add that because that would just be so easy to have a timer that once it once it boots up and it's on that you say just start logging after five minutes so anyway i'm gonna go get it let's get that thing put on and keep going all right for any of you that's ever seen my sidekick mini come on manny get over here she's she's trying to run run around all right so i've got it here if you want to really be technical the the the uh the face the power button should face the north that's the when you look at the uh like the guys that um with opus they have in their database at this the the this is your reference point but then the face should actually face the north so i'm gonna have mine always facing to the north so you have to hold your power button on the reach rs2 and then it will boot up and so what i'm gonna do let me get my phone hey siri hey siri set an alarm for five minutes to start logging the base i set your start logging the base alarm for 11 54 am done all right so the next thing i'm going to do is go ahead and get my rover turned on so even though i'm not uh ready to do ground control points just yet i'm still gonna go ahead and turn it on so that it's logging and so it's turned on i'm gonna go ahead and set it so mine is that this is a 12 centimeter offset on the uh on the pole all right all right got it so this is now set at two meters i'm just gonna go set it over on the grass near the base i'm just gonna let it run okay so the base is set up it's on the rover's set up it's on we'll start logging those momentarily so we're going to go ahead and get the drone actually no i need to get targets established we're going to use some of the parking lot i'll throw just a few targets out in the grass but we get our targets put out and when you were out when you go somewhere and you have parking lot and roadways man those are your friends you can use the the parking stripes you've got stop sign stripes you've got all kind of stuff on the roadways that are very visible in your images and they make for great ground control points so we'll go ahead and set some out and then we'll be ready to start flying so now when you come out to do control points one of your best friends is a piece of chalk let me uh snooze that don't want to turn it off a piece of chalk yes you can paint stuff on the uh the roadway but you know some people might not appreciate you painting on their uh parking lot but what you do is you take a piece of chalk and then we're going to draw a circle around a an intersecting white line but then also draw a little short line reminding myself which corner because if you've got a cross and we're off a little bit when we get ready to uh match everything up you can't remember which corner did i actually use well we'll take this we'll draw a little hash mark it will point to the corner that i actually set up to be the control point so let's go ahead and start marking some hey minnie all right so there's that and like i said i'll do that right there and that lets me know that corner is going to be the one that we're going to set up on and it'll be just very very clear in the pictures now for the sake of looking at accuracy i'm actually going to come over here and i'm going to do another one right here we'll do it on that side and so later we're going to look at the accuracy of that line in the point cloud and see well how accurate is our point cloud data so we'll go over and find some more come on let's go let's go let's go watch some points we're ready to do some gcps huh you can do some ground control points come on come on let's go get some ground control points that's right yeah many likes to help do some ground control points all right so again we've got this nice big stop sign now you see that corner is kind of jacked up so what i'm going to do i want to do this corner right here right there there's that corner and then we'll come over and we're gonna do do that corner right there okay that's mark all right so we've got this parking lot right here now these are older stripes they're not as as white but that's okay they will they will still work all right now one thing uh when i'm not sure i need to look at my flight plan i may have went across the street and mark some and we're gonna do that corner right there we're gonna come down to this end i'm gonna mark that corner right there i'm gonna pull that weed out should have picked it better there we go that'll clean that up all right so again now i'm i'm walking around this camera what i normally do is that i would i would take a picture well actually i'll take my picture when i'm uh surveying so disregard that all right so here's one more right there okay there's another pair all right so you know you can see this is level and then we have this ditch right down here you always want to have control points that are high and low so this is very wet because we got about i don't know two to three inches of rain last night it was a gully washer but we'll come back and mark that all right so the alarm is going off and let me tell you if you do not set an alarm you will one day get busy and you forget to log and if you don't log your mission is ruined so i'm gonna go uh i'm gonna hit snooze but go turn my logs on all right so we are gonna go to settings i am going to i need to connect from the unit and actually connect to my base the unit is my wi-fi device that i keep in the car so i'm now connected to the base unit so now i'm going to open up reach view three and we see the base there okay now i've done another video where i ran through my settings but i'll just real quickly do that again so we don't need general the only thing we really so i have a sim card in here um you know they they use up to three and a half g cards and later this year those 3g service will be discontinued in the us maybe in 2024 so i'm hoping that emlid will push out some updated or send out updated modems we can stick in so anyways close that so let's get down to where it really counts i'll go to gnss settings and for i have them all set now this is not what's going to be for for opus so i'm going to have two logs but this is just the the ubx file have it set to static you see my elevation i have all of them and i'm logging at one hertz okay so there's that now um let's go to that's really it that's all we need to deal with base mode this i do have rtk service although i don't use rtk but i do have it and i have cards in there in case i just ever needed it but it is set to average after five and minutes and one second of receiving a fix so that's already done so it has a fix so let's go back now what we really want to do is go to uh no go back and let's go to logging and i'm going to turn logging on so let's go to settings now we can see that i have i once said custom that that is not that's not the best just select opus and select rhinex 211 if you're here in the states i use gps only and i have it set to a 30 second interval which is adequate for opus and um you do want to use the antenna height and so you will recall that i so i took a picture of that let me see what it is really quick photos 1.572 it's always going to be you know when you set this thing up over and over and over it's always going to be pretty close 7-2 and we're going to call this [Music] photogram tutorial okay all right so i'm gonna hit apply and so now what's gonna happen is when i hit start recording it's gonna record two files it's gonna record an opus a file it's a rhinex file it's not an open it's a rhinex file that is suitable for opus to process and opus can only process dual receiver um data so if you have the rs plus you cannot use opus but the rs2 you can it's an l2 receiver but it's also logging the ubx file with all the satellites included at a 1 second interval so both of those are being logged simultaneously so i'm going to close out of that and we are done with the reach view three okay so that one's done now what i have to do let me i'm gonna close it too i'm gonna go to settings i need to switch over to my rover and okay we're still recording i just want to make sure all right i'm going i'm connected to the rover and so now i go back to reach view three and this one here the settings are there they're the same so i'll still show you that i'm gonna go to settings my gnss settings it's going to be all of them are going to be selected and i'm going to be set at 1 hertz that is all you need except this one is set to kinematic so my rover is kinematic my base station is set to static so i'm going to close that i'm going to go back by clicking on that top left arrow and i'm going to logging and now we're just going to start logging because my settings are just ubx that's all i want so i hit start recording and there you go so we are now logging on both my base and my rover so we we are done so i'm going to close this out i'm actually just going to close the program because i don't need it anymore for right now until we go back and do our ground control points and then i can i'll just turn my wi-fi off for right now and that's it so we're done for that now we're ready to get our drone up in the air and start flying when it comes to doing photogrammetry aerial mapping whatever you want to call it there are tools that are going to separate hobbyists from people that are doing it professionally and there are a lot of people that do photogrammetry on a hobby level they love it it is just it's something they do but they're not out doing survey work they might create um for a number of reasons maybe just personal you name it there are people that do uh 3d modeling uh that that's kind of a whole different aspect of itself i mean there's a lot of techniques that go into creating a very good 3d model so what i really specialize and provide services for is doing topographical surveys and contours for surveying and engineering firms in the memphis area and let's say you've been doing some drone work and you start hearing about mapping you go man i'd like to do that i want to make some money doing that there are necessary tools that you're going to have to have in order to be able to do that because anybody with a drone and some free software can go fly an automated mission stitch the images together and go hey mom look what i just did and you can do that that's not hard when you get ready to provide data to surveyors engineers and construction companies that it has to be i mean it has to be very accurate when you are going to get into photogrametry on a professional level you have to have at the minimum you're going to have a gps unit to serve as a base you got to have a base unit and then you're going to have a rover for checking doing your uh ground control points now you could you could get away so let's say you have a drone that doesn't have it's it's just the mavic 2 pro pretend this is no that's just the mavic 2 pro and you're going to go fly that if you're flying just a drone with no ppk kit you're going to have your base unit and you're going to have a rover unit to go check your ground control points because you will have to use those ground control points all throughout the site to try to bring that map into being accurate and it will be