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Oh what you look at that there's a party just for me well thank you guys who's that I'm gonna go into here and see what it looks like [Music] education and learning that's me what's up guys P gelfoam see you're back Ian and today we're gonna be playing all these basics and a little bit of everything you're back here once again and guess what there's an update to the law lending there is a law lending everybody and the other thing is I'm good try doing the good and the bad I think so it's like all three endings one two three good ending patek ilanic but first I'm gonna try Dalal inning by the way this model was me by filename three and that there goes that musical so we're here to get started [Music] hello there Bali alright well looks like I'm back here again but why is it so foggy now man it looks [ __ ] seeing this my guys DC's do you see that over there your school that's nice looks like a family alright so I guess we'll just have to get start to our first flip occur right here and then hey all right now yes our usual answers so it says give to your first notebook and go to Joe's bus I think that's what I have to do I guess so Wow you exist all right now looks like we got our first don't look all right so I guess we're just going to go around here No thank you wanted call they only gonna need that shiny blur because I'm gonna go into here and see what it looks like [Applause] [Music] make sense all right so what if we try the good bad ending I don't know how we try good it occurs so to do that you have to get all problems wrong how do how difficult that will be put wish me luck I hear math that bad as usual Baldy is angry so it's pretty obvious ready or not here I come oh wait Oh guys I think I see um a little emotion in baldies face oh I hear spelling that patter okay all right so it's on Baldy it's on how no hostage fast we're gonna go but you know what okay he's going as normal speed probably but there's gotta be some way to get to move away from him but I know I feel like he's gonna calm down soon oh boy okay so let's just go ahead and take our giant to yellow door locker right here and then while these probably there so I think I should probably make a run for okay now Baldy is literally right there and wow he sure does look angry okay I don't think it's not well I'll leave that save me so I guess that's good all right so it looks like the detention room is currently locked and I literally have no strategy but you know what I'm gonna try my best you know it looks like it looks like um there's a new character called chuckles now Baldy is that his normal speed now you should be able to get our third notebook now the principal is there there's a chalkboard eraser now let's go take this I hear geology that bad more like I hear geology that bad no it's like Baldy hears it any stinking tips I did I'm really here you know playtime is going to pull okay I guess not playtime is not going to play all right now what's this action I hear English that bad man Baldy does not like this at all guaranteed all right so all these game even angrier than ever so myself it's oh so bully right there all right yam take that folly I feel about that I guess I've to go to the principal's office and get myself some kind all right now I got myself some coffee it's like no going to principal's room in the house it make sense doesn't it all right so I want to save this coffee for later probably and now looks like like all these going with um I'm actually not sure where he's going but I think I'm just gonna go around here what's going on with the vending machines we don't know yet but you know what let's just go make a run for in our cafeteria now let's go make a run for it okay so maybe users st bar damn now I got a lots and lots of energy from that zesty bar I see a student all right now let's go around here take this dangerous teleporter and don't forget me also take this piece soda now where's an oboe the Nobel took there all right must go ticket they go I hear magic that bad do you believe in magic okay so whoa whoa wait us all chuckles Haley's got achievement but oh no he's angry he's angry stop there stop wait what what okay long as I'm away from him it's all that's matters for sure I can see pencil boy no chuckles OH oh no he's ever hears me he hears me I should use it I need a racer and you use that where's Baldy right now hey at least he's gone I hear playtime nope not to do all right so I'm not I'm not sure where I'm Gaulke now the pencil boy and I just ran the home wait dirty chalky racer well I think I have something with this Oh what if I use this to fluff it and that way if all you won't hear me for you this work Oh Who am I kidding that doesn't work what am i good wait oh that works I can't believe that actually works that's a miracle Wow I can't believe you can actually do that well mines will have to wait here if I have to price like high six notebook which is actually good I can't believe that actually worked Wow now oh yeah I'm gonna use this map just in case because you know I don't I don't want I want to know where baldies going I want to know where baldies going I feel like he's a waste okay I don't see him anymore okay well I don't see him anymore well I guess that's good so okay he's going back as me yes he is going back and now looks like there is an event all right okay that's procedure eminent we use these doors seven when students try to escape well I guess that makes sense but I'm not sure when it's gonna close or not we don't know that I should use a dirty jockey racer sometimes in the full game Oh looks like the doors are closing on its own I have no clue of all these but you know what I think okay well it looks like I'm literally surrounded and I'm not sure what to do about that but oh and all the doors closed now am I here technology that Brad why are you doing this well the reason why is okay Bobby's getting a little angry all right so let's be a problem I literally use no beast soda at all which I don't know why how I did that hello there colada copter how you doing today very good I'm just good