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Nice post for beginners. Simple. Thank you, OP

👍︎︎ 20 👤︎︎ u/3rdtimesacharmm 📅︎︎ Oct 20 2014 🗫︎ replies

The image of the person from Raphael's School of Athens is not Plato, it is Aristotle. Also, the claim at the beginning that Plato was the "worlds first true and probably greatest philosopher" is a bit far-fetched.

Don't get me wrong, I love me some Plato. The Trial and Death of Socrates is what got me to major in philosophy in the first place (no I am not unemployed, nor a barista). But there were scores of other Pre-Socratic philosophers that had a huge impact on thought and reason in Athens before Socrates came onto the scene. And yes I realize that they are called Pre-Socratic, meaning Socrates is in fact a big deal, but that doesn't mean he was the first true philosopher.

Not to mention the Eastern side of the world and their schools of thought as well.

👍︎︎ 10 👤︎︎ u/N23 📅︎︎ Oct 20 2014 🗫︎ replies

Yeah this video actually had some major flaws, especially in their claim about Plato and art. In the Republic, Plato actually argues for the irradiation of artists. He believed that art attempted to get at the true nature of reality, but ultimately fails. Art was used within education of Plato's time, poets like Homer and Hesiod, and he wanted to change that. Instead, we should be using our intellect to access the forms for education. He also believed that art created an imbalance in his tripartite soul. Art is centered around desire and can promote that aspect of the soul taking control. However, Plato wants us to let the rational aspect of our soul govern, and that would only be possible if art was gotten rid of. I'm not saying I buy the argument, but he makes it.

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/MitchellPot 📅︎︎ Oct 21 2014 🗫︎ replies

Kind of feels like humanity has been ignoring logic since the first realization of logic.

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Oct 20 2014 🗫︎ replies

Can Plato's teachings really be simplified to just these 4 things as the video discusses?

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Jamesd81792 📅︎︎ Oct 20 2014 🗫︎ replies
👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Oct 20 2014 🗫︎ replies


👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/boxyybrown 📅︎︎ Oct 20 2014 🗫︎ replies

"Plato was the smartest person to ever live" ~Bubbles

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/deadlyrabbits 📅︎︎ Oct 21 2014 🗫︎ replies

I have read Plato's early Socratic dialog's about 6 times now. What is the next thing to read preferably something of his own and not Socrates going to different towns and trolling all the intellectuals?

