Phil Johnson defines true Biblical manhood, and how to be manly.

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and special guest Phil Johnson this is wretched radio all the way in from California a Southwest Airlines which you're kind of digging these days yeah yeah there's the engine fall off no kiddin no because anybody go flying out the window nope they got us here safe hacks Solent clearly because here you sit in Atlanta Georgia Phil Johnson we're spending some time together talking about a lot of important issues that are happening in the church these days social justice etc you're gonna you're gonna be doing a board meeting yeah I'm looking forward to that I'll bet you yes I catch up on some of my email exactly be all our IDI meetings no that's not the type of meeting and he's in town and he's just giving us a great deal of his time energy and wisdom as we discuss one particular issue and that is toxic masculinity an ongoing effort by really it was radical feminism but it's almost increasingly culturally accepted you have got to be politically correct in every regard you can show no strength you can't do anything that might be considered having a conviction even how do we know what a biblical man is and you I believe hit the nail on the head you've got to look at Jesus Christ right he's it yeah and I said the key word there is courage and I want to I want to even emphasize that's not just sort of swagger and courage but courage to stand for the truth that that's the issue to defend the truth when it's under its assault that's what I think Christian men especially need to value as true masculinity it's not about fighting or being obnoxious or being a jerk or any of that although if you stand for the truth there will be people who tell you you're too contentious you're a jerk all that sort of stuff you have to learn to you know just use Christ as your model and try as much as possible to be christ-like you're not going to be able to do it perfectly but that is the measure of true manhood according to Scripture but I want to talk about that word courage because that almost sounded like a man should never be courageous go to battle defend poll and family there there is a component of that though isn't there in masculinity courageousness yeah and in defense and yeah all of that those are those are in my view are just sort of natural masculine instincts you see that even in the animal world it's it's there are distinct differences between the two genders and there are only two by the way yeah but you could get arrested for that statement Thea I know that you're kicked off Twitter or whatever yeah but but that doesn't make it not true it's it's true it's not only true it's one of those things that's self-evidently true okay so a man the the chief emphasis that you're putting on courageous is this is the Bible I believe every single thing that it says and I'm not gonna get all squishy and emergent or write pragmatic this is this is it right the squishiness is not a virtue and and it's very difficult to convince people who are indoctrinated in postmodern values that confidence and courage and steadfastness are virtues not vices and there's a component of if push comes to shove I will defend my home and my family and if that means going to war so be it right that's a component also now I want to talk about another word kind of related to courage strength and doing typically now they would call it gender stereotyping but typical male things hunting fishing for getting the lid off the pickle jar are getting the lid off the pickle jar all right those components are is is that ever a concern for the Christian male what do you mean a concern do I need to be it's like if I'm gonna be a man I need to be doing manly activities yeah I mean I think so I think so now some people are naturally stronger than others that's again another self-evident truth is that in general men are stronger than women they're faster the you know just the reason we have a gender division in professional sports and college athletics and all that is simply because of that the physical makeup of men is different from the physical makeup of women and men tend to be stronger now you could find a woman who's stronger than me I've no doubt but it's nevertheless true that in general men are the stronger gender and scripture expressly speaks of women as the the weaker sex I don't want to get all Freudian here and you know go underneath the hood but was that just a confession that Darlene has been hurting you know she actually loves me why do you know I know she know you could that's that's that's like really evident when you're with the two of you but I why didn't you bring her why is she not here she has grandmother in duties and as much as she loves me if you give her a choice between traveling with me or spending time with the grandkids you lose yep it's not right all right now with phil johnson of grace to you that's the that's the strong side but i had mentioned a description of jesus being a warrior poet so we just heard the warrior definition and don't just think battle fatigues but all of the aforementioned shadings on courage but the poet side the-the-the the gentle side i I just - I think it was Andrew Clavin who was professing to be a believer in Jesus Christ who was grew up in a sort of Jewish home pretty typical stuff he was told by his dad if you become a Christian no relationship well he kept reading that Bible and he discovered the Messiah has come and what really attracted to him then he said was I never saw Jesus being you know all all sensitive and I thought oh well then you're just not you're just not reading the Bible fully yeah talk to me about sensitivity thoughtfulness gentleness the way scripture describes it with Jesus is that he won't quench the smoking flax or break the the what does it read tend to read yeah something like that and what is talking about there is the flax the smoking flax the flax was the wick in a lamp an oil lamp and when it when it burnt down or gone it would begin to smoke and then you would take that out and snuff it and then trim it so you had a fresh wick and relight it and you'd have a brighter light a better thing and the the read the weakened read was speaking of a flute that Shepherds would use to sort of calm the sheep they would take a reed which is a hollow stalk like grassy plant with a hard edge and they would Whittle a flute out of it and play and we still use reeds and clarinets that's what makes the sound in a woodwind instrument the reed and if you've ever played an instrument like that you know that Reed's ultimately become soft and they don't work you have to throw them away you snap them in half and put a new one in you know and we still do that with clarinets so reeds are disposable usable and the Shepherd would snap the reed and half the next day make a new one and whatever and it says Jesus won't break they used a breed he won't quench the smoldering flax that is to show how tender he is particularly the the smoldering flax the broken we'd read are sort of images of us as weak sinners how Christ deals with us is not to throw us away but to redeem us - to save us from ourselves and our sin and that is the picture and the expression of his tenderness that he's a redeemer not he says I came in the world to save not - not to destroy not to destroy men's lives that's this time when he returns when he returns he will come as judge but right but and so he is both strong and powerful and and a fierce judge but at the same time he's BAE's gracious and tender and tender-hearted a savior a redeemer one of the most beautiful pictures to me is Jesus teaching a whole lot of theology of what the kingdom of God looks like the kingdom of heaven it's like these little children let him come to me and he held them with his arms right now that in the first century you got to remember dad weren't quite the way that we know them today that was a very gentle tender loving nurturing kind thing to do indeed he blessed them it says and and it was a scandalous thing yeah the recycles I was about it yeah they were rebuking people for bringing their children don't do that Jesus said no let the little children come because of such as the Kingdom of Heaven he said and and then he went on to say he didn't mean that he didn't mean merely or literally that the kingdom of heaven is made up of little children but that anyone who comes to him in faith must come with childlike faith and he said if you don't come with the faith like a little child then you can't even enter the kingdom of heaven yeah but I I would add that that was the theological lesson but in order for the lesson to be true the comparison needs to be actual right so I think there are children in heaven simply by grace by God yeah I agree with that and Jesus holding those children in his arms and blessing them is one of the strongest demonstrations of God's special compassion for infants you see it also in the Book of Jonah at the very end when Jonah wants Nineveh to be destroyed and the Lord rebukes him and says there's all these little children who aren't even old enough to know the right hand from their left you just want to see me burn this city up and he rebuked him for that which we have these windows into God's compassionate heart and yet at the same time we know that he's he's fierce our God is a consuming fire both things are true but not that those are contradictory like a mother hen like a gentle mother at the same time doesn't mean he's a boy and a girl it just is a demonstration to show thy God is a if you will a warrior whole right all right Phil Johnson grace to you very grateful for this here fella you can hear him at one light no one grace grace life pulpit I was gonna kill you Steve Lawson Tetris Gracie he's actually better this time than I am go for it great I'd rather hear him in the air not shabby grace life pulpit him you can also hear Phil on grace to you radio until tomorrow go serve your king you
Channel: Wretched
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Keywords: Todd Friel, Wretched TV, Wretched Radio, Evangelism, Gospel
Id: Wz5QDFSunio
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Length: 11min 13sec (673 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 21 2018
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