very accurate at the ground control points and as you move away from them the accuracy will start to drift so there are issues there if you have a drone that is a ppk setup and it can be you know what's the best is the topo drone setup but let's say you even had a mled m2 that was uh or an m plus that was added on a phantom 4 use a snap-on kit there are issues with that with missed photos and extra events that you have to deal with but you you can you can make it work this right here is the cream of the crop but if you have one of these at the very minimum you still have to have a a base station that is you would like to have a base station that's fairly close it's a l2 receiver so you technically could have a what a 60 mile baseline but having a base unit on site would be ideal and then you also need to do ground a few ground control points companies will tout that hey this is so accurate you don't need ground control points never ever ever would i recommend that you turn something in to a surveying and engineering company that you didn't have control points to validate that your data is accurate i don't care how accurate is i will never ever turn something in without ground control points and checkpoints so uh another video will explain you may use ground control points to still tighten your data up and then you have checkpoints that were just not even used for the the sole purpose in them is to check the accuracy i have a log book so i come out i log the weather the wind the ground whether the ground is wet dry moist whatever the time i start when i'm using for ground control points the equipment i'm flying so i have a book that i log so that i turned a copy of that into the surveying company when i submit my final deliverables and that's something you need to do so when a surveyor goes out to do a boundary or do anything they have a log book and so you will want to do the same thing it doesn't have to be super complicated but you need to log what you're doing where you're at the equipment you're using etc okay so i kind of babbled on but you need i've kind of established that you you it's best to have a base unit on site but if you're in the united states we have a very good coors network and so you can use that cores network to post process a ppk drone but you also need to have a unit that you can check ground control points with and so at the very least you still have to have one unit one gps unit like the rs i would still recommend the rs2 you could possibly you could get away with using the inlet m2 and put on a like a swift gps 500 antenna that would be a little cheaper than the rs2 um wouldn't look as glamorous but anyway it would it could probably still get the job done next you have to have processing software so when you are going back to the office what separates the the pricing on photogrametry is the ability to use ground control points the free software the free almost free very cheap it will always be limited to the number of images you can process that'll be one limit and the other is you can't use ground control points so if you can't use ground control points processing in that software is not going to do any good it is just it's not you you have to be able to validate what you just flew and what you're turning in and so you've got a lot of i mean there's there's a lot so you've got um 3df um zephyr pro you got pix4d you got um agisoft 3d survey and there's going to be a host of others those are going to be probably the what i would consider the top players and you know price wise they're going to be in that 3 500 to 4 500 range and so um that is that's just the fact that if if you're going to get into doing this you either have to buy that software and then you also have to have the computer that will will run it or you do the processing online you do cloud processing and if you do cloud processing then you're going to pay you know a pretty decent fee for that so but that's a good way to get started because now you didn't sync a whole bunch of money into software you get to do it could either based on a per job or a per month with a limit but you have to make sure that you can use ground control points and and generally speaking if you're going to use cloud service and the ability to have ground control points you are going to pay a premium for that service so you have the cloud processing for just basic photogrammetry down here and then once you get to the when you say oh i need to use ground control points your price level just went double so i hope that's helpful i've rambled on but i hope that just explains some of the the stuff you need and when i'm in the office i will show you the software that i use and you know what some of it is beneficial for different things and i'm going to try to show you what maybe just a bare minimum that you have to have to get by and anyway so i hope that'll be helpful and i can show you more there but let's go ahead and get this thing in the air so we start flying we got about a 18 minute flight this is going to be double grid again i'm going to take this up i'm going to use i'm going to manually set my focus and my aperture and dji go and then i will switch over to drone deploy i'll fly the mission and then we'll go collect our ground control points and get out of here i can't do a screen recording but we're going to go ahead and take off and i'm going to ascend to 200 feet because that's going to be the altitude of my mission all right now all right we're auto focused i'm going to switch to manual focus that's good on exposure i'm at one um actually we're good we're at one uh one 500 the minimum you want is 1 600th of a of a second so 5 6 and i'm at iso 100 which you really need so we're gonna go to one oops all right one one six forty iso we're good they are five six one six forty i think i think that's good so we should be good so now what i'm gonna do is switch over to uh drone deploy i have everything set the way i want it so now we're going to go to phone deploy i already laid this mission out in the office again double grid all right come on drone deploy and we're gonna bring this in maybe just maybe you see part of it we'll see let's try it one more time flight problem is this is a 18 minute flight i'm gonna run out of my battery because it's not starting you know why here we go i know why turn wi-fi off i was probably hooked up to the uh i was i was connected to my rover which does not share the internet access and so therefore it couldn't it couldn't log on because drone deploy okay photogrammetry tutorial here we go and uh enhanced we don't want that now that is this is supposed to be a double grid mission yup cross hatch okay so if it's crosshatch why okay i had to do that's why all right so we're at 200 feet we are ready to go and i am going to go ahead and start the mission it does not exceed the radius oh my goodness come on and if i get that error again i'll have to log back on to dji test photo failed retry we're about to be ready to go okay so it is now going to go to the mission this is roughly 10 acres and so this is running this is not at 90 degrees either so all right so i brought it back down to change batteries i needed to i had mistakenly i had the i did not want the camera tilted uh i wanted 90 degree uh down so uh straight 90 nadir and anyway so i brought it down switch out the battery and so now we're going to let it run the mission we'll bring it back in i'll do the control points check those and then we'll go to the office and finish up there [Music] all right so we are now at the first ground control point and i will not record every single point but i'm gonna do i'm gonna do a couple just to show you because this is just rinse and repeat every time so i'm now getting the got the screen recording going so the first thing we have to do is we got to get connected turn wi-fi on and then i'll get connected to my rover okay now i want to open up reach view my sidekick mini um who decided to stay in the car but she stepped all over my tablet the other day and got it money all right so we already logging so now we're going to come down to survey and i'm going to do a new survey and we're going to always always do mine with the date dash today is the 14th and uh this is the photogrammetry tutorial all right i think it's always good to use the uh to use the date okay oops all right we're gonna save all right so we already established i'm at two two meters you wanna make sure if you're in if you're working in feet and just whatever but make sure you have that set correctly so when i open this up you can see right here my my pole is set to two two meters so that is correct sometimes i'll even go so far as to take a picture of my pole just so i know that i have it but one thing i am going to do is i'll step back and i'm going to take a picture of the every time when i not when i do topo point or checkpoints but when i do ground control points i always take a picture every single time now for the sake of this i am going to okay 30 seconds we're good i'm gonna do this i'm gonna do one every 30 seconds and that ought to be good when i go out i generally will do two minutes like if i'm gonna have 10 ground control points um if i'm where i'm going to have a whole bunch i mean the fact is i will cut it down you know it's when you do 30 seconds wide open it's on a bipod 30 seconds is gonna be ample it's not moving uh we will have a fix uh in 30 seconds so that is actually going to be good so it's done now we're going to step over here so boom again moving over to this one and again i have these lines now what i'm doing my lights the lights on this are facing to the north if you if you just have it facing the same way every time if you had an error in your uh level vial and bubble your arrow will be consistent throughout your entire job so you always want to have your um okay what happened here anyone say okay so i'm going to measure you you always want to have if you have it facing the same way then that does away with any error or it keeps the error the same it is the consistent provided that you are meticulous about leveling if this is off then it'll be the same for every point second is that now we have a little bit of a breeze out of the north uh if it was much of a breeze at all you always want your legs downwind so it doesn't blow it over and if it's really high winds i mean one it can kind of move it and cause movement but having that on the back side will prevent that and just keep it from being blown over and busting on the concrete that would make for a bad day so anyway this is it we are going to do rinse and repeat every single point so i don't need to sit here and record every single point but i will go collect every one of them then we'll do a video as we're breaking it down close our log files and then we'll finish up in the office all right so the last thing i usually do is i'll actually take one point literally right at my base basically i'm closing out you know i'm uh five inches from the pin and so the elevation everything i ought to come in right where my base is at so that just kind of lets me know that everything is processing post processing accurately