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/DrippyStretch 📅︎︎ Oct 21 2014 🗫︎ replies
Athens, 2400 years ago. It’s a compact place: only about a quarter of a million people live here. There are fine baths, theatres, temples, shopping arcades and gymnasiums It’s warm for more than half the year. This is also home to the world’s first true – and probably greatest – philosopher: Plato Born into a prominent and wealthy family in the city, Plato devoted his life to one goal: helping people to reach a state of what he termed: εὐδαιμονία (Eudaimonia) or fulfilment. Plato is often confused with Socrates Socrates was an older friend, who taught Plato a lot but didn’t write any books. Plato wrote lots of them: 36, all dialogues: beautifully crafted scripts of imaginary discussions in which Socrates is always allocated a starring role - among them: The Republic The Symposium The Laws The Meno and The Apology Plato had four big ideas for making life more fulfilled. First big idea: Think more We rarely give ourselves time to think carefully and logically about our lives and how to live them. Sometimes we just go along with what the the Greeks called ‘doxa’: ‘popular opinions’. In the the 36 books he wrote, Plato showed this ‘common-sense’ to be riddled with errors, prejudice and superstition. Fame is great Follow your heart Money is the key to a good life The problem is, popular opinions edge us towards the wrong values, careers and relationships. Plato’s answer is ‘Know yourself.’ It means doing a special kind of therapy, philosophy: Subjecting your ideas to examination rather than acting on impulse. If you strengthen your self-knowledge, you don’t get so pulled around by feelings. Plato compared the role of our feelings to being dragged dangerously along by a group of wild horses. In honor of his mentor and friend, Socrates, this kind of examination is called a Socratic discussion. You can have it with yourself or ideally, with another person who isn’t trying to catch you out but wants to help you clarify your own ideas. Second Big idea: Let your lover change you. That sounds weird, if you think that love means finding someone who wants you just the way you are. In The Symposium , Plato’s play about a dinner party where a group of friends drink too much and get talking about love, sex and relationships, Plato says: “True love is admiration.” In other words, the person you need to get together with should have very good qualities … which you yourself lack. Let’s say, they should be really brave Or organised. Or warm and sincere By getting close to this person, you can become a little like they are. The right person for us helps us grow to our full potential. For Plato, in a good relationship, a couple shouldn’t love each other exactly as they are right now. They should be committed to educating each other – and to enduring the stormy passages this inevitably involves. Each person should want to seduce the other into becoming a better version of themselves. Three: decode the message of beauty. Everyone – pretty much – likes beautiful things Plato was the first to ask why do we like them? He found a fascinating reason: Beautiful objects are whispering important truths to us about the good life … We find things beautiful when we unconsciously sense in them qualities we need but are missing in our lives. gentleness harmony balance peace strength Beautiful objects therefore have a really important function. They help to educate our souls. Ugliness is a serious matter too. it parades dangerous and damaged characteristics in front of us. It makes it harder to be wise, kind and calm. Plato sees art as therapeutic: it is the duty of poets and painters (and nowadays, novelists, television producers and designers) to help us live good lives. Four: Reform society. Plato spent a lot of time thinking how the government and society should ideally be. He was the world’s first utopia thinker. In this, he was inspired by Athens’s great rival: Sparta. This was a city-sized machine for turning out great soldiers Everything the Spartans did – how they raised their children, how their economy was organised, whom they admired, how they had sex, what they ate – was tailored to that one goal. And Sparta was hugely successful, from a military point of view. But that wasn’t Plato’s concern. He wanted to know: how could a society get better at producing not military power but fulfilled people? In his book, The Republic, Plato identifies a number of changes that should be made: Athenian society was very focused on the rich, like the louche aristocrat Alcibiades, and sports celebrities, like the boxer Milo of Croton. Plato wasn’t impressed: it really matters who we admire, because celebrities influence our outlook, ideas and conduct. And bad heroes give glamour to flaws of character. Plato therefore wanted to give Athens new celebrities, replacing the current crop with ideally wise and good people he called Guardians models for everyone’s good development. These people would be distinguished by their record of public service, their modesty and simple habits, their dislike of the limelight and their wide and deep experience. They would be the most honored and admired people in society. He also wanted to end democracy in Athens. He wasn’t crazy. He just observed how few people think properly before they vote and therefore we get very substandard rulers. He didn’t want to replace democracy with horrid dictatorship; but wanted to prevent people from voting until they had started to think rationally. Until they had become philosophers. Otherwise, government would just be a kind of mob rule [back to To help the process, Plato started a school, The Academy, in Athens, which lasted a good 300 years. There, pupils learnt not just maths and spelling, but also how to be good and kind. His ultimate goal was that politicians should become philosophers: ‘The world will not be right,’ he said, ‘until kings become philosophers or philosophers kings.’ [show Hollande, Merkel, Cameron all trooping into a uni- then coming out as philosophers] Plato’s ideas remain deeply provocative and fascinating. What unites them is their ambition and their idealism. He wanted philosophy to be a tool to help us change the world. We should continue to be inspired by his example.
Channel: The School of Life
Views: 6,272,527
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: alain de botton, Lessons, greek, thought, love, education, learn, lecture, secular, relationships, socrates, wisdom, philosophers, fulfiment, big questions, Teacher, SOL, philosophy, life, the school of life, improvement, sermon, think, school, interest, wonder, Student, TSOL, curriculum, London, talk, plato, eudaimonia, self, mood, plato (author), philosophy (field of study), plato philosophy, school of life, justice, college, plato o plomo, filosofia, philosophie, दर्शन, 哲学, Philosophie
Id: VDiyQub6vpw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 29sec (389 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 20 2014
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