Phil plays MCC 13 with WilburSoot, Fundy and Quackity.

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[Music] philadelphia [Music] my mom got scared [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] exercises [Music] [Music] [Music] don't mess around [Music] these are the girls i love the most i mean the ones i mean like she's the ones [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] let's go halfway from gapplegang d let's go [Music] hey guys how's it going [Music] sadie inside it and it's mcc time finale of season one wow one year of following through i'm excited i'll say it's christmas time thank you for all this christmassy fun times and we'll be streaming with funny quackity and and we'll be pog champion i don't know if we're gonna win like last time i don't know about that but we'll we'll try our best we're gonna try our best i even got like a custom skin but i don't know if it's working also good luck is it working yes i logged in before and it wasn't on i was like oh what the [ __ ] i don't know what to do if it doesn't work it's not working i guess i'm still kind of wearing a uh i'm still wearing my antarctic empire skin for some reason i'll give it a second give me a second i'll see if i can fix it i want to have the custom one all right wyatt no workie wow let it go let it go okay hold up hold up i got an idea idea happening right now cc let's go ph one l coin p h one o coin p h one two point p h one l coins okay so it does it has corrected itself on the okay this might be a problem with like mcc's like server hold on oh is it fixed oh my god so much noise does it fix no the [ __ ] hey admin good luck today three months refresh my skin i updated it phil have you ever seen a rosy maple moth they look so kind i have it oh okay i'm gonna unmute uh give me a second chat give me seconds they've give oh all i want for christmas is for my dad phil to get another coin they denied him a second one fourteen all right cool i'm all i'm all cyan up dude i'm all candy caned up hello it's my face she's an oh [ __ ] dude it is today oh that came from today i came in today and my monitor had been ripped from its socket by a cleaner i was very confused because i'm not very technically sound yeah i can't hear that i can hear that too what can you hear it's your i can hear that you're not very technical uh your mic is different new one or like what happened my mic there it's it's using the webcam mic it's so [ __ ] up hold on hello hello funny hello yeah you're a lot better though hey wait chat chat have you just been sorry has my chat just been listening to me with the funny oh my god oh my god eight minutes i've just been talking about them with the funny moment oh no oh nikki said nikki says it's okay hi nikki nikki scissors okay on stream okay that's fine yeah no it's just discord just disc gold we've got taken we got the phil phil i've taken clock off the wall and from taking because i'm moving on this is my last stream in the office i know i know and i've taken clock off the ball and he's [ __ ] huge i forget how big the clock is yeah i get very confused is he on the ground now is he just like well he's he's like he's like he's like twice the size of my head is that big big block thunder you've seen no i haven't seen it in person i think have you not been to what you've been to my office yeah have i no i've not swear sweaty i've not been to the office i've not been to the office now oh okay uh john have you guys seen my christmas costume no i have night do you want to see it yeah oh look tommy's gotten dressed up look at that little prick tommy's a little christmas man oh [Music] where are you where are you guys i want to show you my skin i'm i'm at mid spine in the middle okay okay i'm by the bridge i'll see wait come to the bridge i see you well i see you come to the bridge come to the bridge ready i'm the ghost of christmas past hello i'm the ghost of christmas past you're not different hey oh jesus christ my alarm is going off i am the ghost of yes i'm very ready i'm the ghost of christmas is he supposed to have like his custom skin i guess this is just his lazy way of not having to change his life i'm a huge fan of the dream smp character ghostburgh and he loves christmas so i decided oh i've gotta got getting away people's shots again hold on there we go such a [ __ ] they're just looking at you like absolutely not not in complete understanding of what my environment is right now i woke up i went to sleep three hours ago and i just woke up and now i'm in this minecraft game competing with a lot of people and and i just need someone to explain to me what what the hell's going on please well you can get your custom skin working yeah yeah yeah i got it how you looking i want to see it i look amazing i look fabulous i look absolutely wonderful okay i actually side oh my god you're dressed up in everything i dressed up baby look at me look at me well i did not exactly dress up that's at least like five bucks worth of christmas lights at least at least didn't even why what the hell is this normally you can talk in chat oh i don't see you big they changed it oh the music is different the bridge i only just now noticed that you're not in the room the crown the crap let's go let's do it boys we're gonna win for christmas for christmas hey phil are you ready for the most chaotic mcc oh you better believe it sorry they put me in a shame jumper look at this guys wait wait this yeah it says trump if one of your arms covers it it's just trump i'm so grumpy look oh my god i did i got his new christmas sweater you know they call it they call it you know as soon as you lose the presidency you have to release a christmas merch line it's certain at certain angles it says easy money easy money money money right they write on there they write on the christmas twitter oh i lose big [Music] [Laughter] you know this is mcc 13. yes yeah this is also my 13th mcc i thought i was going to say your 13th birthday i'm a big boy it's my 13th birthday happy birthday my son hit chicken for my birthday i want world peace look at this beast for his birthday yeah right pal yeah right also cocaine oh what what what dude i vibe with this guy oh my god who are you getting into the stream we're already talking about giving out coke i only woke up half an hour ago i'm sorry i woke up i woke up yes i am same i don't i'm not even sure if i'm woken up right now oh my god it's gonna be wrong you guys ready for parkour attack yeah you're probably the only person here that will understand this because you're british but um i went to i went to tesco's and i was like how can what's the plainest sandwich i can buy have a guess of what sandwich i bought ham and cheese no no more plain meal no more plain more plain than just straight up meal yep butter nope i bought cheese no mayonnaise it's two slices of white bread with a chunk of cheese in the middle no mayo oh geez grilled cheese but drunk yeah no it's just like it's like a grilled cheese but without the grilled definitely yeah we call that a delicacy listen i thought your trump sweater was bad but jesus christ will you you you're here on a roll today i'm british do you expect you expect me to have good food i'm british [Music] that's a relatable joke i kind of wish i'd got the skin i kind of wish i'd got a skin no you got the sweater you got the trump sweater i'm jealous and the the christmas jumper is definitely put it on we'll man i guess i guess trump was the real christmas spirit all along wait wait put on your sweater put on your sweater i can't put it on it doesn't i don't have it you put it on i think specifically in front of me i think you should put it on it makes you a larger target so they had to take it off i guess specifically specifically you put it on you put a gatorade oh [Music] this is rebecca black's my moment cd running from the red reindeers aka republicans can they see me oh god i cannot do this i haven't played i haven't played minecraft in a few weeks [Music] where is he just avoid him he's comfy he's confused he's crossing his crossing he's crossing it he's chasing he's i'm playing so badly guys i'm so sorry oh my god no i can't climb a simple oh hello no hello ladies no funny you should have stayed up there i i'm so sorry guys i've i've royally messed up i've actually not even i've scuffed it i've scuffed it i'm missing one and he's so high up in [Music] maybe being the hunter after i've been away for 20 minutes wasn't my best can i can i hunt right right yeah oh kill a baby you're gonna kill a baby i will i will kill yes you're gonna kill a baby let's go okay what the [ __ ] i'm sorry here we go he's comfy well he's comfy he's on you no i couldn't move in time he's too good dude he's still good oh oh god you're cracking these on no you've done it why didn't they get them all why did i got him yeah yeah nice job okay yeah we were how dare you disrespect trump like this hey someone clip that someone clipped that dutchman more likely than you think oh he's over he's over [ __ ] just wait you know i would be so listen listen if a president has a sweater he wins leave it out all right fundy i believe i believe i believe you got this oh i just pressed oh yeah okay eric's ingredients we'll put him on the market [Music] i feel so clean like a money machine people's coming with the future ah i got touched yeah he's right he's right he's right it's down to you who is this who is this i'm going uh he's popping up from like he's comfy he's comfy no he's not oh no oh no i'm struggling i'm struggling the minute i saw it had republican president donald trump on it i was warmed up instantly you put that you you [ __ ] clipped that [ __ ] into your body no questions oh [ __ ] all right all right did we win that why are we losing every time have you ever seen you no no no we're doing great we're doing great hard boys don't worry guys it's a christmas ninth place oh phil why didn't you say anything i know you knew i thought you knew why would i run that way give me advice phil no i'm dead i'm dead i'm dead wait okay keep running keep running whoever's trying to jump more phil jump more phil phil he's right on you phil he's right on you phil phil be anxious phil i'm so excited [Laughter] we're just giving them a fake idea of losing yeah yeah yeah yeah free cloud free clout free promotion free class you're getting a great cloud from us and that's expected i had a dream an hour ago and i want to let you know phil you were there oh all right press that button there's the button this is girl this is phil it's got a beautiful button phil was on the phone with me what happened to us on the zeppelin your mustache is white you've gone old man what what happened what did we put in it life hits you hard when you turn 30. he's going to struggle making the jump he's going to break some bones on the minecraft and just got too much for me he's not running with me bro they're going to say there's two people here and they're going to be like oh they're coming oh no no don't blame me it was yours i will i found thee this is [Applause] hospital my man was stood in the corner tommy did nothing to help her dude i want to say in the time in the time from us starting to us getting to this point where we're doing really badly i lost five thousand viewers why are five thousand people watching me to be good right now oh holy [ __ ] who was like what's up he's not no no they just started watching phil they want to make sure that he doesn't break brittle bones he won last time maybe again maybe again yeah i'm i'm a well-known mcc winner now twice to them round all right don't worry don't worry around [Music] coming this way coming towards me you guys are fine over there oh [ __ ] oh he's new you know you will i know i tried to do something fancy you know when you do something fancy and it's just bad uh they're coming to you uh she's high so she's high so that's bad for it's bad for the kids does scott run any any drugs no cracking you were good up there i don't think she knows how to get there fundy i just ran straight into it i didn't know until i could have given you all funding fail you got this we we got phil yeah phil oh don't worry about the brick loans we can recover okay phil don't be the hunter again we need you for uh against dream and such okay that's right i'll see you guys no it's fine you want to have me as the hunter as less as possible because i'm very bad no no no no why didn't you say so seven rounds ago i did say i said right at the very beginning i said i'm going in and i said i don't know why i've done that i'm very bad at this [Music] they won't catch me up here yeah yeah come over here i'm just killing 100 guests oh you guys got this you're fine you're fine just yeah quickly you've got a good spot oh oh oh oh oh yeah oh my god oh no oh no no no no you got the squat you got this you got this you got this with a trump sweater you got this you got this you fell she fell down there still down there she's waiting and she gave up why is he so good at this oh she wasn't so good at this and i'm so bad at this dude don't fall for it don't fall quickly don't do it all right don't fall for it don't do it this is cloud you're getting clout you're getting close think of all the sylvie viewers that are not anyone ever call me a bad mcc player it doesn't matter refer to that clip refer to the next question it doesn't matter i didn't get it who are we playing because he was h [ __ ] dodging me like a madman we needed you [Music] freak out so chic oh god i turns out a hundred gigs hello i should have been channeling dream was found you so got that mean quackity you scared me bro she's under you fondly under you oh my god she getting up here uh she's thinking about it she's just going on the other side what is she doing she's got it she's got it she's she's she's doing the right thing here it's a christmas spirit this is this is the one where we make a lot of points this is one where