and like it should all right so we are done i'm going to click on the x to close it out exit out of projects i want to go to receivers so the very last thing we're going to do is we're going to turn off the logging but you always always do your rover first so we are connected to the rover someone go to logging hey manny what are you doing are you sad because we're almost done for many this is fun she likes to come out and play don't you mean okay so i'm gonna turn that off hour and 36 minutes and of course we had some uh 15 minutes so i was out here an hour and 45 minutes 10 acres i'm trying to record i mean you could come out here and do this well a whole lot faster than that but uh i'm trying to do extra stuff so all right we're done there so now i'm gonna click on rover again and then i can power it down down here at the bottom so i'm gonna click on shutdown don't wanna shut it down yes i do and now that will be shut down i'll go ahead and close the reach view app now when i go to my all right let's set that one out of the way okay now and what i've done some what i've done sometimes in the past is i would actually do a survey on the base itself so that that was my way of logging what my antenna height was but as long as you take a picture on your cell phone and that's getting uploaded to your i'm going to google drive or however you save your photos i mean i do have a record so when i took a picture of the laser measure that was me documenting what my antenna height it is not a bad idea to just do a survey a one second survey point and and you literally log what your antenna height was but so we're gonna let's go back to uh settings i need to switch back over to the base all right let's get connected now i go to reach view three there it is i'm gonna click on base now i'm gonna have to hit refresh again so sometimes when you're switching back and forth it takes just a second so i am connected to the base so now i'm gonna go back into reach view three and this time be fine like so a lot if you just switch immediately and go really fast sometimes you have a little little hiccup there all right so i'm gonna go back into my logging and we'll see that it'll take just a second it'll pop up red you open it up you think oh it's not recording but it is and now it's an hour and 40 minutes so i'm hit stop and then we switch down the bottom you see it's compressing so the the rhinex file was very small because it was only once every 30 seconds the the ubx file is much larger because it's on a one second interval so it'll take just a second longer excuse me all right so same thing i'm gonna click on reach base again down at the bottom and click shut down yes shut down and that's it that powers it off and stop our recording here all right so that's it this is a wrap in the field i'm going to put everything in the car pack it up and we'll take it to the office we'll take it to the office but actually we'll post process tomorrow because you usually have to wait till the following day or you could and like we did it early today it might be tonight before the logs are ready from the course station but we'll process it tomorrow and the video will be ready tomorrow with all the results all right senior officer all right so when you get back in the office and you have both your rs2 or rs uh plus units you're going to want to power them back up and you will make sure that they are not connected to a a wi-fi device i never connect them to my home wi-fi because if you ever need to run out and do a quick test on something it can create problems so just connect it to your phone hotspot and um well it'll just be smoother trust me i am connected to the base right here okay so this is uh connected there's no internet connection because i don't have internet sharing turned on even though it has a data card now one thing you want to do is anytime you do missions you will have a folder structure and i would do something like this and i have extra ones because this is a tutorial but you will always have your rs2 base rs2 rover your photos that you take of your ground control points possibly on your phone um in this case i have my mavic 2 map images are going to go in this folder the ppk files that were on the topo drone ppk system are in this folder here okay and of course i have my tablet recording in the field gopro and my ipad mini so those are extra now in the rover we will and i'll show you this in a minute we're going to download the um csv file from where we did our survey because that is on the tablet so i actually had that on the tablet recorded that and normally i can either use i'll use my phone because it's very small or i have a small android tablet but uh today i use my bigger one because it's more suitable for doing a screen recording so anyway doesn't matter which one you use i'll show you how to pull that off and either email it to yourself or push it up to google drive and then pull it back down here so let's get this out of the way we are now connected and so what i'm going to do is come to logging and today we have a log i'm going to download both of these okay so i'm going to click on one is the ubx file and let's do um let's go to youtube tutorials and it's going to be under photogrammetry and it's going to be under rs2 rover no i'm sorry this is my base it's going to be rs2 base and this is the ubx i'm going to save that and then now i'm going to come and do the rhinex file just the same this is the one we'll push up to opus and just see what opus comes back with so now i'm going to save that one and that's it i am done there's nothing else to do it you can either go push the button on the machine and turn it off actually let's make sure they're not through downloading just yet okay now it is so i didn't want to turn it off before it finishes that i'm going to click on this little button here to bring you just to the main control panel and here's where you can like turn your lights on and off and do some other stuff but um right here and by the way it's like this night mode if you ever have it out at night and you don't want it lit up so people see your gps unit and come take it then you can turn that on and that'll turning it on will turn the lights off but uh anyway so now i'm gonna click on power and shut down and then that'll turn that unit off and we are done with that one now i would uh minimize this screen or not minimize i would close it we'll close that now we're going to switch over and we're going to switch over to our rover i'm going to connect again i don't ever choose connect automatically because i want to have full control over that okay we are now connected i'm going to open up firefox now in some cases it is good okay it does say rover so that is good i'm gonna go to status yep everything's everything's working sometimes if it's cached you may wanna uh force it to refresh so that you know you're pulled that you're not looking at a cached page from the unit you had opened previously so again we're going to go to logging today all we have to do is uh ah this is not right so see i'm gonna i gotta refresh that was cash data from the base now this is today so that's what i was telling you need to refresh to make sure you were looking at good data all right now i'm going to download because i knew i only had just the one ubx file rs2 rover and we'll save the ubx save it there let's take a look because it shouldn't have gone that quick rs2 rover but it did interesting okay i would have thought it would have taken just a smidge longer but that is that is good so we're we're done there's nothing else that we need from here so again do the same thing click there come over to the top right hand corner click on the power button click on shutdown and then that'll shut it down i'll close it and we're done with that so we'll move on to the next step all right so one thing i need to show now is when you need to send or upload the survey file that you did on your smart tablet either phone or tablet either one so i have my tablet here that i use for doing tutorials and tests so yesterday was the photogrammetry tutorial and so i'm going to click the little three dots i'm going to click on export i want to export the csv now if you had specific file formats you want to do you could choose that but i always do the csv and now the simplest way to do it is to simply do send yourself an email okay so and let's send that to mid-south drone services and we're just going to call this photogrametry tutorial gcps that's it it's in bam i just sent that file to myself so we are good and we will now just bring that in on the system when we get ready to process and that's all we needed so i'm going to show you every time i do stuff i now submit my base file to opus so even though i use a software called easy serve i still take my base and submit it to opus because i just like to compare well what did opus show compared to what easyserve did and so i have the rhinex file pulled right here so again you recall we logged two files were being logged on the base unit one was a rhinex file in rhinex version 2.11 and in the reach view app we selected opus and then it also logged the ubx file that we could use for other software but when you use opus it has to be in a 30 second interval and it needs to be in a rhinex format so i'm going to drag in let's see i don't think no well we can't drag it would be nice if you could just well yeah you can too now but you can't just drag over let me show you something emlid if you are watching this you please need to fix the format so that it has um it can't have hyphens you rename it so where it has rs2 dash base and i'll show you i'm just going to go ahead and go through the process we get the error and it's all because they're renaming the file with a with a hyphen in there and you can't have that but anyway so right here wants to know what is your antenna we're using the inlet eml so just type that in my antenna height to the reference point which is the bottom of your antenna was 1.592 right there this is the email and there's really no other i don't need um trying to think were we i was under two hours and so i'll have to use the rapid static if you if you uh observe over two hours then you can use a static which uh you know that's to some degree it's going to be quote more accurate but rapid static uh in many cases is just probably within millimeters so anyway let's go ahead and choose on uh use rapid static and then see what it says file name contains invalid characters so every single time i have to do this i have to take my observation file rename it right here and go to underscore okay now i can drag it up right there now it will accept that and when you when you submit this if you have errors you'll get an email it won't tell you right away but you'll get an email almost within minutes that says there was an error and it'll tell you what the error was but if you save it in rhinex 211 generally speaking if unless you were just unless you set up in a bad spot you you were probably good someone hit upload to rapid static and that's it so now within probably two minutes we will get an email in that um has that so i'll open it up and