Phase 4 Prot Paladin New Badge of Justice Loot

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hey guys dev here so with za dropping tomorrow we've got a whole bunch of new batch gear to look at so today we're going to be jumping in and i'm going to be giving my thoughts and opinions on what i think of the new badge gear letting you guys know what i'm going to be using and what i think you should pick up as well so let's get straight into it so the first item and the one that i'm the most excited for is the librarian of divine purpose so this is a libra item that's going to increase the damage done by your seal of righteousness and judgment of righteousness by up to 94. we still have to run it through the spell coefficient of those abilities but right now in the game there doesn't exist a libra that's going to increase our single target threat with the exception maybe of the level 66 consecration aura which generally isn't worth using when you're taking a boss this is a really nice option to have if you're a new paladin i'd still be buying the 15 badged librarian first that's going to give you the ability to tank raid bosses a lot quicker but this is a fantastic pickup for experienced paladins or even you guys that are going to need some more threat in dungeons to hold bosses off really chunky tier 6 dps so very excited for this one so the second item on my most excited list is the sabotans of the righteous defender these are a nice spell power boot they've got 45 stem two sockets one red one blue which is extra juicy also come with spell hit rating which is really nice a bit of defense and shield block on them as well so let's see how they stack up to the the current boots so right now my spell power boots are boots at the protector so as you can see these are just a better boots of the protector a little bit of defense rating lost but that's really not a concern for us guys they've been tanking for a while we've generally got more defense than we know what to do with if you're not a blacksmith you're probably still on the boots of the righteous path so a huge step up in comparison to these you do lose a little bit of spell power but you've got those two sockets to play with which i am going to probably socket these up just like this um budget depending you might want to use blue gems i say blue and rarity not not color but i really like one rune one spell power for these especially if you're a raiding paladin the main reason for that is when you look at the tide stomper greaves a boot that i don't have yet um they're somewhat comparable so what i want to do is i want to take the righteous defender and i want to push them down that really heavy spell power threat road and then i'll take my tide stompers greaves and i'll put the uh double stem gems in those and i'll have those as my balanced uh my balance boots so great really good boots i think one thing to think about really quickly before we move on to the next piece as you get more and more geared as a prop paladin you want to have a set that is just stacked in spell power especially if you're still helping guildies uh run those ultra rolex farming badges whatever it may be main reason for that is so if we just quickly look at the tide stompers versus the boots is a great example the boots have uh 1.5 dodge on them and if you're running heroic and you end up dodging most attacks or powering however it may be taking no damage you're going to turn it into a drinker then and you're going to be drinking after every single pull and it's just not a fun experience so make sure you do have that set that's going to allow you to take a steady stream of damage like the sabotage of the righteous defender it's going to be very manageable all right next up we've got the belt so we've got the iron tusk girdle i'm gonna advise you guys not to spend your badges on this one just wanted to make sure when we're talking about the belts you know which one we're talking about don't spend your belt your badges on this one leave this one for the warriors the one you want to pick up is the girdle or the protector so as you can see this one's much more optimized for paladin and looking at how it stacks up to the current belts that are at the belt of the guardian these two are extremely close and if you already had a belt of the guardian i'd probably tell you not to spend your your badges on protector early on personally i like the stats on the protector a lot better spell hit rating defense dodge and spell power in comparison to the 33 shield block value which is a stat that i just don't rate that high but you know pick up both if you've got the badges for it i'll definitely have both in my toolbox i'll probably use this the girdle the protector and again i'll be getting that jammed up quite offensively for the same reason girdled mighty resolve is just a better belt girl almighty resolves probably getting jammed up with stem gems in it so i'll be using that in my balance set and i'll have my good leather protector for my just all that threat set next up let's jump into the cloaks so the first one we're going to look at is the pvp cloak which actually turns out to be a really good threat cloak i know a lot of you guys have been using the sergeants heavy cape in your threat set and this is just a straight up upgrade in every way shape and form a little bit more armor a little bit more stem a little bit more end we've got the crit spell crit rating going on there too which now we're using exo is quite nice um more resilience and one more spell power so when you've got the badges for it if you're still using heavy cape pick up subjugated power and you can vendor your heavy cape the other cloak option that we're going to look for here is the slick look of plactation what a name so this one is basically a direct upgrade of the phoenix wing cloak and i just want to point out as well even though these screen caps are taken from warehead the bonus armor doesn't glow green on the cloak of plactation so 346 armor in comparison to 108 on the phoenix wing cloak it's a really nice armor step up even though the cloaks do look very similar and that's kind of what gives this cloak its value a little bit of defense rating lost for that extra armor i think it's a good trade-off especially once you're well over your crit cap and just to throw it in there too we've also got the thorium cloak from cara i definitely prefer the plactation so i would call this a direct upgrade over that too you're just getting an extra 1.3 dodge which is really nice and then pepe's which is a cloak i use in my illidan set a little bit of a niche thing when you're really geared and you don't need defense on every on every piece but it is comparable to peppies with more armor so just i think you you definitely have a pick there but if you're having to pick between puppies and cloak for illidan tanking i think you're already pretty geared at that point so these legs are actually the best defense legs in the game right now for prop paladin come phase five so if we compare them to the predatorians leg guards these are a piece from black temple although they're not identical they are very very comparable so with two stamina difference you do lose a tiny bit of armor there uh we got three gem sockets just like the predatorians the things that made the fredericks quite crazy are the fact that they don't have any defense on them but you do get that defense coming back with the unwavering leg guards so these are available for badges and are as good as round about a piece of loot from black temple which is really cool so something you can farm out in your off days really like it not sure if i'll be buying these not 100 sure because i do have predatorians i also have tier 6. so i'll need to figure out if i can work these into a set but if you're a new paladin that don't doesn't have access to black temple loot yet these are an amazing item and should be something you pick up towards the end of your badge farm on that same note chest of the stoic guardian i have t6 chests so i don't need this but if you don't have tier 6 chests this is a really really good pickup i did want to touch on quickly it does overlap with the two bis uh tier four pieces that we use for the set bonus so if you're using shoulders and chest you may run into a problem where you can't get this on but fresh prop paladin you're probably not going to have tier 4 chests and shoulders on this piece amazing pickup but it i would make it one of the last things that you pick up with the badges so that's that um final piece that i'm going to touch on in this uh badge discussion this one isn't on 70 upgrades if that's what you're using as your item manager right now but it is available i've jumped on the ptr double checked it battle masters audacity the fact that you can't get the double icon trinket from brewfest anymore if you're a fresh prop pal uh makes this really really valuable i love the oh button one one of the major problems i have on the prop pallet and if you just really don't have an oh button outside lay on hands this is really nice three minute cooldown little mini last stand gives you something while you're wearing threat set too so you know you can have a little cooldown to use defensive cooldown so there's that i really like this i'll probably get it myself uh last three items want to touch on three items that do fall into the the tank kind of gear sets or could be used in a tank set probably wouldn't spend early badges on these you might find use for the braces or the hens but i would say buy them last after you've got everything else on this list so that's all the badge gear that i'm excited about that's coming out in phase five so good luck out there farming those badges if you enjoyed the video consider subscribing and i'll see you in the next one
Channel: DevTanks
Views: 7,619
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Length: 9min 4sec (544 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 24 2022
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