we make a lot of points no no no no no she's coming towards you guys she's coming towards you guys she's down below it's down below okay we're fine we're fine we're fine all right all right don't fall down will but don't fall down below you below you easy point spring cloud free cloud wrinkle out goodbye [ __ ] life [Music] that's fine this is good this is good we believe in you [Laughter] really trying to make me look bad at this mcc aren't thank you supremacy we believe in you quacker it'll run with your legs move your legs like you've never moved get out scott major you're a loser oh i'm not ah he's not a loser anymore oh no you know you're a hunter above yourself this is actually really above me i was when you said near me i just started running faster how the [ __ ] do i get he's coming [Music] oh don't worry about me she's struggling she's struggling she's struggling break out free clout freaks out okay she knows run phil rampu this is like the meanest one this one this one this one is genuinely like the meanest mode man good one yeah this one feels so mean parkour is literally looking at who you're up against i'm thinking are they too stupid to figure out how to get up there and then just waiting like that's literally that's literally how they beat me because i'm too stupid it doesn't matter i got dream so mean easy peasy it is a mean game mode it's fun to tell i love it but it's awesome it's literally just you're literally looking down on people literally this is not the little game power game we were only 700 points off first that's not bad yeah we're doing great we don't care about points we care about clout yeah i'll tell you what i'll tell you what i know how we like every cloud definitely there how do we how do we get free clouds to rock that guy oh letter look what i'm wearing it says it says players 39 out of 40. i'm just still getting clowns don't worry i'm still getting a clown wow he's getting clown i'm working late hours i'm working late hours working overtime scott made your pick over time i found a present for major oh i've got to get him i gotta give him a present i'm working overtime i'm just like looking around like call me in it i got somebody you're working overtime good job we're proud of you man i guess i got you i do it for the kids i don't know what the [ __ ] i was doing you're actually gonna [ __ ] the next game i'm working overtime i don't know help help me what the [ __ ] there's no one here i'm alone but he's getting freaked out i picked ace race for you thank you i'm working overtime what's going on why am i still here can i just mine can i start just like yeah just stop mining stop playing just i think we've i had the second most point oh okay it doesn't matter we got the first few games not great games but i better get teleported but we got the dude with the truck i better get teleported don't worry guys are you here you teleported oh wait no this is oh [ __ ] i thought it was vlogging you'll be back in hub okay thank you i thought i i got confused between battle box and sky battle i thought okay i'm yeah i'm just bad at this battlefield box you are not reassuring me at all wilbur you're supposed to be the big man here big cute it's christmas i i will will actually no no quacky your job is just to put wool in the middle all right all right yeah all right do you know how to do it so so press f when holding the wall press f when holding the ball yeah and hold hold shears and wool right quack press f when holding the wall and then hold the shears so you see now that's so now you just left click to break and right click replace so you don't you have to change you can actually just hold left click if you want crack crackity and just spam it uh right click so it places yeah just hold both buttons hold both bottoms i think you only know two things mexican joke and fools are old that's what's gonna happen the entire game through so you ought to you gotta get used to it at this point i i i order i will i will for you thank you thank you how was your week then i saw you you you were hanging with the game theories yeah yeah yeah matpat matpat oh yeah yeah yeah you know how many theory jokes i made so much how many how many by the end of the night i saw him purposely trying to avoid me i did not give a [ __ ] oh you want to get you want to get the other one quick yeah right okay big key all you gotta do get in the middle place the wall all right all right all right please protect me how do you get there they're going for kills [Music] how to get back up there if i could get back up there it would have been easier but i had no idea how to all right no no no no we're good we're good all right all right no freak clout no free clout okay a little bit back this time let's do this a little bit better it's not a joke that's not gonna come straight in the middle do something here um you shouldn't try to get clout here [Music] oh oh oh oh oh well it's not back yet oh he's back he's back okay he's quiet though he's not saying anything i think it's my paper bro final [Music] yeah break the blocks for me baby break the blocks kill them kill them for [Applause] good but we're going to leave until kills though well i think you might stroke by the way it's like leaving that right yeah what do you mean oh oh we gotta get okay okay okay okay okay all right all right you're doing great you're doing quick that you're wrapping up the twelve [ __ ] monsters that you dude right now it's insane do you think i'll be on oprah you think ellen will bring me on i think that's a push but maybe if you win the next round yeah oh yeah i want you to be my co-guest i want to be my co-guest all right let's get the flight here someone yelling for us someone be ellen hello hello hi hello hello we hear you again because i'll just get killed if i if i'm there alone so someone comes did i not get two kills funny i thought it did maybe okay i don't know i just had two names come up so i just assumed oh yeah you yeah then maybe you're someone going somewhere don't come in with me how did that hit me what does it mean again he says mid oh [ __ ] oh pizza it's pete got me it's a it's it's the famous famous fast food champion wow oh oh my god i hate people i'm coming [Music] we need to concentrate like on getting just our own kills like concentrate on one person take them out and then help others yep yep yep yep so we're getting distracted with other people and just getting like uh like teamed up on build channel hundred gigs with me come on i need someone okay so here's what we gotta do come on you little piss you think you're so cool huh you think you're so [ __ ] tough you talk a lot a big game for someone with such a small truck ah come with the big truck i feel so clean like a money machine yeah big boys coming with the big trucks feel so clean like a money machine do so clean like a money machine say it quackity feel so clean like a money machine say it with me feel so clean like a money machine fundy feel so clean like a money machine [Music] oh oh god uh help me someone please please just me am i the only one who's ever surviving up there no phil behind you fell behind you oh [Music] okay you know what maybe 100 gecks was not the best chance we should try something else try something else just wear the sweater just one round just just wear the sweater one round orphan son of a [ __ ] and the scotsman dropped in the middle of a [ __ ] kid i've got a plan i've got a plan okay we're not i've got a plan i've got a plan listen okay here we go fundy i'll take the axe i want you to follow me exactly exactly where i go i'm going to go to the right and we're going to go behind them up their own lift okay and will i want you guys to concentrate on just killing people don't go into me just yet just concentrate on killing them if they get into the mid shout at us and we'll turn around and fire at them with them and then we all jump into them okay so we go all right okay okay follow me all right i'll stick with you over all right stick back here stick back here watch out up up up left up left upright it's chabo watch out left he's saying tommy is tommy in it it's tommy isn't there oh i got i got taboo that's so funny that was so funny when he did that you went up how [Music] yeah there's no one left so you've got it how did i lose i was just chasing down finster for like the entire game it felt like oh my god when i messed up tommy and then he still [ __ ] survived on one heart fundy same thing again same thing yeah yeah yeah i get the don't see us coming they don't say it's coming we're so fast oh my god we're so quick so quick quick as a flash [Music] all right stay back here with me yeah someone's coming this way someone's coming uh from up up left oh so here here here oh yeah i see nice it's only illumina oh no i'm dead illumina goblins behind you oh wait the colors are so similar i can't [ __ ] tell you i can't see oh [ __ ] he win you still have aaron who said it's good he's just here he's just here he was upset he's just here eric was up top defending uh someone we're doing good with fifth we're fine okay aaron it's all right same thing again same thing again keep doing it don't stop working let's make two teams the exact same color like a money machine yes phil now we win now we win oh no change the plan change the plan for me yep go for them oh my god oh my god he just didn't assess and screed on me oh he did one of the assassins he's coming up he's coming he didn't want him let's go let's go kill him waste zero what the [ __ ] this wisp he killed me with a harming potion his ass would oh okay oh i was the only one i would have hung back if i knew i was the only one no one told me so everyone was like last guy [Music] we should sing that one everyone knows that one that is [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] if you just sing along [Music] once again sing four different songs all at once we're going on ellen ellis please come on right now we're coming on is it wouldn't that be going on ellen otherwise that means something very difficult no [Music] to make the clarification i'm coming on the ellen show more kiosks apparently it works easy all right all right four different songs same thing all right we can we can totally take them on right now foundation okay oh it's jordan's not found i can't hear us he hasn't the worst person to be up against [ __ ] hell oh god oh my god how am i supposed to do with fruit furries dude i've got a feeling george is about to get three wins in a row i think george has won this oh my god he's almost dead he's too hard he's too high above you left there he's coming he's coming he's coming he's coming what he was literally dead i don't think he has time to place all of them i shot on my screen ah i shot i know how it feels funny don't worry all right this is never mind i said enough do you remember my first parkour background when i just [ __ ] lost instantly that was fruit oh my god don't worry don't worry the next game is we didn't sing that's why who needs technoblade when you're fruit barista we need more kiosks that's that's what we need yeah we didn't sing that game campfire song oh 23 coins for sapphire santas all day all right you're doing great that's not it's oh my god dude funny me and you bro what happened what happened what happened what happened [Music] anyone else been to london i've been to london very many times i like me as well of london i love going pubs i love london i'm also a recovering alcoholic robertson is not helping this addiction at all what would i do in london he's going to be what's your favorite pub mine is the skink and whistle [Music] what what i don't know rusty crap why is it so i carry with me everywhere i yo-yo sometimes when i'm walking down the street and i've only had three people shout at me where are we from uh i am one of the way to close out season one yeah every every season one stack guy please remove this one from oh hold on the wall i like holding the wall my my my my chat as you're saying oh it said players 40 out of 40. i thought it was thank you so much for going to the five gifters eddie was like 11. but i'm not doing it for 12 months for the reasons this computer starts with the five gifted as well so what happens is every time we load into a game it just like if the game has a lot of textures it just causes all of my hardware to snap and i have to go and unplug and plug it all back in and the problem because they made everything christmas themed there's like way more entities than before and now every time remember the simmers were complaining it's too laggy i think that's the same reason why yeah like freaking just yeah just man it's not that hard just keep up your peace your office so you you have to do a video if you're blowing it up shall i actually destroy it yes please i will be so happy i will pay i will literally give you like uh 50 gifted subs will burn i will pay you in clout don't forget to destroy your pc it'll be really cool if i destroy it while live so i'm live streaming as i smash it and see how long it takes you whatever yeah that'd be so cool do it oh that's a video idea in itself you make so much money from that for all of us you'll make more money than 50 gifted subs from that [ __ ] i'll do it i'll do it oh my god the walls are all sparkly where's my minecraft they sound like they sound like a [ __ ] soldiers marching to the killers yeah no it sounds it sounds like it's slitting my throat each way through [Music] was yelling out the colors yeah yeah let's do it again no it's poor throat no that's friday night yeah we jump on table top [Music] [Music] and we [Music] please [Music] i wrote this one with my mind my brain and my fingers came together for an act of brilliance my gooey wet brain made that one that came alive but we're not gonna mention which one it is a lot of people died on that one in it put a paint on it put a pin on it oh my god oh my god put a paint on it let's get around