show you what that email looks like all right so when you receive your email from opus and again this came in very quick i'm going to say within four minutes this is the format you're going to receive it in and so they're going to give you coordinates in a couple different ways here so you're going to have nat 83 and then the itrf 2014 but one of the things you really have to know is that if if the surveyor says hey bob yes i can use your service i've got three benchmarks set up here's the cad drawing it shows you where the marks are and you're going to set up over one of them and then you will survey the other two with your rover but you have to know exactly what reference system they're using and so nine times out of 10 or probably 99 out of 100 it's going to be 983 but you can't assume and so when you're doing your processing when you start to create your control point or uh your your ground control points when you're processing those you have to know what you're working in so anyway but this right here this is the lat long and ellipsoid height but again this is in 1983 and then over here you see in the uh itrf for 2014 and then on down below we are in utm and then state plane but again all based off of net 83. now i'm going to show you something i'm i've done i've processed this because i want to be able to show you something that's very important then we're going to walk through i'm going to take you through the processing but before we do it is so important that you just understand that details details matter and you you have to you can't just feed numbers into a system they spit them out and you just you just run with it as the gospel you have to learn to to really look and make sure that things match up there has not been an error and so the antenna height for the the reach so when you use third-party software the the reach view app automatically adds the the phase center offset so the 0.134 which is from the bottom of the antenna to the to the center which is called face center and actually there's two you have the l1 and l2 but they use the 0.134 as the value that gets added from the bottom up to the face center the reach view app adds the 0.134 into the survey file well if you use third-party software like i use easy serve or use something else when you do that i have the antenna model is selected in that software so what happened was it added i had already two centimeters that i made an error in entering the base then when i brought it in to easy serve and processed it had an additional basically 13 centimeters difference and so the reason that i go and take my rover and i put it at the base unit and and survey it is because they ought to be within two to three centimeters well i get it and it was it was off i mean it was a considerable difference and i went ooh i forgot to fix the file and so that is a reason for taking and finishing up at your base unit with the rover because they should be within two to three centimeters at the very most of course the the tip sticking in the ground you've got your benchmark which is right up sitting flush the tip of the pole can sit in the ground and it's even four inches i mean you can have a little bit of elevation change but i'm rambling but the point is you have to pay attention to details you cannot just put numbers in software they spit out and you just use it as the gospel you have to learn to look and make sure that everything is matching up like it should so um i'm going to show you something here so the opus come back and it said the elevation was 89.673 meters now look down here these are all they used seven base stations so when i bring up uh easy serve that i use i only used one base station my unit uh the excuse me the base height for right here was 89.636 they were 89.6 so we come over we do uh 89.673 oh is that what it was 89. yeah minus six 89.63 six so three and a half little over three and a half centimeters 3.7 centimeters i am off from opus and but they used seven base stations i only used one so this just again makes my point that things they can be different they can be different based on the number of base stations that you use for processing and so that is why you will take what somebody gives you the the surveyor that's there that has a benchmark set up so that everything is based off that benchmark you will use those values but you do have to know were those values in nat 83 or wgs 84. we we've already talked about what they most likely will be but you have to know that now if if for some reason you put you're doing processing and your your processing is nat 83 but you use wgs 84 values that can actually create problems it's going to put your base where it's not really and that can actually uh enter error into the calculations so if they have done everything correctly on their end and there wasn't a a grave error in the person that set up the benchmark and look they could have sent some new guy out there and he made a mistake and we're talking about a considerable difference so if you have a base unit that the values are way off and they tell you hey these this is nat 83 here's the state planes a lot of times they're going to give them to you in state plane coordinates here in the u.s if they give you those coordinates and you post-process your base unit you ought to be very very close if for some reason there is a huge difference you got to stop and you got to find out why did you make an error and if you did not you you're going to have to you send them your opus results and say hey this is what i got and my antenna i was at this height hopefully you took a picture you took a picture of where you measured it so that you know and they may go back and it was bubba's first day on the job and bubba really messed up and and that's why their numbers are off so i have done work for clients where there was an error made and it might have been a entry error they gave they entered it in and sent an email and they gave you the wrong values but you have to pay attention and make sure that everything is very similar if it's not you have to find out why so enough of that let's go ahead and move on okay so what you're looking at is inlet studio and this particular software is in beta version it's in beta release 10 and it hasn't been updated since uh i think october either september october of 21 so there are issues when trying to process ground control points and then export out the files to bring into photogrammetry software once i work around all of these problems and know that it is a smooth process i will make a separate video and i'll come back and post the link down in the description of this video but it's not even worth me running through and then getting to the end saying well here's all the problems with the output file so i'm going to skip on and go to easy serve i'll show you that and hopefully in the near future there will be fixes and uh working with in inlet studio will be a very smooth process and you can output files in various coordinate reference systems and what have you so sorry about not being able to show this but when it's fixed and working good i will make a video on it so now on to the next section okay so we have easy serve on the screen full disclosure i have nothing to do with these sir i'm just a customer i sell the topo drone uh products and software and uh so if you ever need any of that stuff please visit i'm not ashamed to say that this is just software that's good it's expensive but it's good so let's jump in there and i'm going to show you the process so i'm going to come here i'm gonna click new i'm gonna process my base unit first so i go into base go to my ubx file i'm gonna drag it in first thing i'm gonna do is go down to sites and make sure my antenna height is entered which was 1.592 to the bottom because again it actually adds when i click here see how it's adding it in there there it is right there there's your l1 and your l2 offsets right there all right so i'm going to click on ok and i go to tools i click process auto it'll automatically download so you don't ever have to go and download any of the uh core station files it's already done for you so everything i had a hundred percent solved so i'm now ready so i go back up here to my observations i now want to use this as a reference so i right mouse click and i say uses reference i'm going to do okay it'll just take the the data that was already processed it's going to use that i could leave this core station here and use it as a reference also but i'm going to remove that and we're only going to use our base station and so now there's a utility in easy serve so on your rover let's go into the rover now when when we did our initial uh csv that we exported out remember this is the one that i used in easy serve this one is what we exported but i changed the antenna value to only be 2.0 and not 2.134 i drag it over here if you were using feet you would change that at this field here i will now go and bring in the ubx file so i go up to right here and i'm going to drag in the ubx file and we hit generate and what it does it creates an xml file that then has all of the data and in the xml file you can see it right right here it wasn't there a while ago so just put it there i can now close this i'm going to take this xml and drag it over and so it'll bring in the rover all the the sites from the csv file bring those all in so when i click on sites you can see those here this says the duration and see here every one of these is at 2 meters because i did edit the csv file had i brought in the other one that would not be the case go up to observations i'm now ready to process i go to tools process auto and it will process the entire rover file and one of the very very very nice things about easy serve that i like is that i can toggle back and forth between feet and meters in any particular reference system that i want to use so like right now i am in nat 83 using geoid 18 so i'll have both my ellipsoid and geoid height so when i click you see everything was fixed 22 was fixed and i'm going to click display post processed so here are all of our post-processed coordinates i can save this out as a text file i can just right mouse click and then do save as and then just save it as a post processed file so i'll hit save and then you can just open it up in notepad if you want to just copy print it and so what i'll do is save it like that and then when i do generate the report for the surveying firm then this will be included in there so it'll show exactly which geoid i'm using the datum system everything it's going to just show all of it there okay now if i want to export out the csv for pix4d i just go to export i go to sites and then you can pick um how you want so it's all processed or i could do all sites which would include the base so a lot of times i actually do that and then depending on which what my customer wants whether they want ellipsoid or orthometric then i already have a bunch of presets here to where i can uh export out whether and also it would depend because if you're gonna do utm then i would have picked utm but like right now i am in geoi excuse me nat 83 geographic if i want to