The Paul Newman Daytona Collector | TCP with Ron K

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[Music] so what's up guys how are you it's way from revolution magazine here with my buddy Ron who is a guy I met about a couple of weeks ago and I have discovered he's got one of the most insane Daytona collections to specifically pull Newman the aterna collections on the planet I mean he's got just the best of the best pieces he's very kindly invited us to come over and take a look at some of his watches but first a lot of you guys are always asking what is Singapore style right so Singapore is a very hot and very humid country so let's run how would you describe the way we dress teacheth bamboo does shorts sleep us and it's so relaxed it's so cold and I think nobody cares about dressing but and so that's why I invested so we're gonna stand out to show you what Singapore style is all right says Singapore star gonna have either a t-shirt or like a very comfortable sort of tropical show you have to have shorts but they can't be stylish shorts they have to be like dad shorts right like they got to be like oversized oh it is and then you have to have slippers but most importantly you have to have a sick watch correct oh that's true right and Singapore everyone dresses the same the only way you identify yourself and watch correct oh yeah so yeah ugly alright so like in Singapore I guess the two most popular I guess the two coolest watches you could rock up to one would be if you're into contemporary watches probably cover assured middle yeah or an AP and then if you're into vintage watches then you're in the world of the Paul Newman Daytona which I know is something that's very you're very passionate about Ronson how did you get into Daytona's first of all and why specifically Paul Newman's okay so I think it was many years ago 2013/14 I was looking for watch I want to search for something that suits my risk so what happen was I was went to such a lot of internet and I saw a lot of watches like a GMTs the submarine US and the summer eNOS was like an instant heat like a whole culture called classic yes so I was thinking maybe Submariner suits be cool so I went through this shop in the Singapore right and they sell a lot of some vintage summer in us and I remember my first watch was a one six eight zero and I put it on my risk wow it's so beautiful the cases yeah the watch is so beautiful the case is awesome and I thought wow this is nice watch so I bought it and I keep it and then suddenly I have a friend who told me everyone have you heard about the Paul Newman table how many years ago is this is like four five years ago Wow you got this collection in five years that's incredible but this already have an end okay so you told me you got to see this Paul Newman date or now it was for pawning a date alright so one fine day he showed me maybe show me this piece right you say Iran look at this doll what is that just a Daytona no I just just sewed it or not right and he told me well put it on your wrist sketch so I just took it up put it on my wrist Wow it felt so magical it's it's amazing right yes it's amazing Wow I said how much is this 200 all right that was on us what 200,000 US well this what it's what he's really talking about specifically a 6-2 6-3 panda and actually a $200,000 you as five years ago wish we could all transport ourselves back in time and buy as many of them as oh yes oh yes oh yes but you're talking about you put it on immediately and you had an emotion for it yes there's a huge emotion it's beautiful the dolls before beautiful the optical design um the the plastic basil so I thought well 200,000 for work like this what I can buy many submarino's indeed you need so after that because it cost two hundred thousand dollars I have got to I got to get some knowledge on it right so what I did was I spent the next two years trying to find the right knowledge for the the Paul Newman's friend so my first purchase was actually in 2016 not 2014 yes so you spent like four years gaining the knowledge yes because I that it's like if you want to learn kung fu he would go to Shaolin Temple and like train for four years first before so so the first purchase is a big one then various which which one was that so my first question was a 6-2 6-4 jps right 6-2 6-1 JPS is so rare I think I only seen a tree or four pieces in a wall okay guys let me just break it up a little bit for you to understand 6-2 6-4 is a transitional reference right so the pump pusher watches are six two four one and six two three nine and then you have 60 to 64 and 6-2 6-2 6-2 6-2 6-2 6-4 are different in that they have the pump pusher case but they're using the movement 727 which beats at 21600 okay which is increased from the 18,000 vibrational speed of the 72 to which was in the previous generation pump pushers so you have the modern movement in the old case correct oh yes that's right and it's so beautiful and then I bought a watch in 2016 right and then less than a month someone offered me well I'm so stunned unless element someone offered me