the game for you and sing okay [Music] what the hell it pushed me away down how are you doing i don't know how fun he's doing it but he's doing it oh you still do behind you funny the thing i'm doing the thing you can do it i believe oh my god fundy nice work bro that's my furry little boy that's my story little boy she just went through a one block gap yeah i was almost about to jump into the goddamn damn i just oh i instinctively jumped wow this technology is making me have a headache dude the blue blue team are really struggling they've got 72 coins oh my god it's because i can imagine myself in that same situation i think it's because of the christmas map genuinely like as someone who also everything breaks whenever no i don't think so no no no real for a second that sounds like an excuse to me i will always excuse simmers that's understandable they were the favorite to win on the subreddit you don't have to rub it in their feet you're doing a funny no they actually were everyone wanted them to win they thought that would be the best season finale who's on that oh okay yeah oh my god if you if you think about it these are a bunch of walls wilbur you should wear your sweater for this one i should i should yeah the problem is i'm always on the wrong side oh my god wilbur if you if you look at it this side is purple the other side is green you should wear your sweater oh my god look it goes game glitch i thought i was lagging oh you guys if you think about it we're all wearing shoes but not a sweater you should wear a sweater guys if you think about it we're all playing minecraft let's put on our trump sweaters oh yeah [Laughter] what does that mean i don't know what that joke means i'm sorry [Music] [ __ ] while doing really well yeah yeah we're just fine it just stops you from like thinking too heavily about it jump over you get you get three block jumps yeah you tall boy oh my god i forgot this is only quackity's third mcc we should have told oh no just go ask george for something say hey doggy hey yo wait let's do another one hey dream can you imagine oh [ __ ] oh we good you guys got this you guys i have no clue who's who we could find we're fine we're fine that's all i have to say oh nice how did i do that i did the whole one block thing holy [ __ ] holy [ __ ] [Music] holy [ __ ] so many was the next one before when i said it my chat's going crazy hold on wait okay don't say it don't say yeah don't say yeah but what was it all day today he's been sending me photos of him listening to your new boyfriend and saying i'm in school look i'm in school that's way better than getting messages that's way better bobby he's farming irl he's fired am i going to get in trouble oh my god [Music] the rapper is playing mct what oh my god james i i i love when you say new york says yeah yeah that's how it's good that's always good don't worry about yourself everything are you [ __ ] kidding me this is i blame what day you're actually popping off wait what was it oh yeah pizza hut you're doing so well you're doing so well you're doing so well you're so good sweetie ah doing great sweetie uh we're gonna run through this part there we go just to be on the safe side in case of glitch no glitch today no glitch no no [Music] oh i just crouched in time would you deliver that oh god there's this one again ah gorgeous why is it it's so broken it's so great how what am i doing right what am i doing right i'm just maybe i'm finally good at an mcc game finally maybe for the first time in my life the first time in my young life in my old man life yeah yeah you said young life i was going to correct you i'm sorry we can't have that but you actually got this yeah this is quite easy walls though i wouldn't don't give me too much credit oh god oh no just on the wrong side of the wrong side of the glitch wrong side of the coin there you know baby yeah i was carrying in the uh the battle box before then we just like [ __ ] choked too many shots and we tried two hey full place total we had one dude left it was like one versus two quacking he got [ __ ] heated and then will was just like i'm going to chase instead of filling the world up because he's like right now yeah oh and we drink too many shows it's been pretty really funny though it's been a lot of fun and we're doing too many shots we've gone up to third from we went out from eighth to third from that how the [ __ ] oh that's how we do it that's how we do it i'm going i'm gonna spit on goggy's face so hard [Laughter] what what kind of modern pop music do you listen to fills up modern pop music none yeah unless unless you count will be soot it's gonna be like pretty [ __ ] popular right now pretty [ __ ] popular number one on trending worldwide by the way i'm holding too many shots and we drink too many shots [Music] too many shots that's [Music] [Laughter] [Music] oh look i've got it back oh it's just like real life guys look at me do you remember me and brighton in the summer this was me in real life i have stupid bow how do i use this someone take this for me my own team i literally talked to my own team there's an actual guy down there what the hell look funny it's one of your kind people dressed as chickens oh look everyone's indicating what they want with the yo-yo yeah yeah let's go let's go give this is actually this is why you this is why i use the yoyo [Music] good work guys good one good very good very good i'm gonna yo-yo in real life because they took away my face oh my god oh my god someone take a picture of this someone take a picture it's time to okay guys guys i'm just gonna say it now it's been a season one tradition that i hate race the one game i practice a lot actually no i'm not going to jinx it i'm not going to i don't know i know a lot of people tried this a lot i haven't practiced it i did it once and i got like fourth and then everyone discovered a step and now i don't know where you're going with my old skin that's my legs that means that someone submitted my skin because look i've even got the like cyan coloring on my name yeah are you a clone wilbur sorry fundy are you a furry oh autumn caught him you've got him you've got him it's not a funny joke that was a genuine joke it was a genuine question for my son you know you know that's you have to walk into many of their kids bedrooms and say son i found this massive costume massive seven feet possibly i don't explain this that that's the real wilbur tickets john i think it's time to have to talk yeah yeah just tell you about the birds and the bees by which i mean stop dressing up as birds and bees adam got him gotti [Music] hey this republican's funny it is time oh stop falling like fixture you think you're so you think you're all that and we drink too many shots and we drink too many shots and we just got one and we drink too many shots oh you bastard i just lost all the time i can't see anything because of everyone's bodies i mean i love ace race sorry i love ace race so much it's so well made and never glitchy in any way and we all have a great time with it [Music] everyone loves ace race do you know everyone every time i've i've gone like talked about i don't see [ __ ] i can't see anything you always ask me hey why don't you hate ace race and i'm like i don't know i just i just i guess i guess i'm wrong you know because ace race never has an issue never has an issue i feel like there was an issue right there are you [ __ ] not because of ace race because of me hell you [ __ ] because oh this is a bad game mode this is a bad game you lasted literally 30 seconds this is a bad game oh i keep bumping into people with me i'll trigger oh oh trident spearmint gum ah no there we go there we go got a good run good run out there you know i'm only in 29th place out of 40. you know no there's so many i hate someone you know what they did they're like ooh you know what you know what i think you know what i think crazy i think they could have done anything and they decided to make this [ __ ] i'm scottish and no one else dislikes the game mode therefore it's fine [Music] [Applause] [Music] maybe you should you know stop the game from glitching out so we can't see anything uh how about i put a hat on the snake hey hey my camera is [ __ ] and i can't see anything anymore oh you know what we did we did one thing have you said christmas enough have you reached your christmas quota for the stream i cannot believe i cannot speak i am i am just constantly tridente mode i cannot see where i'm going i cannot see i cannot see it's a bad game mode i've nev i never thought i'd say this but ace race bad game i know crazy from wilbur these things i believe you know and you know sometimes you've got to stand up for what you believe in people tell me when i was younger you shouldn't set up for you believe in speaking speak your mind come on i'll just beat why are you putting the sweater on at least my camera is fixed now just in time 27th place 2017 2017 2017 best year of my life you could save i was wrong no that was the worst year of my life you know why love 2017 love love love spiraling i went to a waffle house and i had no idea how to pay tip and and i and i just was like how do i do this i don't know what a white house is americans americans and you're making fun of scott major listen yeah deep-fried mars bars oh good i bumped into someone with my trident right whenever i whenever i'm playing ace race you know what i'm thinking i'm thinking this game's supposed to embody the nature of speed running it's supposed to embody tight corners you know shortcuts and things nothing says that more than bumping into someone's [ __ ] playable rolling out of the sky as you should as you should king speak your mind speak your mind holy [ __ ] hello suit oh my god no no no displacement matter yes [Music] i don't think so unless you're going for clout i'm going for a cloud of true i'm just saying 40 [Music] [Music] that's gonna [ __ ] up our points did he leave the game entirely he left for god oh leave he man he [ __ ] left the madman said scott major put one christmas hat on oh no you just throw in a scottish oh my god christmas crashed my computer he said in the discord oh man taking else not even did it actually crash his computer oh my god he's going to be limited he's going to be livid baby he's going to be pissed [Music] god damn it oh why is he okay that man there's no way that man has under a thousand dollars okay he can afford a good computer oh he's just stunning he's just stubborn his home pc is totally fine it's his office pc which sucks why does he work in an office you know youtube so he can stream so he could scream come at the top of his voice and bang on the door i thought he left alone what is wrong with rubber suits guys this will okay he crashed no no no no no he's very angry you made him mad you made him mad his pc crashed it was too much we can all come back too much christmas no shot do not do not try and sugarcoat it we're [ __ ] tommy our placements are [ __ ] because of wilbur oh [ __ ] died oh minecraft i need words of encouragement you can do it man do the thing do it man no no no what do it man i'm your man i'm not your man i'm your grandson i'm your grandson new law just added in by thank you i am your grandson hello the christmas decorations crashed my entire desktop holy [ __ ] i literally are you know what's going to say about the christmas decorations i turn a corner and my pc just goes i turn a corner i turn a corner i'm looking at some did he crash as he was and he crashed again [Music] are you kidding me no way right no did he actually got me that has done this on purpose a scorpio just goes [ __ ] you christmas hat oh no no no no someone in my chat starts spamming will parade gold major just goes you like christmas scott major score major get major says the snake and the christmas hat the snake yep the snake the snake the snake you are a moral compass are we allowed to do these jokes about scott major yeah sure oh he's running he's running he's running there he goes wilbur's running he's going come on wilbur come on wilbur he's got this he's got this oh my god look at him he's running he's running up let's go what he's going on i don't think he can beat another minute can he uh he can he can we trust will oh my god think of the cloud think of the cloud go to the cloud take the clout will go to the global put the sweat on put the sweater on put on these women followed by a herd of people you'll finish faster equip [Laughter] and now my computer is frozen i can still talk oh my god jesus christ oh geez this is officially something event on our side ever i can stop here i can still major it's okay he's getting kicked out he's not muted he's not muted hello am i muted hello nope okay guys don't worry he's he's this is the last office stream this hopefully will be the last time he streams after this scuffed pc i want to see this thing burn i want it crushed into the ground i want him to just go to a [ __ ] construction see that i'm so excited to see that i i straight up just want him to find a construction site near his house and just ask him to smash this [ __ ] out of it wait wilbur wilbur do you care nearby yeah give me give me a moment give me a moment this is this is easily right my my the most wilbus stream ever because i hate ace race and what is the thing that knocks me out of my best run ever of 12th place after winning two hole in the wall games ace race ace race crashes my pc and knocks me out oh yeah yep i told you i warned everyone it's fine we don't have to do it we have dropped to seventh place we are this is this is alert this is an alert at the end of this at the end of the day filter filter if i if you join my stream at the end of this stream how is there a way i can like put a bag around my hard drive and then just pour water over my motherboard that stuff oh my god uh it's gonna spark it's gonna do something dude oh i'm excited i'm 26. don't do that i'm excited wilbur