PghLFilms feels uncomfortable playing Mid-Fight Masses in Friday Night Funkin'...

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ah ah what's happening oh wait what why does she look like scarlet witch what am i talking about what's up guys pt jeff hunter back again and today and we're gonna be playing friday night funkin mod well it was great seeing the block sees seeing many tune win and picky win the year of the game and also those the first time i ever did a live stream now doing those never new live streams could be so exhausting okay so this mod is mid-fight masses i don't know who she is over there but i know this is not from friday night actually it may be from the past like referencing these characters i may be fully wrong if i am i'm sorry okay disclaimer because someone we need it characters music destroying this mod are not referenced to anything over there right these are original care okay good these are original characters based on sigma that belong to doki doodles and music that are not copyrighted however belong to my genome are for any other reason besides life okay well good i knew it because i was making sure if it wasn't you okay you know what moving on story mode oh i can see that's a little different over there all right so weak is that cross looks like it okay so tracks are parish worship and zavodilla now let's see how will this look like i don't even know how this will look like but let's find out whoa [Applause] [Music] come on it's gonna be a big night oh what you looking at dot dot dot this time i really want you coming i know our differences are a huge gap but what is going on here hello i really want to spend time with you today wait so you should really get here excuse me don't be salty what i didn't even hear you let me guess is the beep boop bop gonna come here that was very unholy of you so you know what just get here okay i'll see you soon i get i have some guests over is that is the boyfriend guest all right there we go i knew it greetings sorry for the inconvenience are you interested in joining me by your boyfriend we're just looking for the bathroom ah but it seems like you two to seem really good for this place i'm sure of it i can't even understand a single word you sing that's what i said show me why it's really good to join okay let's get two what all right let's find out oh double arrows okay what a way to start off a song i messed up one all right so far so good i like the double arrows and you know i haven't done that much often so maybe this could be a good exercise [Music] [Applause] so this is a completely original character okay this is actually really pretty nice oh whoa oh no i messed up one oh no again okay good oh wow look at that that's a that's quite challenging okay [Music] am i gonna have to get through all that okay i barely made it out there [Music] [Applause] all right [Music] oh i messed up again so far this this mod is actually really well made it's nice and calm what's the worst thing that can happen this is actually really nice is this gonna be hex i don't know i can see that there's um a little i don't know how to explain it but i i know it oh no she's starting a little concerned i see i see how it is oh what's happening it's always kids like you who assume you can enter the sacred place freely just to make fun of it what this time i'll give you another chance to take my offer i really love for you to join us so basically the girlfriend is mine [Music] oh oh great i missed that one oh no is this going to get hard no i missed that one again oh no oh man that is actually only have two misses okay my rating is b [Music] well i i was wrong if things are starting to get hard why am i on my why are my misses only showing two i know i should get more wrong okay there you go i missed one oh okay this is actually quite a challenge but it's so far not so bad oh no i missed that one oh well that's a shame oh no [Music] i don't understand why it doesn't show the sick words like not like the words are sick the literal sick words oh great i miss that okay that's fine ah okay oh no i miss a lot oh man oh no not again here we go i think i made it okay well that i guess it wasn't that bad wasn't it i missed a lot how how does it i mean 20 isn't that bad but it's still a lot okay now she's getting exhausted oh who is honest i don't even know i wish he knew what he finally came by i'm sorry for the trouble rub oh his name is rob okay but it looks like you have to see me like this yes she is currently very exhausted from beep boop bops it's k it's my job to handle this kind of stuff too anyway that rhymes okay you've pushed quite a lot of buttons while i was away huh how did you know well you really should have just ran away or joined a church while you could but you decided to pull a struggle so here we are beep bop by the way but that is the last thing you will probably be hearing after this oh that doesn't sound i will be too tired to do this kind of stuff but i'll have to do what i meant to do all right rob bring it on i say break a leg but i might end up breaking yours literally and i'm going to make this as painful as possible for you oh really are you going to really try to be in your little girlfriend oh now he's scared he can't say a single english word but what he does know and what what we do know his emotions oh it's shaking all right it should be that hard okay good so far so good oh i have to do okay this is oh no oh no it's shaking was it an earthquake here here we go really again why is this keep happening every time i do a mod like this i can't believe i made that something's wrong here what what something seems a little too she's scared she the girlfriend scared i didn't realize until now i'm missing a lot but somehow i'm beating him and i don't know how something seems wrong here why is this seem too easy for me [Music] i know i'm getting a lot wrong that i should be okay at least it's still fine oh no i missed a lot on that one what have i done oh i missed that one too oh boy i just wonder how can there be an ending cut scene in the end after you beat the song because just like the other mods they they all know i got distracted like i said other mods don't do that but what what what about this one does this work [Music] i keep missing a lot i just keep pressing the arrows but why is it not going down oh i did not i did not see that coming that's actually nice exercise actually i missed a lot well that's fine i really like the characters though well i miss let's see let's see here 72 i missed 72. okay is there going to be a cutscene or is it just gonna end there nope that okay sorry sarv it's fine it is really oh really why do i see an icon that shows her evil only one way to find out quite tired this cat and mouse chase you know so i want to let out a little secret of mine let's keep this between the four of us okay may god forgive you wait what ah ah what's happening oh wait what why does she look like scarlet witch what am i talking about how could this get any worse what am i even looking at right now okay well let's let's find out what their their crosses oh the arrows have changed all right let's see how oh no the they're all the arrows also crosses i don't know how am i gonna beat that how am i gonna beat that this is not good why does it seem too easy i know i should have missed more than three but this is really cool though this is really cool though actually i can see the rhythm oh no it's reverse okay oh man this is really good this is actually really i keep missing a lot but why is there barely misses any here is this a new input is this a new input like i was i talked about oh here comes this part again okay oh here we go [Applause] [Music] [Music] oh okay here we go oh this is a really long one am i gonna survive through this i don't know [Music] i i don't wha what's going okay i keep missing a lot i keep missing a lot i keep missing okay i think it's everything i think everything's fine do i see a tire [Music] [Music] well i lost half of it but i still managed to survive well we beat her is there is it gonna [Music] there you go yeah we we we beat both of them yes so we did keep we we beat we beat what what were they what were they called again mid fight masses well to be honest i don't know what was going okay you know what i think it's in this video right now anyways guys so it's friday night mid-fight masses well this is a really well made lock mod i liked it i'm gonna be honest here this kind of tops the witty tricky hex first because this is the this is pretty much the best one mod up to date there might be even better ones over time as people start to improve but for now this one's actually really good i know so these are totally original characters i was completely confused what was going on but there but in conclusion i actually enjoyed it all right as always i just want to say thank you guys for watching hope you enjoyed the video please give a like if you liked it making my videos and subscribe don't forget to click the notification bell to nervous video ever again peace out [Music] you
Channel: PghLFilms
Views: 2,137,798
Rating: 4.8790388 out of 5
Keywords: friday night funkin', bf, gf, boyfriend, girlfriend, mid fight masses, mod
Id: 27CGwFDsoe0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 13sec (973 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 28 2021
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