that watch for like a premium so at a point of time I need some some cash for my house so I decided to sell that watch Wow well if you don't mind my asking how much of a premium that you you make on it about hundred why so that was your first purchase and I bought a watch for 500 Wow and someone offered you an additional hundred thousand US dollars on top of them yes yes raising but I know what a watchman right he went to a Hong Kong actor so so yes you went to Hong Kong like that so I was like oh anyone we know what is his name Ryan last song you okay what so of the let's say under twenty thousand pump pusher Daytona's what remain six two three nine six two four one six two six two six two six four it is speculated that three to four percent of them were gold right so that makes the number of watches very few and then on top of that let's say only ten percent of those or maybe twenty makes maximum fifteen percent of those were made in the paul newman varietal you're talking about really a handful of watches and it's a fine one that's an extraordinary condition like this is something quite amazing so this is my buddy Ron six two four one yellow gold Paul Newman Daytona the gold Paul Newman's were made in three dial variations they had a cream-colored dial which i think is maybe the most common even though you're talking about really very rare watches the lemon dial which is the rarest and then the black dial which is known as the JPS which means John play as special which is based on the f1 racing team for the nineteen seventies because their livery was gold and black right yes so tell us about this amazing timepiece okay this amazing timepiece after I saw my first six to six for JPS what happened was I was quite upset I was thinking every night I couldn't sleep every night I was thinking how can I get better peace and the same price again but I know is it virtually impossible alright so what I do is I'm just waiting searching Instagram searching for some dealers waiting for a JPS to be auctioning the auction houses right and then one fine day just nice I don't know what happened my friend contacted me and told me everyone there's a JPS for SIL are you interested I said how much you say I said mom I say okay I want Wow I never even hesitate for a moment so I said I want it I'm paying much more premium than I paid for my 64 GPS so what happened was that he told me I asked him about a condition of the watch the dial the case the numbers the serials and he told me everything is or everything is correct yes so and let me ask you this run because you bring up a good question which is a question I asked myself a lot when you're looking for these type of vintage watches were extremely rare are you willing to pay a premium for the best examples absolutely absolutely I'm willing to pay for the future price for pieces so look at this case so is so on it look at this case is so cribs yes so crypts and look at the look at this this is a 14k jps but look at the arm look at the color looks like a champagne pink color well you know what's interesting too so they're the Rolex made their gold watches in both 14k and 18k the speculation is a 14k went primarily to the American market and 18k went to the European market so if you look at actually the way in which the watch is oxidized 14k has a tendency to the sort of you know kind of change in transformer and and gain some patina this is an 18k watch the 14k watches having a slightly less pure amount of gold tend to gain a very interesting patina to look at this case it's gained the most extraordinary patina oh yes like that right absolutely I love patina is because he characters to the watch so wrong why don't we talk about okay so I think the watch that people associate with the Paul Newman most commonly it's a 63 nine because that's the watch that he was wearing for many years correctly and that was the Washington Eve the sort of crazy result and Philips last year so you have on your wrist the 63 nine and also 64 one which is essentially the same watch but with an acrylic bezel yes tell us why you like these watches so much well it's not for Paul Newman that I bought a watch actually I was on this much like many years ago like 2015 I remember I saw the 6-2 for one right the ugly glazier make the Moslems a little bigger yes and I love it so much there's one thing about the doll that is so striking what I mean look at the doll you will see like the the rate the white and the black yes it's so striking us and I compare it to a six routine I have for that this is a metal basil yes and the only difference is just short it's just the the bezel the bezel the movement everything is just the same yes and and so why do I buy too since this is just just a base of difference because the 6-2 tree Nye is a start of a Paul Newman yeah it always good to have something that like is the origin of the whole collection you know so just to let you guys back it up a little bit back to 1963 Rolex launches the Daytona which is their manual wine Qurna graph with their tachometric scale on the bezel right and