you've made a promise you've made a the way i promise on my life that the way i will end this stream is not by clicking the end stream button on stream labs but by punching my motherboard as hard as possible i salute you think of all the classes and to prove i'm not bluffing approve i'm not bluffing webcam i'm putting the webcam under the pc i'm going to show you the open motherboard ready i am going to vote on twitter wait wait wait there it is there's the pc at the end of this stream i will end stream not by hitting the end stream button but by punching the motherboard as hard as possible there it is i will hit it as hard as i can i'm pulling up the stream but i got an ad because i'm not subscribed one second knows what what what mini games should we play next big sales at build mart sky battle source of times or ttt wilbur you have a perfectly fine graphics card well will is your is your pc actually like open yes why because he's chaotic i've lost the will to care stop giving a [ __ ] dude are you actually gonna break the string yes i will actually break it this stream it's a it's the computer was built in 2013 using money i saved from working at a convenience store and i've been literally working off of it for the past like four years of my life oh my god i did every every single house video you've ever seen has been edited on this machine every single thumbnail i've ever edited has been on this machine as it's the only one with a working copy of photoshop every single half my videos are edited on this machine this computer has been a long way and i think it's time it dies so i will not hit the end stream button today i will hit my motherboard today yeah and filzer i will not hit the graphics card okay okay uh oh hit the graphics card oh no dude i will give you 20 subs if you hit the graphics guys i'm so sorry that we came so far down it's okay we can't give a [ __ ] in broken pc equipment [Laughter] i like mcc too and i'm still having fun that's all that matters okay good i'm sorry i'm sorry that it had to come a little bit i wish we could have fun no worries guys i was actually in it to win and i'm kind of upset now the only way you can pay me is if you credit me in your new song that's all you got credit or you could just sing in myself are we telling our audiences to vote for by the way i don't know i just said i won't like is that because i don't care but like i also can't open twitter i don't care uh like me we still play minecraft okay we still enjoy the good things about this game all right in the next five minutes you control this thing i want to get some more police votes will be placed next everyone vote for big sales at build mart to get that [ __ ] out of this [ __ ] tournament oh got him go get it out goodbye don't care there we go you've got them do not care about it right all i'm being pursued i'm currently being stalked what [Music] she's coming she's coming towards me oh god it was a sweater it was a sweater it was a sweater i'm calling it right now it was a goddamn sweater wilbur oh god she's coming oh god i'm trapped behind the fact that who is she oh god oh god oh god oh god oh no oh no oh god she's coming she's coming she's it's okay don't worry about it don't worry about it don't worry about it i'm i'm escaped i'm away what the [ __ ] is going on phil phil can you come okay phil let's play no no no no shut up shut up we're playing we're playing golf there's a golf park i haven't even gone to the snow globe see now i don't want you to destroy it because you just told us like all these things that you yes in my in my stupid non-computery brain i just assume the hard drive is the computer so as long as the hard drive is not broken that's all i care about the way you talked about it i was like oh that would be cute if you could like um uh put it in the museum put put it in i don't know put it in something like um like a box like a big glass box or something in your house thing be like look at this thing that made me like do or maybe able to do all these cool things i loved you know you did like still house and everything you know or you can destroy it set it in flames [Applause] wait what is that uh it's all just take over here we go that that all right let's see it i see a weep what the hell there's a guy called narcotics in there is anyone seen there's a there's a literal drug dealer down there wait really where smart wait what does this mean last friday he was there for a second what what where are we going we what are we doing here for the next game where are we going what the hell is this oh it's a flying one feels this happy phil is happy yes okay bilsa gets off his chair like yeah it's time it's time it's time let's do this now i re-watched the footage of me feeling this the first time everyone's cheering and i'm still loading i've watched and we watch the footage everyone everyone's cheering and i'm still loading oh hello hello i'm still here hello hello hello hello still here we're still here hello can you hear me right there this one also crashes remember this this one made me have to restart my mic last time oh no hello worldwide hello i'm here for you hello all right i definitely for a second i rewatched the footage of me feeling this the first time and i wasn't even close to that [ __ ] little uh thing but what i realized is that the hitboxes are slightly different when you're playing on a server like this with this many people playing it so now i'm going to be extra extra extra careful and take a slightly more safer route hopefully people will just crash and i'll just get there anyway not the fastest but the most consistent fingers cross all right back together oh i'm hyped i love this map so where do we go where do we go where do we go where did we go you played this as much as me dude we got this how does this work phil what do we do you enjoy it i don't hear anything here we go somebody's dead already so these wings didn't deploy that was almost me yo get the [ __ ] out of my face bro how are people so much faster and i can't see okay i can't see again [Music] [Laughter] [Music] there it is boys there it [ __ ] it is i had to take a slightly slower route we didn't do it [ __ ] light speed but breaking the sound barrier a couple of times was just enough just enough craft wait really i'm so [ __ ] hyped hype today oh someone submitted a dream look now freaking out freaking out i'm just happy i go first on stream we got third we got third baby we're killing it we're [ __ ] dude yeah oh what is this this isn't what the hell is this videos thank you for the 12 [ __ ] months of support paul gang i'm thankful guys boys [Music] there's so many bodies they need to make people invisible yeah i remember we're so lucky go go go go go go on phil and phil and fundy nope i can't [ __ ] see this is so [ __ ] actually like the most annoying thing ever go funny go go go go go go go go go this one's yeah good [ __ ] oh man all right all right boy go ahead we got it me all right all right well that is the fastest i've seen anyone finish this now look nobody was left behind oh yeah oh that was quick yeah this definitely someone's left behind this one's you know what's going to happen phil hey why is that reindeer not got a fat man riding it he's talking about santa that looks like some futurama talk [ __ ] all right any future fans in the chat it's on the computer any future roamers hit me up oh okay i'm not hanging off people no one in london watches futurama i do okay oh i'm hitting the people no i don't know how i'm third i really don't know i got stuck for so long we did it i'm gonna [Laughter] [Music] [Music] wait what did you get stuck on no no no no okay okay you go back back back back back back go back onto the water go up the water go up the water fall about halfway and then zoom through the holes aim for a high hole yeah yeah right there not too high that's right too high there you go aim for one of the high up holes that's fine can you make that that hole that you landed it you want to go through that one just go up the waterfall right stop stop no i'm too high do it like that oh you made it nice nice go go go go go go go go go go go go nice nice [ __ ] quickly i don't know what happened there this one's the most scuffed don't worry about it look how many people haven't finished it's so scuffed this one everyone hits off each other all the time don't worry about it why are other reindeer stick boys the [ __ ] out because the cobwebs dude that would be funny i think that would be funny i think the trick is just to wait like a little bit behind everyone yeah just a tiny bit all right oh [ __ ] off [ __ ] off yeah you know what yeah get [ __ ] me and phil me and phil let's go we're just following no get him off buddy get him up now oh no it's one of the blue team [Music] members [Music] i knocked [Music] you see that you see that big blue path i just followed that with fundy and then eric was guarding it and i just ran past him oh holy [ __ ] that was the best holy [ __ ] okay okay here we go free clown freak three clouds second freak man we i need to find out at the end if we could have won had it not been for my [ __ ] mistake don't worry we're gonna win we're gonna win bro i don't know if i can ever forgive myself don't worry man [ __ ] it i will be so pissed we're doing so well think of the sweater [Music] actually boats yes you're right more like a rowboat your body was like glitched and i believe by will smith have you guys seen i am a legend [Laughter] let's go what the hell people are just like teleporting in out of nowhere this is so scuffed did you fall oh my god i found someone right first time i fell was clearly just a glitch somebody just teleported let me inspect it about hopping your vehicle hold on i don't know what place i finished and then the second time i just bounced off off the boat like so fast phil's got this he's got this i gotta go there's nobody in my way now it's fine minecraft oh god what happened there well you're not left you're breeding classics oh my god so scuffed i [ __ ] hit the ball one man i hate the ball once so much don't worry don't worry bro make people invisible [ __ ] sick it's so bad a hole in the wall and parkour this one that haven't messed with us i would say i would say for this one build up and then and then cross it i'm just gonna follow you guys yeah okay let's go with the four do you wanna go yeah all right let's go god i'm not going to push you i can push this person but they're from the yellows bro 24 that was not good oh oh oh look i thought dude i'm not gonna have any more pity for blue team they try to knock me off so you know no more pity wait we're actually we're basically fifth place if you think about it we're fine we're fine they boosted me no they didn't boost me they didn't [ __ ] boost me they can try and knock me out as well it's all good why am i the lowest point i lit okay you're the lowest points but not the lowest clout don't worry don't worry don't worry and happy about it [Music] i would walk around it's a parry grip song it's got to be 26. talking about herself no one ever hears that one no the paragraph's funny come back i can't believe it all right well i missed i'm [Music] call from people i have a yo-yo what do i do phil give me the present right click the present on me silver hey trump man i caught it oh what i do with the yo-yo right-click [Music] [Applause] [Music] please wait what are we doing rockets please oh okay i just said it look okay i'm trying to prove that this this um this event is glitched oh yeah [Music] do you know if i if i if i even voice a tiny bit of contempt in my chats going hey guys hey guys i'm dejected because my computer turned off due to the entities and there was like i was about to beat that cry please take my energy take my energy i hate rockets so bad oh you're fine all right don't expect me to do good no expectations you're okay i'm extremely sad comfortable thank you genuinely this one looks so easy to just hide in one of the boxes just get into one of the squares in the box quickly yeah that green middle one green green third from top green middle that's one all right i don't know nobody this is a game where i don't know nobody i don't know nobody this is the [Music] oh [Music] oh my god [Music] oh god campfire campfire song i sing the campfire song i don't know what the campfire song is this is gracie [Music] i don't know nobody [Music] [Music] who the [ __ ] is making minion noises [Music] no no i pitied you i pitied you you can't attack me i picked you oh i missed you no oh i pitched you he's getting many hits that's what i do leave me the hell alone eric ghosh eric you're so annoying this is so annoying oh god i died [Music] how are you doing man good night oh my god this is so hard i am the highest of eyes so hard to rocket jump on this map holy [ __ ] get ready easy fireworks five all right four three leave me alone leave me alone george i hate you george i hate you so much in every way george [Laughter] that's a lot of tnt baby oh i just got hit by something with love you can fit with me i just got hit by love [ __ ] hearts oh you're joking you're joking you're actually joking me you're actually stop it stop it stop go like he's going this whole time how did i get him nice he was literally following me trying to kill me and then i just get the thing that i've killed him i wouldn't have it green green i watched you build a hole yesterday in hermitcraft you can't kill me now once you blow the hole green oh you've got a ceiling war going on and [ __ ] yeah i know you got that we can head out here with your mycelium we can write it for you bro no no really eating on this morning oh my god you're all alive [Music] i think we've got this i think that was the [ __ ] play chat oh oh oh oh oh wait i will you're really happy i landed on a single block and then tnt landed on me we'll we'll shoot people shoot people such a good thing going good job wait we're number