Phantom 309 Red Sovine

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I was out on the west coast trying to make a book and things didn't work out I was down on my luck got tired of roaming and bumming around so I started coming back east toward my hometown made a lot of miles the first two days I figured I'd be home in a week if my look held out this way but the third night I got stranded way out of town that a cold lonely crossroads rain was pouring down I was hungry and freezin done caught a chill when the lights of a big semi atop the hill Lord I sure was glad to hear them air brakes come on and I climbed in that cab where I knew it it'd be worn at the wheel set a big man he weighed about 210 he stuck out his hand and said with a grin big Joe's the name I told him mine and he said the name of my rig is phantom 309 well I asked him why he called his rig such a name he said son this old Mac and put them all to shame barring a driver or a rig running any line that seen nothing but taillights from Phantom 3:09 where we rode and talked to better part of the night when the lights of a truck stop came in sight he said I'm sorry son this as far as you go because I gotta make a turn just on a pollute well he tossed me a dime as he pulled her in low and said have yourself a hot cup on over Joe when Joe and his rig roared out in the night in nothing flat he was clean out of sight well I went inside and ordered me a cup told the waiter Big Joe was sent me up or you could have heard a pin drop it got deathly quiet and the waiters face turned kind of light well did I say something wrong I said with a halfway grin he said no this happens every now and then every driver in here knows Big Joe but son let me tell you what happened about 10 years ago at the crossroads tonight where you flagged him down there was a busload of kids are coming from town and they were right in the middle when Big Joe topped the hill they could have been slaughter but he turned his wheels well Joe lost control went into a skid gave his life to save that bunch of kids there at that crossroads was the end of life Big Joe and phantom 309 but every now and then some hacker will come by and like you big jewel give them a ride here have another cup and forget about the time keep it as a souvenir from Big Joe and phantom 309
Channel: AubreyDoory
Views: 1,823,605
Rating: 4.9016514 out of 5
Keywords: Red Sovine (Musical Artist), trucker songs, Phantom 309
Id: Mye3aikHBjc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 29sec (209 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 12 2013
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