it's meant to be a car for auto enthusiasts somewhere in the sort of mid 60 65 or 67 I think they come up with the exotic dials oh yes and the exotic dials on what become known as the Paul Newman which is these incredible three colors stepped dials which have you know till are believed kind of one of the most beautiful most iconic designs of all time right but the funny thing was that first of all the Daytona who is not a success correct the original the original Daytona the manual why in Daytona was not a success and on top of that the Paul Newman's were even less successful oh yes so there's wonderful sort of thing about why these watches well first of all they were unsuccessful well to be fair and I've got my own 64 one here the thing about it they don't Tona was that it was in an oyster case right which means you have to unscrew the crown in order to wind it force at the time which probably drove people a little bit nuts after a while right Paul Newman famously left his crown I don't want to unwind or unscrew the entire times is just he could have easier access to winding it now let's compare that because okay still it's a beautiful watch but let's compare that to another watch of the era from 1965 66 which is the 105.3 which is also known as the ed white speed master from Omega first thing that you notice is the watch is quite a bit bigger so it's a lot more visible the omegas were the first actually have the tachometric scale on the bezel so they have that as quote a sort of originating that in terms of his iconography but the thing about this watch was not only was it more visible but you can put on your wrist and you didn't have to unscrew anything you could just start winding it right yes and straight away and start at working which probably for a lot of people made it a lot more practical and the last thing was and I don't know how many people got into this but this watch has a value 72 in it specifically value 72 - which is an 18,000 vibrational speed movement which is a very good movement this watch on the other hand has allamani 2310 which is probably the most famous chronograph movement of all time right it's Aloma and Patek speaks little money OCH 27 so this watch successful the time this watch not so successful time but the great thing about that is that means this is a lot more rare right so we think about it I think the statistic we've been given for pump pusher Paul Newman's is that of the was at eight nine years that they were made right the total number of them is under 20,000 you compare that with speed masters so for example if you were to take a 1/4 ply 0.012 which is the last 3 to 1 caliber equipped speed master in one year and one reference alone of that reference they made 28,000 of them right and that's just one reference they made so many of them so the Daytona to begin with is a much rarer watch and then the Paul Newman's because of their lack of success were particularly rare absolutely so let's talk about Paul Newman in general how is it the Paul Newman start wearing this watch and wises watch called the Paul Newman Daytona well the whole sort of mythology is and this was also bare mind given to the watch by Italian specifically Italian dealers so they're very good at like generating mythology was that he appeared in an Italian magazine cover wearing this watch I don't know if that's true cuz I've never seen that magazine cover but what is certainly true is he used to wear this watch all the time and he was bought a Paul Newman or an exotic Dell Daytona by his wife Joanne Woodward and it was given to him as a gift right now think about it from this perspective if you're a guy in a watch shop in New York here I think was New York or and they're all very smart salesmen and a woman walks and says my husband is a race car driver oh really and I would like to buy him a chronograph Oh excellent what are you gonna try to sell you gonna try to sell the most expensive thing that you can't sell because no one else wants to buy it and you're like can I show you a Daytona madam right and then you're like oh wait a second I have that one with the exotic dial that no one wants to buy I'm going to show that to her and conceivably as a woman who judges things based on emotion and aesthetics you know she'd be like wow that quite pretty so she bought the 63 nine this watch with the exotic Paul Newman dial on it or exotic towel gave it to Paul Newman engraved the back right with this very beautiful message drive carefully me drive carefully me from Joanne Woodward and which has become part of the legend and he won't wear this watch all the time and that's where it became known as the Paul Newman Daytona it's right yes absolutely so cool okay so let's continue so you got 63 964 one what else do you you've got an amazing transitional watch a 6-2 6-2 with which is a also marked with a very interesting sort of a dealer name on it is that correct yes that's correct so I have a 6-2 6-2 you know it's matte with the double signature called Linz and Linz is the Dallas jeweler what it did is they put the stem or the