Manhood Restored

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hi Pastor Matt listen thank you for downloading or streaming this sermon pray that it blesses your heart two quick things that I want to lay before you before we get started in the proclamation of God's Word the first is and I love that you're dialing in to hear what the Lord's put on our heart here at TVC but I ask that you would only consume these messages as supplemental and in no way replacing your commitment and your listening to your local church pastor these are good gifts of God's grace for the people of God to grow in and yet they are not to replace ever meant to replace our belonging to a covenant community of faith where we are the the second thing want to lay before you is is that there are a lot of man-hours that men and women here at the village church put behind not just the creation of this but the creation of all kinds of resources that are meant to help you grow and develop as a disciple of Jesus Christ and so if this blesses you or the other resources that have been created have blessed you would you consider giving back to the village church to support not just these things but the creation of even more resources for you and really for anyone who wants to indulge in them now I pray that God stirs your affections for Jesus Christ as you listen now to the proclamation of God's Word well good morning it's good to see you if you have your Bibles go ahead and grab those we're gonna be in first Corinthians 16 for the first part of this sermon and then I'm gonna put up a series of text for the second part now I want to tackle a subject today it's actually been on the agenda for quite some time and yet it actually ends up landing in a season of life in 2018 where where I'm all the more provoked to preach it I want to talk about something that I I have seen grow more and more out of favor and that is to talk about manhood and what it means to be a man and and the reason why I think this sermon that's been planned out for a while lands in a perfect time is because more and more and more the very concept of masculinity is being looked at and view through the lenses of what is problematic and yet what I want to argue is it's a lack of biblical masculinity that has actually led to a lot of the turmoil and brokenness that we're seeing in our culture and so if you're a woman here today and you're like oh my gosh I came on man Sunday I I just want you to breathe because I think you have a big role to play in all of this right I don't think that I'm talking to the men and you're like over here and this has nothing to do with you I think this has everything to do with you and I want to kind of lay out a couple of reasons why before we dive in the the first would be as a member of this body as our mothers as our sisters as our daughters God has placed you here to encourage men to act like God would have them behave and then secondly and I said this during our beautiful design series and I want to say it again the reason why it's massively important for you to understand what God is calling men to is so that you might think biblically and have high expectations for how men approach you treat you and talk to you so that you have a biblical filter by which you can say that's not okay you that's not you don't get to talk to me that way you get to treat me that way and you're standing on the authority of the Word of God and not some whim in your soul and so what we're talking about today is extremely important and I think it comes at a time in our culture where there's two predominant false narratives that are killing us false narrative number one is what I'll just call kind of the machismo narrative and and many of you if you're my age or older I would almost guarantee you grew up with this here here's what I wrote machismo severs the emotions and sets up sexual conquest and athletic prowess as measures of masculinity so if you grew up with a dad that was like quit crying suck it up be a man men don't act like that quit acting like your sister all of that is machismo Oh nonsense brothers anybody grow up in that house quick chronic quit feeling what you feel men don't feel we do some achieves Motz ridiculous it's toxic to the male soul destroys human flourishing and teaches that brute force and violence as well as misogyny are masculine so why it's killing us I had an opportunity to go down to South Texas this week take a little break hang out with some friends chase whitetail save me the email don't email me about how we shouldn't do that all right I'm gonna send you back some text from Genesis and a picture you don't want to see all right and so down there and we're sitting around we're sitting around this table and we're talking about how we grew up and of the four men at that table three of the four had this kind of upbringing right and and our dads aren't evil men that they were just I mean they given themselves over to a picture of masculinity that's very very popular and yet wrong all right suck it up don't feel quit crying men don't cry oh gosh that that cuts out Jesus cuts out King David if you would like to go one-on-one with King David manly man all my cash is on him it ain't a lot but I'm gonna win I'm gonna double it up even though the odds are not gonna be in your favor dude killed a bear lion with his hands and I know you CrossFit but my guess is you're gonna get yourself lit up all right now this is one of those false narratives and when men embrace this narrative you get Harvey Weinstein it's what you get when this narrative is the norm I'm entitled it's mine violent Bruce for I take what I want I get what I want I'm a man it's a lie it's from hell it's demonic and our daughters and our sisters bear the violence of this but it's not the only false narrative the other false narrative and this one is predominantly if you're 30 and under is that there is no difference there is no distinction between the man and the woman it doesn't there's nothing for