change to a different system or just compare the coordinates i can just go here and go to mapping system selector and down here so like state plane that's what most of my people that's what they're gonna be working in so now if i wanted to switch to state plane and do that come down to uh mississippi west boom right there i'm now in mississippi west so but it's in they work in feet so then i'd still go up to tools and what i've asked is that they would put shortcut buttons right here that i can go have my top five reference systems maybe i'm using tennessee utm 93 geographic you name it what i'm using and then have one right here to automatically just switch between meters and feet so easy serve if you're listening those will be very very nice and make this program just so much more user friendly when you're getting files in from different folks that have a lot of different stuff so now i just go to options and i'm going to general i'm going to change from metric to us survey feet and i can even change between i mean if you're in lat long decimal degrees or degrees minutes and seconds i do that and boom just like that i'm in feet so whatever system you want to be in this transforms just on the fly so transformations are just a piece of cake to drop down and pick which system you want to use export it out and that's it so you may have one person that says i need it this way another person says i need it in this well with easy serve that's very easy to do so what we're going to do i'm going to come back let me switch back over so i'm going to do selector for my mapping system and i'm going to go back to geographic mat 83 that's we're going to stay in okay and i need to be bad i'm going to stay in meters so we go to options general oops and meters right there okay all right now i'm going to go to tools i'm going to export my sites i do want to export all sites so include my base i just like to have that in the uh photogrammetry stuff so i am in lat long i do want to um i'm going to export it in ellipsoid so if i click on this you're going to see that it is in ellipsoid height if i if i had one if i pick one i've done in geoid now it's going to have the orthometric uh selected right here msl okay so i may i could export out both but it's important that your ground control points and that's what we're exporting out is ground control points and the output and your mapping system are all on the the same system so anyway that's that's how you would export the file out so i'm going to pause here and we're ready to move on to processing the images and we're going to use topo drone to do ppk processing on the flight that we did all right i'll clean up we'll be right back all right so this is where the magic happens we have done all the hard work i mean literally going out flying putting out ground control points doing all of that that that was the hard part but this if you are using a topo drone system this is where the magic happens and you're about to see why so and yes we're going to cover you can do photogrammetry without ppk flights but you're going to be impressed when you see the workflow and the accuracy when you're using a ppk system so anyway i flew this with the mavic 2 uh pro with the topo drone ppk on it the air 2s will be out in two weeks the accuracy that has the same camera the accuracy on that is going to be exactly what you see here and uh it's it's going to be pretty remarkable so let's dive in and get busy so on the topo drone software i'm going to just show you the settings really quick now i use this for lidar processing so it actually has additional features if you are only doing photogrammetry and only doing uh ppk processing then you just wouldn't have these additional tabs okay and uh and you can actually add on like for static post processing so if you wanted to post process a base then you can do that now when you do a rover with um for ground control points then there's it would not do that so anyway all right so i'm going to look at the settings for geo tagging and i have glonass and galileo enabled for the satellites and the only so i use pix4d if you use metashape or 3d survey then these are the options for writing out the files you can take the data and use it into another system you may have to alter the format of the file but when you select one of these three it is ready just to bring in to that software but again all the data will be in the file and it will be there um rename so burn exif this i mean it's checked but um we want to rename what we're using it for is to rename the file to a new name but as far as the data that's going to be used for updated ppk information that's going to be in this file that is written out externally as well we are going to be in um so our coordinate type now if we're going to do utm we can do it as uh x y and z so i can i'll do that and so the fact is if you're going to if you want to burn the information into the exif like update the exit data then you do need to pick the correct one so we're going to do utm16 so in this case i do want to have x y z for my coordinate type if we were going to do uh geo so like either nat 83 geo reference or wgs 84 uh geo then we would want to stay with the latitude and on this uh geotagging algorithm i'm not going to get into the details of that but this one you just want to leave it on increased uh time weight in other words it's looking at the time of the photo if there's ever any issues with the event matching up with the photo then the software is going to look at the gps time to try to match up to the best software to the best image this is uh really a non-issue when you're using the topo drone system when you use like the the add-on system like a snap-on type deal you're going to have missed events missed photos and that's where this function really comes into play to try to help with that so that's that's really designed to work with that and fix those problems um let's see that's it so i hit save yep now i'm going to come back over to ppk processing and just so you know over here this is i'm going to go up so this is the the folder this is the same folder structure we've been working with and in my mavic 2 images i go to dcm media this is what i just copied straight off the drone okay so there's the one shot i ran a double grid mission and just so you know i followed the recommended um protocol that toppo drone spec they give you a training video that anybody can watch and i took the mavic 2 pro up to 200 feet because that's what i was gonna fly the mission at i took it up 200 feet i did a manual focus at 200 feet i did well actually i did auto focus change it to manual i then um set my exposure manually to be exactly what it needed to be and then i ran this in drone deploy and i set drone deploy to use the dji uh settings in other words i did not want drone deploy to override that and we'll talk more about this later because we're going to do some focus calibration and calibrating the focal length you wanna see we really probably won't need it but we still can calibrate that and when you're when you let the drone when you let like drone deploy change that during flight if they ever if you ever use an app not drone deploy but if you use any other app and they it changes your settings throughout maybe your iso is changing your aperture is changing that is problematic because when you want accurate uh photogrammetry and accurate maps you need the focal length to stay the same because you're going to calibrate that focal length and i'm going to show you how and so you want that to literally stay the same throughout the entire mission so let me stop talking let's get in here so images folder we're going to select this folder right here but i'm going to go to mavic 2 images dcm and there's my folder okay now it wants to know where's the gnss file that was on the external the added topo drone gnss so we're gonna go here let's go up one ppk files and i'd turn it on and off a couple times so it was this this last one the one with the most data obviously someone do okay then it says well what is my drone model i'm running the mavic 2 pro i also have the phantom 4 pro kit on this and soon we're going to do a little uh shootout between the mavic 2 the phantom 4 and the phantom 4 rtk just to show you how that compares uh let's see so we don't do anything there base station so i'm going to go back go into my rs2 base i go to the ubx right here okay now i'm going to be working in i'm in that 83 so i want i'm going to output net 83 over here so i need and must use nat 83 here i do not want to use wgs here and then switch it i'm going to keep it the same so what we need to do is i'm going to switch over and we're okay so let me open up a new folder that way so uh rover and post process nat 83 okay so i have this file that i had saved earlier when i post processed all this stuff in easy serve so now i'm just going to copy because this is you can see right up here tells you everything [Music] 1983 2011 geographic and then the datum of course is net 83. now this is the ellipsoid height where if i was going to work in geoid height then i could i would be using this but i am working in ellipsoid height and then we can adjust it later but anyway let's go ahead and copy latitude into here okay and longitude in elevation all right and the antenna height was 1.592 remember that from earlier and let's see so projection i am going to use nat 83 and i'm going to go ahead and go with uh 16 utm zone 16n how about that okay and so now i'm just going to click start and it will run through the process and it'll take just a little bit so what i'll do is i'll let this run i'll fast forward through this and then after it's done we'll um open everything up move it over to pix4d and keep rolling but you can see here it created this output folder so within the images folder it'll create a subfolder called output and that is where it will write the new images so it will never edit your original images um that's that's important because you know you just wouldn't want to mess with those you want the original now look it so it's run everything everything is green everything matched up people that are using the uh the the diy ppk kits you will always run into issues where your photos are not there and extra events are there it is just it's part of the system this one here i pull it up and it's green very nice uh and works very smooth so if i had some that were that didn't match i'd have to go into manual matching and try to uh to do that but since they are all matched up we don't have to worry about that and now it will go through and just literally update every photo just one after another um you know it'll take a little bit of time to just write because it's copying editing send it out and then uh and then it's updating the file as well the output file so again i'm gonna let this run i'll be quiet and uh we'll be back after it's finished all right it is done i actually didn't turn my recording off halfway i was just going to speed through but anyway okay so it is done what i'm going to do now is get everything caught get the files copied over to pix4d so i'm running pix4d on a second machine