the the signature on the doll and I think they were just very very handful of them right in the market today all right so the last one I saw was in Philips incredible Philips option and that's another one that I saw I think I saw it on Philip Stiles website but you know wrong when you're buying something like this as well you know because there's there are double signature watches from Tiffany's from Lynn's from Bayer even if I'm not mistaken how careful do you have to be in terms of researching the provenances all very carefully because it's not missing each other it can be you can be a count of it I don't know but before I buy the watch I did all my homework and so that's how I got a watch and do you mind my asking these watches 263 1964 one and you're 66 to Lynn's do you tend to buy them from dealers that you really trust or from auctions or okay so all my watches I bought from one dealer I only bought from one dealer because I like the dealer so much we can click we are friends so I just bought a pony for money list so over the years I've seen a lot of watches that he saw and I'm impressed with his collection so that's that's why I give it a trust where she based Italy okay Italy is it the really big in Italy not ready to begin today okay but the guy but he small just a small he focus on quality rarity right and I told you when I bought a watch I want I said I want something that is so condition good rare rare quality so he knows my style right and if you check the doll of all these watches you will see that it's so clean so perfect yeah they're all perfect well okay but there's rarity that in terms of just a number of watches that were produced but there's also rarity in terms of how the watches aged with time right yes you know I had this conversation with my buddy Jeff from analog shift and what I love about patina is that watches were created initially to be uniform products but age has a particular effect on each individual piece to make it unique right and in some certain cases that effect is particularly beautiful and those are watches that have tropical effects on them correct absolutely and you have an amazing 62-39 with tropical sub dials on that oh yes this is a this is a 63 night we've had amazing and sub-tropical dolls and it's so beautiful that if you go under the Sun you just spot in your eyes Wow amazing yes so you know the thing is is that they're called tropical dolls because UV light affects the black and it changes it into sort of a caramel brown color is that correct but you've also got something to that I believe is even rarer which is a screw pusher panda dial watch with a matching tropical seconds track and sub dials write a mark to panda but with that effect on it you know this is the watch that I've been searching for a long long time so I've seen a lot of knock do dolls they they do tropical eyes over the time I mean southern selling Mongoose and there's one in Phillips that was so like a million dollars and it was out of track Aldo track tropical and it was quite beautiful and I saw a few more like a tropical alto track and I thought like wow that watches that is tropical eyes I was wondering what life did the walk yes yes like who owned it and yes I would not get the exposure happen right yes absolutely else so a little Singapore so one day when my my friend told me Ron you gotta see this watch I said what watch a panda mock doodle I said nothing that is so common I can just get it anywhere yes Ron look closer look at this down tree tropical some dolls and the outer track although Trek has done tropical incredible that's incredible so I say show me the watch right so I checked a wash I check the screw bushes I check I checked the the basil everything Wow I said you gotta sell me this watch amazing yes and so he hesitated for a long long time right and I said you you just name a price I would I would pay for the water right okay so he gave me a price and I just went for it yes that's amazing as we were talking about the oyster case they created these screw pusher watches at the same time they put in the new version of the movement in it the value seven to seven which had the 21600 vibrational speed in it and they created just a very very beautiful watch so they come in three different dial versions mark 11.5 and mark two the way I tell a difference is if I imagine the are on the Rolex font on the dial to be a dog right so okay bear with me so if the on the mark one if that dog thought our was a dog it would be a dachshund because his little leg is very small and stubby right on a mark 1.5 it's got a longer leg and the leg curves and on the mark to the leg is long but it has a very sharp step angle to it so that if you look at it closely it's fairly easy to distinguish one from the other now the reason that the mark one's go for such a premium is that they are right yeah they're rarest so if you're interested in a screw pusher or a panda that's the wood may be the way to go there are also two other types of Paul Newman as we should talk about in the screw pusher case one is the oyster soto