one by far yeah it's it's we could have someone stop stop well but stop stop oh stop it you got the sweater now we can do this we can get second we if we can get here here's the thing we get sounds of time next we play risky as hell we have this we have this in the back guys well but i think the sweater is getting to your head if we can get a really good time [Music] i [Music] oh no that was a mean play from them oh no no no no no no no no oh i see you i see you hello hello hello ah oh i think oh understanding i've been thinking about it i've been thinking about it it's quite commitment work on it not sure if i could deliver it i'm thinking about that i've been thinking about standing recently was really into it until i saw that dream video where he says he hates them all he what yeah dreams [Music] oh my gosh [Music] why are you camping guys i'm will the glitch because the last time that happened the admins punched me into the ground trying to kill me i remember three two one now okay [ __ ] up i was not ready yeah i saw it i saw it so don't do it i don't worry people that kill is worth it yeah i killed three people that's right don't take that at control then minecraft i was talking about minecraft good job nice work oh wilbur oh so majestic with your big wings i really want someone to calculate if i came like 20th in ace race how like high up would be oh what that just vanished one that's unfortunate that's unfortunate it fell from under me bruh choppa with a stupid sweater we got he's just tubbo in it he's going for the kill wait is he going for the show on pete pete went for the kill but it didn't matter yeah that was that was a bad move by peaks if even if pete hit him with the explosion thing it would have sent people flying so much i should survive more all right yes you should you should i'm sorry oh here i go [Laughter] we had a good run why did scott major now add santa hats to these platforms why is it not all christmasy why is it not christmas christmas that is that is not this is not the mc's christmas when i think of mcc i think of my catholic christmas okay m c catholic c christmas okay when i think of mcc i think of unsatisfaction yeah are you ready for this [ __ ] i think of my way i think of it it might work it might not what do i think of my wife i think of hatred and papers i told you guys not to expect anything so i'm dead okay you've got this you've got this well so i said i told you oh just killed a tommy feeling good oh okay i'm not going to say what i'm saying hi bill i'm slept in green ah korean you mean where is george not bound stupid little idiot look at you stupid [Music] you have no chance you have no chance i'm actually going to use my firework a little bit before everyone else so that i get a little bit of a so i can get a bit of a bonus up on them so what they're still really high i'll be down on the surface again uh good point very bad and dumb good point mr wood i'm gonna miss the filter using fireworks in three [Music] where is george oh [ __ ] i don't have enough hype for that okay no more rover it's kogi where's gogi flying in this where's doggy the new book where's there's a sequel of his boogie layout [Music] i am changing my cocky layout it's not going to be gorgy christmas just going to be gorgey that's it that's how you know i'm mad oh my god it's not going to be it's not going to be goky christmas it's going to be a very goggy christmas that's the worst thing when you're going to be a very doggy christmas i'm telling you when you come from a poor family and you've been and you spend all christmas like just waiting for that moment and and you've always dreading that moment your parents will come into your room and say i'm sorry son but doggy christmas just cancel that's the worst [Music] oh no stop stop last christmas i lost mcc stop it but the very next day i feel lost and i'm gonna do one for another four months [Music] i [ __ ] up my coin if we get if we can get a really really like like ballsy sands of time i'm gonna find a present just for wilbur to tear him how many coins do you get for coming like 20th in ace race and then add that onto our score we would be quite far in the lead i think which is really upsetting me all right we're finished we're fifth we can do this we can do this we're gonna go back in yeah just go back into vaughn see how much the 20th got and then add that to our score guys there's a remarkably large amount of dead snowman on the beach do you notice this i love it we're gonna get it global warming people it's that bloody global warming it is it's a bloody glory it's not the fact that we're in a summery location you know so sad how many coins is it i ate chocolate with green so once someone said it someone says 600 coins for 20th place which would mean we will be in fourth okay that's not actually 600 yeah 600 coins in that in that level yeah but there was a multiplier there was a multiplier right yeah but how much was it multiplied by two so 800. so that would have been we would have been in let's see if it's going to matter last game we would have been in fourth still even with the multiplier [Music] what do we do what are we doing i want to do survival games like as our last game i think that'll be really fun yeah yeah i think that will really cap off okay oh good the viable game is our last one give me the yo yo yo give me yo oh oh oh oh ladies and gentlemen welcome to the last mcc of the year hey at least it's not at least it's not my computer i thought it was just me the received stream length is longer than a maximum 18 above 16. i could legit hear the panic in your voicemail i thought it was me i thought i was out again oh no uh [Music] it was wilbur's computer uh i haven't talked to you in a while how do you say we were doing hey how are you guys doing oh it's snowing time okay cool uh do we just reconnect just you and me well it's just you and me this is reconnecting yeah let's do this fun day oh phil oh oh yeah oh it's slow some time good how was that everyone's angry oh my god i told you casting your vote early was a good idea guys [Music] who does what role who does what role i'll do i'll go quickly you're on sand crafty you're on stand yeah okay we need to be ballsy as [ __ ] we need to be ballsy as [ __ ] guys literally take every chance and quack d right so as a sand guy you see directly opposite us right on the on the second layer the downside so where we are now like imagine under us but on the other side that's where the prisoners if any of us die run to that as soon as you can and place sand always have always have one sand on you at all times okay keep us updated how much sand you got keep us up can i explain shall i explain sanding because i do a lot right so you go you guys know what to do but big q right so uh basically you go around make sure you flip these levers on the wall make sure there's a little parkour thing and then when you're sure there's definite so about halfway in when you're sure we've got like a full timer and you have like enough room go under go under the map and there's a huge thing underneath to get loads of coins do them do them in order of easiest to hardest so when you go in look at the okay so one of them will be levers that you flick and they pull pistons that make stuff drop one of them will be a small parkour and the other one will be them for the five years last do the parkour first the five gifts as well do you think you're taking too long down there once you're out of sand holy [ __ ] no you're always expecting this much like leading to uh during your tournament thing try and get what i usually do what i usually do is i put down one signal i i went here and put down a line to signal i finished look at the state of chat that's the that's how we do it yeah stop the count wait so okay scott you've got stuff accountable you can't just close the server because it isn't build sims is cancelled not the sims not the sims all right so let me get this straight even when we do stands of time i still have to figure this out so i i i do the uh timer and i play ballsy as in go in different areas and try to get more sand and right yeah yeah yeah oh my god [Laughter] are we ready yeah we're ready yeah let's just hit the ready button ready all right let's go let's go why have you said press no big q i don't know because he's chaotic he's a chaotic child we want this question we want this one [ __ ] hi guys all right all right i'm excited we need to shout out any vault keys that we get and any vaults that we find so break you again leave us on the wall little jumping puzzles prison is down opposite end like down one opposite end right basically always have one sand on you to get us out of prison because if we die we get put in prison right and it takes one sand to get us out do you see the arrow you have your textures on you can see the arrow where you put the sand here we did do like what's next do you want me to do then you go exploring you go exploring but you don't go down these tunnels to the side you go under and stay in this big ring okay okay gotcha gotcha gotcha yeah oh here we go i'm going to the right lever's on the wall so i'll go left left i go right we'll go straight maybe okay i'll go straight sure leave all the sand in the middle for quacking the pick open here yeah i think it's snow it's snow by the way quacky so pick up snow so i'm just gonna pick all the snow up right now and then i'll start you know i don't see them oh i found it oh what color blue okay we've got blue look out for blue i need that watch out with the spawner of course okay we'll do fundy's tactic of one to say you've looked and then the loads to say it's done right i hate these silverfish keep your eye on the time as well big obviously i found a uh one recipe i don't know what that does rusty is rusty's useful keep a hold of those i found a green door green door all right we're at approximately 100 about 390. uh i got i got nine cents each stands ten seconds but keep remembering yeah yeah i i know how to do this one i just don't know how ballsy i should uh well we need to be quite ballsy but not enough that you would die be as ballsy as you can but don't be ballsy enough to die until late game i don't know what this is but i'm going for it i shouldn't take it can we give we snow jump like the the glitch oh we still can uh don't do it don't do it don't do it no definitely don't uh tommy got a bollocking for it fair enough i hear blazes near me that's not good the levers are the ones in the walls right wilbur yeah the levers are levers are good for you you need to pull the levers uh sometimes they'll give money sometimes they'll give scary boys sometimes scary boy i hear a lot of blazes near me okay i'm actually close to [ __ ] death from [ __ ] zombies i should not play hard green key grinky oh nice nice cup come to come to center funny funny come to center we'll do the green key right now we'll do green key right now you want me to drop my uh blue my blue key no no keep hold of that quack because we're always going to come back to the middle to do vaults fundy come quick all right yeah don't worry about it don't worry i'll all i'm saying okay i'm here about nine stands i got this all right so it will review pick up any stand give it to me we can give that to you on the way through all right let's go i got like two bits oh that's a pillar joke running okay i know that there's blazes behind this and villagers uh right uh sunday come back as soon as you can we need to we need we want to wow we need to whack out this hole fast let's just so we can really focus on not having to come back to the center oh god i'll do this oh god we have a pillager here we have two pillages here there's a bunch of [ __ ] here oh i hate him uh full timer good job yeah you see me see me throw it there right there right there that's that's crazy you got it you're gonna call me funny i'm very sorry okay man i'm going okay do i want to test this pants we're at 90 seconds are you trying to hand we got i tried on it i don't know what that did though oh i found the red or the red door uh we have a blue key and a green door so these are fine these are not grenades okay i need arrows uh quack do you have any arrows per chance yeah yeah yeah i have twenty nine can i come and can i come and receive please yeah yeah do you have any stand for me yes no no i don't so i'm just going to come and get some sand from yeah some arrows just don't throw me tomorrow throw me some arrows you want them all no no no no you can take as many okay thank you yeah let's get this vault open no no oh my god this stupid [ __ ] blazer give me go to the prison fundy yeah you need to go to that prison yeah what is that shot so i'm so mad at myself dude i'm so pissed thank you chat what do i do yeah coral of open two volts guys fundy i'm not dying i'm not dying don't worry trust me i need someone with some sand now oh no that might be yeah yeah i'll i'll place 10 seconds in question is i'll just check under when i need sound i'm heading back okay also i'm gonna need your help funding as well okay here we go give it to give it to you i can bring i can bring sounds this way this way and then i also need your help opening of opening a door that's why i need you yeah okay i have three sound get that [ __ ] i'm bringing you i'm bringing you some more come on come with me come with me i need you should i wander in the middle yeah yeah yeah we have enough time now uh wait there quickly here's some more sand i'm just dropping it down for you oh should be where you dropped it it should be where you just drop down yep okay okay perfect all right so with this one we're going to need to do a split so you need to stand on this to let me through and then it's amazing it's actually not that worth it it's actually not that worth it that one it's not amazing it's a jumping puzzle you need to get that um get that uh get up that ladder don't worry about me you can let it shut i'll