so i can record and run pix4d simultaneously so we're gonna i'll pause right now get everything copied over and then we'll open it back up and keep rolling hey and by the way if this is helpful if you were still with me this is probably one of my longer videos give me a thumbs up man help me out just give me a like and then uh if this is helpful and you're ready to see more of this i've been a lot of recording and now trying to get stuff actually put together and start pushing out the good helpful videos so if you like it subscribe and again it'll help me out uh share it with your friends let them know hey this guy's producing some stuff that could be helpful i'd appreciate that let me get it moved over and i'll see you in pix4d all right so we have pix4d open and we're gonna go ahead and bring all of the files uh images into pix4d and get this processing so let me go ahead and get started and we get to slow points maybe i can talk a little while we're doing but i need to pay attention right all right next add images and a lot of the programs work the same way are you know going to have similarities bringing your photos in you got to set what reference system you're using what what are the images based on and so let's go to here mapping and photogrammetry output updated tags right here i don't know why those look a little janky but they do but i know they're good images so we're going to hit okay i'm going to open i'm going to hit next [Music] okay all right now the first thing i have to do so the file was written you remember it was written by topo drone for utm but right now this is but defaults to wgs84 so i'm going to change this to utm zone 16 in and we'll go down to nat 83 11 right there okay hit okay and now i'm ready to uh find locate my file hit browse i'll put pix4d is where it went and so this file here do that i'm gonna hit okay and it was y x so northern easting uh format or order hit okay i'm gonna hit so one thing i'm gonna point out real quick sorry about that i want to hit advanced when if you ever work in a program and you you bring in ground control points maybe you're in a trial or you're using your program and then your your ground control points are floating up in the air and it doesn't match with anything that is always going to be because you have your two different uh systems your your uh ground control points are in uh orthometric or geoid height and then your images were based on um ellipsoid height and so you always have to make sure that everything is the same and so i know that our ground control points that i processed an easy serve i exported those out in ellipsoid height i'm specifying ellipsoid height here so everything will they'll be the same and if they're not it is always because you you have two different uh elevations specified for those two different systems so i'm gonna go ahead and hit next and it should sid defaults to the nat 83 11 utm for the output so we'll hit next and i left everything in meters if you're going to be if your client needs it in feet if you have another program that you're going to use to convert that over you can or if you need to do that here you know now is the time but if you are going to specify the output like in pix4d if the output's going to be in us survey fee then i would have had to export the ground control points in u.s survey feet so you just gotta know what your client needs and make sure everything matches and it will go smoothly all right so this is the area that should look very familiar and we're ready to hit go so i'm going to go ahead and start processing and what i will do i am not going to record this entire thing i'll let this go for just a little bit i will probably uh hyper speed this a little bit and then once we get back and it's done the next step we're going to do is we're going to import our ground control points and we'll import them as checkpoints and then i'm going to go through them we're going to look at the images and see how close they are before we even match them up and then i'll let you just walk through i'm going to go through all of them match them up so that we see what our we can run a report on the errors without using any ground control points and if we need to use a ground control point then we will but you'll we'll just take a look at that and see how that pans out but again i'm going to turn me off so if i give me one second here i need to [Music] do this okay and we're gonna get that one fade it over okay i'm off the screen i'm gonna let this record for a little bit and i'll probably pause the recording and then once it is finished then we'll we'll come back and resume bringing in the ground control points [Music] okay so the report has popped open so let's uh let's take a quick look at that give me one second um i saw one big red dot in the middle of the screen so uh camera optimization i like to always look at that and see if that is a a very small number so i accidentally brought in the test photo good grief i don't know why i did that but um anyway i did that's why it is sitting in the middle of the screen with a big fat red dot um so let's oops yeah on the ground we're going to disable that and it should just be deleted anyway nice way to mess up a a pretty screen okay so what i'm gonna do now we are going to bring in our ground control points so what i'm going to do is i'm going to pause my recording and then restart it so that i have a this is a new segment so we're going to bring in ground control points what i'm going to do is go up to project i'm going to go to gcp manager and i'm going to import my gcps and you can see that the ground control point is in the same reference system as everything else that's exactly what you want and i do know on ground control points those were actually exported out in uh easting northing so xy order so it's always good to like when you save a file out i'd always just put in there what your order was but let's go to um right here go into mapping photogrammetry and this is my pix4d let's see if i can move that out see where i put x y i put that into the file name so it's always good just to put that in there so you don't have to hunt for it or pop open an error and tell you you're in the wrong order okay so i'm going to hit okay all right now i'm going to do okay here all right so here are all i mean again all this stuff just matches up this is this is down in the uh ditch matter of fact what i'm going to do first i want to just turn it up and see that nothing's floating up in the air so that's good all right so we're all exactly where we should be there now let's uh zoom in and start taking a look these cross lines will be a good a good start and let me close that ah sorry okay [Music] all right now this right here this is look at that this right here is there has been no all i'm going to do is show you i'm going to scroll down and you're going to be able to see in these images where the the point is at where it thinks it should be i mean you can't get any closer than that that right there i mean yeah i could go in and mark we're going to be within a a half an inch an inch that right there is that is smoking my friend that is that's phenomenal absolutely phenomenal okay so i'm gonna go through and again remember i drew the chalk line and i put this little hash mark you always want to do that so that you never question so let's say the point was in the middle and you're going oh crap which which corner was it you put that hash mark right there and you know which one it is but i'm just going to go going through all of these look at them just boom boom boom that is that is amazing absolutely amazing all right so then this was on the other end of the line same thing of course i mean they're right beside each other so i wouldn't expect anything else um but now we're going to still mark these and then run a report and see well what does pix4d show us in in terms of error in in reporting so there's that so i'm gonna back out um here is uh so again this remember we were up on the top side up here this is over where the stop sign was at so let me take a look here um sorry let's go boom again man that is just that's nice right there that is that is nice that is money every one after another right there you're just seeing image after image you know when you do and i'm going to after this i'm going to do the same thing but with the un pp the non-ppk images the original images when i guarantee you when i bring that in you're going to have they're going to be points over here over there it's going to be kind of just all over the place um because that's just when you have non-ppk images this is what you deal with okay so going down this is a green yeah look at that right here i'm just gonna run down i mean that's almost as good as i'm gonna be i mean i can see this one right here i mean i i could move it over a uh one inch right there but that is so good so good and then we come down so this is a lower elevation down here so let's see where we are on that one still absolutely right on as far as x y goes folks that is that is so good and this is when so depending on what kind of work you're doing you can say you know what i don't i don't know especially with elevation elevation is rock solid you can go i don't need ground control points for the kind of work i'm doing i will always do ground control points because i'm turning into surveyors and engineering firms and i just i gotta have that redundancy and that uh confirmation but this right here this and and when so in two weeks when the the air 2s comes out you can rest assured that the the accuracy on that is going to be just the same okay so this one i did it on this side of the um line and then i came down here on the opposite end for for this point down here i can't remember if i actually put it dead center no it was on the opposite side so just down a little ways so the first point that we just looked at so this one over here is on the inside on this end and i just came out a little ways and put it on the outside of the line and here again these images are going to all be right on the very outside that line just spot on all right so one more and then we'll just get busy marking so what i want to do is this one so now is that one the one in the ditch no that's in the top let's see here okay so that is in no that's now in the ditch i was just looking at it incorrect look see there so that's a good you know i had a nice little drop right there again i'm just going to arrow down through here look at that so i'm going to mark them so we're tired of i could sit here and just him haul and praise this all day long but what i'm going to do now is i want to you know what i hope is that uh give me one second hope i haven't been blocking with my stupid face on the uh okay no you still been able to see it i thought i was gonna be blocking so i tell you what i'm gonna turn uh i'm gonna get me off we're gonna turn me off the screen right here let me uh fade okay y'all don't need to see me so now we're gonna do is we're gonna we're gonna go through and mark these ground control points and so i'm gonna maximize my screen there all right so now what i okay so one thing