Phoebe Tonkin Explores #ASMR | W Magazine

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hi W magazine my name is Phoebe tonan and we're gonna do some a s m r I grew up in a town called mman which is in Sydney New South Wales everyone has conceived ideas about Australia that are wrong yes there are spiders but you don't see them every day we don't ride kangaroos to school but I have held a koala and swam on the back of the dolin a see I see I see o o o I started acting when I was probably about 12 I used to take a lot of dance classes when I was younger and I know on the internet it says that I was a dancer but I wasn't I just took a lot of dance classes but I wasn't very good I watched a movie called drop dead gorgeous when I was about nine and I was convinced that I was going to grow up to be a tap dancer but again I wasn't very good at it I just love that movie so much it's like they're kissing my first job I booked when I was about a week after I turned 16 and it was a show called H2O and it was about mermaids I played a mermaid on a show called H2O just at water and I have seen a lot of the Tik toks online where everyone endearingly makes fun of my accent in particular the way I say the word water and oh no I was a really bad swimmer in fact I think I came last in the school for swimming so I had to do six weeks of swim training to be able to play a mermaid this is a mermaid I've named Shelly in the show if we touch water we turn into to a mermaid even though Shelly already is a mermaid let's see what happens if we add more water even though this is not even technically a Bary I played with Barbies until I was 13 once I found a winning lottery ticket that didn't have anyone's name on it so I got to keep the money and a week later my family went to New York City and I spent $200 at FAO schz on Barbies what happens when I just add water to you I played a werewolf on the vampire Di and the originals and I gave birth to a vampire werewolf baby we shot in Atlanta and I lived there for six years and I love Atlanta so much my favorite vampire movie of all time is obviously Twilight with a werewolf on a full moon your bones crack and crack and crack and crack I was lucky enough to play a small Po in the movie Babylon with my friends Boo and Samara and it was the wildest set I've ever been on it was unbelievable and I felt so lucky to see some of the most incredible actors and costume designers and set designers on the planet actually speaking of I've never seen such aazing amazing craft servfaces that is basically the snacks that they have on set and I've never seen such elaborate snacks that I saw on the papalon set I've never had a flaming white Cheeto before it's really good working with dami and chazelle was obviously a dream come true and I felt so lucky to be part of that movie some snacks that I grew up eating we have something Pizza shapes Smarties girl girls no curly whing danaro obviously Vite finger buns cheesy M Scrolls I haven't had pop rocks for a very long time probably 20 years I forget if they have a little spirit in here or not [Music] no I think you put them on your tongue wow my show boy swallows universe is coming to Netflix in January and it's set in the80s and it's based on a very well-known book in Australia by an author called drent Doon and it was a really lovely experience and even though it's very Australian very uniquely Australian the themes are Universal and relatable for everyone that watches it I play the mother of two boys and the book was written based on Trent Dalton's real life he raised a lot of adversity growing up and he wanted to revisit his childhood and paint all those hard times with a bit more of a magic surreal romantic memory I have a love pay relationship with Instagram I just have a hard time not scrolling for too long when I could be reading a book or doing something productive the types of things I like to see on Instagram recipes outfits of the day I also really like to see people's morning routines because I have a terrible morning routine and and so I'm inspired to see videos of people getting up early and getting a bunch done before 8 a.m. I like to read a lot of books by people like brne brown K Mar and one of my favorite quotes is by Berne Brown where she talked about compassion compassion is early attainable with boundaries and I think as someone that is very sensitive and a cancer I'm very empathetic but the way to protect myself is to have boundaries with that compassion I think we would all be a lot happier if we had more compassionate for one another my best job before I was an actress was a hair salon but I never got to cut anyone's hair I just had to clean it from the floor but there was someone that worked there that was an Arts student she asked me to collect all the hair from the floor with my hands so I could put it in a bag for her so that she could use it for an a project this is the first time I've ever got hair she looks good I should send this back to the girl in Australia I think she looks good my gings maybe I should try this on myself tonight my first experience cutting hair was very satisfying and now I am convinced that I can cut my own micro bangs this is what w magazine sounds like since I was little I've always traced everything that I see even as I've been sitting here I've traced everything in front of me including the camera the lights and everyone that's sitting behind the camera when I'm when I'm tracing I usually get quite detailed but I go around every curve and line I don't like tracing anything with too many points or angles I like tracing buildings because the lines are straight but this is kind of a nice thing to trace and it's a vehicle who I love so I will happily Trace her all day every day I trace words and sometimes I trace things with my fingers I'll spell things out and I write them with my finger on my thumb this is me riding W this is baby dkan thank you so much for watching my very first ASMR I hope you liked it
Channel: W Magazine
Views: 419,234
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: w magazine, wmag
Id: AhCzHY3MP60
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 37sec (997 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 06 2024
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