the man that's not also for the woman it flattens out gender makes it fluid and teaches that there's nothing distinct that a man is called to and nothing distinct that a woman is called to it's just that we're humans and we've been called to act Christianly wherever we go John Piper's a friend of mine we actually disagree a lot around this subject but but here's where I do agree with him he says this when we teach this when we flatten God's call on little boys to become distinctly men we forfeit both great restraint on male vice as well as a great God ordained incentive for male valor love that sentence so I want to answer two questions that's all we're gonna do it's gonna be quick for me two questions question number one is there a distinction between being a male and being a man that's question number one is there a distinction between being a male and a man can you be a forty year old with a penis and not be a man probably the first time some of you heard that word in church it's fine it's fine number two do men have a unique responsibility as men those are my two questions let's dive in question number one is there a distinction between being a male and being a man let's look at this first Corinthians 16 starting in verse 13 this is in the conclusion of the letter to the church at Corinth in a section that your Bible probably calls final instructions be watchful stand firm in the faith which if you're gonna circle anything I would circle that act like men be strong let all that you do be done in love so so I love this he's making a distinction here and look at me because our songs and movies and shows they're trying to get you to buy this lie the distinction means inequality that's not true difference does not mean not equal it just means different and what Paul's riding the church at Corinth here is hey act like a man this literally translates play the man which I like play the man and and he's making a distinction here don't act like a woman don't act like a boy don't act like an animal act like a man now like you might even feel some tension as I say that right and this is the air that were breathing right now that I'm not allowed to say these things and yet the Word of God bears its weight on this issue for the good of all humankind especially the good of women and children act like a man play the man so what does that mean right what does it mean well he puts all these commands around the this imperative to act like I'm s what does it look like to not be male only but to be a man so he begins to build it out here's the first one be watchful okay this is pay attention here's how I would simplify it don't be silly be serious now let me tell you what I'm not saying right I'm not saying and I would just encourage you brothers you need to be the ambassador of fun and joy in any place that you operate right you just need to bring the fun so I'm not saying be crusty I'm saying don't be silly you know silly little boys anybody got little boys they're absurd I love them as little boys I would not want them to lead execute or build they're silly I love I've got one he's silly like all his little friends are silly men aren't silly they're serious full of joy full of life ambassadors of joy but not silly their watchful they understand the stakes that exist in their home and in the world they're watchful and then this one's I think the most important stand firm and the faith now I love that every one of those words matters because he's saying that you want to act like a man then you stand firm in the faith not stand firm in your discipline stand firm in your abilities stand firm in your will no you stand firm in the finished work of Jesus Christ for you why because men are prone to shame if anyone knew how often men without question think they're not good enough think they're failures think they'll never measure up think that they cannot win it would blow their minds this is one of the great ways the enemy destroys biblical masculinity because all we see is our failures and most of us have in the back of our minds our dad telling us we're never gonna measure up so what Paul is saving us from here what God is trying to save you from it's in this moment as we walk through this and you go oh my gosh I've blown it to not downshift into insecure shame but to stand firm on what Christ has said about you see standing firm in the faith gives you the best opportunity for genuine masculinity it enables you to lean into your weaknesses rather than hide them brothers we have bought the lie that strength not being soft not being weak not struggling and somehow masculine and yet standing firm in the faith means we have the strength to own our weaknesses and then paint a picture of gospel forgiveness for all to see the more you project strength the weaker you probably are you ever heard loud us one in the room's probably the weakest one in the room I don't know what that means about me but but but this is the idea of hey man if you're if you're standing firm in the face so think about let's just unpack it brothers if you're standing firm on your ability to be super dad super husband super Christian super worker so if you're standing firm in that what happens when you fail and notice I didn't say if you fail what happens when you fail shame what happens when you experience shame men always they always respond to shame either with the drew withdraw or aggression huh let a man feel shame he's gonna withdraw and pout or he's gonna get anger and lash out you'll get angry and lash out and who gets lashed out on the most usually wives and children alright so you want to act like a man don't be silly stand firm in the faith and then that then really helps us understand what he commands next be strong so what does it mean to be strong well what it means to be strong is to keep leaning into Jesus keep trusting in Jesus keep getting back up keep believing in the grace of God brothers you are going to fall short and God's no and and he's made a way for you to let