i need to do is i'm gonna go up to my gcp manager and i'm going to change all these to checkpoints edit all types i meant to do that when i brought them in and i forgot right so we'll change because i don't want any ground control points i just want to see what the accuracy is so i'm going to hit okay i don't know why my this computer is running slow like i'm not running anything yeah this is on a separate computer and by golly you would think that this thing is all right all right so let's see here i'm multitasking trying trying trying all right so now let's go ahead and start marking the ground control points and so here's one all right so again this is just and my mouse is moving a little funny my house is being a little weird here okay all right so uh give me one second we're gonna note no so what i want to do is go to the ones where i have targets because i can get dead center on those i mean look at that bam one two [Music] okay all right now that's good [Music] this is a long tedious process so when you're just wanting to let's say you've got it you're relying on ground control points then you know this is where you really got to kind of spend the time to go through each one of them mark them get them exactly right now when you're just needing to um you're just doing it for check purposes you probably don't have to do near as many so this is this is more about showing off right here this is i'm gonna go through all of them but again this is uh this is more of show-and-tell than than relying so when you don't have the ppk then it's uh it's actually much more critical so i'm gonna hit apply okay and i'm gonna have to just go through i'm gonna go through all of them 22 that's a lot but i'm going to go through i'm going to record every bit of it because i want i want it to be seen what what i mark and that uh nobody thinks i did any funny business and kind of got a little i mean because if you went through and marked where the point was i mean you could alter your your readings so for the sake of i can fast forward through all of it or i'll just record it and then give you the link to go to the next segment right i just want to hit apply now let's let me zoom on in a little bit oops not that far i do like i like squares because now when i have when i have these uh lines on the the uh parking lot it makes it real easy to uh to do your markings because you're especially when they're when they're in agreement with they run north and south so now i can sit here and come right and of course you know the further away you get you start to get like this is a image where it's far away the further you start to have some pixelation on the edges and then it becomes a little bit of you kind of trying to interpret where the the true line is excuse me okay getting there all right so what i'm going to do is i'm not going to talk and i'm just going to i'm going to play some music you want to watch you can watch i'll probably speed this up into like double time and triple time so that but i'm going to record all of the all of the markings so that that part is accounted for because i'm i'm sitting here touting accuracy and when we see the report i want to to really show where where did i mark the points so i'll just be quiet until i'm completely done enjoy the music or jump ahead to the next sec segment [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] do [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so you may be asking well why are you not doing automatic marking and again i just for the sake of this um kind of i mean a tutorial but also for the sake of proving the the accuracy of the ppk system so i'm i'm sitting here and just going through and marking every single one of them doing it where if somebody wants to watch and see what i'm doing then you can see you can check it out but that is uh that's why because i mean i could do so look so after you've done quite a few of them i can hit automatic marking and it'll go through and it'll mark them and then i can uh kind of zoom in here and then come down and look at each one to see is that is it where i think it should be the yellow it's like that one might be just a hair off so you know the automatic marking it's it's good i mean and when i'm doing other jobs of foot tolerance i mean if it's any of these are going to be close enough but when we're sitting here wanting to prove down to the centimeters i'm going to take time and i mean get it very very accurate ooh and that one's can't mark that one okay apply all right i'll be quiet i'm gonna just go back to uh finishing these up [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] do [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] all right this is gonna be the last one there might be one or two more but i am not uh this is more like this is kind of like more than work out in the field marking ground control points this is tedious and yeah this is this is kind of like not fun but if you want well especially if you don't have uh ground control well if you don't have ppk this is this becomes very necessary um anyway we're gonna i'm just about to done with this one and we're gonna we're gonna re re-run it so we can tell us where we are i gotta cut out here in a little bit and go to good friday service and then i'll come back after that and [Music] finish this up this is this baby's getting published up tonight i don't care if i got to stay up all night and and then look so some of this stuff i probably should have zoomed out you know because you may have seen other videos the more you zoom in the more accurate but i mean i am i'm very confident on my my point right there but it's starting to get a little a little pixelated okay we are we're done we're done with that i'm not marking anymore so the ones that uh let's see four and five so i could uh i'm gonna remove remove remove remove number 21 where are you oh that was my base unit so actually so look this is i mean it should of course it's going to be on the ground so depending on what what angle but anyway i'm going to remove that one because we're we're not going to use that okay all right so now oh number nine why oh you know what so this is the one i didn't have a good clear i'm gonna remove that i don't wanna for accuracy purposes i mean yeah if i'm trying to do elevation well we got we got a lot so i'm going to remove that okay so now i'm going to come up and i'm going to do a process i'm going to re reoptimize now we have our ground control points or checkpoints i should say so we're going to re-optimize and then we will generate our report after that is done and so that'll be able to tell us where we are and uh i know that it's going to be good but let's uh we're going to take take a look and see and um this is just something that's there i mean we don't even need we do not need ground control points to bring this one in tight i have checkpoints to to prove it's tight but we don't need ground control points i don't think so let's look at the uh elevation data after it's done so let's see where it's at all right we should be just about ready to pop open a window saying it's done and then i will generate the the report all right so let's all right i got too many mice is going on here okay so i'm going to dismiss that now what i want to do is i'm going to generate i'm going to come up to process i'm going to um generate the quality report and so this will take just a second to generate and then we're going to take a look and see look at our errors on that so while this is loading um man i just i hope um some of this is useful what i'm going to do after this one is i'm going to load up the uh images i'm gonna run it again i'm gonna just show you how off the original images were without ppk i will mark some of the points uh i don't have to go through every one i can just i'll just mark some of them go through and i'm going to generate that let you look at it it will not take a rocket scientist to realize ooh there is a huge huge difference here and so anyway we are just about done with the error report i'll let it come up and who knows maybe i will go ahead and mark all of them just so it's uh apples to apples comparison and let you see what the what the difference is okay and let's uh let's merge move this over here okay all right quality report let's run down this thing actually let's uh let's go ahead and go to pdf and go to full screen i like to be able to see it okay all right so we have no gcps because they're all contr checkpoints there's our camera optimization you see that that's that's really good and then close you now let's go ahead and scroll on down we want to get to the part where we're looking at the errors i'm just going to tell you that right there that says it all that is absolutely that is phenomenal absolutely phenomenal and you know if you're new to this uh so what the accuracy is supposed to be is uh three to four centimeters we are in so we do have right here in some of these were two three three three centimeters over here there's a three centimeter net one now that now we're in the millimeters that is just that is crazy crazy accurate and look at our look at our elevation accuracy that is off the chart accurate that is so two and a half centimeters of five millimeters um four centimeters three centimeters three three one two going down two centimeters that right there you can do work with that all day long all day with confidence making money turning it into people again i'm going to always have checkpoints to to show this and say this but this is this is there are no ground control points this is just the data as it is so look if you want i am going to put down in the video below i'm going to put the um links to the raw data so the images that i took i'm going to give you my log files from the rs2 units raw so that you can process it and do it yourself you can process it see what you get and then if you want trials for the software uh you don't have anything that so the topo setter i'll get you a trial for that anything else i mean you can just you can get with the companies and get trials if you have your other photogrammetry software you can try it there and you know see what see what it shows but this is it now i'm going to go ahead and pause i actually got to leave and uh head to church but i will be back and then we're going to do the images without any uh ppk i want to show you what the error is on the images without ppk then that's that's it we're going to wrap it up call tonight call called a video and uh hopefully it's been educational it took you through the entire process uh and again if i can be of help if i can answer questions let me know if you're interested the uh the the air 2s is going to be the most affordable ppk drone on the market we'll be out in two weeks after this video is released and it's got the hassle bad uh camera on it it's it's going to be the same results you're going to get the same kind of accuracy on it that you have here on this mavic 2 pro topo drone ppk so let's pause i'll be back we're going to run through the non-ppk images that'll be a lot faster i'm not going to spend a lot of time just get it on there mark them let you