Phoebe Waller-Bridge and More on Why Fleabag Resonates So Much and Favourite Moments | On Acting

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i think it was the second day and it was andrew's second day as well and we had to do the final love scene and when he says well one of the final scenes um and i think it's episode five when he's standing in my living room and he goes i can't have sex with you because i'll fall in love with you and if i fall in love with you then my life will be which was one of the most important emotional moments in the whole thing and it was happening on our second day of filming and the first day i think we'd had to do our sex scenes or something i mean it was just like it was that kind of crazy backwards wave that we really think ideally we should have been working together for like you know for weeks before we come to this amazing moment and actually i was standing in that room and andrew walked in with that performance and i think on like the third or fourth take he gave the most beautiful reading of that line and i remember just looking at harry and harry just almost like welling up and like jenny was there as well and we're all looking at each other and then it was actually in that moment watching watching andrew do that going oh my god we've got we've got a show we've got a love story was olivia coleman's part written with her in mind or did you make her audition oh no i did not make her audition absolutely not she um i did a play with olivia and then years ago and then i wrote and then a little while later i think it was maybe six months later to a year later i wrote flee back and she came to see it um because we were just buddies thanks for done this play before and she said oh i really love it if you ever write anything and you want me to be in it um let me know and i was like oh you may regret saying that i'm gonna hound you and so when um and i wrote the first the first um draft of the first episode of the first series godmother wasn't in there and then because olivia had said that to me um and then when i seen her again she was like oh instead i'm writing something you know i'm adapting it and she said oh you know if there's a role for me and then i remember coming back to two brothers and talking to the producers going like leave your comments that she'd be in this bbc three pilot if if there was a part for her and they were like make her part for her get her in and so and so i did speak to her and we just talked about that she'd always just wanted to play somebody um just sort of unlike the sort of warm the natural energy that you know she has she's so mischievous and she wants to play someone with a mean streak and it's sort of built built out from there but no i didn't uh that was i mean i mean just so lucky that she was a friend and was willing yeah it's great that she plays an absolute cow and that's the main thing that we like about it um okay this is from adam beale from youtube did any other works inspire either concept or visual style of the show we've already talked about goodfellas that kind of feel for the first uh scene in the second series but did you have any anything else in mind did you have anything else in mind phoebe i know i know it came from a stage show but when you're thinking telewise and what about you harry oh i just don't think like that i'm afraid very much i sometimes do i mean there there are elements of the freewheelingness of of robert altman in in some of the some of the stuff um there's something of the way he just loves to play out two-shot i love two shots i love the way that you could just ask the audience to feel the tension between two characters like in the opening of the episode three and um in that lift i see lots of two shots all the time and i think that's probably partly an influence of 70s american cinema um so there's that and um yeah phoebe did you think of anything um i mean there's also the godfather well the godfather two's gotta be better than the godfather one yeah the godfather two um somebody said to me when i was when i was um really worried about not having a story for season two and it not being as good as season one and being i mean i was so i mean i honestly really did try and like back out a couple of times oh and you know everyone was um very supportive and enthusiastic and also would really listen to the fears of that and uh and actually i took a lot of um i took a lot of inspiration from how the ones how godfather then liked its game for godfather to i mean that sounds sort of ludicrous but actually sometimes you need to go so far away from the thing you're making to um to get the most um perspective and inspiration on it because if you're watching things that are sort of similar the whole time then you sort of feel a bit cornered and um by style and so that was that's really that was really helpful for me okay this one um is from taylor loveday what and this is quite a hard one but i think it is interesting why do you think fleabag resonates with so many people i mean i can't imagine that you she's also there's another bit to this which is did you ever think it would get as much traction and positive feedback from the audience but that is not really how people write is it it's it's why do you think she she's so loved and resonates with people i i find this question really hard to answer because um i only know why i uh wanted to write her and my reactions to it as it was coming out and the kind of fire in me when i was writing it of just what if you say this what if you do this well i don't feel like i've seen this perspective of a woman's experience here like even if it comes down to a haircut it's just sometimes i'd be like i would love to see that i would love to see that crime scene i would love to see um a miscarriage being dealt with in a way that you know you know i've heard stories in the real world um of people having miscarriages of friends and things and then i'd seen things on tv or read things in fiction versions of it and they hadn't always completely aligned to what my friends experiences were and so it's that kind of thing i think if i'm writing something that feels truthful um and sort of electric and a bit dangerous because it feels truthful um then i just my hope is that it will land in the same way with other people as well so that's it i mean and it is it's it's hope has so much to do with writing like when you're writing you were just hoping that it reaches people you're hoping that you're not alone and thinking this this is funny or that this is moving and so i think you go in with all the hope in the world that it will that it will resonate in this way and when it does it's just such a huge relief um from a creative professional point of view but also just from a human point of view that you're not completely on your own on this island going like that's