have the beauty that in your failures you'll reflect the gospel to the world like who can offer you that but Christ that in your shortcomings you show yourself to be the man work you can't give you that spouses can't give you that children can who can give you that but standing firm in the face I've fallen short of the glory of God but Christ has made a way and so we confess we repent we out the devil as a liar and we step into our destiny right this is what happens this is what happens when you play the man and then from there I love this let all that you do be done in love the motivating force of biblical masculinity is love now think about how different this is than the machismo message or even kind of the more gender flat message right the the more motivating force a biblical masculinity is not physical strength alone it's not kind of burly hairy chest that shoot deer gut them with their fingernails that aren't afraid of anything and want somebody to say something to them it's not being able to squab it's not being able to you know fish it's not be able to climb a mound it's not any of those things the motivation the fuel for biblical manhood is love it makes the engine run some tell me we're all twisted we're all twisted we think manhood has to do with the colors that you like or don't like they the hobbies that you do or don't do and the Bible's going to no no no no no King David played the harp and wrote poetry and he he's a man after God's own heart who for the record had his own lapse into machismo ridiculousness and was still called a man after God's own heart brothers quit being so hard on yourself God knows God knows love is the motivating force so so the phrase you want to say this phrase to your boys act be a man you better not be talking about their emotions you better not be talking about their hobbies you better not be talking about their feelings you better not be talking about that stuff better be talking about this this is what it means to be a man you want to play the man this is what it looks like question number one is there a distinction between a male and a man yes and I've said it for a long time there are a lot of boys who can shave this stuff I'm laying before my son is the stuff I'm laying before my daughters don't be fooled there's a lot of males that look like men butter little boys on the inside hurt broken foolish little boys so I'm just encouraging my daughters I don't know if they'll listen I'm just hoping don't bring boys to our house don't bring boys and everything in oh man can can that exist at sixteen seventeen it can be trending that way can be trending that way I'm I'm teaching this to my son I'm not saying to him right to give in to this lie but to be good at sports and to flirt with girls somehow makes you a man I want to just continually say if you want to grow out of being a little boy if you want more freedom if you want more responsibility you want to grow into the things that you long for this is what it looks like question number one is there a distinction between being a male and being a man yes question number two do men have a unique responsibility as a man so here's here's kind of the argument and I do understand I don't want to take away from the argument because I believe there's some truth to the argument but I want to nuance it the way that kind of this flatness that gets taught in a way that has some truth to it I just think it can be carried too far is that any command that God would put on the man is also put on the woman so that all of us are just being called to be Christian people right so it's not just the man that's called to serve it's also the woman that's called to serve it's not just the man that's called to lead it's the woman that's called to lead it's not just the man that's called to sacrifice it's also the woman that's called to sacrifice and here's what I say to that yes and amen a thousand times and yet when the Bible has the man and the woman in view at the same time II does not give the same commands to both he creates distinction between the two so yes we're all called to gentleness yes we're all called to service yes were all called to sacrifice but in the Bible where the man and the woman are in view God creates distinction not in equality oppression not a lack of justice distinction let me show you what I mean Colossians three eighteen through nineteen wives submit to your husband's as is fitting in the Lord husbands love your wives and do not be harsh with them so you've got the man and the woman in view and God does not say y'all quit being harsh with each other now what he says he creates distinction with the man and woman in view does he not he says wives submit to your husband's as is fitting and men don't be harsh well why listen here's how I want to argue God is restraining a compulsion a sinful composed compulsion in men to be harsh can women be harsh yes do they have by and large the same compulsion the same volume on the same scale as men no and I'm basing that on twenty years of ministry where men have a tendency to respond to stressors with harshness towards women and so he makes the distinction here wives submit as is fitting brothers men don't be harsh and so what's happening in this distinction has got his restraining a compulsion in the heart of masculinity while calling him to valor don't give in to your impulse of harshness instead surrender and fight to be gentle and kind to your bride that's distinction it's different when I'm looking in the face of my boy I'm calling him to this but I'm saying if by God's grace you meet a woman and married you're gonna feel the stress and weight and you respond to that with valor a little little son you respond with courage and ferocity of never responding and harshness and when you do because you will you own it before the Lord and then you own it before your wife and then I have got to actually show him that how many of you were here when we got to celebrate my 15 years here stall that video