or their black dial Paul Newman three color dial watches which say Rolex Cosmo graph and then oyster underneath hoister sotto being Italian for oyster under now the speculation for those watches that they were actually those made for the transitional model 6-2 6-2 or 60 64 and once they went to the screw pusher case they were now able to call the watch an oyster right because none of them say waster before that and so they took some of those black valves which they had left over they printed oyster in the bottom of that and they put that him in a few watches now was this a regular production watch probably not I'm inclined to believe was it something that Rolex created I don't know I don't know honestly I don't know maybe in kind of a prototype kind of way maybe you know one thing that is probably it's probably the most rare of all these watches are the goal Paul Newman's absolutely screw push our goal Paul Newman's people believe there's maybe three to five of them in existence right and the legend or the watch let's call the legend is a lemon dial screw pusher 6-2 6-3 4-6 6-3 6-2 6-3 which is a stunning watch and sold for what's at 1.8 or two-minute excuse me three million dollars which the Paul Newman oxygen came up last year was was one of the hefty is priced Daytona's of all time now if you if you read my interview with Eric who and I when I asked him so dude tell me where these watches actually made by Rolex he's gonna say and he said very responsibly he cuz he's a responsible guy dude they're probably more like I'm a prototype kind of thing right and but the number of those watches is so small and the existence of those watches is so unique that the guys who are in the market for those watches all know where all three to four of those watches in the world are and who has them so they kind of go from one DM collector to another basic absolutely yes but in the meantime something like this which is aged by time in some ways is even rarer because you'll never find something like that absolutely right okay so I brought a couple of my own Daytona's as well I brought my 6to4 and Paul Newman as well like your watch and I brought a 60 65 yellow gold watch which I bought in 2009 for what at the time I thought was a lot of money but in comparison to the prices today it was probably it's probably not a lot of money it is a 62 65 as Ron points out because it's got a gold bezel on it as opposed to an acrylic bezel the cool thing about these watches is they're using the value 720 720 1600 vibrational speed but the gold ones were the first ones to be cost certified kind of cool and so if you have a bot watch with this and it comes with full blocks and papers it should call so come with a cost certificate now let's leap forward to the future into 1988 right and in 1980 Rolex is like okay we got to do something about this because our date owners are not selling we've got to come up with an automatic chronograph and they came out with this right this is the classic automatic Rolex Daytona or the watch that became a watch that had a five-year waiting list everyone from the Japanese Yakuza to the Italian mafia wanted one you know and it became kind of a symbol of you getting the watch that no one else could get you put it on your wrist you see immediately it is the watch that is the Rolex Daytona today it's much beefier it's got a great presence on it Ron I'll ask you to put it on maybe and you tell me what you think about it what's great about this watch is in order to create the automatic movement they went to Zen if they got the el primero movement but the el primero movement and only B sit what vibrational speeds of it at five Hertz but Rolex being Rolex was concerned about long-term viability issues so they decide let's detune it to four Hertz so that watch is an el primero beating at twenty eight eight twenty eight thousand eight hundred vibrations per hour now what's interesting about this particular watch is that it is an original one from 1988 the R series which kicked off the first automatic series of Daytona's you can tell this because it's got a floating Cosmo graph which is a line that says Cosmo graph is essentially detached from the rest of the print and you can tell it's an R series in particular because it's the last a watch and the Daytona is to have the base over 200 bezel right tachymeter so that is essentially it guys thank you very much for watching Ron thank you so much for sharing your incredible collection bro I think you've got the sickest collection of Paul Newman Daytona's on the planet man so thank you sir thank you so much we yeah and then we're gonna after this we're gonna put our watches and chill out Sandra for stop [Music]
Channel: Revolution Watch
Views: 128,608
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Rolex, Rolex Daytona, Paul Newman, Paul Newman Daytona, Revolution Watch, Revolution Magazine
Id: dd18tcOuD5g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 27sec (1407 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 28 2018
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