funny right guys yeah guys are you good now about that um okay we're really close to the end of um our lovely session so i'd just like to ask you before we uh go what if you had to take a kind of moment from fleabag that you would like to take with you what would it be and i'm going to ask all of you you're just going to have to be quick okay so i'm going to start sarah i'm going to stop with you sarah so many moments and it's really really hard to choose but i think for me it has to be the ending where she has her mother's statue and she walks away and i think it's because we've been that statue says so much about the journey of the character and all this stuff it's just encapsulates the bag to me which is it's the stuff that's not being said it's the stuff between the lines you hear that really hits you emotionally and so yeah that's the thing for me what about you harry well i was gonna say the ending too so instead i guess there's something about the opening i think what that phoebe wrote that was so brave and i think braves the wrong way he's so audacious and impertinent to start with a bloody nose and to an altercation with that waitress and then to turn around and give us the theme of the whole piece because you know having coming off the back of that first series um where do you go from there and you go by jumping right into a different world set of ideas and putting love ah so i think the thing i'm really proud of the way we manage that took us a lot of takes but i'm so proud of that that's beautiful char what about you well i wasn't sure whether you meant you know like personally in the making of it i don't mind whatever um but my my favorite days on set or without question were the the the filming of episode three which is you know like claire at work day and it's just i just felt so privileged to play in that environment because that is where you see claire full throttle she's so comfortable and you you know she's almost um when she says god this is stressful and she's smiling and uh or there's a hint of it because she's sort of brimming with um verve at that point and i just i mean i i honestly think that was like we really found our groove as a crew i remember on that day it just flowed and um that was the most fun um bit for for for me to to film not just because of like i had a chunk to do or anything it was just i don't know it was just hilarious um to make it that whole sequence working with kristen scott thomas and the whole bit you know kristen uh christian hillborg that whole bit of claire and claire i just i thought it was such exquisite writing and um yeah we had a lot of fun bouncing around this like office tower huge office yeah yeah and gary what about you it's weird the um lots of memories but the first time you get to know material so well as an editor because you re-watch everything over and over and over again the first time i watched uh the takes where people goes away and she turns to camera and waves sitting on my own in the edit suite i sort of i thought i did this and it become like a involuntary sort of pavlovian response every time we like months later whenever when we're all in the edit suite and we'd be watching a review and watching the show back and i had to sort of surreptitiously so i did it every single time that's so lovely and what about you phoebe um gosh all of those are so good i loved it all i'd say in the making of it the i think maybe it was the second day filming maybe even the first day filming when i didn't feel like i had a total handle on even the scripts yeah or the feeling like i said you have that feeling that the show that is there but it just felt so sort of like still having to fix scripts late night and all that because i've talked into harry every second of the day you know he took me through everything he was going to do all that was so mad and i think it was the second day and it was andrew's second day as well and we had to do the final love scene and when he says well one of the final scenes um and i think it's episode five when he's standing in my living room and he goes i can't have sex with you because i'll fall in love with you and if i fall in love with you then my life will be which was one of the most important emotional moments in the whole thing and it was happening on our second day of filming and the first day i think we'd had to do our sex scenes or something i mean it was just like it was that kind of crazy backwards wave that we really think ideally we should have been working together for like you know for weeks before we come to this amazing moment and actually i was standing in that room and andrew walked in with that performance and i think on like the third or fourth take he gave the most beautiful reading of that line and i remember just looking at harry and harry just almost like welling up and like jenny was there as well and we're all looking each other and then it was actually in that moment watching watching andrew do that going oh my god we've got we've got a show we've got a love story oh you're making me cry it's pathetic so look um it is time to wind up sadly i have to i do feel like i can talk up to you for like another hour um about this wonderful wonderful show it's absolutely just great it was so great to re-watch it all for have an excuse to re-watch it all it was absolutely brilliant so i'd like to say thank you to you all congratulations on your nominations hooray hooray um thank you to our supporting partner of the sessions tcl um and to all you lovely audience out there thank you so much for sending in the questions we really hope you enjoyed the chat um if you want to continue the conversation there are social channels bafta social channels um and you can uh you can find out there for details on where you can watch the the british academy television craft awards and the virgin media british academy television award um thank you so much for joining us this has really you know been a lovely way to not get out of the house and have a wonderful time thank you for giving us such a brilliant show and we will say goodbye [Music] you
Channel: BAFTA Guru
Views: 27,226
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: BAFTA, BAFTA Guru, British Academy Of Film And Television Arts (Award Presenting Organization), creative, TV, gaming, actor, advice, movie, movies, movie making, fleabag priest, fleabag confession, fleabag priest sees camera, fleabag bloopers, fleabag play, fleabag scene, fleabag hair is everything, fleabag season 2, fleabag ending, fleabag reaction, fleabag hot priest, fleabag trailer, fleabag kneel, phoebe waller-bridge, phoebe waller-bridge snl, phoebe waller-bridge interview
Id: pgXuxA1ZiQM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 44sec (824 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 09 2021
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