see the accuracy and call it a wrap [Music] all right we are now going to run through with the regular images so i now have them copied over all right that's pretty simple next add images all right and this i didn't copy in the one ground photo so i don't have to worry about having a red dot in the middle of this one open next all right and of course you probably see this but i mean when you bring stuff in like this it's unedited so it'll just default to a 5 meter horizontal 10 meter vertical which is about right all right so we hit next and we'll just stay with um no we don't we don't because i'm bringing in give me one second i'm gonna bring in my ground control points so you do have to they all have to be the same so all right nat 83 that's what we're going to switch to and this time it's just going to be standard 3d maps finish okay still same area let's uncheck this and this and start okay so what i'm going to do i'm not going to sit and record all this i'm going to pause this as soon as it's done then i'll bring the recording back up we will bring in the ground control points and then go ahead and start looking at where those show up in the image matching so anyway as soon as this is done i'll start the recording back up and we'll see where they are [Music] okay so the initial processing is finished and the very first thing you're already going to see let me turn it around that way we have a three percent relative difference on the cameras and initial parameters so i mean that's already a a huge difference there we were at point two something last time so a quarter of a percent so anyway i'm going to go ahead nothing to uh else to really look at here so i'm gonna go ahead and close this and i'm going to bring in the ground control points so we'll go to project gcp manager i want to import we're just going to use a very same file we did before um mapping right here and it should be this one okay so hit okay and i'm going to go ahead and change these edit all types and change them to checkpoints okay i'm gonna do okay [Music] man i wish i knew why this thing was running so slow this is a a good machine and i'm feeding it through i have a dual pc setup so guys like do gaming stuff um would kind of do this but it just seems to be running very very slow okay all right now we already have what did i do okay so i thought i set hmm okay so let's go back remember earlier i said if that happens the something is different or wrong with the coordinate system someone do advanced uh this is supposed to be set to geoid at zero which means you're at the ellipsoid height so hit okay now it's going to have to um re-optimize and put everything right on the right level so that ever happens you know you have made a boo-boo all right so i'll let it finish and then we'll be back to evaluate in just a second [Music] okay so now both the gcps and my photos are set to ellipsoid height so everything is matched up there so let's get the cameras turned off and so really what i want to do is the first thing we want to do you can just already tell about accuracy by so remember last time this is where we should be right there so let's go ahead and let's zoom on in all right so you can see that we have a good bit of distance there so from here to there where when we had the ppk they were just already where they belong so we're we're every bit of um of a couple feet off and so let's go ahead and look at a few others so here's a target wow that was gonna be way off okay so this is a this is a two foot target two foot cross actually more than two feet this one right here way way off and so it's going to be the same look at there so drastically off and let's go ahead and go over to the parking lot now these are supposed to be up on this line right there okay and they they're they're down here they're supposed to be up there so these were going across the very center and uh man that is that's terrible okay so that's bad now let's go to um let's go up here to the front so we had this pretty deep ditch running down through the middle so i'm going to click this was now that one actually is that's not too bad that one there is okay but then this one's off and then we'll start to go down down the list and they'll they'll begin your better ones are always at the top and then the further down you go they typically are getting worse and worse with them with accuracy so yeah those are all off now we come down into the ditch come on there we go all right so not um may have one or two that's going to be okay so what i'm going to do is i'm going to go through and i'm going to mark every one of these just like i did before i don't really feel like marking all of them but i am because then i want to see that we mark all the same ones and just do everything the same so that we can see what the accuracy of non-ppk versus ppk and it is it's not even going to be close so i'll do that i'm not going to um bore you with that well i may record and fast forward but i'm going to pause the video now and then get all those mark and then we'll be back you notice where this stuff though i mean if you really need it for let's say you don't have a ppk this is what gets i mean you know you need it you got to be tedious to get it right but then you get tired of doing it especially on a big job so um having a ppk with about three control points would be good in some cases or if you need to okay mark that one all right i'm gonna have to shut my door my alarms are still going off down there okay so we're [Music] all right got hit apply okay so there's that one now let's do this one here and it should be over here [Music] [Music] so i actually set it right on that crack at the end of the line [Music] so i've got one customer who we're not a customer he's a potential customer but he does landscaping and dirt work but mainly on small one to five acre lights and they would love to be able to do um get some good topo stuff on on lots i mean so it's going to be manicured lawns that they just need to do uh [Music] make adjustments to and so this right here using a getting that little air 2s ppk or even uh getting the kit to put on a mavic 2 pro would be a nice little setup for them because he's not having to work for a survey this is just for himself to they have to go out and shoot these shots um oops there we go that one's a little fuzzy i don't know where that one [Music] oh that one's at a range all right let's okay so that one's out of picture too all these are all right there's that i'm getting getting tired of this already all right here's a target on this one see i love these little black and white targets and you can you can hone in on them now i will tell you this uh when you've got them if you haven't centered like if you haven't done the auto centering well then when you hit the space bar and go to a big big screen you can just click right on it but that's kind of silly when you can just hit apply come in and [Music] zoom it in to the right level and now they're all just right where they need to be they can just go down through here so keep in mind that i mean you know i can so having these as control points this is going to tell me how much error we had in our original flight i can make we're going to be able to take i can take all of these and turn them into control points not checkpoints and force the map to adhere to the points but the issue is that they it it's like uh taking a big um a big sale you know just a big sale and you're or a cushion you take one of these bed spreads big thick bed spread and you you poke it down and you got little rivets and you rivet it down what it fluffs up everywhere there's not a rivet and so the same thing happens in photogrammet in that you [Music] it'll be very accurate right here at this point but if you had other checkpoints all over outside of your your ground control points you're going to start to see a lot of error creeping in um especially when it's off as much as it is right here now what i'm so we may have we've got a lot of error in xy well it's going to also be interesting to see well how much error is there in the uh in the z value so that's probably there's going to probably be a lot in [Music] in the elevation as well so we got this much in all right hold on all right so on the quality report that's been generated i'm going to scroll down so our um obvious enough our when i re-optimized our relative difference uh reduced um let's get on down come on come on next section here we go so here's our errors right here so much more in the x um so in the easting we've got you know two three and almost four meters difference and now we had a couple here that were a third one it was really tight right there uh but then it was off on the so this was good in the x and y but then in the vertical it was almost you know a little over two and a half all these two and a half two and a half one meter you cannot um this is no good so you couldn't do any work with that that is crazy so anyway okay so there's even more this video has gone on and on and on so what i'm going to do is we're going to stop it right here and i am going to do a second part when we go and it will be a short second part but we'll still do a second part going into doing the deliverables so we're going to go back we'll actually use the the ppk do the deliverables from that then we will take this particular set here we're going to use ground control points to button it down and then we're going to take both of those so we're going to take the original ppk cloud point cloud that we generate and then we're going to take this point cloud from this one with no ppk and i'm going to bring it in to light r360 and we're going to do or global map or either one but i'm going to do a check and so we're going to take um what we have already exported out we'll bring it into there and just kind of check it and we'll we'll use some of these other checkpoints that maybe were not used as uh control points and let's see what the what the error ends up being in those areas um after we've done um tighten it up with ground control points so anyway that'll be in the next video and i'll probably get that done in the next couple days if you need ppk equipment visit if there's a video you want to see yes i'm here i want to promote what we sell but i also want to do videos that help people so if there's questions on anything if there's something else you want to see a video on put it in the description below if you have questions ask below or go to and just use the contact us page and send an email in i'll answer it we have a chat box on the web page i have that on my phone i'll try to answer questions as soon as possible so anyway thank you for watching this video please give it a thumbs up subscribe if you want to be aware and be kept up to date with new videos coming out and i hope it's helpful see you guys in the next video adios you
Channel: DroneMappingTools
Views: 55,258
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: _P5Qf9msof8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 149min 12sec (8952 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 17 2022
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.