so here's a funny story about that I'll just out myself as illustration that I had no idea Lauren was filming that and so I had been out of town a bunch I was running a little low and Lauren and I we got in this huge fight over something absurd I was huge and then she's like I gotta go hey we'll go then I didn't even know where she was going and she was coming up to film the video for my deal and so she's on video she's like he's just so good I just love who he is at home and so so then I had no idea then we're watching the videos like maybe I was so sweet he's so great thank you for saying all those things she was like I shot that video that day you were being a complete she's a godly woman I don't know what you filled in the blanks there but to the pure all things appear and and so like I I know when I'm being a by the grace of God I almost always like he triggers something he's like hey you're doing that thing we've talked about this you're doing it and so when Lauren came home I just got an opportunity to go hey listen that's absurd she's like well I think no no listen I'm not I'm not even letting you do that at that one's on me I just want to own that and and then what happened in in my weakness in my foolishness in my harshness I got to paint a picture of the gospel but then when Lauren forgives and responds in love I'm reminded of the greatness of God's love for me then and there was this reconciliation that was it was just a beautiful opportunity to own sin and repent of harshness and Steffan to the Valor that God has called me to as a husband and father anybody of her dad's ever deal harshly with your children um here's something that and I said this to the brothers when we did men's connect you ever noticed it like on Mother's Day it's the Mother's Day sermons are always like mom's you guys are so great where would we be without you guys like the whole world would fall apart if moms weren't being moms and dads always get a different message like what what's with you why are you the way they are we don't have any flowers for you today good God act like a man right yeah like we always get this kind of drive-by shaming and even like sometimes in the Bible like moms let's do this moms have you ever exasperated your children to anger moms any any mom go no no I I have exasperate like why didn't the Bible tell you guys not to exasperate your kids it's on us it's fathers don't do this he creates distinction and it's not something that is unequal or unjust it's God's good design let me do you this one now Ephesians 5 25 through 30 this will be the last one I do and then I want to land the plane I told you we'd be quick and I'm not lying at this point but we're not out of it yet 25 starting in verse 22 wives submit to your own husband's as to the Lord for the husband is head of the wife even as Christ is the head of the church his body and is himself its Saviour now as the church submits to Christ so also wives should submit in everything to their husbands so that I mean that sounds so absurd and insane and you could take that verse and go that's why women get abused that's why bad things happen that's what's Harvey Weinstein's thought that's what me to church - Larry Nasser this kind of idea is what leads to that kind of abuse now I would argue the exact opposite then what comes next crushes that kind of abuse husbands love your wives as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her that he might sanctify her having cleansed her by the washing of the water with the word so that he might present the church to himself in splendor without spot or wrinkle or any such thing that she might be holy and without blemish in the same way husband's should love their wives as their own body listen to this he who loves his wife loves himself in all cases of abuse you find me a violent abusive man I'll show you a little boy who hates himself that's what the text just said you show me a violent man who's verbally emotionally spiritually abusive I'll show you a grown body with a little boy inside who hates himself now let's finish the text for no one ever hated his own flesh but nourishes it and cherishes it just as Christ does the church because we are members of his body therefore a man shall leave his father and mother and hold fast to his wife and the two shall become one flesh so here we've got it again we've got the man and woman and view and God creates a distinction with his commands and so there are three commands here given to the man that are not given to the woman now we can find other tax that would call the woman a sacrificial love that's in the Bible if you're a Christian sacrificial love is something that you're called to spiritual direction we find other texts in the Bible of the command Christians to lead and to lead in and out of their giftings those things are in in the Bible we can find verses in the Bible go call all Christians to be serious about protecting the least of these and yet in this text with the man and woman in view God creates distinction he says here that the man will love his wife like Christ loved the church and that he laid down his life for her did not say that to the woman you not say here's what you need to do you need to die sacrificial love for your husband that's not the command the command is on the husband die to yourself sacrificial love in the marriage belongs to the man is there an aspect where the woman is to deny herself also yes but the distinction with both in view from God is husband you love your wife like I love the church and then I gave my life for her the distinction being made here is that it is men that are called by God to sacrifice for the flourishing of their wife and their family it is given - the man to die to self so that according to another text in the Bible the woman might look like a well water to find that the children might flourish not under the exasperation of a father who provokes anger but instead the kindness of a father who speaks life lays down his life gets