to take this piece on over to me all right there you go all right so you use these effects to speed it up maybe he's assess the ball on the way - all right there you go no I need to do is find the rest than notebooks and I'm pretty much good to go all right now all right hos okay what's the next event please Tommy pencil boys lost this pencil and it looks something I captured I mean guy super stuck there so I hope there's a chance okay you know what never mind there's never gonna be chance I'm go some others I knew it oh boy there's chance no there's not damn 11 minutes later okay we concentrating this one huh boy I don't know what to do right now all right just keep going go go each team's top order okay okay okay just keep going just keep going okay right all right now I'm currently stuck in here you only use this one to take this case the way my heart's pounding right now all right where's our exit maybe it's yeah definitely around here all right just go around here keep going just keep going all right you got that there you go I got that I think once I caught my attention for so maybe I should just stick up baby maybe this work I'm getting blown away all right all right okay okay yeah that's gonna be from all right so just have to go around here these clock just piece works all right just keep going people like [Music] going keep going don't let that stop you pick that just pace and I got caught probably get pretty much no all right just keep going to go I don't know where I got my third exit I don't know where the last one is passe don't know alright thanks oh there you go got that okay alright now Louis where's the other one okay so okay so that's the third exit okay okay that the pay that start exit all right go go going going go go go go go go go yes possible okay we're on okay you did it now we all just wanna do is be your best friends your best friends was I mean attention for some weird reason you cannot open the store but you can go through it Oh what you look at that there's a party just for me well thank you guys this is a good ending after all and they better they know me Wow my heart was pounding okay well it looks like I made it and look it's falling three and look at that it says thank you for playing this mod even the safety scissors girls happy okay so it's like file name to message but it's just replacement file name three so cool look at that this is absolutely incredible a lot everyone's here so they've been they made me prepare for a special party I guess let's say you've done it and now we're gonna see the bad ending and see what the bad ending possibly looks like I see chocolates now what madam is this that is a candle and that is o-ring and that is 42 you're doing fantastic all right now let's get our 10 structure all get out while I still can all right so if you'll excuse me I have to collect all the exits Paulie and guess what you're not even mad at me because I collected all them well the best part is they're still exits still exits guys so read don't worry well he's not even mad so I guess it's good he saw his shiny quarter and glad I got that time before I looked too late all right well let's just go take our deep flavors Escobar and then possibly take our third exit so it's much better it's like Sophie's see Baldy like there he's like hey how fun you enjoy that around a room and might hurt your eyes but hey you might get used to it yeah right I got used to it for one and a half year all right so let's just go around here and then our seminal run out now I got to understand now cloudy copters there and we're gonna be able to take our fourth exit which is all the way down over there all right so we're gonna do that all right now we're so close just make it go go go go go make sure there's no characters around here somewhere and I'm probably good to go now go I got all the answers right this time go this program is I can't sir yes it is oh whoa who's going on guys whoa Oh every step I um guys um open this door shall we wait I can open the door uh-oh Mike who's that huh what what's with Baldy what why is he stopping [Applause] mozzies have stretched juice times seventy two three two two plus five is 25 what what [Music] are you okay are you what who's that evil oh that's a drawing pretty much is that a creeper why is she crying okay is that it oh man that that woman's love is unsettling uh-oh whoa oh I see something and there you go I see no Ivaldi right there buddy just stretch I saw you fall the I saw you I saw you I saw you all right so it looks like you must be there just doing your ruler stuff why you so angry what makes you so angry at her I understand well there's no water here okay Amy sky so was ball these basics and a little bit of everything yes so finally get off the reacting is completed our home and think and as I complete the good ending that you have no clue how much that took but I'm glad I did it and you said the concentrate no like I just have to concentrate on that last part well using all three endings hey it was nice to have a party with all of my friends including Bali you sorry before but there's an alternate diamond there's an alternate timeline of abadan e and Al all ending yeah but I'll say the cannon one is the good ending and that's what it always should be every game every game or story always has a happy ending except for infinity war but as always I as always I just want to say figure I hope you enjoyed the video please give like a big make sure more videos and subscribe like don't we ship up there so video ever again shout [Music]
Channel: PghLFilms
Views: 2,206,169
Rating: 4.8542833 out of 5
Keywords: baldi's basics, baldi, baldi musical, gotta sweep, pghlfilms, pghlegofilms, markiplier, android, tablet, play as baldi, escape baldi, baldi obby, fnaf, five night's at freddys, ultimate custom night, bonbon, apple, iphone, samsung, galaxy, baldi's basics fullgame, full game, mystman12, kickstarter, camping
Id: kZB_cv2W4fk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 7sec (1027 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 16 2019
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