come i'll ask her in a minute okay catch it water can't kill me right well you can drown i know but like i think it's supposed to get you back up that's how you get back up quickly if you're under ah god damn it okay can you let me back through real quick i'm doing i'm doing the thing up here cool yeah i've got i've got an iron axe it's just a bunch of spiders it's useless up there you sure you destroy the spawner yep do you want an axe iron axe i already got another next okay i'll give the iron next to someone else you're definitely sure you've been all the way through there's literally nothing cool so that's done this this this this avenue's done okay um there's still a lot of levers uh quackity yeah yeah we're at 110 but we need yeah i'm gonna start pulling i'll pop well i might need you in this yep i'm uh i'm on the side on the other side of the wall i'm so bad at 1.8 combat dude it's like do you guys have any all right yeah watch out in there yeah i see him i see him alright if you place you place light yeah all right let's go quickly quickly go quickly i'm done i'm low i'm low and low okay we're waiting to run i've destroyed the sport we have we i need someone with sand now like like now now now oh i don't have sand but we don't have much more there was in that room that we went there's more sand yeah yeah yeah i've just i've killed the spawners if we can do something all the neighbors yeah i'm doing them still not here okay i've got i'm finding some sand i can buy us like 10 20 seconds everyone's shouting the coins look i'm gonna get the coins just not we're not speeding it yeah there's some real bad killer luck around here dude yeah we need some more sand phil have you got sand i've got three but i'm pretty defending this spot at a minute probably i ain't getting your way back yeah i'm gonna start heading back i think i might actually die here if you keep an eye on the timer for us yeah yeah yeah should i tell you okay we're at 40 seconds right now okay no i'm not going to check on that we really need phil i'm heading we have not there's a lot of loot here you didn't grab yet i'll get it for you yeah go ahead and grab it see if you can find any more sand running and yeah dude there's a lot of sand in spawn quantity yeah i just got three already i'm filling it up i'm filling it up nice nice tell us what time you get i found a blue door blue door 60 seconds oh god big q big q biki i'm coming to the i'm probably going to show you who's the blue key all right thank you how's it going you've got you got you got 90 seconds phil we got to get you guys dude i can do this fast i can do this fast get sent now phil i'm looking all right i'm coming i'm coming i'm coming you need to give it to me as quickly quickly give it to me i'll go i'll go yeah yeah just just come to me come to me you can see me running to you can you see me running i'm running down the tunnel look i'm up here i'm up here hello let's go drop it throw it to me now real fast real fast real fast come on all right what time do we have uh we have uh you have more time now you have more time okay okay okay we're at 80 we're at 370 70. yeah just 70 seconds 70 seconds i'm gonna speed run it i'm just literally gonna run to volt and then leave again i'm not even gonna touch anything else go go go go go will i am i am i am uh jesus oh i don't know if you have time you have less than 60 seconds now [Music] oh there's a spawner in the way i'm just gonna i'm just gonna barge through oh it's a wither spawner as well okay i've got it grabbing okay and i'm with it but i'm running back you got this you've got 200 coins 200 oh go go go go go i just ran over it and i ran past the sand but it's okay 30 seconds 30 seconds come on it's hard with it but i'm running i'm hard with it but i'm running right we don't have time we don't have time we've listened with less than 30 seconds we've got 15 keep going keep it going keep it just oh my god i'm coming i'm coming i'm coming i'm going through okay we gotta go we're going to go go through go through i'll tell you if i make it no you won't make it six five four three yeah i'd like last thing i guess we couldn't adopt that we got we had to get greedy to be fair we had to get greedy yeah so yeah we lost about half our money it's i had we had to go ballsy we had to go but maybe if i hadn't gone the wrong [ __ ] way we would it's like i died in the really dumb way as well blaze like hit itself below a level that i couldn't see and then popped up and sniped me as i was jumping so it just was fine we tried our best that was fun it's fine very close very very close yeah it's good though it's good two volts you got two volts i don't know did someone we did but we didn't get him back actually you know what i should have done before i ran down i should have used the ender chest cashed in my stuff yeah you should have well it's fine we thought we had a little bit more time honestly it was cutting it close so like really another 10 seconds you would have got it yeah i mean that was a little sad i love this game it's so good it's really good but it's big stress like holy [ __ ] yeah but it's it's a great game it's strategy tommy's saying [ __ ] oh my god hey hey wait should i get myself cancelled hold on no no no no no what do you mean yo hey guys i've just overtaken bts in the charts that's how okay you're done you're [ __ ] done you're done that's how you go down you're actually like a man i actually like the song that i've ever taken dynamite but bts is a good song i've i've i'm 36 and they're 37. but i'm just better maybe if they maybe they go on my level yeah i mean it was like i did say that we can [ __ ] this one and like either do really well and have a chance to win or lose and not or we can play safe and definitely not have a chance to lose and we chose to balls it which is good yeah that's fine everyone's asking for survival games honestly survival games would be really fun i think it would be pog it was a number five look at him go really minecraft mr minecraft i mean fifth on the leaderboard what the [ __ ] i never look at it unless you guys tell me to go look oh yeah we are number five i got cool oh lovely yeah i got two slime what the hell what the hell man april how do you feel about my worst performance ever sorry i'm just trying to [ __ ] throw this call on the floor some piece of [ __ ] game right i'm just glad goggy is not winning three times multiplier if we kill it in this game maybe oh my god we gotta do something we absolutely can discuss oh i see where do i shoot just [ __ ] oh yeah just i don't know at him i guess there you go yeah wait so what are we going for survival that's what my son wanted but everyone's happy about that because survival games last will be so good oh the yoyos can pull the chickens yeah i think i think survival games is what we go for survival games last round that's what everyone's been asking for on the reddit and i'm going to make them proud everyone's every everyone on the reddit everyone on the reddit's been saying please could we have survival games as the last game and i'm gonna say if we somehow magically win everything yeah yeah if we get every kill every kill we need we need one point five techno when you need [Music] okay i'm actually not awful at gathering resources yeah but i'm building but you are all right so we're not in the top two that's for sure kidding me this has been the worst mcc i've ever taken part in i i'm straight up just gonna go for a [ __ ] piss i'm gonna raise this all right who's good at building who who can say and build hey come back no i actually wanted to try it don't worry let's pretend this mcc never happened we'll say that we'll say that the last winners last mcc winners were goggy and wilbur that was never an mcc 13. wilbur do you want to build a house people are copy pasting your sign let's try it it's more it's more fun from a viewer perspective if we at least try and think so let's let's let's try but yeah what are you guys talking about funny i would love to build a house i am getting the resources but i'm also getting resources to build the op house no we'll build the house we'll build the house at the end build the house at the end come on okay okay you get that little bit of time afterwards where you can build yeah okay people are copy-pasting your song in my chat wilbur which is ironic because they're literally the ones that are going to make us lose tell them i'll sing the chorus if they stop you'll see not even funny like copy pastas have never been funny all right i'll do the right one all right i'll do left because it's colors is that orange whatever piss complete yellow light green red moth yellow light green red moth yellow light green red oh [ __ ] campfires really jesus christ all right all right we're getting that we're getting that complicated what do you guys need my god the lag what is this it's the it's the [ __ ] entities dude my computer's chugging whoa i'm chugging dude everyone's checking honey what do we need what do we need i i only need wood um cause i know what you need look at what you need quackity you don't need to jesus i'm having five frames see him everything's dying this is mental this is this is not okay this is weird as hell i think this was the funny thing oh do not lock in one direction you will lose all your frames oh okay i got that holy [ __ ] i'm just getting a terracotta i'm literally compensating my lag through my movements i i can't handle this these are really organized for this one oh it's cool each person does one and then one person stays behind and just builds with excess that's what we usually do all right [ __ ] it i'm just gonna stay behind them okay so everyone grab access everyone grew up make sure you grab extra yeah i'm getting like cool and everything i got a bunch of wood i should have got the colors while i was there that was a mummy no i didn't grab access on this run quackity but i'm gonna grab access on the next round do we have a bunch of stone uh i don't think we do no yeah i'll grab stone as well oh my frames bro everyone's getting ready twice due to the friends i i i can get colors for people i'll just get one of like i'll get like five of every color while i'm in the colors because i forgot one color like a like a number the problem is i can't look at chat during build marks they [ __ ] me up yeah it's unfortunate it's like it's billboard's like the most frustrating thing i think for the viewers and the creators because the viewers just want to scream go here get this you have this do this and the creator is just like ah all the things i guess [ __ ] okay i'm gonna get four of each color yeah just come and drop it okay i'll get them i'll get four of each color glass i won't get four of each color concrete start fine stone is anyone close to coming back i can just grab some stuff yourself i'm getting a bunch of stuff you can go grab yourself yeah you should definitely go grab some stuff yourself just so you can just so you can have some chests full of things thank you you may remember not many things require more than like six so a good a good rule of thumb is to grab about six and then leave and then if there's more neededs that's would be your job to go out and get it later on okay all right people are completing stuff well i'm going to say it i'm actually having more fun on this than i was on x-rays i mean it's you literally couldn't play i wonder why i wonder why yeah i don't i don't mind build my billboard's fun when you've when when that one time when techno had that tactic yeah that was so [ __ ] funny that forced them to remake the entire game and like how it works what was that one tactic uh it was he was on our team it was me technoblade callum and like people and basically uh the tactic oh and phil sorry the tactic was to go out and just grab like because he memorized every uh block here that was you i i i want me to build it i can build it yeah you need a shop go get more stuff go get more stuff techno basically did a bunch of research that took them like an entire day and then made a shopping list for us of exactly what to get so we could build every single possible build without having to leave ever again so we we went out got our stuff and then never left after that we just built everything so [ __ ] quick yeah we when we won by like the biggest point march yeah we [ __ ] decimated [Laughter] [Music] i need i need red uh red terracotta no wait red um hardened clay oh oh red normal hardcore thing i didn't get red heart and clay yellow yellow glass a lot of it i've got yellow gloss i've got i've got four yellow glass probably not the mountain yeah i need more i need more want me to get it i'm getting the red let me play let me throw you thumbnail i'm already going yeah she's putting it in what i'm wrong done wrong red concrete hold on oh one two three is sure is it concrete what am i done wrong no it's not concrete it's hard and playing wrong here is it the wrong type of [ __ ] wood is it [ __ ] what what is that that is i'm leaving jungle fence you i've got jungle i've got jungle i'm heading back now okay okay let me come how far are you i'm glitching out trying to get home okay i'm gonna go get it myself i don't know i'm almost back i'm on his back i'll i'll contribute the glass to fundy's chest i am always three two one i am home okay just throwing me through the jungle thank you why is it so dark wait let's jungle with wood in his chest as well over here oh don't tell me oh is that spruce oh no do we have spruce yeah i just brought this fruit i need sprinkles oh and and quackies brought back some spruce uh all right get that get that some birch two perfect wait i'll make the seats i'll make this three four five six seven eight nine ten [ __ ] i think i think i'm a little bit out of birch almost like a ton i got i got enough i got enough you got birch for us as well bro yeah oh birch no i don't know i don't i'm not the one okay that's cool i'm not