up early stays up late gets into the kids soul and encourages them rules are really really easy going after the hearts of our children that's a bit more complex that requires you actually to be watchful to not be silly to be paying attention this is given to the man sacrificial love we also see here that men has been given spiritual direction so I so I think we probably experience I think more often than not not always but more often than not the man sets the spiritual climate of the household if you're a single mom I don't want you to lose any heart here alright like God specializes in stepping into what is broken and not ideal and doing something powerful in it all right so if you're in that place you're like oh my gosh I'm already man we're we're just twenty eight minutes in and I married a boy and I can't get out I know what the Bible says about that and goodness sakes what am I gonna do I mean he doesn't care I dragged him here and even now he's on his phone he's not even listening to you don't think I didn't see a couple of heads pop up right there but I didn't see you I just thought it might be happening and and so now now what ends up happening is there's this spiritual climate that is created by a husband and father stepping in with sacrificial love to say in this house we're gonna be serious about Jesus Christ we're gonna talk about Jesus when think about Jesus gonna pray to Jesus we're gonna consider Jesus we can orient our hearts and our home around the person and work of Jesus Christ I'm gonna be alive and joyful in that our home is gonna be filled with laughter because God is good our sins are forgiven in our future is secured and so this house will be a house of laughter and then lastly he's been given physical care so anytime I talk about physical care I think opponents people would think that this is foolish and what I'm saying is harmful will always bring up a scenario like this so like okay well what if so the man supposed to have physical okay what if the man was in a terrible accent and he's in a wheelchair and he's sickly and broken and the woman it's like a professional crossfitter does he still have to defend her does he still need to physically care for her okay like is that normative like is that everybody's story you know like that's kind of the normal situation out there that the men are dainty and weak and that women are ferocious and ready to kick the trash out of someone let me let me just I'm gonna try to tease this out knowing that I'm on really thin ice right here it seems to me that the more we're creating movies about women who are able to kick butt and take names that men are going let's go then so there's this big celebration about heroines and and it seems that the response of men has been let's see about that I mean if one in three women are in abusive relationships if we're seeing the me to church to all of this brokenness in our world I'm not saying that women shouldn't be celebrated I'm saying when you say no no a woman is this physically dominant as most men you're setting up a collision that will not be good for women and children it's been given to the man to protect it's the command on him do I think there's a woman out there that might be able to take me probably but if there's a bump in the night I'm not gonna go Lauren get Nora and go check that out and you would think me to be a dirtbag if I did like we know this intuitively gosh even the media celebrates when when men get in the way of harm for women like we know this and yet we want a buck against it to flatten out gender in a way that has dark-dark results in our day and age that's been given to the man now again something is being restrained in the man here and he's being called into valor you hear me something's being restrained in the men the impulse of men is not sacrificial love it's selfishness and comfort as the impulse at the heart of every man because every man is sinful that's his impulse so what is these distinct commands on the man do it restrains that it calls him to valor no you will fight for your wife for your children for your church for your home to be a place where the love of Christ is seen and chairs I'm giving it to you enter into valor restrain the impulses in you that are contrary to my design on your life same thing can be true about spiritual direction what what is like here I think one of the bigger lies that the enemy has hatched on men is that earnest angst-filled prayerfulness is something that women do and we're the doers we get things done we build let's sit around with tears on our face pray and yet our battle is not against flesh and blood it's actually fought in the heavenlies now now how do I know this is true I know this is true because I have there's a prayer team here at the village that prays for and contends for our church and for me and my family and I think there's one man on it one man because we're so busy doing we can't get in the actual fight but you realize that kind of doing with your hands and I'm not an anti doer but doing without earnest prayerfulness is actually retreating you tracking with me like if we believe the Bible and the fight that we're in is not against flesh and blood then to become doers and punt prayerfulness earnest zealous prayerfulness and view it as somehow effeminate we actually retreat from the battle not run into it I'm just telling you brothers and sisters hell quakes at the prayerfulness of men you let men get serious about wetting the floor with their tears to see the kingdom of God come see the power of the spirit unleashed to see that right like he the enemy cannot have that so put it in the heart of man that that's what women do now by the grace of God women to it and we're probably seeing a lot of beautiful things because they do is there a distinction for the man by nature of being a man yes yeah I think there is no now how do we move forward in this well I think there's a temptation specifically in men to reinvent themselves so I know like I know