Philip Hammond & Ken Clarke clash at EU referendum debate - Daily Mail

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the commitment mr. speaker on this side of the house to giving the British people their say has deep roots mr. speaker it is almost I'm gonna make a little progress bearing in mind the speaker's exhortation mr. speaker it is almost four decades ago to the day that I and millions of others in Britain cast my vote in favor of our membership of the European communities unlike millions of others I believe then I was voting for an economic community that would bring significant economic benefits to Britain but without undermining our national sovereignty I don't remember anybody saying anything about ever closer union or a single currency but Mr Speaker the institution that the clear majority of the British people voted to join has changed almost beyond recognition in the decades since then I must say there must have been some strange juxtapositions in the campaign held in the 1970s in which I took a very active part most of the debates I took part in were about the pooling of sovereignty and the direct actively act the credibility of European legislation without parliamentary intervention which was a very controversial subject and otherwise the ever closer Union was in the treaty to which we were exceeded well mister mr. speaker call me negligence and called me negligent per dozen but as an 18 year old but as an 18 year old voter in that election I didn't actually read the treaty before mr. speaker treaty treaty after treaty the single European Act Maastricht Amsterdam nice Lisbon individually and collectively have added hugely to the European Union's powers often in areas that would have been unthinkable in 1975 and that change has eroded the Democratic mandate for our membership to the point where it is wafer-thin and demands to be renewed
Channel: Daily Mail
Views: 3,628
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: philip hammond & ken clarke clash, eu referendum
Id: F1CDax2E_4I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 20sec (140 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 09 2018
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