the one who needs the spruce oops this is insane this is insane it's insanity wait did i get all the spruce around here uh three more spruce one two three right sand i need uh orange sand and normal sand side hollow off slab wait entirely it is right uh all right i like they just have a room of sand though the sand room welcome to the sand room kids i do i need i have more uh stone bricks if you need any filter hello callum i messed this up hold on get the stairs from the side dude that's what it looks like from the back i don't know i don't know if the inside is closed or not [Music] i'm just trying to see which orientation they are okay all right um okay yellow yellow torches hey my god that was nice i'm gonna go okay and stone i think i can just make this one on the tongue right now hold on all right try to try i'm gonna try it you have a block of redstone i do yeah for some reason i went and got it so that was that worked out oops i thought we could fly yeah i forget that too you know what they should do they should give us weapons so we can kill people for their stuff all right i'm going to go i would at least make the supermarket a little bit more realistic i'm going to go get the colors over all right nice yeah get basically like tons colors of one of the most used things okay like right now i need colors yeah yeah yeah yeah um you need uh blue and red right blue and red blue and red kind of uh dark blue okay just blue concrete uh let me let me get exactly for you it is blue concrete yeah blue concrete country okay orientation matters i hate this oh wait not that way this way no i'll wait i should just wait for you big q or should i go yeah yeah i'm i'm headed back soon i'm headed back okay i'll wait it's actually quite an easy one to get [ __ ] ah carl i need uh the reds concrete i need the red carpet oh my god oh my god okay you got birch i need green and hoppers i got the hoppers probably yeah i just need green then okay let me let me make you the birch stuff i'll get green i'll leave you oh actually no i don't have enough birch sorry i thought i did i i have lots of jungle oh my god even those colors give me those colors big cubes what colors is it green again green right there put the colors there yeah yeah that one quickly it's really really cool right here yeah it's just corner okay uh golden buttons let's go i'll get the gold i'll just go and get gold yeah uh do we have one it's not a real thing anyone have stone um you [ __ ] oh i have i have red concrete you need it filzer i i do i need where that stone is [Music] i thought i thought they were warning me something i have 14 screws locked uh so much gold you want uh i have four spruce we need this amount of spruce because it takes a lot to do the trapdoors not sorry um oh what's called [ __ ] birch yeah butch we do need this amount of spruce as well just get it right okay i'm going to get some stone and then is anyone else getting wood or should i do that as well i got birch i got burgers we need more stone i mean there's some to the buttons i've already made some yeah but i'm getting started enough i need stone stone stone how much would you say 12 12 good uh yeah over and over time though actually that's what i'm asking help me with this help me with this i got it i got it where are these up up up here not the other way around the other way around oh my god [Laughter] how the [ __ ] did we manage that oh my god bro the orientation mattered on that that they look identical as well oh look i got six coins for doing some of the crown [Laughter] oh we can't build our house quite funny how did how is red so good at this it's me but this is my least favorite of all the game types i really like this game i actually really like this one you would like you would like the twitch rivals minecraft event yeah rick cloud freak out if you enjoyed to being televised twitch rivals twitch event is six hours long and you [ __ ] and you find items in the world it's a it's a marathon dude that seems fine that much maybe not that much you know who's in the top who's in the top two oh my god the [ __ ] dream and smasher and stuff are in third they barely scraped it wait captain sparkles that's kind of that is captain sparkle's eighth time in third place that's his curse he's never been a dodgeball that is that's awesome bro he's got a dream on his team and he still cut oh no jordan now the entirety of season one he's just gotten third the curse this is a i'm not i'm not really excited about either of these teams i'll be honest with you uh i guess teal i guess i'm teal [Applause] i like green i watch koreans videos and i'm friends with eric and cranios so i guess i'll go to hey i support you as well yeah teal's the way to go maybe so what do you think of the mcc me yeah uh it was still fun but it was the worst mcc i've been in wait how how far was i off of not having my worst score ever let's assume that i would have got 800 coins from from ace race right with them let's have a look guess we'll never all right here we go [Applause] i want to say snowball's thrown [Applause] off of the faces of the innocent oh please do you reckon they're actually gonna use snowballs instead of arrows oh they are snowballs they shoot them though it's it's not like snowballs and you shoot them in vanilla you know how easy it is snowballs would be so much more fun oh it'd be busted they're so quick hell yeah hell yeah oh yeah i just realized i dragged all of your scores down because i didn't make it back with the 2 000 coins so i did sorry because it splits oh yeah it was worth the risk yeah it was worth the risk what it was worth the risk [ __ ] you i don't regret it will we could have got i've regretted that for you pogchamp energy here we supporting very compensation wilbur yeah [Applause] oh my god what and it's such a pricey elephant that is such a pricey outfit i i come here you pull it off i do i do i do don't i don't know oh my god the clown is going to make up for it the cloud is going to make go forward oh yeah i'm sealed [Music] [Applause] why are they all bludging nobody has a snowball oh i like the colors teal and purple is quite nice with all the banners hey phil they have to have hey man how's it going phil doing well mate i had a fun time it's always a pog champ time you know some things are a bit glitchy but why are they not picking up the snowball this is this is stressing me out no i don't know maybe so they don't target someone so they can't prioritize it i have never where are you guys adorable [Applause] yes [Applause] [Music] yeah they got a little glove when they when they charge up their when they charge up their bow it like grows the snowball head on a swivel oh it's modern baseball though i was like what is that a lyric from look at that wait it's just glitched in the wall uh oh wait what happened the snowball's just stuck in the water it's stuck oh it's just oh no we had such a good run oh hey look hamburg's kid hello oh we had such a good glitchless run oh there it goes they fell it fell off but if there's any more the mambo you just find them yeah there's already i see i see techno girl oh i see techno girl did you say goggy corgi no battle corgis wait will what are you talking about my album was originally going to be called battle corkies why aren't you battle goggies oh there's another mambo skin but i named it your city gave me what the hell are you paying these people yeah i paid them i pay them all several several trillions just not even paying attention to the game right now behind the bleachers can make up behind the bleachers money machine all right i'm gonna search up the lyrics literally if you just if you just shout the lyrics it'll sound like the song just do it [Music] that was actually very accurate i've never heard of the song past those like like even i'll do a cover really yeah you little pissed baby huh you think you're so [ __ ] cool huh you think he's so [ __ ] tough you talk a lot of big gamers with such a small truck baby you're so [ __ ] cool huh you think you're so [ __ ] tough for someone with such a small truck isn't it good isn't that good it was perfect perfect you're feeling so clean like a money machine let's go he feels so clean like a money machine so [ __ ] weird hearing you guys do that and just watching people run around panicking trying to get killed it's the only thing i hear phil it's the only thing i hear oh my god i hear nothing other than that let's go why is wilbur obsessed with hundred gags i don't know help help me help me i'm just i'm literally a whim of of the tick tock currents the tick-tock tides if you will tick-tock tides i'm at the whim of the tick tock tides describe the algorithm what's that in in dutch fundy why not the app i mean just the word tick-tock like the automatic pair for a clock going uh i think the same yeah this is the same mexico it's like i'm about tides in dutch uh tides [Music] i wouldn't actually know ice ball chats ice ball has fallen no i don't want to because there's a lot of very bad swear words that revolve around that that word cancel no balls no there's like some really bad dutch slurs that like work on that dynamic of really yeah beforehand structure of word structure yeah isn't that right [Music] he can neither confirm nor deny but it's definitely neither confirmed it's definitely the first though come on illumina come on man illumina's got this did you know he's speed runs oh [Laughter] you [ __ ] cursed them did you know he's speed running he's gonna lose because you guys know he's [ __ ] dead oh my god i love you he's speeding on that [ __ ] the glove is very cute hold on here we go here [Applause] he's choking it [Music] is great is this going to be green's first win if he wins this i thought we were already one one chat confirm chat confirm it yeah scream outside let's go hey why isn't purple on bro this would be his first win you got the purple deal wait why wait why did i change it right i said i'm at a whim of the tick tock currents now they're all spamming me to watch hate listen to halo if i have listened to half i really like the song leave me alone stop trying to get my man's dmc here on twitch yeah they just they just they just don't they're just telling me to listen to things and they don't know that i was listening to them earlier in the shower i was listening to taylor [ __ ] you go away mother mother is quite good oh false is out okay she she pulled away she definitely shot her shots that's a threat that's been eliminated pete's still in them oh my god [Music] it will we'll remember it remember hole in the wall hold on the wall you said it as you said it he looks so cozy he dies oh no i'm cursed i'm cursed actually i'm cursed let me see if i can get tommy and it's attention yeah that was easy tommy's a very easy attention manta yeah [Applause] oh this might be it this might be it guys guys this might be it it's illumina versus korean and car last round as well last round this if purple win this one they win the whole thing oh korean please just win one just win one you haven't won one yet i mean he's aluminum dude i might i'm on the luminous team but like still i would like to see green wings i want to see a green one i want to see i like to see a happy green come on man he is feeling the stress right now others be better at this than you were at parkour race [Applause] this would be her first point [Applause] [Music] he is a speed runner after all he is the speed runner he does speed run the video game rat why is everyone shouting rat in my chat one thing no idea did they see a rap did they see a rat fly by your camera up the wall [Music] [Music] muffin my muffin dog is the best dog to ever exist muffin is just another name for [ __ ] it's let's let's get it it's not getting twisted i think we're very muffiny i really hate elderly people my fans are all muffin heads oh my god i want everyone to get in a circle and say 20 things they love about skeppy and now we're all gonna muffin each other stop stop stop no no no no no no no no no no no no no a morgy see this is what happens guys when the cameras turn off this is what bad boy halo is like yeah yeah when the camera turns off he goes i'm ready for the dump your head appointments [Laughter] oh [Music] [ __ ] muffin it just gives up what the [ __ ] oh no it's done it's done it's [ __ ] over it's got his sights the laser [Music] oh my god [Music] oh cocky they literally got cocky bro i'm excited i'm excited [Music] you're supporting me oh god i'm gonna die anyway welcome to our community you're your mother the guy with the tape yeah yeah yeah wow you guys went obsolete years ago [Music] [Laughter] holy how did this happen this happened so quick i i looked away for a second oh they're smoking it's a joke it's a choking out they're choking it's got his momentum going anymore oh yeah reverse sweep holy [ __ ] [Applause] that was nuts no way wow reverse sweep and apparently we apparently wondering they told us we need to stick around because there's like an award ceremony or something at the end yeah well there isn't anything going on end stream leaves okay i'm going to get the twitter screenshot hold up [Music] i'm actually naked we have a special thing so get ready he's holding it calling it it's gonna die it's gonna bug and break it's gonna be like another snake with another hat and we're gonna be like wow wow tommy and tobia were just bming on green right now for losing green's got a thousand yards there [Laughter] but it's so funny i'm going i'm going to make orange are you okay green green's just frothing at the mouth he's gonna go onto hermitcraft and just murder mumbo jumbo's livestock it's good tnt grief everything and lava lava poo oh oh oh i can't look away there are so many people press f5 i can't i just pressed f5 yeah the crowns are on the way oh jesus i think we're all teleported to the same location oh god i am writing something they literally got thor playing holy [ __ ] you know