guys from college who were just a very specific way and now I meet them and they're just like completely different people like they dress different they just everything it like they've just kind of reinvented themselves and and it's not hard to reinvent yourself right you've got the ability to create an online persona you can move you can write and yet God has never been about reinvention he's always been about rebirth so brothers I think one of the worst things you can do is hear all this and okay that's what I'm gonna do that's not standing firm in the faith that's white-knuckle discipline right and and then I just I think white-knuckle discipline does not produce the kind of fruit that your heart is hungry for or your wife and children are hungry for or our church is hungry for I love man I love John chapter three I'm you're gonna find a lot of John references I'm gonna be preaching through John in the fall and so it's just one of those things every time I'm in something I'm like oh like jesus said in john so john 3:1 through 3 says this now there was a man of the Pharisees named Nicodemus a ruler of the Jews this man came to see Jesus by night and said to him rabbi we know that you are a teacher come from God for no one can do these signs that you do unless God is with him and jesus answered him truly truly I say to you unless one is born again he cannot see the kingdom of God so so the question that Nicodemus is asking is when's the kingdom coming how's the kingdom coming what do we do to get into the kingdom and Jesus does not give him a list of things in which he can reinvent himself we'll stop doing this and start doing this and you need to act more like this and stop acting like that he said no no no you want to see the kingdom you have to be reborn well man that was just confusing to Nicodemus as it is to many of us in fact Nicodemus asked the crazy follow-up question how can someone who's old climb back into their mother's womb like nicotine dog I know my mom she's not going for this and and Jesus's response is you who are Israel's teacher does not understand these things brothers what God has for you is not white knuckled reinvention but rebirth by the blood of Jesus it's rebirth by the blood of Jesus it's not do more try harder it's stand firm in the faith lean in to your weakness trust in Jesus is king what he has for you is salvation and the reason I have to say that is because I am just convinced that many of you are like oh my gosh I've already blown it man I have been exactly what you're describing I have an X right now man whoo man she hates me so much I've got kids who don't want to talk to me I have been a monster look don't reinvent be reborn maybe that means you need some like legitimate help maybe for the first time in your life you can confess your sins and repent them to Jesus Christ and then go get the help that you need it'll be the most masculine thing you've ever done terrorizing your ex-wife and children certainly one masculine you want to be a man repent confess believe on the name of Jesus and let's get help make a call ask for forgiveness and then let it be well she's not gonna forgive me okay but that's not on you what's on you is to seek it and not manipulate and demand and pan or don't apologize to try to get an apology out you before the Lord and for others and you begin from maybe the first time in your life to mirror the gospel finally don't shift into insecure shame melt into the rest found in Jesus it'll take confession it'll take repentance and I just know some of us we just need to help man we're just not from homes where any of this was modeled man we we know we lash out we know we're harsh we know that when we're stressed our compulsion is aggression and not kindness and yet the Spirit of God bid you by his power to restrain and step in with great valor to God's call on your life brothers one day at a time that leads to one week at a time that leads to one month at a time for 40 years for a type of fruitfulness in our wives children's daughters and sisters that's beyond our current imagination it's a good life and the Spirit of God has not called you to do or be what he will not empower you to walk in may we be this kind of men here sisters might you encourage and speak life into us as we seek this and single ladies might you set up a category for manhood that would net out the boys marrying a boy set you up for a long difficult life might we by the grace of God play the man let's pray father thank you for my brothers and my sisters I thank you in this place for the men who have given themselves over to this who have by your grace sought to love like this serve like this live like this and courage like this build up like this and we ask forgiveness for where we've fallen short I pray that even as we sing and consider and think that you would bring to our minds places where we have sinned against wife or daughter or children or others and then there might be a holy compulsion in us for the first time play the man through confession and repentance I thank you that there is nothing behind us that has more power than the cross of Christ and no current struggle that you cannot cover he'll break put back together and make whole now I pray for my brothers in here I wish not to shame them in any way who internally are broken little boys and I ask for your healing power in their hearts for their joy for the good of their wives and their children for the good of this church help us we need you thank you that you have empowered us to step in and walk in what you have commanded us to walk in it's for your beautiful name that we pray all these things a men
Channel: The Village Church Resources
Views: 90,050
Rating: 4.9029713 out of 5
Keywords: Matt Chandler, The Village Church, Manhood Restored, Stand Alone
Id: DlyEPE_B-rc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 48sec (2568 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 05 2018
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