if wilbur's name wasn't wilber i think it'd be tom franken and i would call you tommy for fun noticed declan now what we stuck it didn't move it didn't move it's not moving it broke is it moving just like wilbur said oh no it's fine it's just loading this is loading oh it's getting good let's go marketing and community lauren oroy hello hi hello hi hello we do twitter and everyone screams at us game design i sack i say isaac or isaac isaac isaac i suck oh oh you're going to get canceled for that [Music] site's wearing an electric oh my god they literally got a player up here my man my man why why press else and left shift to dismount thank you to hundreds of tests going down wrestlemania someone got rid of the i can't see i didn't read it i couldn't read it i can't what someone's [ __ ] crown keeps covering [ __ ] i can't see that sex is so small oh deep shadow lady would there's anyone else crying where am i where am i oh scott major forgot me where's [Music] oh that was cute you get the [ __ ] off your stadium oh it's still there i can see it oh there's still oh i can still see the little thank you things like we love minecraft [Laughter] i need validation constantly every time every second i've got to punch my motherboard now don't i where am i oh no should i stay on call with you guys mm-hmm yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah please my chat can choose who they want to go to live and twitter it's just go right so go towards where the entrance to the whole place is and go outside are you sure yes just keep running out there we're all there we're all here oh quickly you're here soon i can't find it the entrance and where just like so you know the entrance where everything kind of is you just turn around and go out towards the wilderness look follow people follow people people are running out there now i can't sign up i want to get i want to i want to go there hey that's me right next to pete i just want to only have myself get out everyone leave i'm trying i'm trying to find it i am so oh it's green oh this is [ __ ] adorable dude there we go yeah i'm gonna go fetch you quackity hold on do you see it yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah minecraft dream because then i get more views oh my god we're tiny yes yes i'm about to punch the motherboard oh [ __ ] all right hold on are you ready are you going live in the discord i've got the camera pointed oh yeah i'll go live on this car i've got my camera pointing all right hold on do we need to go to private sure can you just stream it like this oh you can oh okay i can turn you guys can see my stream labs hold on okay hold on hold on all right don't don't share my stream just yet hold on okay let me know my donations like a prick so you're still streaming right now though right you're trying to watch that should we just watch the stream instead guys yeah i should watch the stream you're about to bear witness to me breaking my pc what the [ __ ] and you know in ace race we were doing really really well we were like second third place and then ace race crashed my computer and i ca and i came 40th right so what i'm gonna do i i promised at the end of this drink this is my last room in the office i'm going to punch my motherboard on live on camera oh are you ready i'm very i'm very sensitive so am i i'm uh i'm getting it up on full screen now i'm ready i'm ready i see it i see it where is it where are you live he's live yeah he's live wait wait let me see let me have a look holy [ __ ] it's probably just gonna cut out dude yeah you guys need a good view of this right we can see yeah i can see it you can see my fist going in be careful please be careful don't cut yourself we'll all get tossed please don't cut yourself i won't cut myself if i do i'll run away so you won't see it okay just start kicking it i want not one what happened trying to show oh oh it literally didn't even show the punch it didn't even show the punches it went off it just broke it literally didn't even show the punch it just broke did not even show the point you can see his hand like pull back and we didn't even see it it literally just went out oh my god oh my god what the [ __ ] but he's still alive hello hello hello what oh he's here again it's dead it's dead it's dead well we can't see it is it dead because of stream delay by the time i'd hit it it's broken there's no way i could have done that wait how are you talking right now i'm on my us can you turn on the laptop and show us you break it in half karate chop it you're gonna hate me by a jammed screwdriver into my webcam on my laptop because i don't want the government spying on me oh it's just [ __ ] brilliant on my phone oh [Music] it just flicks back live oh [ __ ] he just goes live oh [ __ ] dude some co-worker thank you so much for the rid if you missed it from turbo stream guys [Music] [Laughter] oh it was like a just a bomb like a hard bump it just really took one for the thing like that's so dusty because there was something pinked i think the fan snapped oh my god don't worry it's salvageable kick it kick it give it a nice take it kick it kick it i mean is it oh yeah hold on hold on yeah ready three two one go oh i just realized you wanted to just don't want to go do you want to go no that is a big clown [Music] [Laughter] he just [ __ ] left his heart [ __ ] as soon as it was there as soon as the face it it consumed the call i'm starting to think the sweater wasn't a joke [Laughter] oh man excellent goodbye what an extra you just came into college just to flex on us just like make fun of us or something what no cool man did you see the do you see the cute little miniature versions that they did i did we have cute little mini me they're still here you can come see them and run around i'm gonna take a picture no i just start getting really aggressive and hitting them oh you're wearing you're wearing like your little uh present uniform president i aimed i aimed for george not found that's who i am oh he disappears when i zoom in oh that's that's horrifying oh don't talk to me or my son ever again him wait is everyone on here everyone i think everyone who ever took part yeah where's james charles what where is jimmy charles did they exclude james oh my god no it's just james right is this james oh oh yeah i'll be the judge of it if it's james i thought so i know him very well that might that might be james let me see let me see where is it where is it i think jack with the jack sucks phil no idea he [Applause] [Music] dude [Music] i think he just [ __ ] did it on his laptop amigo bundy chat we're just looking at the uh we just watched will [ __ ] destroy his pc uh and now we're just kind of hanging out looking at all the miniature mini users that we have like mini mini me's look at that so [ __ ] cool like you're quackity he's so cursed that that's every skin cracker he has is the curse the most cursed [ __ ] look at this [Laughter] me and my son [Laughter] wait ah i wanted to get a screenshot that would have been perfect yeah i think so quickly log back in for a second all right i'm headed there wait there wait there for me yeah oh i'll not look i'm not looking i need any of the screenshots i need i need a screenshot i'm not looking yeah i get a screenshot get a screenshot i gotta get a screenshot with me and my son i'm gonna i'm gonna get a screenshot with my son let's go let's go ready three two one oh well [ __ ] [ __ ] i got i got the roll done what do what are you wearing what what night please just ignore it please don't ignore it what do you have earpods in i'm gonna i have no pants oh my god he does have pants he's got the air pods oh this is [ __ ] this this is just like confirming everything don't eat your son he's eating oh my god what the [ __ ] this is confirming everything i just said to my child i said crackity take a picture of this old man take a picture of this yeah yeah take a picture of this i'm leaving we're getting from the side from the side look at him from the side fundy let's go i'm leaving this is cursed this is [ __ ] cool you know what you know what i gotta stick to my normal skin i'm gonna change my normal skin and i'm gonna do the same thing with i can't call him i can't call him my son anymore that's just weird it's just myself now it's just myself you made a clone of yourself i made a clone of myself no i haven't i know i have no regrets this is a very not okay let's go see oh i love myself so much i love this this is very not okay this is very not okay nobody i'm gonna go see myself i'm gonna could you lead me to myself you lead me to myself i i i think you need supervision with the things you're about to do part one oh there's an admin you got your admin oh no no don't talk to me on my son ever again all right oh that's so cute don't do it don't don't do the thing don't do anything it's not cute no longer my son he is no longer no no no no [Applause] hello hello clone of me clone of me we look excellent we look we look very good hello hello first this is kind of a few screenshots and that's all i that's it that's it we're kind of in the middle of something here i'm so not okay with this this is so weird yes i am not okay with this i'm gonna go look at the leaderboards i am so not okay with this anyone anyone who says my skin sucks all right they are so severely wrong my skin is amazing it's not that it's they're like cursed your skin is cursed amazing you know that's i know it's no it's so good it's like yeah hi ryan [Applause] i got the coin can i have it no why uh i'm gonna please have your question what the hell it's mine ryan it's not it's us it's have you seen my child don't don't don't don't don't he's he's he's uh it's not okay it's quackity you need to do it it's not like it's it's nice this is not okay this is not okay i can't i can't make some jokes at the expense of myself now where's your shirt wait is it yours no no it's me it's me it's all me baby that's me that's me it's like i had i had a mini me but we're all the same just he's shorter because i'm very tall in real life so that that's what happened yeah that's i'm big you that's small cue okay i say small cutie because that's what i am after all right what do you think fondy funny come over here i'm going to show you i'm going to show you big q and small cutie all right big cuties you all have a great one wow okay hold on i'm gonna fix i'm gonna be ready ready oh no no no wrong wrong skin uh okay hello it's me and minnie me oh i can't take any more quackity's cursed skating in this child [Laughter] just [ __ ] muted look at this look at this this is cute oh my god he's i can't believe they kept the jumper on him when we're just kind of like hanging out down here he's got the jumper that's so [ __ ] cute hey sham of all people i was not expecting tommy to wear a [ __ ] skin absolutely not but i guess he didn't want that ghost like [ __ ] up one that he got given when he didn't change remember on halloween so yeah it makes sense look at the back oh rump from i mean look at tommy's back you mean this right it's so fluffy oh my god it's actually pretty cute it like covers his mouth it's like maybe someday guys maybe when they do an all-stars event we'll get the team again and it'll be just as chaotic and we probably won't win because they'll be [ __ ] scuffed we'll just do stupid [ __ ] tommy will scream a bunch wilbur will scream mean techno will try hard and it just won't be enough but who knows maybe maybe we'll do it again it'll be pog it'll be fun i like looking at all the uh the things down here i kind of like just wander around sometimes it's pog it's very pretty i like the knock screws builds they're really awesome like everything just has like so much detail everything down from like the texture packs just a basic block placement look at that it's like the end realm how key that is hog oh there's another section i didn't even realize oh i remember this one yeah remember this guy just [ __ ] hid inside here before we started playing the game it's for a bed no there's no bed there was a bed i pretty soon but he must have took it out anyway i'm gonna head off guys i didn't really have anything planned um after this tournament i was just gonna hang out for a bit for everyone but then will [ __ ] broke his pc we'll just like [ __ ] get his pc uh what a way to send off his time in the office i guess right jesus christ like what the [ __ ] destroyed his old pc it was pretty bad though do you see how [ __ ] dusty it was oh jesus christ dude what the [ __ ] is that i told him to clean it and he just didn't so stubborn so [ __ ] stubborn uh who is still doing things who is still doing the thing hold on let's have a look quickly still alive fundy uh let's see hold on [Music] let me honor i said lord what the [ __ ] he said for 100 people i will ask my youtube crush for a date and i was like uh okay and then and then it's kennedy walsh what what i'm so confused i don't like this i don't like this mcc anymore is this the turning point is anybody still gonna stream for a bit or is everyone just be good oh that is scary oh it's very scary his head very scary who said heads yeah oh eric were you in it was tails i said tails yeah sure anyways everyone from fills the stream you can watch me hq baby dreaming all day every day [ __ ] i'm just definitely he's [ __ ] dude all right i'm gonna catch you guys later uh say hi there it's so much love he's gonna be jumping on the dream smp he's probably gonna go for a while probably like three or four hours he does long boy streams like me so i'll see you guys in there for a bit thanks for hanging out that was pogchamp uh yeah here we go here we go here we go i'll see you monday bye bye [Music] bye garbage day you
Channel: PhilzaVODS
Views: 65,436
Rating: 4.9587259 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 193min 37sec (11617 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 13 2020
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